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20122013学年度第一学期电子备课学科: 英语 姓名: 杨晓璐 年级: 五年级 青岛顺兴路小学2012.9青岛顺兴路小学教师电子备课模板全册教材分析全册教学总目标本学期共分11个模块,内含一个复习模块。每个模块Unit1 1 Listen, point and find.呈现的是语篇,find后的部分就是这个模块的语言要点;活动2 Listen and say中提炼出的语言就是这一模块的教学目标。这里所说的(say)不是重复原来的语句,而是要求学生在听了之后,根据自己的需要说出自己的语句。也就是听一个或几个例句,然后说出自己的语句(造句)Practise:为学生进行巩固练习提供相关的图片,引导学生进行拓展运用。Listen and repeat: 提供语言操练活动,也是学习语言的关键活动。应要求学生听英语,然后模仿重复。首先要求学生一起模仿重复,进而发展为每个学生独立模仿重复。此外该活动所提供的语料也是很好的语篇学习材料。本册教材具有以下几个特点:1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础。 3、注重中外文化的双向交流,使学生通过学习,培养未来跨文化交际所需要的能力。 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度的激发学生的学习动机。 5、注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得其他学科的知识。 6、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学生的需求。 7、注重教学资料的配套,为学生提供良好的英语学习环境,帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间。 8、注重中小学各阶段的衔接,以保证各学段的顺利过渡,全面提高中小学英语教学的整体质量。9、强调语言运用。让学生在有节奏的歌谣中体验语言,在活泼优美的旋律中感受语言,在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学。10、注重能力的培养。教材在内容安排、活动设计和学习评价上都贯穿“学会学习”的主题。力求用简单生动、通俗易懂的方式渗透学习策略,鼓励他们能动思考,主动做事,自动调整学习方式,发掘他们积极求知、努力进取的潜能。11、突出兴趣激发。语言材料真实地道、活泼有趣,让学生易学乐学。同时,突出内容的思想性、科学性、系统性、实有性、启发性和创造性;学生能够在丰富多彩、筇一动有趣的课堂活动中感知语言,习得语言。12、重视双向交流。让学生在了解英语国家文化的同时,学会用英语向外国人介绍中华民族文化的优秀传统,真正实现跨文化交际。 13、融合学科内容。在学习英语的同时,能够接触到自然科学、社会文化和文学艺术等方面的基础知识,帮助他们认识和了解我们赖以生存和发展的这个世界。 14、重视灵活扩展。根据自己教学的情况,灵活调整教学内容和学习进度,以满足不同层次学生的需求,使所有的学生在语言知识和语言能力上均有所发展。G、实现整体设计。加强了对学生语言听说和运用能力的培养,同时注重学生小组合作学习能力的培养,从而使学生逐渐形成一定的自主学习的能力。教学重点与难点在本册中,我们要跟玲玲和smart一家去英国访问,了解英国的公园、商店、学校和节日等。同时,我们要比较系统的学习英语语句的重音,因为语句重音对我们学习英语很有帮助。课文中呈现了一些新的语法内容,但不要求教师讲解语法理论,更不要求学生掌握语法理论,而是要求学生在理解的基础上初步学会运用这些语句。教学方法与学法在阅读教学方面的改革:阅读序列先读比课文简单的语篇,回答yes-no问题再读比课文简单的语篇,回答wh问题再读和课文难度相当的语篇,回答yes-no问题再读和课文难度相当的语篇,回答wh问题先读比课文略难的语篇,回答yes-no问题再读比课文略难的语篇,回答wh问题在书写要求方面的改革:书写序列原则:从写单词完成语句开始逐步发展到独立写语句不单独进行无语句的单词拼写训练主动的说能较好地迁移为有效的写先写句子中的常用名词,如: This is an English book. Its not my book. Its Damings book. 再写句子中的功能词,如: This is my new book. Its an English book. Its yellow and white.最后再写完整的句子教学方法方面的改革:采用“情景教学法”。情境教学是有意识的心理活动和无意识的心理活动的统一,在认知方面有启迪学生的可暗示性,从而使学生有意识的和无意识的接受教育输入。即:如临其境,触境生情。如临其境可以使学生感知的过程变得容易,触境生情可以使学生的认知更加牢固。教学中,创设情境让学生感知语言,在真实情境中运用语言会收到意想不到到的效果。在课堂中我将利用多媒体设备来突破教学重点和难点,把文字、声音、图像等融为一体,创设学生主动参与语言交际活动的情境,让学生走入情境、理解情境、表演情境以此突破语言观。学生在真实的情境中更容易进入角色,课堂气氛也异常活跃。采用合理有效的评价方式。激励是教育最基本的功能,成长在充满激励氛围的孩子,会不断进取。我的评语有:Clever boy/girl. Very good. Well done. Pass. Wonderful被赞扬的同学看到全班同学对他拍手喊出这些评语时,都会神采奕奕。我还将采用书后盖印儿、发放小礼物等激励手段。有时,甚至亲切的对学生笑笑,摸摸他们的小脑袋,都是对他们的一种鼓励。教学进度周次内容课时数1Module 1 Unit132Module 1 Unit2、Module 2 Unit133Module 2 Unit1 、Unit234Module 3 Unit135十一放假6Module 3 Unit2、Module 4 Unit137Module 4 Unit1、Unit238Module 5 Unit139Module 5 Unit2、Module 6 Unit1310Module 6 Unit1、 Unit2311Module 7 Unit1312Module 7 Unit2、Module 8 Unit1313Module 8 Unit1 、Unit2314Module 9 Unit1315Module 9 Unit2、Module 10 Unit1316Module 10 Unit1 、Unit2317Review Module Unit1318Review Module Unit2319期末复习、检测青岛顺兴路小学教师电子备课模板课 题Module 1 Park课 时3教材分析Amy离开伦敦两年之后旧地重游,发现伦敦有不小的变化:公园里新增了秋千,新添了水塘等等。教学目标(从知识、能力、态度、情感、价值观方面入手)本模块重点学习there be 结构的过去时:There werent any before. There wasnt a before! 能够听、说的单词和短语:our能够听、说并认读的单词和短语:different, playground能够听、说、读、写的单词和短语:year, pond, swing, slide, only能听、说、读、写的句子:There werent any swings here before.There was only a slide. There wasnt a pond before! There is one now.There are tall trees.教学重点与难点描述过去存在的事物和现在存在事物的不同。 教学方法与学法积极运用所学英语,结合实际生活环境的变化,进行表达和交流。教师课前准备(教具、查阅资料)录音机、磁带、单词卡、CD-ROM。学生课前准备与预习预习课文,了解中国和外国公园以及其他休闲娱乐场所的一些不同教学过程集备二次备课第一课时(1)I.Warming up and Revision 1、Greeting 2、Organize pupils to say the chant in book 8 3、Sing a song II.Leading-in 1、Show the pictures of the dialogue 2、Say something about the picture in Chinese. 3、Sam ,lingling and Amy are in the park now.Its a beautiful park in London.Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue. III.Listening & Reading Activities 1、Play the tape. 2、Play the tape. 3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words. 4、Play the tape. 5、Give them some questions: How long were they in China? Does the park look different now?Why? Can they feed the ducks before?Why? 6、Practise the difficulty sentences . IV.Further Development 1、Give them 2 minutes to practise the dialogue in groups. 2、Check the students. 3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,then work with a partner. 4、Check the students. 5、Have a test. V.Homework 1、Read and act the dialogue after class. 2、Copy the new words four times.【特色】Re-preparation 1There be句型的过去式There was单数/There were复数,一般现在式There is (a)/There are,及否定形式There wasnt/There werent和 There isnt/There arent. 2否定句some变any.第二课时(2)I.Warming up and Revision 1.Greetings. 2.Have a race:(The fastest is the winner.) T:Guess the words.Acorrding to the text, Im going to say one word from an instruction in the book. You have to listen carefully and say the complete instruction. Example: T:Its a plant. There are lots of leaves on it. Whats it? T:Right! II.Leading-in T:Open the books ,please. Turn to Page4 Look at the pictures. What are they? T:Very good.What are they different? What can you see? T: Look carefully.Its not a park. Its part of a school so its called a playground. (Write the word on the board) T:playground. III.Listening & Reading Activities Listen and repeat 1.Play the tape. 2.Play the tape again.This time Ill pause it after each sentence. Then I want you to repeat it . Lets begin. 3.Ill make some sentences about the pictures. You must listen and say Yes if they are correct or No if theyre incorrect. T:There are some small trees. T:There are some little trees.(And so on) 4.T:Well done. Now Ill talk about our school.Listen carefully and answer Yes or No. T:There is a small playground. T:There is a big playground. T:There are trees. (I continues to make statements about the school and the students respond.) 5.T:Now work in pairs.Talk about our school. Look and say 1.T:Class, Id like you to look at Activity 2,please. What can you see? 2.T:Lets play a game. T:There were some small desks before. T: There was a chair before. (The teacher and student continue to describe the pictures.) T:Now work with a partner. Listen and say. Then sing. Play the tape. Game: Find the differences and say T:Class,look at Activity 4,please. Now you have to work in pairs. You must take turns to compare the pictures. Lets do one example first:Can you find one different between the two pictures. .Practise 1.Do Activity Book V.Homework 1.Recite Part 1. 2.Compitition: “My classroom”Re-preparation To draw a form, let them to fill in the form, then make sentences by looking at the form, after they can use it frequently, take off the form, to make sentences by themselves.第三课时(3).Warming up . Revision 1sum up the 4-skill words. year before duck playground tall tree 2sum up the important drills in this lesson. There wasnt a pond here before. There werent any swings here before. There are tall trees. There were lots of little trees here. 3 sum up the grammar and useful phrases. . Exercises .Reading comprehensions .homework Review this module. Pre-view next module.3 过去 现在 单数 was is wasnt isnt 复数 were are werent arent 1There be句型的过去式There was单数/There were复数,一般现在式There is (a)/There are,及否定形式There wasnt/There werent和 There isnt/There arent. 2否定句some变any. 1、Greeting. 2、Say the chant and do the actions. 3、Clap hands and sing the song. 1、The students look and listen. 2、The students look and understand. 3、Read the title loudly and clearly. 1、Listen and point. 2、Listen and underline the new words. 3、Learn the new words in different ways. 4、The students listen and repeat. 5、Answer the questions. 6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways. 1、The students practise in groups. 2、Act it out. (The best group will get a prize.) 3、The students read the sentences in turns and the other person point to the picture. 4、The students say the sentences as quickly as possible. 5、Finish the Activity bookStudents Activity 1SayHellowith teather . S:Its a tree. S1:Two pictures of the school. S2:Some little trees. S3: I can see some tall trees. S4:They are in a park. S:playground 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Listen to the tape and repeat the words. 3.S:No S:Yes. 4.S:No S:Yes. S:Yes. 5.S continue the activity in pairs. S1:There are two classrooms. S2:I can see some small desks and some big desks S3:There are some chairs and blackboards. S1:There are some big desks now. S2:There is a chair now. The students work in pairs and make statements about each picture. 1Listen and sing together. 2.Sing and do the mines at the same time. S1:There were some small houses. Now there are some big houses. (The student work in pairs and take turns to find the differences in the pictures.) Do Activity BookSing a song or chant. 1.Read and spell the words, then make sentences by the words. 2.read and spell the sentences. 3practise it in oral way. .finish the exercises. .finish the reading materials.知识拓展(有机体现课程二次开发)找一找身边那些发生了变化的建筑及事物,用本课所学的句型进行描述。作业设计Copy the key words and key sentences.板书设计There werent any swings here before.There was only a slide. There wasnt a pond before! There is one now.There are tall trees.教学反思 青岛顺兴路小学教师电子备课模板课 题ModuleShopping课 时3教材分析Ms Smart带领Amy, Lingling和Sam去超市购物,超市有很多东西,他们买了很多物品,孩子们主动帮助Ms Smart拿物品。 教学目标(从知识、能力、态度、情感、价值观方面入手)本模块重点学习用形容词来形容物品:There are many以及This one is能够听、说并认读的单词和短语:sometimes, country restaurant, supermarket能够听、说、读、写的单词和短语:heavy, lift, sell, clothes , toys , different能听、说、读、写的句子:There are many sweets.There are many fruits, too.This one is heavy. They sell different things.教学重点与难点学会用形容词描述事物。 教学方法与学法结合已经学过的知识(There is)学习用所学的形容词,描述身边的事物。教师课前准备(教具、查阅资料)录音机、磁带、单词卡、音标卡、CD-ROM。学生课前准备与预习预习课文,了解英美国家人们的生活方式教学过程集备二次备课第一课时(4)Teachers Activity I.Warming up and Revision 1.Greetings. 2.Guessing game:(The fastest is the winner.) T:Acorrding to the text, Im going to say one word from an instruction in the book. You have to listen carefully and say the complete instruction. Example: T:Wash. T:Cut. II.Leading-in Show Ss some questions Such as Is the pen long or short? Is the blackboard dirty or clean? Encourage Ss to describe the objects with adj.words III.Listening & Reading Activities 1.Play the tape. 2.Showwords:heavy, restaurant,sometimes 3Present the key sentences: There are many fruits.This one is heavy. 4.Play the tape.(twice) IV.Further Development 1.Read the dialogue and talk about the objects in classroom in pairs. V.Homework 1.Describe the objects in your bedroomRe-preparation Phrases practice is good for then to understand.第二课时(5)I. Warming up and Revision 1. Greet the students 2. Tell the students that I am going to read out sentences about things they do. . Leading-in 1.Play a game about something word what in the supermarket. 2.Tell students we will go shopping by ourselves. Listen and Reading Activities 1.Play the tape-recorder 2.Play the tape-recorder again, Tell them that you are going to find out the question “What do they sell in English supermarkets? 3. Play the tape-recorder 4.Look and say. Get the students to look at the picture. Make them work in pairs. Tell them request. 5.Listen and say. Then say the poem . Divide the class into three groups. Practice each line Play the cassette Further Development 1. Game English supermarket. 2. AB Unit 2 Exercise 1 3. AB Unit 2 Exercise 3 Homework Write a short story “Shopping”Re-preparationAsk them try to recite the text by looking at the given words or useful phrases.第三课时(6).Warming up . Revision 1sum up the 4-skill words. heavy, lift, sell, sometimes, restaurant 2sum up the important drills in this lesson. There are many fruits. This one is heavy. They sell different things. There are restaurants at the supermarket” 3 sum up the grammar and useful phrases. . Exercises .Reading comprehensions .homework Review this module. Preview next module.4Family-families Come from Be from 3Adj. Big-small Dirty-clean Light-heavy New-old Bad-good Beautiful-ugly Long-short colors 1SayHelloto teacher . S1:Wash the potatoes! S2:Cut the potatoes! S1: The pen is long but old. 1.Listen, point and find heavy 3.Role play the dialogue 4.Listen and follow the tape. 5.Talk about the objects in classroom in pairs 1. Greet the teacher. 2. If the students do the same things they stand up and repeat the sentence. Guess the words. 1. The students just to listen. 2.Listen,line and answer the questions. 3.Listen and repeat. One student points at an object and the other student says what it is along with the colour Draw pictures of the objects and do the activity in the book. Divide part Hear the song Listen and sing. 1. In the imitate supermarket sell and buy by theirselves. 2. Listen and match. 3. Ask and answer.Sing a song or chant. 1Read and spell the words, then make sentences by the words. 2read and spell the sentences. 3practise it in oral way. .finish the exercises. .finish the reading materials.知识拓展(有机体现课程二次开发)请学生以小组为单位,表演超市购物短剧。要求学生尽可能多地运用学到的购物用语。“导购员”尽可能多地介绍超市的商品,“顾客”尽可能多地描述所需要的物品都有什么特征。最后大家评出“最佳导购员”和“最佳顾客”。作业设计Copy the key words and key sentences.板书设计There are many sweets.There are many fruits, too.This one is heavy. They sell different things.教学反思 青岛顺兴路小学教师电子备课模板课 题Module 3 English weekend课 时3教材分析Amy向Lingling介绍了万圣节这天人们通常做的事情:孩子们穿着奇异的衣服挨家挨户要糖果。教学目标(从知识、能力、态度、情感、价值观方面入手)本模块主要句型是:What do children do at Halloween?They go to peoples houses.What do the people do?They give them sweets.能够听、说并认读的单词和短语: Easter, Halloween 能够听、说、读、写的单词和短语: spring summer autumn winter festival, house, scare night fun really能听、说、读、写的句子:Its an autumn festival.Its really fun.They go to peoples houses.They scare the people.教学重点与难点介绍某一节日以及人们在这天所做的事。 教学方法与学法尝试阅读与课文主题相关的英语小故事。教师课前准备(教具、查阅资料)录音机、磁带、单词卡、音标卡、CD-ROM。学生课前准备与预习预习课文,了解东西方几个重要节日以及庆祝方式的不同教学过程集备二次备课第一课时(7)I. Warming-up and Revision Greeting: T: How are you today ? II. Leading-in T: Show students pictures about Chinese traditional new years costumes. Then ask questions: Look! What beautiful clothes ! When do you wear them ? T: Show pictures about Halloween ,such as masks, hats and clothes . Then ask questions: Do you like these scary clothes? Then ask student to guess the meaning of scary. T: Do you know when you wear them? III. Listening and reading activities T: Play the cassette for the first time and ask students to listen to the dialogue among Amy ,Sam and lingling. T: Give a short introduction about Halloween to students T: Ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the second. This time ask students underline the new words they dont know T: explain the new words to students with body language, pictures and so on. Then ask students to write them down. T: Show questions about the lesson ,then ask students to read and translate the questions. T: Ask students to listen and repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence. T:Ask students to listen and repeat the dialogue again, then translate the Key sentence then answer the questions which have been given before about the dialogue. T: ask the students to look at the five pictures on SB Unit1 exercise 2. listen and repeat the dialogue for the third time then number those pictures. IV. Further Development T:Ask students to state the dialogue with the five pictures given on SB Unit1 exercise 2. T:So stusents a form with questions to do a comparision between Halloween and Chiristmas,ask them to discuss in pairs then fill out the form . V. Homework I.Ask students to draw a scary mask and make a suit of halloween costume by themselves ,then dress them up and introduce Halloween to your friends and families. II.Do the pre-study of Module3 Unit2 ,search information about Easter day.purpose Elicit the new word festival Elicit the main topic of the lesson and the word “Halloween”. Practice their listening skill. Make the students to initially understand Halloween. Find out new words so that the obstacles on learning the lesson can be sweep out . Develop their writing ability. Practice their listening and reading skills. Deepen the students understanding about the content of the dialogue so that they can answer the questions about the dialogue more easily. Practice their ability of comprehensive oral English expressions. Students can better understand the two important western festivals through this kind of comparision . Train them the habits of pre-study.purpose Elicit the new word festival Elicit the main topic of the lesson and the word “Halloween”. Practice their listening skill. Make the students to initially understand Halloween. Find out new words so that the obstacles on learning the lesson can be sweep out . Develop their writing ability. Practice their listening and reading skills. Deepen the students understanding about the content of the dialogue so that they can answer the questions about the dialogue more easily. Practice their ability of comprehensive oral English expressions. Students can better understand the two important western festivals through this kind of comparision . Train them the habits of pre-study.第二课时(8)I.Warming up and Revision (1) Greetings. (2) Review the sentences: There is There are There was There were II.Leading-in Show some beautiful pictures. Ask :What is Halloween? What do children wear? Where do children go ? What do the people give? Then the children act and say. Today,we are going to learn about another festivalEaster. III.Listening & Reading Activities (1) Tell the students something about Easter. (2) Now play the cassette and get the students to repeat the sentences. (3) Play it again. (4) Tell the students to close their books. (5) Play the dialogue. Play the first part of each sentence and see if the students can guess the rest. Examples Tape: Look at Ss: these childrens hats. T:(now play the cassette and check if students guessed correctly) Tape: There are Ss: Toy chicks and flowers on the hats. T: (now play the cassette and check if students guessed correctly.) Continue like this, getting the students to remember the end of each sentence and then checking if they are correct. IV.Further Development (1) Say the months before learning the poem . (2) On the board write the names of the first 6 months of the year. (3) Tell the students that you are going to


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