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英语学科在互联网上的应用年级三年级科目英语时间2012.3.4课题Unit 2 What color is it? Lesson 11课型新授教材分析本册教材是辽宁师范大学出版社,快乐英语第二册,本册教材共有三个单元,教学内容注重情境会话,所选的单词和句型浅显易懂,贴近学生的日常生活,再现了学生熟悉并感兴趣的事物和生活环境,便于学生在交际实践中学习,由浅入深,学以致用。教案背景英语课程是比较单调的一门课,如果单单的领同学去读课文,时间长了学生不但没学会反而会产生厌倦心理,久而久之就没有人听讲了,所以我是通过利用多媒体进行直观教学。在讲授单词时就引用要讲的对话部分,让学生对较难的对话先有所了解,再通过各种形式的练习对所要学的句子进行不同层次的操练。教学三维目标知识目标:1.学会并会运用句型“What color do you like? I like” 和“Can I help you? A/An, please.”在生活中与人交流。2.听懂、会说、认读单词ball ,brown ,orange。能力目标:会唱歌曲“What Color Do You Like? ”培养学生英语表现能力。情感目标:学会在日常生活中用文明语言与人交流。重点 能认读并会用“What color do you like? I like ”询问别人喜欢的颜色并进行回答.能认读“Can I help you? A/An , please.”在购物时进行交谈。教法讲授法;谈话法;讨论法;读书指导法,练习法,提问法,游戏法。难点单词brown 及句子“What color do you like?”的发音。学法部分学习法,集中学习法教具Balls, toys, colors pencils, balloons, oranges and 课件学具学习用具教学过程教学内容师生活动设计设计意图时 间一.Warm up. 二.prensetation.三.New learning四.巩固练习。五.Sum Up 六.Home work.1. 打招呼。2. Letssing a song. 3.Have a revistion. 1. Wordsball,brownand orange2.Play games. 3.Dialouge.T: Hello,everyone!S: Hello, teacher!T:Now lets sing a song,OK?(Look at the cream)Students stand up and Action the song.T:Last lesson.We have learnt many Colors words.Do you remember them? T:Say in Chinese.S:Clap hands.T:OK,Stop here.Listen to me.T: Do you like?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.(Find some studentsact it.)T:Now,look at me carefully.How many color pencils in my hands.T:How many? Lets count them, OK ?S:One,two,three .eleven.T:You are very clever! Today,well learn the New Lesson 11.T: Read after me.Lesson 11Today,Im very happy. So I take many present to everyone.Guess Whats this in English?S:球。T: Right. You can say, “ball”.(板书) a green/red/yellow ball. I have a ball. (Pass the ball.)Student put it to the other hands,and say “I have a ball.”T:What color is your ball?S:Look.Its green. 2.T: What color is the ball? S: 棕色。 T:Read after me.brown.(板书)Its brown T;Do you like brown? S: Yes.Ilike brown.3.OK,look,Whats this in English?T:Its an orange.What color is it?Its orange.(板书) Not “an orange”T:Next,lets look at some pictures.1. S: Look at the picture, and say the words.2. T: Now, I have many balloons. What color do you like? S: I like .OK.One day I go tothe shopping.I want to buy a ball.What said to each others. T:Listen to the tape.T: Can I help you?(板书)S: A Please.Practice in pairs.If there are many colors.Then shell ask you.What color do you like? (板书)You can answer.I like OK.Lets listen to the tape again.2.T let S practice the dialogue with his partner. T:Who can say “What color do you like?” hands up.S: “What color do you like?”S Practice the sentence in your partner.3.T: Stop listen to the tape.(two times)4.T: Lets read the dialogue in your group.Practice the dialogue and act it.A: Can I help you?B:A car, please.A:Whatcolor do you like?B:I like green and whtie.A:OK,here you are.B:Thankyou.A: Goodbye!B: Bye! T:Who can say what we have learnttoday?(Find students answer.)Prepare the next dialogue in your home. 通过网上查到的欢快的英语歌曲大大激发学生学习的兴趣。Revision the last lessons words. Lead to the lesson 11.Through making the dialouge.Let students remember the new words,qucikly.It is lovely for students tostudy English. It is easy touse the sentece.提高学生的表达能力和总结能力.5分钟 2分钟20分钟10分钟2分钟1分钟板书设计 Unit 2 What color is it? Lesson11 ball Can I help you? brown What color do you like? Orange教学反思本堂课我能够利用英语组织教学,虽说学生听时有些困难但是在课堂上我加上了许多肢体语言学生很快就进入我的教学思路,效果很好。本节课我主要讲授了三个单词和一个小对话。内容看似很简单,但是对于农村孩子来说是很不容易的,所以无论讲单词还是讲对话我都创设了很多活动,如传球说单词游戏,分发不同颜色的气球活动大大提高了课堂氛围,激发了孩子们学习的兴趣。但课堂上也流露出很多不足之处,还需要在今后的教育教学中不断改进。


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