高一英语外研版必修4同步课件《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》第2课时 Reading

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高一英语外研版必修4同步课件《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》第2课时 Reading_第1页
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高一英语外研版必修4同步课件《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》第2课时 Reading_第2页
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高一英语外研版必修4同步课件《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》第2课时 Reading_第3页
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1goods n. 货物;美德 Theres large varieties of goods in the shops. 商店内有品种繁多的货物。 That boy has the goods. 那个孩子具有美德。,注意:英语中有些复数名词可表示特定意义。 works工厂;woods森林;ashes灰烬;means方法;manners礼貌;games运动会 1)只有复数形式,作主语时,谓语要用复数形式。 The goods are of good quality. 这些商品质量好。 2)可以与these, those, all, a lot of, many等词连用,但不与数词连用。 these/all/a lot of goods 这些/所有/许多货物 two/three pieces of goods 两/三件货物,即学即用 There is a large variety of consumer_in the shops. Agoods Bgood Ctrade Dpossessions 答案:A,2trade n. 贸易;买卖;商业;交易 Trade between the two countries has increased. 两国之间的贸易增多了。 Trade with other countries is important. 与其他国家进行贸易很重要。 v. 做买卖;做生意,从事贸易 Our products are now traded worldwide. 我们的产品在销往世界各地。,知识拓展 1)trade sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 trade in 做生意 trade.for sth. 以旧换新;以交 换;以换取 She traded her posters for his CD. 她以海报换取他的光盘。 If you dont like your book, Ill trade with you. 如果你不喜欢你的书,我和你交换。,2)trader n. 商人;商船 tradeable adj. 可交换的 trade mark 商标 trading n. 贸易;营业,高考直击 (2008山东)I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real_. Aexchange Bbargain Ctrade Dbusiness 解析:本题主要考查名词的用法。“我买了条裙子只花了10元钱,真是太便宜了”。(Its) a real bargain.“真便宜”为口语中惯用语。exchange“交换/易”;trade“交易/贸易/买卖”;business “生意”均不合题意。 答案:B,即学即用 Where is your pencilbox, Tom? Ive_it for this kite. Aafforded Bcollected Cpicked Dtraded 答案:D,3narrow adj. 1)狭窄的;窄小的 There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. 床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。 2)勉强的;刚刚好的 He lost the race by the narrowest of margin. 他因极小的差距在赛跑中落败。 3)狭隘的;目光短浅的 She has a very narrow view of the world. 她对世界的认识是非常狭益的。,v. 使窄小;变窄;缩小 We need to narrow the health divide between the rich and the poor. 我们需要缩小穷人和富人的健康差距。,知识拓展 1)narrow down 减少;限制;缩小;变窄 narrow.to. 把局限在之内 2)narrowminded adj. 气量小的;狭隘的 narrowish adj. 有些狭窄的 narrowly adv. 狭窄地;勉强地;好容易(才),高考直击 (2007天津)The final score of the basketball match was 9394. We were only_beaten. Anearly Bslightly Cnarrowly Dlightly 解析:句意为“篮球比赛最后的比分是93比94。我们险些被打败”。A项为“几乎”;B项为“稍微地”;C项为“勉强地;险些”;D项为“轻微地;轻度地”。 答案:C,即学即用 The river_only about 5 metres at this point. Ais narrow to Bnarrows by Cis narrow by Dnarrows to 答案:D,4construction n. 建造;建筑;建筑物 The new railway is still under construction. 新铁路仍在建设中。 知识拓展 1)同根词:constructor n. 建筑者;建造者 2)construction表示“建造;建筑”时是不可数名词;表示“建筑物”时是可数名词。,即学即用 The building_condustruction is for the students. Ain Bon Cunder Dat 答案:C,5distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;久远的 The airport was about 20 kilometers distant. 机场大约二十公里远。 知识拓展 1)distance n. 距离;间距 distantly adv. 遥远地 2)in/into the distance 在远处;在远方 in the not too distant future 在不久的将来 at/from a distance 从远处 keep sb. at a distance 对冷淡;与保持距离,即学即用 单项填空 (1)The sound of waterfall can be heard_of two miles. (2)It was difficult to get to know her because she always_everyone_. (3)I have only seen the building_. (4)The picture looks better_. (5)A ship could be seen_. 答案:(1)from a distance of (2)keep; at a distance (3)in the distance (4)at a distance 5)in the distance,6exploit vt. 开采;利用(相当于develop);剥削 A mine is exploited for its minerals. 开采矿是为了取得矿物。 We should exploit the natural resources by our own efforts. 我们应该凭借自己的力量来开采自然资源。,即学即用 He_a small coal mine secretly by making the workers work twenty hours a day. Aexploded Bexploited Cexplored Dexported 答案:B,1go on a trip 去访问/旅游 on加名词,可放在be动词之后(或go, come等之后),表示“在从事中”;“处于情况中”;“去/来做某事(表目的)”。 He is not here. He is on leave. 他不在,他在休假。,知识拓展 on ones arrival 某人一到达 on hearing the news 一听到这消息 have nothing on 没有活动安排/没穿衣服 be on a visit/trip to. 在访问/旅游 be on fire/sale/show/strike/holiday/leave 在着火/销售/展览/罢工/度假/休假 set out on ones journey to 开始去某地的旅程,即学即用 On_the news, he burst out crying. Ahear Bto hear Chearing Dheard 答案:C,2at least 至少 It will take you at least 20 minutes to get there. 到那里你至少要花20分钟。,知识拓展 1)反义短语:at most 至多 2)at least根据语境的不同,主要有以下几种意义: I think you should at least consider his offer. 我认为无论如何你都应该考虑他的建议。 The film wasnt interesting, but at least it filled the time. 电影没有多少意思,但至少打发了时间。 Mary was depressed all evening. Or at least it seemed that way. 玛丽整晚情绪都很低,至少看起来如此。,3)not in the least(not at all) 一点也不 You are not disturbing me in the least. 你一点也没打扰我。,高考直击 (2008全国)The house still needed a lot of work, but_the kitchen was finished. Ainstead Baltogether Cat once Dat least 解析:考查副词与介词短语。instead“相反”;altogether“总共;一起”;at once“立刻;马上”;al least “至少;起码”。句意为“房子仍需大量的工作,但起码厨房是完工了。” 答案:D,即学即用 (2009东北三校模拟)Try this cake. It tastes delicious. Well, _it is no worse than the one I cooked yesterday. Aat least Bnot less than Cat most Dnot more than 答案:A,3go through 1)经历;经受;大多指痛苦的事情。 He would go through fire and water for his country. 他愿为国家赴汤蹈火。 2)仔细检查;审查 They went through our luggage at the customs. 海关人员仔细地检查了我们的行李。,3)浏览;翻阅 We spent several days going through all related reference materials. 我们花了好几天的时间查了相关的参考资料。 4)通过;穿过;其宾语常常是立体的东西。 Can the table go through the door? 这张桌子能过得了那扇门吗? 5)完成;做完 Ive gone through all the envelopes I bought last week. 我已用完了上周买的所有信封。,6)花完;用掉 How long will it take you to go through the book? 看完这本书你得用多长时间?,知识拓展 go after 追赶;追求(职位、奖赏等) go by 走过(某处);(时间)过去;流逝 go ahead 前进;请说(做)吧 go along 向前进;一起去(with sb.) go on 继续 go against 背叛;违背;违反 go out 外出;(火,灯)熄灭 go away 走开;拿走;带走(with sth.) go over 越过;温习,go back 回来;追溯到(to) go up 登(爬)上;(价格、气温等)上升 go in for 爱好;从事 go all out 全力以赴,高考直击 (2009四川)May I open the window to let in some fresh air? _. ACome on! BTake care! CGo ahead! DHold on! 解析:考查交际用语。Come on“加油;加把劲”;take care“当心;小心”;go ahead“去吧! (或,说吧!)”;hold on“坚持”。由第一句话“我可以开窗让新鲜空气进来吗?”可知,这是表请求,所以回答go ahead,意思是“去吧!”。 答案:C,即学即用 I dont_rock“n” roll. Its much too noisy for my taste. Ago after Bgo away with Cgo into Dgo in for 答案:D,4be heavy with 有大量的 When spring comes, the pear woods are heavy with blossom. 春天到了,梨园鲜花满枝头。 反义词:light 轻的,知识拓展 与heavy相关的短语: heavy rain/snow 雨/雪很大 heavy smoker/drinker 大量抽烟/喝酒的人 heavy sleep/sleeper 睡得很香/睡得很沉的人 heavy breathing 沉重的呼吸 heavyhearted 心情沉重的;悲伤的,即学即用 The room is_with warm when all the people are cheering. Afull Bheavy Cbusy Dpleased 答案:B,1He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college. 他和一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。 本句使用了be to do sth.表示“按照计划或根据安排将要进行某个动作”。 We are to meet at the school gate. 我们约定在校门口见面。 不定式用完成式,则表示“未曾实现的计划”,可译为“本来打算”。 We were to have told you, but you were not in. 我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家。,知识拓展 be to do的其他用法: 1)表示可能性、必要、责任、义务、禁止等。 You are to make the necessary changes. 你要做出必要的改变。 Her necklace was not to be found. 她的项链找不到了。 You arent to go out today. 你今天不准出去。,2)“注定”,表示将来不可避免要发生的事。 As a young man he didnt know that he was to become famous later on. 年轻时,他不知道后来会出名。 3)be to blame表示“该受责备,对某事应负责任”,这种结构用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。 Which driver is to blame for the accident? 这个事故是哪个司机的责任?,辨析:表示“将来时态”的几种形式的区别 1)will/shall表示单纯的将来(即现在之后), will还可以表示“决心”“意愿”;shall用来第一、三人称的问句中,还可以表示征求对方的意见。 He will be back in a few days. 他过几天就会回来。 If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go climbing. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去爬山。,2)“be going to动词原形”多用于口语,强调事先“打算,计划要做的事情或有某种迹象要发生的事情”。 What are you going to do this evening? 今天晚上你要做什么?,3)be about to do则表示“即将发生的动作或动作刚要开始”,该结构不与表时间的副词或其他时间状语连用,但可以用在“be about to do when.”结构中,表达“刚要,这时”。 The English party was about to begin when the lights went out. 英语晚会刚要开始,这时灯灭了。,4)be doing表示现在进行时。现在进行时表示即将发生的事情,多与表示位移的动词(come, go, arrive, leave, fly, start等)连用。 She is leaving for Beijing. 她就要启程去北京。 5)一般现在时表示将来时,主要用于时间状语从句或条件状语从句中;或者用来表示按时刻表的规定将要发生的动作。 Ill tell him about it as soon as I see him. 我一见到他就告诉他这件事。,高考直击 (1)(2010全国卷,32)The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _. Ais made Bwould make Cwas to be made Dhad made 解析:句意:在澳洲发现了金矿,使得成千上万的人们相信他们将会发财。此题考查时态和语态。由句意可知,宾语从句表示的是从过去某时来看将要发生的动作,应用过去将来时态,且宾语从句的谓语动词与从句主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故C项正确。 答案:C,(2)(2010全国卷,7)Tom was about to close the window_his attention was caught by a bird. Awhen Bif Cand Dtill 解析:句意:汤姆正要关窗户,这时他的注意力被一只小鸟吸引住了。考查“be about to do.when.”这一结构,表示“正要干突然发生”。 答案:A,即学即用 He is the only one of the students who_American next month. Aare to visit Bis to visit Cis about to visit Dwill be to visit 答案:B,2They are mainly for goods and people trading along the river. 这些船主要乘载货物和沿河做生意的人。 trading along the river现在分词短语作定语修饰people。现在分词作定语,如果是单个词则放在被修饰词的前面;如果是短语,则常放在被修饰词的后面。 The girl standing there is my sister. 站在那边的那个女孩是我妹妹。 The rising sun looks very beautiful. 冉冉升起的太阳看上去很美。,高考直击 (2010浙江卷,20)The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and_less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. Abeing weighed Bto weigh Cweighed Dweighing 解析:句意:交通规则规定不满四岁不到40镑的儿童必须坐儿童安全座位。此处为定语,与所修饰的名词children之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式。weigh为不及物动词,意为“有重量;称起来”。 答案:D,3That sounded fine to me. 对我来说,那听起来不错。 sound“听起来”,用作连系动词,后常接形容词、名词、like介词短语。 类似的短语还有:feel, look, smell, taste。 The food tastes good. 这食物尝起来不错。,高考直击 (2008浙江)Shall we go out for dinner tonight? _. AYou are right BIt must be funny CThat sounds great DHave a nice time 解析:考查交际用语。由第一句话可知,这是提出一个建议;C项是对对方提议的肯定和赞成。 答案:C,即学即用 The meldon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted_if it had been put in the fridge for a little while. Agood Bbetter Cbest Dwell 答案:B,4The sun shining brightly as we sailed downstream through a hilly region. 当我们顺流而下穿过山区的时候,阳光灿烂极了。 1)was shining brightly是过去进行时,表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作或存在的状态。过去的时间可用时间状语表示,也可由上下文暗示。 He was watching TV when I came in. 我进来时他在看电视。 What were you doing this time yesterday? 昨天这个时候你在做什么? I was writing a letter. 我在写一封信。,2)as在这儿引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。 As he grew older he became less active. 随着年龄的增长,他变得越来越不活泼了。,高考直击 (1)(2010全国卷,21)Have you finished reading Jane Eyre? No, I _ my homework all day yesterday. Awas doing Bwould do Chad done Ddo 解析:句意:简爱一书你读完了吗?没有。我昨天一直在做作业。在过去某个时刻或某段时间内正在进行的动作应用过去进行时态表示。 答案:A,(2)(2010湖南卷,31)I walked slowly through the market, where people _ all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed. Asell Bwere selling Chad sold Dhave sold 解析:句意:我慢慢地走过市场,人们在那里卖各种水果和蔬菜。我仔细研究了一下价格,买了我需要的东西。因为人们正在市场上卖东西,且整个句子都用了过去时态,故B项正确。 答案:B,即学即用 _time went on, our teachers words proved true. AAs BWhile CWith DWhen 答案:A,5On a distant mountain was a sign in 20foot characters. 远山上写着20英尺大的汉字。 本句中由于地点状语放在了句首,且主语是名词a sign,所以使用了完全倒装。 1)Out rushed the boy when I entered. 当我进来的时候,那男孩冲出去了。 2)From the valley came a frightening sound. 山谷里传来了可怕的声音。,知识拓展 谓语动词前置的完全倒装结构 1)当句首为out, in, up, down, away, off, here, there, now, then等表示方向的副词时,如果句中的主语为名词,句子要采用完全倒装形式,即将句中的谓语动词调至主语之前。(注意:在这一结构中,不可将助动词调至主语前) Be quick! Here comes the bus. 快点!车过来了。,2)当句首为表示地点的介词短语时,如果句子的主语为名词,句子要采用完全倒装形式,即将句中的谓语动词调至主语之前。(注意:在这一结构中,不可将助动词调至主语前) On the top of the hill stands a temple. 山顶上坐落着一座庙。 注意:以上这两种句式,如果句子的主语为代词,主谓语序则不倒装。 Down he went.他下来了。,高考直击 (1)(2010江苏卷,33)Is everyone here? Not yet.Look,there_the rest of our guests! Acome Bcomes Cis coming Dare coming 解析:句意:都来了吗?还没呢。看,剩下的客人来了。本句采用了倒装语序,主语是the rest of the guests,故谓语动词用复数形式。 答案:A,(2)(2010陕西卷,17)John opened the door.There_he had never seen before. Aa girl did stand Ba girl stood Cdid a girl stand Dstood a girl 解析:当副词there, here 位于句首时,若句子主语是名词而非人称代词时,句子要用完全倒装结构,即把整个谓语放在主语前;此句中he had never seen before 是定语从句修饰a girl. 答案:D,(3)(2010重庆卷,33)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China. Alies Chongqing BChongqing lies Cdoes lie Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie 解析:句意:在扬子江与嘉陵江的汇合处,坐落着中国最大的十大城市之一的重庆。本题考查倒装句。由于本句的结构是地点状语提前,常用倒装句,排除B;而根据语境,是说明地理现状的,故属于一般现在时态,而表达这些静止性状态的动词谓语常常是直接提前,构成倒装,而不需要添加助动词,故只有A最合适。 答案:A,(4)(2009福建)For a moment nothing happened. Then_all shouting together. Avoices had come Bcame voices Cvoices would come Ddid voices come 解析:考查特殊句式。副词then位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装句,选B。 答案:B,即学即用 On the wall_two large portraits. Ahangs Bhang Changed Dhanging 答案:B,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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