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七年级(上) Starter Unit 1Unit9. 单项填空。()1. This is _ ID card. It is his _ID card.Aa;/ Ban;/ C/;a D/;an( )2. _, Lisa. Whats this _ English?Its a map.ASorry;in BSorry;of CExcuse me;in DExcuse me;of( )3. _ Mike and you brothers?No,I _ his cousin.AIs;am BIs;is CAre;am DAre;is( )4. Is this _ pen?No,its _.Ayour;mine Bhis;hers Cyours;his Dhis;her( )5. What about _ shopping this weekend?Agoing Bto go Cwent Dwill go( )6. My name is Bill._ to meet you.AWell BGood CFine DNice( )7. Mom,where is my clock?Is it under the desk?No,it isnt. Its _ the desk.Aof Bon Cunder Dat( )8. Are those your rulers?_.AYes,I am BYes,they are CNo,it isnt DNo,he isnt( )9. _ is Jane?She is in the library.AWho BWhat CHow DWhere( )10. Im in No.15 Middle School,_ my brother _.Abut;isBbut;isntCand;isDand;isnt. 完形填空。Do you have a sister? If you have one,you may have good memories of _11_ games together when you were kids. Of course,you may also have the experience of _12_ with each other. You may fight for toys,food and maybe clothes. But so,you probably know how lucky you are to have _13_ in your life. Recent studies show that having a sister makes you happier.One of the studies from University of Ulster found that people with at least one _14_ were better at solving problems. They also found that those people could communicate _15_ with others. Sisters are more helpful when families are in _16_ .They can give much support at that hard time.So why do sisters make us happier? Sure,youll find some careful _17_ .But women are better at discussing personal lives than men are. If you have sisters in your family,you can _18_ how to discuss your problems calmly._19_ in families with only boys,things are different. They usually use serious conversations instead of calm discussions.Lots of people can _20_ on well with others and solve problems calmly without a sister. But if you have got one,she may have helped you become happier than you are today.( )11.A.watching Bplaying Chaving Ddoing( )12.A.writing Breading Clearning Dfighting( )13.A.she Bher Che Dhim( )14.A.sister Bbrother Cmother Dfather( )15.A.good Beasy Cwell Dquickly( )16.A.danger Btrouble Chealth Dneed( )17.A.boys Bgirls Cmen Dwomen( )18.A.learn Bteach Cwrite Dread( )19.A.And BBut COr DIf( )20.A.have Bmake Chold Dget. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:Hi,Rita,what are you going to do? B:Nothing. Why?A:Id like to go shopping._21_B:Sure. I want to buy some CDs._22_A:I was playing computer games at home._23_B:I was playing in the park with my parents. My family go to the park every weekend.A:_24_ Ill go to the park next weekend instead of playing computer games.B:_25_AIll call you by then.BWhat were you doing?CCan I help you?DWhats wrong?EWhat were you doing at this time yesterday?FWould you like to go with me?GThat sounds good.21_22._23._24._25._. 阅读理解。An old man was fishing by a river. A child was watching him. The old man was really good at fishing and it didnt take him much time to catch a full basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute,and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish. But the child shook her head. The old man was surprised and asked,“Why dont you want the fish?” The child replied,“I want the fishing rod(竿) in your hands.” The old man asked,“Why do you want the rod?” “It wont take long to eat up all the fish in the basket. But if I have the fishing rod,I can go fishing by myself and I wont be afraid of not having any more fish to eat.” I think you will certainly say that the child is very smart. Wrong!If she doesnt know how to fish,she cant have fish to eat,even though she has the fishing rod. Its useless to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the most important,not the fishing rod.Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod”,they will no longer fear the difficulties in life. They are just like the child,who thought that if she had a fishing rod,she would have fish to eat.( )26. When the old man was fishing,the child was _Aplaying by the river Bseeing him fish Chelping him fish Dtalking to him( )27. Why did the child refuse the fish the old man gave her?ABecause the fish got bad. BBecause the fish was too small.CBecause she didnt like eating fish. DBecause she wanted the old mans fishing rod.( )28. The writer thought the child was _.Aclever Bactive Csilly Dlazy( )29. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe old man didnt know how to fish at all.BThe old man didnt spend much time catching these fish.CThe old man put the fish in a basket.DThe old man felt very surprised when he heard the child didnt want the fish.( )30. The passage mainly tells us _.Aif we have a “fishing rod”,we wont have to be afraid of anythingBif we have a fishing rod,we will have lots of fish to eatC“fishing skills” are more important than the “fishing rod” in lifeDthe “fishing rod” is harder to get than “fishing skills”BLi Yifeng,a well-known actor and singer is going to give us a surprising concert.Time:10 am. June 13Tickets:600 yuan (10 percent off if you buy online)Place:Beijing Childrens PalaceBooking:68664586Langlang is performing in a musical named “Flight of the Bumble Bee ” (野蜂飞舞)Time:7:30 pm.June 1Tickets:360 yuanPlace:Beijing Chinese TheaterBooking:63871698Huang Bo is a funny actor. His new movie Breakup Buddies (心花路放)is very humorous. And its a comedy.Time:8 pm.May 2Tickets:40 yuanPlace:Chaoyang TheaterBooking:84562586Zhang Liangying,one of the most popular singers,will give a concert!You may enjoy her wonderful voice in her concert.Time:8 pm.July 25Tickets:480600 yuanPlace:Beijings Birds NestBooking:85662568()31. If you want to book a Zhang Liangyings concert ticket,you can dial _. A85662568 B63871698 C68664586 D84562586 ()32. If you want to go to a musical,you should go to _. AChaoyang TheaterBBeijing Chinese Theater CBeijing Childrens PalaceDBeijings Birds Nest()33. How much can you save if you buy two tickets to Li Yifengs concert online? A600 yuan. B10 yuan.C60 yuan. D120 yuan.()34. You can enjoy _ on May Day. AHuang Bos movieBLanglangs musical CZhang Liangyings concertDLi Yifengs concert. 单词拼写。35She is a famous actress,but she is f_ (友好的)to her fans.36Now many children are fond of playing g_ (游戏)in their free time.37I cant f_ (找到)my new iPhone6,so I am very sad now.38Li Yifeng will go to Beijing by p_ (飞机)next month. His fans plan to see him at the airport.39Her d_ (字典)is lost,but she can know the meaning of the word on the Internet. 书面表达。假如你是李芳,今年寒假你将参加中学生“绿色之旅(Green Travel)”冬令营活动。请你根据下面的提示写一篇发言稿介绍一下自己。80词左右。要点提示:1Your name,age,address2Your hobby3Your favorite subject4Your dream job5Your ideas about join the campDear friends,_Thats all. Thank you for listening.参考答案.15BCCBA610DBBDB.1115BDBAC1620BCABD.2125FEBGA.2630BDCAC3134ABDA.35.friendly36.games37.find38.plane39.dictionary. One possible version:Dear friends,Im very glad to introduce myself to you.My name is Li Fang. Im fourteen years old. I live in Wuhan,Hubei Province. My hobby is drawing and my favorite subject is biology. In my free time,I often go camping,draw in the open air and enjoy the beauty of nature. I want to be a biologist when I grow up.I feel lucky to join the Green Travel Winter Camp. I hope we can be good friends.Thats all. Thank you for listening.七年级(上)Units 59. 单项填空。( )1. Lets play _ soccer after school.That sounds good,but I dont have _ soccer ball.A/;the Bthe;a C/;a Dthe;the( )2. Excuse me. Whats the _ now?Sorry,I dont have a watch.Acard Bgame Cquestion Dtime( )3. Do your parents let you _ with your friends after school?Aplay Bto play Cplaying Dplays( )4.What does Mary do _ Saturday morning?She reads books.Ain Bon Cat Dfrom( )5. How much _ your shoes?_.Ais;Its Jims Bis;Its 5 dollarsCare;Theyre 5 dollars Dare;Theyre Jims( )6. Welcome to our store!We _ all our things at good prices.Abuy Bsell Ctake Dget( )7. _ are you always staying up so late these days?To prepare for my final exam.AHow BWhy CWhen DWhere( )8.Bill,whats your sisters favorite _?She likes volleyball best.Afood Bcolor Csport Dmovie( )9. _ is your birthday party?Its next Thursday.AWhy BWhen CHow DWhere( )10. History is very interesting._ AIm really sorry. BThats for sure.CHere you are. DHave a good time!. 完形填空。Dave and his sister Tina were two poor children. One day,they took part in a competition. They had to climb a few _11_ to win the competition. If they won,they would get a lot of money.In the beginning,things went _12_But after a few days,Dave was too tired to walk any further. He said,“I cant walk any more. Ill just stay here.” After hearing that,Tina _13_ him. For Tina,Dave was a big brother who had done everything well.“Perhaps I should be the strong one and _14_ him now,” she thought. So she said to Dave,“All right,but at least you should walk _15_ me for the rest of the day. Then you can come back if you like.” This was an easy thing for Dave,_16_ he agreed and they achieved their goal. The next day,Tina pointed to the next hill and said,“I _17_ you would walk to that hill with me.”“Its not so far,I can walk with you,” Dave agreed _18_Every day,Tina would set an easy goal for Dave so that he could walk with her. Finally,_19_ finished climbing the mountains and won the competition.All of us have _20_ in life. But if we solve them step by step,we will succeed in the end.( )11. A. trees Bmountains Cbuildings Dwalls( )12. A. well Bgood Cbad Dbadly( )13. A. was pleased with Bwas afraid ofCwas worried about Dwas interested in( )14. A. believe Bencourage Cstop Dmeet( )15. A. for Btowards Con Dwith( )16. A. so Bbut Cor Dbecause( )17. A. teach Bwish Cthink Dallow( )18. A. quickly Bcarefully Cexactly Dquietly( )19. A. she Bhe Cthey Dwe( )20. A. habits Bmoney Cjobs Ddifficulties. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:Welcome to our store._21_B:Yes,please._22_A:You are a good boy. We have great sweaters here._23_B:She likes red.A:How about this one?B:Let me see. It looks nice._24_A:Its 30 dollars.B:_25_A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:Youre welcome.AWhat color does your mother like?BHow much is it?CI need a sweater for my mothers birthday.DWhats your favorite subject?EOK. Ill take it.FCan I help you?GDo you like this one?21_ 22._ 23._ 24._25_ . 阅读理解。A(2015广安)Hi,dear boys and girls!Do you know how to be a healthy kid?Here are some rules you should follow.First,eat different foods,especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food,but youd better eat something different,if you eat different foods,you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质)your body needs.Second,drink water and milk as often as possible. When youre really thirsty,cold water is the No.1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙)your body needs to grow strong bones(骨头)Third,listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full?When you are eating,notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.Fourth,limit(限制)screen times. Screen time is the time you watch TV,DVDs and videos,or using computers. It is good to take more exercise,such as basketball,bike riding and swimming. You cant watch TV for more than two hours a day.Fifth,be active. One thing youd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.()26. You should eat different foods especially _. Ameat Bjunk foodChamburgers Dfruit and vegetables()27. Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium? AMilk. BJuice.CCold water. DCola.()28. According to the passage,you should follow _ rules if you want to be healthy. Athree BfourCfive Dsix()29. According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE? AWe should try to live in an active way in our life. BYou can eat your favorite food as much as possible. CWhen youre eating,you dont have to notice how your body feels. DDont limit screen times.()30. Which is the best title of the passage? AHow to be active.BHow to make yourself important. CHow to make your parents healthy.DHow to be a healthy kid.BRobin traveled to the USA some days ago. Here was her timetable.July 31stAugust 2ndNew YorkWashington DC.BroadwayThe center of Washington DC.Empire State BuildingThe White HouseChinatownChinatownStatue of LibertyHouse of Parliament (国会大厦)August 3rdAugust 5thLos AngelesSan FranciscoUniversal StudiosFishermans Wharf (渔人码头)HollywoodGolden Gate Bridge ChinatownChinatownDisneylandSilicon Valley (峡谷)()31. Robin spent _ days in the USA. Afour BfiveCsix Dseven()32. Robin visited Los Angeles on _. AJuly 31st BAugust 1stCAugust 3rd DAugust 5th ()33. Robin traveled to _ on August 2nd. ADisneyland BHouse of ParliamentCSilicon Valley DUniversal Studios()34. Robin went to visit Golden Gate Bridge in _. ALos Angeles BNew YorkCWashington DC. DSan Francisco()35. Which place didnt Robin visit on July 31st? ABroadway.BHollywood.CStatue of Liberty.DEmpire State Building. 单词拼写。36Jack is tall,but his brother is s_ (矮的)37My birthday is in D_ (十二月)Its the last month of a year.38I have two pencils. The first one is green,and the s_ (第二) one is red.39Whats your favorite s_ (科目)?Geography.40The green sweater is very cheap. Its o_ (只) $12. 书面表达。如今,中学生的假期生活发生了很大变化。假定你是李明,美国的笔友Lisa想了解中国学生现在的假期生活。请写封回信,要点如下:1学习和休闲仍然重要;2帮忙做家务或干农活;3参加社会活动,做志愿者工作,帮助他人。注意:1词数:80100;2请结合实际增加细节,适当发挥;3信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Lisa,Im glad to have received your letter. Our holiday life has changed lot._ Best wishes! Yours, Li Ming.15CDABC610BBCBB.1115BACBD1620ABACD.2125FCABE.2630DACAD3135CCBDB.36.short37.December38.second39.subject40.only. One possible version:Dear Lisa,Im glad to have received your letter. Our holiday life has changed a lot. Learning and relaxing are still very important to us. Besides,we often help our parents do housework or farm work. Through that,we realize how hard our parents work every day. And we can make a habit of laboring at the same time. Also,we take an active part in social activities as volunteers. Sometimes,we go to the streets to collect rubbish or go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children. We try our best to help people in need and make our hometown more beautiful. We find great pleasure in all these activities.Best wishes!Yours,Li Ming

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