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2012高考常用词组汇编A做某事的能力1. the ability to do sth很有能力2 be of great ability有能力做某事3 be able to do sth=be capable of上船/飞机4. aboard a ship/the plane马上将要做5 be about to do做怎样?6 What about/ how about doing最重要的是7 above all在海平面上/下8 above /below the sea level出国9 go abroad在国内外10 at home and abroad去国外深造11 go abroad for further study来自海内外12 from home and abroad缺席13 be absent from心不在焉14 be absent-minded/ absence of mind缺少详细情况15 the absence of details在某人不在时16 in the absence of sb. / in sb.s absence专注地做17 be absorbed in doing / be crazy about / be addicted to普遍认为18 It is widely accepted that某物对于某人可以接受19 sth be acceptable to sb进入,获得20 have access to/ be accessible to意外地21. by accident=by chance陪某人去某地22.accompany sb to some placekeep sb. company给某人钢琴伴奏23.accompany sb on the piano创造奇迹24. accomplish wonders一事无成25.accomplish nothing达到预期的目标26.accomplish the desired purpose根据27.according to把考虑在内28.takeinto account/consideration 因为29.on account of=becaue of/ due to/ thanks to/owing to决不30.on no account说明(原因)31.account for指责32.accuse sb. of sth./ charge sb. with sth./ blame(或scold)sb. for / blame sth. on sb.被告33.the accused习惯做34.be accustomed to sth/doing浑身疼痛35.ache all over获得成功/成就36.achieve success/ make great achievements酸雨37.acid rain承认某人是38.acknowledge sb (to be)/as英语语言的习得39.acquire a command of English遇到40.come across=meet with=run into采取行动41.take action=take measures=take steps扮演42.act in the play充当43.act as按某人的劝告/命令/指示行事44.act on sbs advice/orders/instructions抓住某人干某事45.catch sb in the act of doing/catch sb doing sth开始战斗/开始行动46.go/come into action积极参加47.take an active part inbe active in使适应48.adapt oneself to / adjust to为大学生改编的书49.books adapted for the college students总计50.add up to/come to/amount to增加51.add to=increase此外除了以外还有52.in addition=moreover=furthermore in addition to=besides=as well as向人发表演说53.address sb. sth够用54.be adequate for校对手表55.adjust ones watch因赞赏某人56.admire sb. for sth.入场费57.admission fee承认做58.admit doing/ sb. to do被学校录取/医院接收59.be admitted to(a school/hospital, etc.) 事先60.in advance/ahead of /beforehand先进的设备61.advanced equipment在方面更有利62.have an advantage over/give sb. an over利用63.take advantage of某物对某人有利64.sth is to sbs advantage/in ones favor登广告找65.advertise for建议(某人)做66. advise doing sth. advise sb to doadvise sb on sth/how to doadvise that sb should do遵巡意见67.follow / take / act on ones advice就做某事出主意68.give sb advice on how to do sth深爱着69.have a warm/ deep affection for受到音乐的影响70.be affected by the music负担得起71.can afford sth. / to do sth. / sb. to do sth.害怕做72.be afraid of不敢去做73.be afraid to do追求、追赶某人74.be/run after毕竟,终究 75.after all以命名76.be named after问候某人77.ask after sb时而78.now and again靠着79.lean against反对80.be against = object to对抗81.fight/struggle against 同年82.be of the same age / be of an age信息时代83.the Information Age在五岁的时候84.at the age of five差不多某人的年纪85.about ones age 老年人86.the old = the aged = the elderly旅行社 / 通讯社87.travel agency / news agency对取得一致意见 88.agree on同意(建议、计划、安排)89. agree to ones (suggestion, advice, proposal, plan, arrangement)同意(看法等),符合90.agree with sb. / what sb. said / ones words提前91.ahead of time在方面胜过 A is ahead of B in C.帮助某人92.come to ones aid aid sb to do/aid sb in sth在。帮助下93.with the aid of 急救94.first aid打算做某事95.aim at doing/aim to do/ be aimed at瞄准;力求96.aim at 在广播中97.on the air在露天98.in the open air发警报99.give/sound/raise the alarm含酒精的饮料100.the alcoholic drinks警惕,处于警惕状态101.be on the alert对。保持警惕102.be alert to sth.A长得像B103.A and B are/ look alike=A looks like B活着的人104.the people alive = the living people总的来说105.all in all总共106.in all全程,一路上107.all the way到处,浑身108.all over允许某人做109. allow sb to do / allow doing考虑,顾及110. allow for更不用说111.let alone 别理某人112.leave sb. alone与相处113.get along with大声朗读114.read aloud对感到惊奇115.be/feel amazed at使某人感到惊讶的是116.to ones amazement别无选择除了做117.have no alternative but to do = have no choice but to do野心勃勃想得到某物/想做某事118.be ambitious for sth/ to do sth大量的119.a large amount of / amounts of 共计为120.amount to (= add up to = come to)做游戏取乐121.amuse oneself by playing games古代122.the ancient times等等123.and so on = and so forth对人/事生气124.be angry with sb. / at / about sth.控制愤怒125.hold back anger从不同的角度126.from a different angle对很恼火127.be annoyed with sb/ at sth年度报告128.an annual report互相129.one another = each other对负责130.answer for= be responsible for渴望做131.be anxious for sth. / to do sth.(比较:be anxious about 对焦虑)一点也不132.anything but (比较nothing but=only)把区分开来133.tell apart (tell A and B apart = tell A from B)除了134.apart from因某事向某人道歉135.apologize to sb. for ( doing ) sth. make an apology to sb. for呼吁某人做某事136.appeal to sb. to do/for sth.吸引某人,投合兴趣137.sth appeal to sb有好坏的食欲138.have a good / poor appetite for 电器 / 家用电器139.electrical appliances / domestic s向某人申请140.apply to sb. for sth.将应用到e.g.把课堂上所学的应用到实际中去141.apply sth. to sth. apply what we have learned in class to practice任命某人做142.appoint sb to be / as/ appoint sb. sth.与有个约会/订个约会143.have / make an appointment with sb.对表示感激144.appreciate sth /doing sth. / ones doing如果将不胜感激145.I would appreciate it (very much) if you could进入的通道 / 的方法146.the approach to sth.适合的147.be appropriate to/for赞成,批准148.approve of (disapprove of )面积为149.cover an area of与争吵150.argue with sb about /over sth.放下武器151.lay down ones arms引起我的兴趣/好奇心/同情152.arouse my interest/curiosity/ pity安排某人做153.arrange for sb. to do sth. make arrangements to do sth.达成协议154.arrive at / come to /reach an agreement 被捕155.sb is under arrest艺术品156.a work of art一个精致的现代艺术收藏品157.a fine collection of modern art关于,至于158.as for/to 只要, 在的时候159.as/so long as 到程度e.g. 据我所知 就而言160.as / so far as as far as I knowas far as sb. / sth. be concerned入乡随俗161. When in Rome,do as the Romans do.事实上162.as a matter of fact作为总体,总的说来163.as a whole像往常一样164.as usual把.烧成灰烬165.reduce sth to ashes (burn sth into ashes)为感到惭愧166.be ashamed of sth. / to do请某人帮忙167.ask sb a favour/a favour of sb,请三天假168.ask for three daysleave 问候169. ask after sb.酣睡 / 入睡170. be ( sound / fast ) asleep / fall asleep在方面171. in this aspect = in this respect估计这房子值一百万美金172.assess the value of the house at $1,000,000布置某人做173.assign sb. to do sth. /assign sb. sth. / assign sth. to sb. 帮助某人做174.assist sb.with sth., assist sb. to do sth., assist sb. in doing sth. 把A和B联想到一起175.associate A with B 向某人保证176.assure sb. of sth. = ensure sb. sth.assure sb. that= ensure that假设某人有罪177.assume sb. to be guilty承担费用/责任178.assume the cost /the responsibility惊讶179.be astonished at / that 原子能180.atomic energy将附在上把标签贴在包上重视,认为有重要性181. attach sth. to sth.attach the label to your luggage attach importance / significance to sth.企图干182.attempt to do /make an attempt to do我第一次就通过了考试。183.I passed the test at the first attempt照料,护理184. attend to sb. 对加以注意185.pay (no / close) attention to focus / concentrate attention on吸引注意力186.catch/draw /attract/call ones attention 对的态度187.develop / take an attitude to/towards 旅游胜地/景点188.tourist attractions / scenic spots / tourist destination / places of interest有许多的观众189.There is a large audience. 可取得的190.sth be available to sb平均地平均水平/值以上(以下)191.on average above / below average(正式)颁发奖项191.award sb. sth. / award sth. to sb.避免做192.avoid doing等某人193.await sb. / wait for sb.民政局194.civil authorities使醒着195.keep sb awake 还没有睡意,完全清醒196.be wide awake意识到不断意识到197.be aware of = be conscious of (There is) a growing awareness of收起198.put sth away 泄漏199.give away 避开,不理睬200.turn away from使某人意识到201. awaken sb. to sth.B(杂志 / 报纸)过期的 最新一期1. the back numberthe current issue不理睬支持2. turn ones back on sb.3. back sb. / sth. up对有害4. be bad for / do harm to迫切希望得到5. want sth. badly破坏平衡获得和之间的平衡保持 / 失去平衡营养均衡的饮食6. upset/break/disturb the balance7. achieve a balance betweenand8. keep / lose ones balance9. a well-balanced diet禁令,禁止禁止某人做10. a ban on smoking11. ban sb. from doing sth.光着脚12. bare feet与某人讨价还价13. bargain with sb. about /over sth.make a bargain with sb.以为基础14. be based on以为根据15. on the basis of泳衣16. bathing suit生来平等命中注定成功出身17. be born equal18. He was born to succeed.19. be born of rich parentsbe born of / into a poor family铭记在心20. bear / keep sth. in mindbear / keep in mind that合拍21. on the beat不久以后22. before long过了很久才23. (it was)long before向乞求帮助24. beg a favour of sb在初25. at the beginning of以开始26. beginwith27. To begin with / To start with,首先从头至尾好的开始是成功的一半。28. from beginning to end29. A good beginning is half done.代表30. on behalf of sb / on sbs behalf行为规矩些31. behave yourself落在计划之后,晚了32. behind schedule落在后面33. fall behind留下,忘了带34. leave sth. behind落后于,劣于其他人35. leg behind the others在方面落后于36. A is behind B in C.开始形成37. come into being目前38. for the time being难以置信39. beyond belief坚信40. hold a firm belief that= believe firmly信仰, 相信的存在41. believe in 信不信由你42. believe it or not属于我的书43. the book belonging to me=the book which belongs to me系好你的安全带44. fasten your safety belt弯腰,俯身45. bend over跪倒在地46. bend down to the ground 有益于47. be beneficial to从中获益48. sb. benefit from / by = sth. benefit sb.有益49. (be) of (some / great) benefit为了(的好处)50. for the benefit of 尽全力51. do / try ones best to do sth.尽其所能,尽最大努力52. to the best of ones ability / potential充分利用53. make the best of处于最佳状态,最好时期54. at ones best最好去干/最好不要干55. had better (not) do / may (might) as well (not) do当然;放心吧56. You bet.我打赌 ; 我肯定57. I bet that = Im sure that只限于你我之间58. between you and me超出(能力范围)59. beyond control / my power / recognition / description / repair大猎物60. big game 买单61. pay the bill使土壤粘合62. bind the soil一定,不得不,理应63. be bound to do = be likely to do = be supposed to do一石二鸟,一举两得64. kill two birds with one stone天生65. by birth红茶 66. black tea青一块紫一块, (被打得)遍体鳞伤67. black and blue害群之马,败类68. a black sheep因责备69. blame sb. for sth. / blame sth. on sb. 为而受责怪70. (sb.) be to blame for茫然的一瞥71. a blank look填空72. fill in this blank某人的一只眼瞎了73. sb be blind in one eye对视而不见74. be blind to / turn a blind eye to管道堵塞75. a block in the pipe / the pipe is blocked被所阻,被堵住76. be blocked with / by血压77. blood pressure 吹熄生日蜡烛78. blow the birthday candle out给致命的打击e.g. 她的意外死亡对我们是很大打击。79. give sb. fatal blow80. Her unexpected death came as (=was) a big / great blow to us.布告牌81. notice board寄宿学校82. a boarding school在船(车、飞机)上83. (go) on board炫耀, 吹牛84. brag / boast about sth/that登记85. book in = check in售票处86. the booking office对厌烦87. be bored with/ be tired of/be fed up with为烦恼88. bother (oneself) about / withbe bothered by(向外国语)借来的词89. borrowed words在山脚下90. at the bottom(foot) of the mountain从心里,由衷地91. from the bottom of ones heart从上到下92. from top to bottom一定去做93. be bound to do绞尽脑汁94. rack ones brain(s)名牌95. a popular brand闯入96. break in / break into +n.坏了,倒塌,中止,垮掉97. break down vi. 爆发98. break out 突破99. break through 折断,中断100. break off打碎,弄散101. break up蹩脚的,支离破碎的英语102. broken English上气不接下气103. out of breath屏住呼吸104. hold ones breath河上的一座桥105. a bridge over / across the river填补,消除代沟106. bridge the generation gap简言之(一般在句首)107. in brief / briefly speaking / to be brief消防队108. fire brigade 卓越的表现109. a brilliant performance引起,导致110. bring about / lead to / result in / give rise to / contribute to养育111. bring sb. up使明显112. bring out结束113. bring to an end浏览114. browse through 强健体魄/树立信心115. build up ones body / build up ones confidence撞击, 碰见116. bump into 一束花/一串钥匙117. a bunch of flowers/ a bunch of keys一捆 /包杂志118. a bundle of magazines担负重担119. be burdened with把重任放在120. put / place the heavy burden on sb.被烧死121. be burnt to death / be burnt dead突然起来122. burst into sth. / burst out doing sth.突然大笑/大哭123. burst out laughing / burst into laughterburst out crying / burst into tears出差124. on business失业125. drive sb out of business 忙于126. be busy in doing = be busy with sth要不是127. but for不得不128. do nothing/anything but do/ cant (help) but do只有129. none / nothing but在肉店130. at the butchers偶然, 意外地131. by chance / by accident通过(手段)132. by means of / by doing sth.决不133. by no means 当然了134. by all means以打计算 / 以小时计算135. by the dozen / by the hour到为止136. by the time+ clause并肩,并排137. side by sideC拜访1. call at a pl; call on sb.需要;要求;接某人call for召来, 邀请call sb. in 号召做某时call onto do sth取消 call off野营2. go camping 夏令营a summer camp选举运动3. an election campaign广告战 an advertising campaign在校园里4. on (the) campus 不能不, 不得不5. cant help but do / cant but do忍不住; 情不自禁cant help doing不能帮忙做某事cant help (to) do再也不过分6. cant too非常忙碌,过度操劳7. burn the candle at both ends (neglect ones sleep and meals废寝忘食)有能力的, 能干的8. be capable of doing用信用卡付账9. pay by credit card关心,看重;对讲究10. care about 关怀;照顾;喜爱care for 照顾,照管,管理take care of小心地 do sth. with care从事事业/生涯11. take up / follow a (teaching) career take up a career as (a teacher)对小心12. be careful with / about 继续开展, 坚持13. carry on 实行carry out带走,冲走,被冲昏头脑 carry away (be carried away by success)以防万一14. in case S. + V.in case of sth.在任何情况下in any case就的情况而言,以为例in the case of绝不 in no case现金支付15. pay in cash瞥了一眼/投16. cast a glance at /shadow/light on投票cast votes怀疑cast doubt on着火17. catch fire吸引某人的注意力catch ones eye / attention淋雨be caught in the rain赶上catch up with sb变得风行起来catch on撞见,抓住某人做某事catch sb. doing sth.听不清,没明白I didnt catch you / your point.教育事业18. education cause给某人带来麻烦使某人做某事19. cause sb. trouble cause sb. to do sth.庆祝他的生日20. celebrate his birthday在开幕/闭幕仪式21. at the opening / closing ceremony确信22. be certain of / to doIt is certain that确保,确认 make certain that学历证书23. academic certificate连锁反应/连锁超市24. chain reaction/ chain supermarket向挑战25. challenge sb. (to do) sth.有可能26. Chances are that=It is likely that有机会做某事have a chance to do/of doing sth没有成功的机会。 Theres little chance of success.获得冠军称号27. win the championship抓住的机会28. catch(seize/take) the chance to do / of doing 把A变成B29. change(A)into ( B )换换环境,换换口味30. for a change变好/变坏31. change for the better/worse随着时代而变化32. change with the times所独有的特征,是的特色33. be characteristic of因向某人开价,索价charge sb. $. for (doing) sth.指控某人某事charge sb. with sth.掌管由某人掌管take charge of sth. / be in charge of sth.sth. be in the charge of sb.免费 free of charge登记,报到34. check in办退房手续,结帐check out以支票/现金/信用卡偿付pay sb by cheque/ in cash/ by credit card使振作35. cheer sb. up别无选择只能做出选择各种可供选择36. have no choice / alternative but to domake a choicea wide choice of总工程师37. a chief engineer 总编 editor-in-chief不要过早乐观。38. Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched.从中挑选 39. choose (A) from B 在圣诞40. at Christmas /on Christmas Eve决不41. in / under no circumstances声称,主张claim to be/ to have doneclaim that又响亮又清晰天放晴(无被动);打扫,清理;澄清42. loud and clear clear up古典音乐43. classical music按学科将图书分类44. classify the books by subjects擅长于45. be clever at(24小时)连续,昼夜46. (a)round the clock (round-the-clock 定语)与近,与亲近接近,差不多47. be close to come close / near to sth. / doing sth.加入俱乐部48. join the club 线索49. clue to sth.筹款50. collect money / funds有收藏短篇小说集51. have a (large) collection of a collection of short stories与联合/结合52. combine (A) with B偶遇53. come across=run into=meet with从传下来come down from形成, 产生come into being/existence(结果)得第一come out number one / come first达到, 共计,得到结果come to苏醒come to (oneself)上台,开始执政come to / into power谈到,提到 When it comes to sth. / doing sht., 快点,赶快 come on / come along怎么会/为什么会? How come S. + V. ?渐渐,开始come to do / get to do / grow to do实现梦想dream comes true提出、想出(答案、办法)come up with舒适/安逸地54. in comfort指挥55. be in command掌握have a good command of 博得command respect命令command sb. to docommand that(should)对评论56. make a comment on(v.) comment on / about sth. / that犯罪 / 谋杀 / 自杀57. commit a crime / murder / suicide委员会成员58. on the committee常识惯例与有/没有相同之处59. common sense / knowledgecommon practicehave something / a lot / nothing in common告知 60. communicate sth. to sb.和交流61. communicate with sb陪伴62. keep sb. company和.比较63. compare A with B比作;比较64. compareto相比较之下与相比之下65. by comparison in comparison with竞争66. compete with sb. for sth. 抱怨67. complain to sb. of /about sth. make a complaint to sb. of / about sth.称赞, 恭维68. compliment sb. on sth.由组成69. B is composed of A难理解70. beyond (ones) comprehension将藏起不让人知71. conceal sth. from sb集中, 全神贯注于72. concentrate (ones attention) on 影响;关系有关人员激起某人的关注就而言73. concern sth.the people concernedarouse ones concernas far as be concerned担心;关心be concerned about / for下结论conclude that/ draw / come to / reach / arrive at / form a conclusion that身体(不)健康74. in good / bad condition如果on condition that决不 on / under no condition生活/工作/住房条件 living / working / housing conditions承认;坦白75. confess (to) (doing) sth. / that记者招待会,新闻发布会76. the press conference信心77. have confidence in sb. / to do确/自信be confident of sth. / confident that解决冲突78. settle the conflict 使某人困惑79. confuse sb. = puzzle sb.混乱confuse with/ in confusion祝贺,恭喜80. congratulate sb on sth.与联系连接81. be connected with be connected to无愧于心内疚,良心有愧82. have a clear conscience have a guilty conscience意识到很高的文化意识83. be conscious of / that be highly culture-conscious考虑 84. consider doing/ wh- to do认为consider n. (to be) n./adjconsider it adj/n. to / that 把考虑在内85. take sth. into consideratin由.组成86. A consist of B = be composed of在建造中87. under construction查阅字典88. consult a dictionary = refer to a dictionary = look up sth. in a dictionary请教,咨询某人89. consult sb. (及物动词)与取得联系与保持联系90. make contact with=get in touch with keep contact with=keep in touch with保持眼神交流 maintain eye contact联系某人 contact sb. (及物动词)在不同的语境/背景下91. in different contexts正相反92. on the contrary 与相反事与愿违(be) contrary to +n.contrary to ones wish对比A与B93. contrast A with B相对照之下by contrast与相反in contrast with / to n.对做出贡献94. make contributions to sth. / doing导致95. contribute to处于控制之下/控制不住96. under control / out of control管的住have control over / of某人方便的话97. if it is convenient to you在某人方便时at ones convenience与人交谈98. have a conversation with sb.使某人相信说服某人做某事我确信99. convince sb. of sth.convince sb. to do sth.


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