高一英语外研版必修4同步课件《Module 4 Great Scientists》第4课时 Cultural corner

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1advanced adj. 1)进步的;高深的 He is spending a year in advanced studies. 他正花一年的时间做高深的研究。 2)超新的;先进的(思想生活方式等) Most people find her advanced ideas difficult to accept. 大多数人都觉得她的先进思想难以接受。,知识拓展 1)advance v/n. 2)advanced in years 年老的 3)in advance 提前;事先,即学即用 英译汉 The launch of Change 1 satellite to the moon was a big advance in the space exploration for our country. _ 答案:嫦娥一号探月卫星的成功发射,大大推动了我国太空事业的发展。,2explode v. 1)爆炸;爆破;爆裂 Bombs were exploding all around the city. 城里到处都响起炸弹的爆炸声。 2)勃然大怒;大发雷霆;突然发生 “Of course theres something!”Jim exploded. “当然有问题!”吉姆大怒道。 3)突然爆发 We all exploded into wild laughter. 我们一下子都大笑起来。,4)突增;激增 The population level in this area has exploded during the past 12 years. 在过去的十二年中这一地区的人口一直在剧增。,知识拓展 explosion n. 爆发;发出;爆炸 exploded adj. 分解的 gas explosion 气爆;瓦斯爆炸 knowledge explosion 知识激情(爆炸) unexploded adj. 未爆炸的;未发射的;装着炸药的 explosive adj. 爆炸性(的);爆发(性)的;暴露的,即学即用 Helen_with anger when she saw a fly in her soup. Aexploded Bexplained Cexpressed Dsaid 答案:A,3official n官员;公务员;行政人员 adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的;官式的;官僚的 government officials 政府官员 make an official statement 发表正式声明 He is in his official uniform. 他穿着制服。,辨析:official与officer officer常指身着特定制服的官员(如军官,警官) official常指政府官员;行政官员。 My father is an officer in the army, while his father is an official. 我爸爸是部队上的军官,而他的爸爸是政府官员。,即学即用 单词拼写 The countrys o_language is English. 答案:official,4clear vi.(烟雾)消散;adj. 清澈的;透明的;晴朗的;无云雾的 The weather has cleared up. 天放晴了。 the clear water of a mountain lake 山上清澈的湖水 clear glass 透明的玻璃 a clear sky 晴朗的天空,知识拓展 clear off 离去;迅速地离开某地 clear out 离开;逃走;彻底清理 clear up 解释;使明了;整理;(天)放晴 即学即用 Its time your toys were_. Acleared away Bcleared off Ccleared up Dcleared in 答案:A,1escape from (从处)逃脱 He escaped punishment/being punished. 他逃脱了惩罚。,知识拓展 1)同义短语:get away from 2)常用短语:escape sth./doing sth. 避免/免除 escape sb./sth. 被遗忘;未被注意 have an escape 逃走 have ones escape cut off 被切断逃路 make(good)ones escape (顺利)逃脱 narrow escape 九死一生;幸免于难 escape from oneself 忘忧,辨析:escape与avoid 1)escape指脱离或避开即将来临或近在眼前的伤害,危险,灾祸等事物,常作借喻用。 He finally escaped death. 他终于脱离死亡。 2)avoid强调有意识地躲避不愉快的或可能发生危险的事物或情况。 I cannot avoid meeting her. 我怎么也避不开她。,即学即用 He narrowly escaped_. Ato be killed Bbeing killed Cbe killed Dkilling 答案:B,2be at war with 与交战 Now the two countries are at war with each other. 现在这两个国家正在交战。,知识拓展 go to war 宣战;进入战争时态 a civil/cold war 内战/冷战 make/declare war on. 对宣战 win a war 赢得战争 be at peace 处于和平 live in peace 生活宁静 make peace with 与讲和,即学即用 The two countries used to be_, but now they are_. Aat war; in peace Bat war; at peace Cin peace; at war Din war; in peace 答案:A,3keep.doing 让一直干 Dont keep the water running all the time. Turn it off. 不要让水老是不停地流,把它关上。,知识拓展 1)同义短语:have.doing 使某人做某事 2)常用短语:keep/stop/prevent.from doing 阻止某人做某事(stop与prevent短语中from可以省略,意思不变;但keep短语中不可省略) keep doing sth. 一直做某事(强调动作的延续) keep on doing sth. 反复做某事(强调动作的反复),即学即用 (2009厦门模拟)He kept the light in his room_the whole night. Aburnt Bburning Cburn Dto burn 答案:B,1The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction. 箭管被绑在一根长长的棍子上,以便保持火箭的直线飞行。 本句中使用了一个非常重要的介词in与direction搭配,表示“朝的方向”。这在考试中经常被考查,而学生最易误用的介词是to,所以需引起各位同学的注意。,They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction. 他们撞上一辆迎面开来的卡车。 Tom went off in the direction of the post office. 汤姆朝邮局方向去了。 When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions. 警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。,即学即用 On hearing the sound, the birds flew away_. Ain every way Bto every direction Cto all direction Din every direction 答案:D,2The rockets were lit, there was a huge explosion and clouds of thick smoke. 火箭被点燃后,随着一声巨响,现场升起滚滚浓烟。 1)There is a pen, two rules in the box. 盒子里一支钢笔和两把尺子。 2)There are two boys and a teacher at the school gate. 校门口有两个男孩和一个老师。,即学即用 There_two dogs, a cat and three pigs living together happily. Aare Bis Cwas Dused to 答案:A,3Soon the Mongols learned how to make rockets themslves and it is possible that they introduced them to Europe. 不久蒙古人学会了自己如何制造火箭,并且可能由此把它们介绍到了欧洲。,1)how to make rockets是“疑问句动词不定式”作宾语这一结构,除作宾语外,还可用作主语、表语。 I dont know what to do now. 我不知道现在该做什么。 When and where to build the factory hasnt been decided yet. 何时何地建这个工厂还没有决定。 The question is how to start it. 问题是这件事该怎么开始呢。,2)It is possible that. 可能。 it作形式主语,代替后面的that从句。 It is possible that he will come. 他可能来。,高考直击 (2010辽宁卷,34)Its no use having ideas only. Dont worry. Peter can show you to turn an idea into an act. Ahow Bwho Cwhat Dwhere 解析:句意:只有主意没用。不要担心,彼得会教给你怎样把主意变为行动。本题考查“疑问词+不定式”作宾语,根据句意,A项正确。 答案:A,即学即用 (1)Ive worked with children before, so I knew what_in my new job. Aexpected Bto expect Cto be expecting Dexpects (2)We were told that the headmaster was_to leave our school. Aprobable Bpossible Clikely Dprobably 答案:(1)B (2)C,4But not everybody wanted to use rockets in battles. 但是并不是所有的人都想把火箭用到战争中。 not everybody并不是全部否定,表示部分否定。 Not everybody passed the examination. Somebody didnt pass the examination. 并不是所有的人都通过了考试。,辨析:,I dont want either of them.I want neither of them. 两者我都不要。 I dont want both of them. 两者我不都要。 I want none of the three. 三者我都不要。 I dont want all of the three. 三者我不都要。,链接: 英语中有些副词如always, necessarily, wholly等在句中作状语,若句中含有not,则本句话为部分否定,而非全部否定。 The rich men are not always happy. 有钱的人并非都幸福。 Food that looks good doesnt necessarily taste good. 好看的食物并不一定好吃。,高考直击 (2007重庆)Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly_left in the house. Aanything Beverything Cnothing Dsomething 解析:句意为“吉姆卖掉了他的大部分东西 ,几乎没有任何东西剩下”。hardly为否定副词,所以要用anything。 答案:A,即学即用 I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with_. Aeverything Banything Csomething Dnothing 答案:A,5Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the worlds first astronaut? 还是被带到了太空,成为世界上第一位宇航员呢? 本句中使用了现在分词becoming作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。 Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus it caused the delay. 他们的车遇上了交通阻塞,因而(把时间给)耽误了。,即学即用 The thief stole the light away, thus_the staircase even darker. Amake Bmaking Cmade Dto make 答案:B,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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