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中国最佳旅游城市 杭州旅游情况介绍 杭州市旅委主任 李虹 2007 年 9 月 13 日 各位领导 各位旅游界同仁 大家下午好 非常高兴能在北京与参加杭州旅游推广会的朋友们见 面 在这里 我首先代表杭州市旅游委员会对大家的到来 表示热烈的欢迎 2007 年 是杭州旅游确立品牌 抢抓机遇的一年 今 年上半年 杭州市确立了 东方休闲之都 品质生活之城 的 城市旅游品牌 又被联合国世界旅游组织 中国国家旅游 局联合授予 中国最佳旅游城市 称号 为了迎接北京 2008 年奥运会 为奥运旅游做好配套工作 杭州市旅游委员会 在 2004 2006 年顺利实施了杭州市第一轮旅游国际化方案 经过 2 年的努力 杭州旅游基本实现了从国内游 一轮独大 向国内游和入境游 两轮驱动 转变 和从观光游 一枝独秀 向观光 休闲 会展 三位一体 的转变 2006 年杭州市接 待入境过夜旅游者 182 02 万人次 同比增长 20 3 旅游 外汇收入 9 09 亿美元 同比增长 19 9 接待国内游客 3682 14 万人次 同比增长 12 7 实现国内旅游收入 471 24 亿元 同比增长 16 8 全年旅游总收入 543 69 亿 元 同比增长 16 9 今年 杭州市又提出了 杭州市新一 轮旅游国际化行动方案 着力实现杭州旅游品质 八大提升 在国内国际进一步提升杭州的知名度和美誉度 杭州旅游今天的成就 离不开诸位的帮助 杭州旅游 将来的发展 更离不开诸位的努力 杭州也正不断推陈出 新 相信杭州景区的提升改造 周边区域大批新景点的开 发都会给大家带来新的惊喜 现在 我将向大家介绍一些 杭州的最新变化 一 杭州城市品牌与旅游品牌 首先 我想给大家介绍一下杭州城市品牌与旅游品牌 1 生活品质之城 2007 年 1 月 杭州确立城市品牌为 生活品质之城 杭州物产丰富 不仅有以西湖为代表的一流山水资源 更有以良渚文化 吴越文化和南宋文化为代表的丰富历史 积淀 具有共建共享 生活品质之城 的天然优势和历史基础 杭州市共建共享生活品质之城的主要目标是要实现经 济生活品质 文化生活品质 政治生活品质 社会生活品 质 环境生活品质的提升 落实到旅游行业 市旅委提出 杭州旅游业 八大提升 2 东方休闲之都 杭州在 2006 年世界休闲博览会上被授予 东方休闲之都 的称号 2006 年杭州世界休闲博览会开启了中国旅游的 休 闲元年 近几年来 杭州市倡导休闲理念 推进城乡休闲 旅游 发展休闲行业 城市休闲旅游功能和水平得到了进 一步的强化和提升 3 中国最佳旅游城市 2007 年 2 月 8 日 国家旅游局和联合国世界旅游组织 在北京人民大会堂举行 中国最佳旅游城市 命名仪式 杭州 市成为 2006 年度 中国最佳旅游城市 获得了经世界旅游 组织考核和承认的中国旅游界的最高荣誉 2003 年以来 杭州实施生态立市 旅游西进和旅游国 际化战略 先后实施了西湖综合保护工程 西溪湿地综合 保护工程 运河 杭州段 综合保护工程 不断提升旅游 业水平 因此 当国家旅游局官员和世界旅游组织专家考 察杭州时 杭州获得了极高的赞誉 最终以总分第一的成 绩获得了 中国最佳 的称号 二 观光休闲旅游 山水之外亦有风景 杭州面海而栖 濒江而建 傍溪而聚 因河而兴 由 湖而名 是一座 五水共导 的城市 但杭州的盛名不仅是由 于丰富的山水资源 更是因为其深厚的历史人文 近年来 杭州市致力于挖掘景点蕴涵的深厚文化 并在景区提升改 造和旅游区域联动中将观光游与休闲游进行了较好的结合 1 以西湖 西溪 大运河为重点 观光景点实现休闲 化 西湖是杭州最富盛名的景点 2002 年起 杭州市开展 了西湖综合保护工程 主要包括西湖南线景区整合工程 湖西综合保护 新湖滨建设 梅家坞茶文化村整治 北山 街历史文化街区保护 两堤三岛修缮 龙井茶文化村整治 西湖博物馆建设等工程 于 2005 年再现了三百多年前 一湖 映双塔 湖中镶三岛 三堤凌碧波 的绝美胜景 但杭州对 西湖的提升并未就此止步 2006 年 吴山景区综合整治一 期 灵隐景区综合整治一期 龙井八景 恢复三大项目顺利 竣工 而今年国庆 杭州将第六次推出 新西湖 灵隐景区 满觉陇 虎跑公园 八卦田 南宋官窑博物馆 吴山景区 等都将以全新的面貌亮相 西湖综合保护工程真正实现了 还湖于民 基本形成了 东热 南旺 西幽 北雅 中靓 的新格局 作为对新西湖 的总结 杭州正在第三次评选 西湖十景 最终入选的十个 景点是灵隐景区 六和塔 杨公堤 万松书院 岳王庙 梅家坞 湖滨景区 北山街历史文化景区 三台山景区和 钱王祠 杭州将在今年 10 月的第九届西湖博览会开幕式上 公布新 西湖十景 名称 西溪国家湿地公园是我国首个国家湿地公园 为罕见 的城中次生湿地 具有独特的水生陆生植被和野生动物 自古就是名士隐逸之地 曾与西湖 西泠并称杭州 三西 即将推出的西溪二期工程共 4 89 平方公里 将于今年 十 一 有限开园 推出全国首个湿地植物多样性的展示基 地 湿地植物园 以及 桥梁博物馆 和 民居博物馆 最近 西溪推出休闲体验精品 渔夫之旅 游客可以乘坐传统 的摇橹船亲自捕捞鱼虾 畅游西溪秀美的风光 京杭大运河是中国唯一可以与万里长城相提并论的伟 大工程 杭州古运河整治最近受到了 中国日报 和 纽 约时报 的关注 运河杭州段至今仍起到运输作用 清朝 乾隆皇帝南巡时泊舟的湖墅码头 和拱宸桥 香积寺塔 富义仓遗址等积淀成独特的运河文化 众所期盼的富义仓 遗址公园 小河直街历史街区重点保护区也将在今年国庆 亮相 现在运河上已经开通水上巴士 夏季还有运河和钱 塘江夜游项目 2 以培育六大潜力行业为契机 打造杭州旅游新亮点 今年杭州将强化比较优势 着力发展疗养 演艺 美 食 茶楼 化妆 保健 六大杭州特色潜力行业 根据新一 轮的旅游国际化行动方案 六大特色潜力行业都将与旅游 结合 演变成杭州旅游的新方式 针对发展疗养行业 我 们将推出 SPA 温泉等疗养产品 针对发展演艺行业 发 展旅游餐饮和旅游观演结合的方式 延长游客停留时间 尤其是今年推出了由著名导演张艺谋执导的 印象 西湖 是呈现水墨西湖效果的国际水准山水实景演出 针对发展 茶楼行业 在已形成的 A8 艺术公社 LOFT49 等创意产 业园区内建立茶馆 发展中国式的星巴克模式 针对发展 化妆行业 推出让游客走进化妆品企业的体验活动 针对 发展保健行业 将与美食和疗养行业结合 开发药膳等产 品 目前有些产品已经开始操作 并向国际市场推出 事实上 为了让游客更好地体验杭州的休闲生活 杭 州自 2005 年 1 月 1 日起已经向国际市场陆续推出 100 个社 会资源国际旅游访问点 涉及社会文化 工农业生产 市 民生活等多个方面 其中广兴堂国医馆已于 2005 年推出具 有疗效的美味药膳 至今已接待外国游客 5000 多人次 今 年年底 杭州还将推出一批反映 生活品质 的访问点 3 以十大休闲基地为节点 形成乡村休闲旅游网 杭州乡村旅游产品注重与旅游景区 点 的有机结合 充分挖掘民俗文化内涵 保持浓郁乡土气息 已形成了包 括自然生态游 乡村休闲游 农业观光游 农家度假游 民俗文化游等五大主要类型 尤其是大杭州 1 小时半交通 圈已经形成 极大地改善了杭州乡村旅游点的可进入性 杭州城市周边拥有丰富的乡村休闲旅游资源 以高尔 夫高端旅游产品为代表的富春山居休闲区 以滨水休闲度 假为主题的西溪国家湿地公园 千岛湖旅游度假基地 新 安江避暑胜地 余杭南湖滨水度假基地 以山地休闲度假 为主题的天目山休闲度假基地 大明山高山度假基地 以 温泉休闲度假为主题的湘湖休闲度假基地 大清谷度假基 地 这十大休闲基地基本覆盖了杭州各个区 县 市 加 上周边多个乡村旅游点 形成了各具特色的乡村休闲旅游 网络 三 会展奖励旅游 节庆会展如火如荼 作为商务会展旅游城市 杭州具有明显的区位优势与 经济优势 杭州地处长三角南翼 毗邻上海 公路 铁路 航空交通网络健全 经济发达 市场繁荣 被业内的一些 重要媒体评为 2005 年度中国会展业会展城市最佳服务奖 2005 年度中国会展业会展城市最佳办展环境奖 目前杭州具有室内展览总面积 8 04 万平方米 已建有 杭州和平国际会展中心 杭州国际会议展览中心 浙江世 界贸易中心等专业展览场馆 自 2000 年杭州恢复西湖博览 会以来 西博会发动龙头带动带动作用 实现了杭州会展 业的快速发展 2005 年 举办了国际茶业大会暨茶 咖啡展 览会 国际旅游小姐冠军总决赛 西湖论剑 网商大会 第 55 届中国国际医药原材料 中间体 包装 设备交易会 2005 文化多样性与休闲发展国际论坛等 2006 年举办了首 届世界佛教论坛 第二届国际动漫节 第九届世界休闲大 会 第二届西溪湿地论坛 第十五届金鸡百花电影节 2006 国际基因组学大会 国际花园城市决赛 第四届中国 投资环境论坛等 杭州还成功举办了 2006 杭州世界休闲博览会暨第八届 西湖博览会 为期 184 天 共接待入境游客 102 55 万人次 自 2006 年休博会开始 会展旅游系列产品的构建对吸引境 外游客 扩大城市国际影响力 发挥了重要作用 2007 年第九届西湖博览会将于 10 月 27 日至 11 月 5 日 举行 今年的西博会整合展览资源 依托杭州特色产业打 造 生活品质 类会展 今年 杭州继续力推杭州深度游产品 有依托西博会 的 西博之旅 有发掘休闲文化的 新概念之旅 有整合江 南名胜的 长三角华东游 等 尤其是随着今年年初杭徽高速 公路的开通 上海 杭州 黄山这条 名城 名湖 名山 旅游 线广受关注 而明年跨海大桥的建成 也将使 环杭州湾 旅 游线成为热点 欢迎北京市旅游局和北京的旅行商与我们联手推广杭 州 鼓励游客发现不一样的杭州 谢谢 HANGZHOU THE BEST TOURISM CITY LI Hong Director of Hangzhou Tourism Committee September 13 2007 Honored leaders honored guests from tourism industry Good afternoon I am very glad to meet you friends in Beijing Firstly I the representative of Hangzhou Tourism Commission would like to say welcome to all of you The year 2007 is a significant year that Hangzhou tourism confirms its brands and seizes opportunities In the first half of this year Hangzhou city confirmed its city tourism brand which is Oriental Capital of Leisure City of Quality Life and was awarded as The Best Tourism City of China by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and the National Tourism Administration of the People s Republic of China In order to prepare for 2008 Beijing Olympics and Olympics Tourism Hangzhou Tourism Commission implemented Hangzhou Tourism Internationalization Strategy The First Stage between the year 2004 and 2006 After two years Hangzhou tourism achieved two changes 1 from driven by domestic market to driven by both domestic market and overseas market 2 from famous for scenic tourism to famous for scenic tourism leisure tourism and MICE tourism In 2006 the number of overseas tourists who stayed overnight in Hangzhou is 1 820 200 with an increase of 20 3 over the previous year foreign tourism income is USD 909 000 000 with an increase of 19 9 over the previous year the number of domestic tourists is 36 821 400 with an increase of 12 7 over the previous year domestic tourism income is RMB 471 240 000 000 with an increase of 16 8 over the previous year and the all year tourism revenue is 54 369 000 000 with an increase of 16 9 over the previous year In 2007 Hangzhou put forward Hangzhou Tourism Internationalization Strategy The Second Stage stresses the Eight Promotions of Hangzhou Tourism Quality and enhances brand presence The achievement of Hangzhou tourism today relies on you all And the development of Hangzhou tourism in future also needs your help Hangzhou is now bringing some new tourist attractions for you 1 City Brand and Tourism Brand Firstly let me introduce the city brand and tourism brand of Hangzhou 1 1 City of Life Quality In January 2007 Hangzhou confirmed its city brand which is City of Life Quality Hangzhou has abundant resources As regards natural resources there are first class water resources and hill resources which can be represented by the West Lake scenic area As regards historical resources there are rich historical relics which are famous for Liangzhu Ancient Culture Wuyue Culture and Southern Song Dynasty Culture Building and Enjoying City of Life Quality aims at achieving economic life quality cultural life quality political life quality social life quality and ecological life quality To achieve the aim Hangzhou Tourism Commission put forward Eight Promotions of Hangzhou Tourism Quality 1 2 Oriental Capital of Leisure Hangzhou was awarded as Oriental Capital of Leisure on the 2006 Hangzhou World Leisure EXPO The 2006 Hangzhou World Leisure EXPO started the trend of leisure tourism in China During the last 2 years Hangzhou has being an active promoter of leisure ideas leisure tourism in city centre and countryside leisure industries And then the functions and qualities of leisure tourism in Hangzhou is improved 1 3 The Best Tourism City of China On Feb 8th 2007 the National Tourism Administration of the People s Republic of China and the United Nations World Tourism Organization held the awarding ceremony of the best tourism city Hangzhou is awarded as The Best Tourism City of China 2006 which is the highest honor of China Tourism from the UNWTO Since 2003 Hangzhou has put forward the ecological strategy tourism westernization strategy and tourism internationalization strategy and has implemented the West Lake Comprehensive Protection Project the Xixi Wetland Comprehensive Protection Project and the Grand Canal Hangzhou section Comprehensive Protection Project graduately Hangzhou tourism has developed continuously and quickly since then So when the officials of the CNTA and professors of the UNWTO visited Hangzhou Hangzhou was praised highly and won the title of The Best Tourism City of China as the first one between three candidates 2 Scenic Tourism and Leisure Tourism Hangzhou has five kinds of water resources which are sea river brook rivulet and lake Moreover Hangzhou also has long history and deep cultures Recently Hangzhou makes efforts to find the historical and cultural links between attractions and combines scenic tourism and leisure tourism perfectly 2 1 Emphasizing on the West Lake the Xixi Wetland and the Grand Canal Hangzhou section to achieve scenic attractions leisuralization The West Lake is the most famous scenic spot of Hangzhou Since 2002 Hangzhou has implemented the West Lake Comprehensive Protection Project including the south line combination project west area comprehensive protection project new Hubin construction Meijiawu tea culture village Restoration Beishan historical and cultural Street Protection Restoration of double causeways and three islets Longjing tea culture village Restoration and the West Lake museum project Until 2005 the West Lake was restored as its most beautiful view which was a lake double towers three islets and three causeways 300 years ago However the project continued after that In 2006 the first stage of Wushan scenic area Restoration the first stage of Lingyin scenic area Restoration the Restoration of eight scenic spots in Longjing And the national day of China this year we will put forward new West Lake for the 6th time including Lingyin scenic area Manjuelong Hupao park Eight diagrams field Museum of Guanyao Kilin of Southern Song Dynasty and Wushan scenic area The West Lake Comprehensive Protection Project makes the lake open to every people and forms a new structure which is rush east prosperous south quiet west elegant north and beautiful middle As a conclusion of the new West Lake the 3rd Ten scenic spots of the West Lake is recommended now The ten scenic spots are Lingyin scenic area Pagoda of Six Harmonies Yang Causeway Wansong School Yuefei Temple Meijiawu Hubin scenic area Beishan Street Shantaishan scenic area and Memorial of King Qian Names of the new Ten scenic spots of the West Lake will be publicized on the opening ceremony of the 9th West Lake EXPO on October The Xixi wetland national park is the first wetland national park of China and a secondary wetland which is rare in city centre There are unique aquatic vegetation land vegetation and wild animals And it is famous for settled recluses and hermits historically so Xixi the West Lake and Xiling named as Three West of Hangzhou The second stage of Xixi project covers 4 89 k and will be open in October The second stage includes the Wetland Botanical Garden which is the first base of bio diversity the Bridge Museum and the Historical Building Museum Recently Journey of fisherman a new leisure tourism product is put to the market Tourists can experience halieutics on a traditional paddling boat and enjoy graceful wetland The Grand Canal is the only great project that can be compared with the Great Wall Recently Restoration of the Grand Canal Hangzhou section was highly praised by China Daily and The New York Times Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal still has transportation functions The Grand Canal culture is admirably represented by Hushu port which King Qianlong of Qing Dynasty anchored Gongchen Bridge Xiangjisi Tower and Fuyi granary relics Fuyi granary relics and Xiaohezhijie historical street will be open in October this year Now you can take water buses to visit the Grand Canal and Qiantang River in summer 2 2 Taking the opportunity of developing the six potential industries to create new highlight of Hangzhou tourism This year we will strengthen comparative advantages and focus on developing six special potential industries including recuperate arts performance cuisine tea houses health care and cosmetic industries According to the new tourism internationalization strategy these six potential industries will cooperate with tourism industry closely and become a new mode of Hangzhou tourism industry For developing recuperate industry we will design new products such as SPA thermal spring For developing arts performance we will develop new mode of combining food services with performance looking to prolong the stay of tourists especially now we have a new attractive performance Impression Westlake directed by a very famous Chinese director Zhang Yimo For developing tea industry we will develop new tea houses in A8 Arts Association and Loft 49 area to develop Chinese Starbucks Mode For cosmetic industry we will open some cosmetic factory for tourists visiting For health care industry we will combine cuisine and recuperate and develop health improving meals Now some programs are available for international market In fact we have already operated visiting Hangzhou feel china program since Jan 1 2005 for international markets Through this program tourists will find real life of Hangzhou people and have unforgettable and unique experiences in Hangzhou this year more visiting sites will be open to the public 2 3 Based on the ten leisure resorts to develop rural tourism network Hangzhou rural tourism products preserve folk custom and traditions and now develop five tour categories including natural and zoology tour rural leisure tour agriculture sightseeing tour farmhouse visiting tour and folk customs culture tour And with the transportation condition improved the accessibility of rural tourism sites has been improved greatly There are abound rural tourism resources around Hangzhou such as Fuchun Resort golf tour Xixi National Wetland Park Thousand Islet Lake Leisure Base Xin anjiang Summer Place Yuhuang South Lake Resort Tianmu Mountain Resort Daming Mountain Resort Xiang Lake Resort Thermal spring products Daqing Valley Holiday Base These ten resorts cover almost every parts of Hangzhou region and connected as a leisure tourism network 3 MICE Tourism As a MICE destination Hangzhou has distinct regional and economic advantages As a neighbor of shanghai Hangzhou has a very convenient transport network The economic strength of Hangzhou is strong Hangzhou has been awarded the best MICE services provider of 2005 and the best MICE environment city by some key Medias At present the total indoor exhibition area of Hangzhou reaches 80400 square meters There are many professional exhibition centers available in Hangzhou such as Hangzhou Peace International Exhibition Center Hangzhou International Exhibition Center Zhejiang World Trade Center The Westlake Expo re held in 2000 becomes the leading strength for exhibition and convention industry and stimulates the rapid development of MICE In 2005 we have held International Tea and Coffee Expo International Miss Tourism Competition E commerce Forum the 55th International Medicine Raw and Processed materials Packaging and Equipment Trade Fair China Culture Diversity and Leisure Industry Development International Forum 2005 In 2006 we have held the First World Buddhism Forum the Second International Cartoon Festival the Ninth World Leisure Conference the Second Xixi Wetland Forum the 15th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival the International Genome Conference 2006 the International Garden City Competition and the Fourth China Investment Environment Forum etc Hangzhou has successfully held World Leisure Expo 2006 Hangzhou China During the expo the number of income tourists reaches 1 025 500 Since 2006 the serious MICE products play a very important role for attracting international tourists and extending international influence The Ninth Westlake Expo will hold from Oct 27 to Nov 5 in Hangzhou The expo of this year will combine exhibitions resources and create high quality exhibition with the support of Hangzhou special industries Hangzhou will keep on promoting Hangzhou extensive products Westlake Expo Tour New Concept Tour etc With the completion of Hangzhou Anhui high way a new itinerary called Famous City Lake and Mountain attracts more and more attention this itinerary includes Shanghai Hangzhou and Yellow Mountain And next year with the completion of Sea across bridge a itinerary of around Hangzhou Bay will be a hotspot We are expecting for the close cooperation with Beijing Tourism Bureau and travel agencies to promote Hangzhou and encourage our customers to find a distinct and interesting Hangzhou through their own experience Thanks


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