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Units 1&21 重点、难点归纳1. 过去进行时(1) 构成:was/were+现在分词He was reading a book at 4:00pm yesterday.(2) 时间状语:just then, yesterday afternoon, at nine last night, at this/that time yesterday等。What were you doing this time yesterday?(3) 与频度副词always等连用时,表示过去经常反复的动作,常常有埋怨、讨厌、赞扬或喜爱等情绪。He was always helping others.2. when 和 whilewhen 引导的从句中的谓语动词常是比较短暂的动作,用一般时。while 引导的从句中的谓语动词常是比较长的动作,用进行时。My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle.It was raining when they left the station.3. 形容词(1) 形容词放在系动词后,或名词前。(2) 常见的系动词:A. be动词(am, is, are, was, were)B. 感官动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel .C. 表示主语从一种状态转变到另一种状态的系动词:grow, get, turn, become, fall, go .D. 表示主语继续或保持某种身份、特征或状态的系动词:continue, keep, remain, stay等。(3) 形容词要放在修饰词someone, somebody, something, nothing等不定代词后。something important.(4) 有些形容词只能作表语(放在系动词后),不能作定语。这些形容词大多以元音字母开头。如:afraid, alike, alive, alone, asleep, awake, ill .He is alone, but quite happy.2、 重点句式1. It is +adj. + for sb. to do sth. 此句型中,形容词常表示事物的特征特点及客观形势,如:easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等。Its very hard for him to study two languages.2. “主语+系动词+形容词+to do” 做某事怎么样These books are difficult to read.3. It is +adj. +of sb. to do sth. 此句型中,形容词表示人物的性格或品德,如:good, nice,clever, silly, right, selfish等。It is very nice of you to help me.4. All we have to do is to think of a name of her.如果主语是从句时,谓语要用单数。What I said is true.3、 话题1,了解成功人士的故事及成功所需要的品格。2,谈论卡通故事或连环漫画。过关检测1、 词汇1. Lang Langs s_ came at a price.2. Benjamin was a man of many talents and i_.3. However, Langs story is much more interesting than this simple s_.4. I believe success comes from h_.5. Mrs Wang spent her whole life helping others. She died two years ago and we m_ her very much.6. Over the next seventeen years, Hanna and Barbear made p_ of Tom and Jerry cartoons.7. Would you like to become cartoon a_?8. Your flight to Beijing is at 8:45, so you must arrive at the a_ at 7:45.9. You can make certain faces come to life by giving them different expressions, such as h_, anger.10. The comics book is _ more than $60 and I enjoy reading it.2、 短语on television at the age of be strict with fall ill be tired of get into troublelaugh at be grateful to sb. for sth. from over the world in trouble1. Lang Lang was watching the cartoon Tom and Jerry _ when he first heard Western classical music.2. They thought it would be funny to make the mouse smart and always _ the cat.3. Lang Lang began taking piano lessons _ there.4. Its bad to _ disabled people.5. Are your parents often _ you?6. She _. She doesnt feel like eating anything and looks pale.7. I _ your silly talking. Please stop!8. There are many different students _ in the International School.9. The little boy was _, so I swam out to save him.10. I _ to my parents for raising me up.3、 重点句式A 按要求完成句子1. I had a piano lesson last night. (用at nine yesterday morning代替划线部分)_2. When he called me yesterday, I _ my homework in my room.(用适当的词完成句子)3. I _ for you from eight to ten yesterday evening. (用wait的适当形式完成句子)4. Mr. Lis boy was jumping up and down _ I was talking with her.(用适当的词合并句子)5. The radio was giving the weather forecast when it began to rained.(改为一般疑问句)_ when it began to rained?B 根据汉语完成句子1. You should make its face _(看起来更滑稽).2. During summer, food _(容易变坏).3. The flowers _(闻起来很香).4. We all hope our dreams will _(早日实现)5. Days in summer _(变得越来越长).6. 保护视力很重要。_7. 你的问题很难回答。_8. 小孩比成人容易读懂漫画。Comics _ _ for children than for adults _ _.9. 我们所要做的就是让她好好休息一下。All we have to do _ _ _ _ have a good rest.10. 学游泳的最好办法是跳进水里。A good way _ learn to swim _ _ _ into the water.Units 3&41 重点、难点归纳1. 直接引语和间接引语直接引语弯间接引语时要注意以下几点:(1) 人称变化:“一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新”She said, My brother wants to go with me.She said that her brother wanted to go with her.(2) 时态变化:现在变过去。当直接引语是客观真理时,时态不变。She said, I have lost a pen.She said she had lost a pen.The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun.(3) 时间状语、地点状语、指示代词以及动词等的变化。yesterday - the day before here - therecome - go these - those(4) 直接引语是有明确表示过去时间的状语,变为间接引语时,一般过去时不用改为过去完成时。He said, I ate an apple at 8:00 this morning.He said that he ate an apple at 8:00 this morning.2. though 与 although(1) though=although “虽然;尽管;然而;但是”(2) though/although不能与but连用(3) though可以作副词,“可是,不过,话虽这样说”,although没这个用法。Its hard work, I enjoy it, though.(4) even though = even if “即使;纵然”I like her even though/if she talks loudly.2、 重点句式1. both . and . “不仅.而且., .和.(两者)都”,作主语时,谓语用复数。Both Tom and Mary go to do some sports after school every day.2. either . or . “要么.要么.”,谓语就近原则3. neither . nor . “既不.也不.”,谓语就近原则Neither Tom nor Mary goes to do some sports after school every day. 4. be worth doing 做某事是值得的If it is worth doing at all, we should do it well.5. I dont know where to begin.不定式可以与疑问词who, what, which, when, how, where等连用,构成不定式短语,在句中作主、宾、表语等。Where to stay for the night is a problem for them.6. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物7. advice “建议”,不可数名词My friend Dave helped me a lot by giving me some advice on English learning.3、 话题1,谈论所喜爱的电影2,了解教育交流活动的意义和各国不同的风土人情。过关检测1、 词汇1. V_ to the temple are asked not to take photos.2. Three things make Wall-E such an enjoyable and m_ film.3. The film Wall-E is c_ and amazing. Both the robots and the empty Earth seem very real.4. Maggies fans enjoy her films and asked her to s_ the pictures.5. All we hope the story has a happy e_.6. Whats your a_ in life/7. I keep in touch with my friends by writing e-mails and c_ to them on the computer at home.8. When I went to New Zealand, I stayed with a h_ family for one year.9. Its very easy for Australian people to start a conversation with s_.10. The countryside, compared to Guangzhou, is completely flat. People live large houses, not t_.2、 短语take off make friends with be worth doing be set in make moneykeep in touch with a bit places of interest all the time be different to1. As Eves spaceship _, Wall-E jumps on and begins a romantic adventure through space!2. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was a huge success, so their boss _.3. He said the film _ seeing.4. The brilliant new cartoon _ the future. Its about a robot called Wall-E.5. Wall-E tries to _ Eve, but she has to leave.6. Our teachers hope we can _ with them after leaving school.7. Mary is quite _ Jane though they are twins.8. She doesnt want to go out, she stays in _.9. Yesterday I did _ of Christamas shopping.10. Id like to travel to some new places because I enjoy visiting different _.3、 重点句式A 按要求作相应的句型转换1. I enjoy watching cartoons. Mike says.(改为间接引语)Mike says _.2. Can you lend me your CD? Kate says to me.(改为间接引语)Kate _ me _ _ can lend _ my CD.3. Dont watch too much TV. My mum says to me.(改为间接引语)My mum _ me _ _ watch too much TV.4. What are you doing here? the policeman asked.(改为间接引语)The policeman asked him what _ _ _ _.5. It is raining heavily. She wants to pick up her child from the kindergarten.(合并句子)_.6. He didnt turn on the light. It was getting dark.(合并句子)_.7. He said he would come to my birthday party, but he didnt.(用though/although改写句子)8. Shes going to tell me something about her study in America.(改为否定句)_.9. He went abroad. His mothe didnt want him to, _.(though/although)10. Its very cold in Canada in winter, but the house and shops are usually very warm (because of the heaters in them). (改为同义句)The houses and shops are usually very warm (because of the heaters in them) in Canada in winter_.B 根据汉语完成句子1 对他来说,电影和卡通似乎都很精彩。Both films and cartoons for him _ _ _.2 尽管这样,我认为都不值得做这一切。I _ think it _ _ _ all this, though.3 作为年轻人,人们要求我们付出更多。As young people, we _ _ _ do more work.4 你喜欢到哪里度假?_ _ you like to _ a holiday?5 我认为下雨天还是待在家里安全些,尽管有点无聊。I think _ would _ _ to stay at home during raining days, _ it would be a bit boring.Units 5&61 重点、难点归纳1. 直接引语和间接引语(1)直接引语变间接引语时,要注意间接引语中从句要用陈述句语序(引导词+主语+谓语)。(2)从句引导词的选择直接引语是引导词用例句陈述句(that)Roddy said, I really want to be a director.Roddy admitted that he really wanted to be a director.一般疑问句whether/ifMum asked me, Do you know what to do?Mum asked me whether/if I knew what to do.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词Sam asked the stranger, Where are you from?Sam asked the stranger where he was from.祈使句在不定式前根据句子意思加上tell, ask, order, advise等She said to me,Dont be late for school again.She told me not to be late for school again.2. 宾语从句(1) 引导宾语从句的词可分为以下几类:A. 由从属连词(that)引导的宾语从句。He said (that) he missed us very much.B. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, which, what和连接副词where, how, why, when引导的宾语从句。I asked where they stopped on the way.C. 由从属连词whether/if引导的宾语从句。但如果句子中有or not时,引导词只能用whether。He asked if/whether they liked to make friends with them.(2) 否定的转移A. 当主句的主语是第一人称,且主句的及物动词为表示感知的think, believe, suppose, expect, guess等时,否定前移。其反义疑问句的后部与从句的主谓语保持一致。I dont think you can pass the driving test, can you?I think you can pass the driving test, cant you?B. 若主句的主语是第二、三人称时,不能否定前移。其反义疑问句的后部要与主句的主谓语一致。They dont believe that it is true, do they?2、 重点句式1. It says that many teenagers are very concerned about their future. (报纸上)写道许多青少年都很关心他们的未来。It says that . “(报纸/故事/规定.)写道.”,强调文字材料表达的内容。It is said that. “据说.”It is said that they have found water in Mars. 据说他们在火星上发现了水。It says (in Boston Globe) that they have found water in Mars. 据(波士顿环球报)报道他们在火星上找到了水。2. After all, in the future I will not have my parents do everything for me.have sb. do sth. “让/叫/使某人做某事”The boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.have sth. done “让/叫/使/请别人做某事”We had the machine mended just now.3. They say its bad to expect things for nothing.expect to do sth. “期待做某事”I expect to finish the work by Friday.expect +that从句 “期望.”I expect that he did nothing wrong.3、 语题1. 了解中外青少年的家庭生活。2. 了解名著汤姆.索亚历险记的创造背景和人物特点。过关检测1、 词汇1. If I waste my money, my parents wont give me any more. I think its f_.2. Some people are interested in the l_ fashion while others prefer to dress for comfort.3. Im sorry to b_ you, but can you tell me the time?4. Rose also mentioned that her parents were u_ about her listening to pop music all the time.5. Huamings parents hoped that he would changed him mind and be w_ to move to Shenzhen.6. Do you want to come? Oh, but I g_ you cant. You have to work, dont you?7. Please dont lie to me. I want to know the t_.8. Clemens wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and also gave many l_, and became a very famous and popular man.9. Mark Twain is the pen-mane of Clemens. He is the a_ of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.10. I have made up my mind. No one can p_ me to change it now.2、 短语after all generation gap be busy doing sth. insist on look forward to sth.and so on all sorts of here and there have an argument set free1. Before I cook, I need to get a lot of things ready: the pots, pans, dishes, _.2. There is no need to hurry. _, we still have all day tomorrow to finish.3. I think there is a _ between us and our parents.4. At this time every year, many students _ preparing for the entrance exams.5. I _ walking your home. Its too dark to walk alone.6. Huaming told his parents he was _ living in Shenzhen and making many new friends there.7. To prepare for the Asian Games, there is much rebuilding _ throughout Guangzhou.8. Muff wasnt the killer, so he was _at last.9. When I studied in England, I met _ students.10. They _ about smoking.3、 重点句式A 按要求作相应的句型转换1. I never eat meat. He explained.(改为间接引语)_2. She says, I like the weather!(改为间接引语)_3. Why did you stop the car here, Tom? she asks.(改为间接引语)_4. Dont make any noise, girls. said the old man.(改为间接引语)_5. Where will you be here? he asks me.(改为间接引语)_6.I need to eat more fruit and less fried food. (请用I know 把句子变为复合句)_7. I think you should cheat in the exams.(改为否定句)_8. Do you think you should pay for the meal?(作否定回答)_9. I want to be an actor when I grow up. he thought.(改为含有宾语从句的句子)_10. My dream will come true as long as I work hard. Alice believes.(改为含有宾语从句的句子)_B 根据汉语完成句子1. 奶奶常说,期待免费的东西是不好的。Grandma often says _.2. 据说,中国的父母都很为他们小孩的前途担忧。It says that _.3. 父母不要包办一切,毕竟将来小孩要都要独立。Parents shouldnt do everything for their children. _ _, in the future, they have to be _.4. 小女孩手暑天 拿着个洋娃娃,伤心地哭着。The little girl _ _, with a toy _ her hands.5. 我相信他们还没赶上我们。I _ believe that they _ caught up with us.Unit 71 重点、难点归纳if从句1. 如果if从句谈论的是一种真理、客观事实,表述一种必然的结果,那么主从句都用一般现在时。If you cool water, it turns into ice.2. 如果if从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关结果,表述一种可能的结果,那么主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。If you write a shopping list, youll remember to get all the things.3. 如果if引导的从句放在句首,后面要用逗号与主句隔开;如果if引导的从句在主句后,不用逗号。2、 重点句式1. An easy way to do this is to imagine there is a mile between the first letter and the last letter.between . and . “在.之间”There is a railroad between the two cities.imagine “想象;设想”,后跟名、代、动词ing形式、复合结构、从句等。I cant imagine working with such a foolish man.3、 话题了解大脑的构造及其与记忆力之间的联系;了解记忆力的分类。过关检测1、 词汇1. The a_ part of the brain is called the grey matter. The non-active part is called the white matter.2. She always has many good ideas. Shes got a good b_.3. What a p_, that you have to leave. We were having so much fun.4. The box is for the children to s_ their toys.5. He uses few new m_ in his classroom teaching.6. In the cartoon Tom and Jerry, Jerry is a s_ mouse and he always gets Tom into trouble.7. Educational exchange is a programme to a_ students to visit different countries.8. That afternoon, Tom gained all s_ of from boys wanting to paint the fence.9. A human brain w_ about 1.4kg.10. My parents say No when I asked for things. They say its bad to e_ things for nothing.2、 短语lose ones memory a large amount of lose weight leave school less than1. My father will ask me to work with him in his company after I _.2. The man _ in an accident and couldnt remember a thing.3. Hes saved _ pocket money each month, so he could buy an mp3 player.4. If there are _ 16 people, we wont be able to form a group to travel to India.5. In order to _, the girl ate fruit instead of rice for supper.3、 重点句式A 按要求完成句子1. he, go to bed earlier, feel tired, in the morning (用if和所给的词和短语造句)_ he _ to bed earlier, he _ _ tired in the morning.2. I believe it. Everyone can succeed. He works hard.(合并为含有宾语从句的句子)I believe _ everyone can succeed _ he works hard.B 根据中文完成句子1. 如果你把水烧开,它会变成蒸汽。_ _ _ _, it _ steam.2. 鱼离开水就会死。Fish _ _ you take them out of water.3. 如果她没有独立生活的能力,她父母不会让她出国留学。If she _ _ the abilities to live alone, her parents _ let her study abroad.4. 我们都知道长期记忆比短期记忆持续长久。We all know that _.5. 醒来后,她一点都不记不起昨晚发生的事。When she woke up, she _.6. 记住某事的简单方法就是尝试在脑海中画一张它的图片。 _ remember something is to try drawing a picture of it in your mind.7. 她害怕变肥,所以每再见都称体重。Shes afraid of getting fat, so she _ every day.8. 姐姐比我高十公分。My sister is ten centimeters _.

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