高一英语课件外研版必修一《Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab》Writing

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外研版 高一年级 (必修1) Module 5,英语课件,如何写英文实验报告,【案例呈现】 按照下列说明写一篇英文实验报告。 实验目的:探究噪音是否会对植物产生影响。 实验用品:若干盆同种植物,长势相同。,实验方法:将该同类植物分成A组和B组,提供给它们相同的生长环境,但是每天都给B组“听”90分贝的噪音,观察A组和B组植物的生长情况。 实验结果:数天后,B组植物渐渐枯萎,而A组的依然正常生长。,实验结论:噪音会对植物的生长造 成危害。 注意: 1. 词数:100左右; 2. 参考词汇:盆 pot;分贝 decibel;枯萎wither。,【写作指导】 审题定调:实验报告属于说明文体裁,其最大特点就是知识性和科学性。它是对客观事实的阐述,措辞严谨真实,准确恰当。时态主要为一般现在时态;人称一般用第二人称。,布局谋篇: 全文分三段式(题目可省略) 第一段:说明实验的目的和所需要的实验用品。 第二段:实验的方法或实验的过程。 第三段:实验的结果和结论。,常用表达: 1. 描写实验目的: in order to find; The aim of the experiment is to find; with the purpose of discovering; do research on; in the hope of .,2. 描写实验用品: To carry out / make / do / perform the experiment, you should need some pots of flowers and .; The following things are needed; When all the things are ready, you can begin the experiment.,3. 描写实验方法或过程:make good preparations for; It is important that; do the experiment as follows; firstly; secondly; thirdly; finally; first; then; next; after that; two hours later; after several days; find a better way of doing; be under observation; make a good study of .,4. 描写实验结论:from this experiment we can conclude; in conclusion; draw a conclusion that; We can learn from the experiment .; We can find out that .; You can see / discover . 5. 描写原因和结果:The reason is that .; This is because .; result from / in; lead to; cause .,【范文欣赏】 The aim of the experiment is to discover whether noise does harm to the plants. To carry out the experiment, you need some pots of the same kind of plants, whose growing situation is the same.,First, divide the plants into two groups: Group A and Group B. Then put them in the same growing environment. But let Group B listen to some noise which reaches 90 decibels. Next, observe how the plants grow in the following days.,After several days observation, you can find the plants of Group B wither gradually while the plants of Group A grow normally. From this experiment we can conclude that noise can do great harm to the growth of the plants.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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