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八年级上册词组M1-M3Module 11、welcome back 欢迎回来 2、write it down 写下来3、in class 在课堂上4、next to 紧邻着5、what else? 还有什么6、listen to the radio 听收音机7、each other 彼此,互相8、help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事9、help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事10、ask for 寻求11、the number of 的数量12、take a deep breath 深呼吸13、make you shy 使你害羞14、all the time 一直15、Best wishes. 良好的祝愿。16、be good at 在方面擅长17、make a list 列个清单18、the meaning of 的意思19.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事20、the best way to do sth.做的最好方法21、enjoy oneself 玩得愉快22、show sb. around 带领某人参观23、make friends 结交朋友24、think about 考虑25、think of 想出26、British accents 英国口音27、try to do sth. 尽力做28、try not to do sth. 尽量不去做某事try doing sth尝试着做某事29、make mistakes 犯错误30、give sb some advice on sth给某人一些建议31、Its a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好的主意32、How about doing sth?做某事怎么样?33、 Sb should do sth 谋人应该做某事。34、 Write email to each other:相互写电子邮件35、 meet sb: 接某人,和某人会面36、 send sb email messages 给某人寄电子邮件37、 sendto发送给38、 Language Doctor语言博士39、 improve English提高英语40、 basic questions主要问题41、 real English地道的英语42、 take a long time花费长时间43、 guess the meaning of the new words 猜生词含义44、 a foreign teacher一个外国教师45、 start a conversation开始对话46、 be shy害羞47、 place them in your bedroom放置它们在你卧室48、 count the English words数英语单词49、 get better变得更好50、 invite sb to do sth/a place邀请某人干某事/到某地51、 leave my homework at home把我的作业忘在了家里Module21. travel around the world周游世界2. the price of的价格3. todays newspaper今天的报纸4. take off飞机起飞5. enter a competition参加竞赛6. on television在电视上7. in newspaper在报纸上8. come true成为现实9. invite sb to do邀请某人干某事10. dream about/of doing梦见做某事11. all over China全中国12. try western food品尝西餐13. give concernt举办音乐会14. sell out卖光15. pick upsb/sth接上某人/捡起某物16. since then自从那时17. again and again一次又一次18. It sounds brilliant.听起来好极了19. live in another country居住在另一个国家Module 31What are you up to?你正在干什么?2. Dont panic.别紧张。3. on the radio通过收音机4. on TV通过电视5. hear about听说6. there and back往返7. show sth to sb/show sb sth给某人看某物8. on businiss在出差9. in space在太空10. a part of一部分11. at night在晚上12. in the last there years在最近的三年里13. finish doing sth完成做某事14. as good as和一样好15. ask sb for sth向某人寻求某物16. be sure确信17. so far到目前为止18. expect to do sth期望做某事take off起飞,脱下衣服M1-3教材重点句子 Module 11. 你何不把正确的拼写和语法写在出错的地方?And why dont you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?2. 还有什么吗?What else?3. 许多人在讲英语时不好意思,所以,在开口前,深吸一口气,笑一笑。Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile.4. 微笑总能起作用的。Smiling always helps.5. 每天查看你的单词本是个好主意。Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.6. 用英语听收音机或读报纸如何呢?How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?7. 尽量不要翻译每个词。Try not to translate every word.8. 她可以帮助我做作业。She can help me with my homework.9. 许多学生征求提高英语水平的建议。Many students ask for advice about improving their English.10. 把它们写在纸上,贴在你的卧室。Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom.11. 这花费很长时间It takes a long time.12. 她在她的学校的乐队演奏,而且他们要在中国开一些音乐会。She plays in her school orchestra, and theyre doing some concerts in China.13. 这是学习英语的好方法。This is a great way to learn English.14. 我认为每一个应该有个笔友,并互相写电子邮件信息。I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other.15. 当你购物时,总计下英语单词,或者说出你看到的每件东西的英文名如何呢?When you are shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?16. 和你的朋友谈论电影或歌曲,并猜新单词的意思。Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Module21. 啊哈,你猜怎么着! Well, guess what!2. 头等奖是你梦想的到英国度假。 The first prize is the holiday of your dreams in England.3. 韩力曾经去过美国的旧金山。 Han Li has been to San Francisco in USA.4. 你梦寐以求的假期。 The holiday at your dreams.5. 你觉得怎么样? What do you reckon?6. 他在全国各地举办音乐会,音乐会的票总是销售一空。 Hes given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out.7. 听起来好极了。 It sounds brilliant.8. 我期望有一天能环游世界。 I expect to travel around the world.9. 你曾经有“梦想实现”吗? Have you ever had a “dream come true”?10. Sally 邀请我去英国和她一起呆一天。 Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.11. 王明与2000多名观众一起去参加过在北京举行的刘欢音乐会。Wang Ming has been to Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2000 people.12. 北京以其烤鸭而著名。 Beijing is famous for its roast ducks.13. 客舱内是禁止吸烟的。 Smoking is not allowed in the cabin.14. 因为大雾原因,飞机不能起飞。 The plane cant take off because of the thick fog.15. 春节是中国的传统节日。 The Spring Festival is traditional festival in China. Module31. 你在干什么?What are you up to?2. 地球是行星,它绕着太阳转。还有八颗行星也围绕着太阳转The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun.Eight other planets also go around.3. 宇宙中有这么多的恒星,我们是孤独的吗?太空中还有其他的生命吗?With so many stars in the universe, are we alone , or is there life out there in space.4. 把它给给我的家人看看 To show it to my family.5. 花了几个月的时间才到那里It has taken several months to get there.6. 大明有什么作业吗?What homework has Daming got?7. 你认为大明的行为怎么样?What do think of Damings action?8. 科学家们认为数百年以前地球上已经生命存在。Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years.9. 北京是中最大的城市之一Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China10. 房间里没有人No one is in the room. 11. 我们班大多数学生骑自行车上学。Most of the students in our class go to school by school.12. 茶跟咖啡你更喜欢哪一样?Which do you prefer , tea or coffee?13. 他们用其他的太空船做了什么?What have they made with the other spacecraft?14. 它将与明年返回地球。Its coming back to Earth next year.15. 我在学校刚读完了一本极好的书Ive just finished reading a great book at school.16. 汤姆写的和玛丽写的一样好Tom writes as carefully as Mary.17. 这河水太深,孩子们不能在河里游泳。The river is so deep that the children cant swim in it.The river is too deep for the children to swim in18. 他对英语表现出了极厚的兴趣He shows much interest in English. M1-3句子考试练习你为什么不每天晚饭后出去散步? Why dont you go out for a walk after supper every day ?每天早晨大声朗读英语是件好主意。Its a good idea to read English loudly every day.这学期我要在北京见我的笔友。Im going to meet my pen friend in Beijing this term .我讲给你们一些学英语的建议Im going to give some advice about learning English 听英语广播或者读英文报纸怎么样?How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?不要试图翻译每一个单词Try not to translate every word .昨天你们玩得开心吗?Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday我的笔友通过邮件把信息发给了我My pen friend sent messages to me by e-mail 我不知道怎样把这些句子翻译成英语I dont know how to translate the sentences into English别忘记按时完成哪项工作Dont forget to finish the work on time 在你开始说英语之前,做一下深呼吸Before you begin to speak English, take a deep breath.我从来没参加过竞赛I have never entered a competition 小丽的梦想将来成为一名著名歌唱家Xiao li dreams about being a famous singer in the future 这个男孩一生从来没有见过他的父母This boy has never seen his parents in his life 那架飞机已经起飞了The plane has taken offSALLY已经邀请我和她某一天呆在英国Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day他一直想环游世界He has always wanted to travel around the world你曾到过纽约吗没还没有Have you ever been too New York?_No I havent我父亲去伦敦了,他不在家My father has gone to London. He is not at home/我还没有吃过北京的烤鸭I have never eaten Bejing Roast Duck 吉姆已经去过伦敦两次了Jim has been to London twice他喜欢和她的朋友开玩笑He enjoys playing jokes with his friends 很难弄清宇宙到底有多大Its hard to understand how large the universe is 科学家认为地球上的生命已有数百年Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for millions of years来自星星上的光花了很长的时间才到我们这来The light from stars takes a long time to reach us 我们还没有在其他区星球上发现生命We havent found life on other planets yet 对我们来说 在15分钟内完成这篇文章有困难Its hard for us to finish writing the composition in 15 minutes.M4-M6Module41. get on/along well with与某人相处得好2. have/has gone to去了某地 have/has been to 去过某地3. in fact事实上4. be different from 与不同5. all over China 全中国6. arrive in Beijing 到达北京7. talk about 谈论关于。8. drop out of school退学9. on the farm在农场10. have to 必须,不得不11. look after 照顾12. with the help of 在。的帮助下13. in the last fifteen years 在最后的15 年里14. raise money 筹钱15. pay for 为。付钱16. lots of 许多。17. hear of 听说18. thousands of 数以千计的。19. write letters to 写信给。20. each other 互相21. come back 回来22. around the world 全世界23. because of因为,由于24. Its.to do sth.干。怎么样25. Ive been to Gansu. 我去过甘肃26. They are very diffient from us. 他们和我们很不同27. How long have you lived here?你住在那儿多久了?28. Ive studied English for 6 years since 2001.自从2001年我学英语6年29. Project Hope has built schools and trained teachers.希望工程建造了学校并培训老师Module 51. classical music/pop music/rock music古典/流行/摇滚音乐 2. the capital of Austria 澳大利亚首都 3. hear of 听说 4. be not sure 不清楚5. on earth 究竟 6. a fan of 。的迷 7. make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人/某物。 make him famous 使他出名8. all over Europe 全欧洲9. more than/over 超过10. not onlybut also 不但而且11. give concert 举行音乐会12. at the age of 在。岁时13. hundreds of 数以百计的。14. play the piano 弹钢琴15.a beautiful old city 一个美丽而古老的城市Module 61. send sth. to sb./send sb sth 寄某物给某人2. go on 继续3. by the river 在河边4. have a tea party 举行茶宴5. on the grass 在草上6. in the tree (指外来物)在树上on the tree (指水果等)在树上7. smile at 朝。笑7. fall down 下来8. get/be tired 劳累9. have nothing to do 无事可做10. think of/about 认为11. something strange 奇怪的东西12. be late for. 迟到13. takeout of 把。从。拿出来14. run across the field 穿过田野15. see sb./sth. do sth. 看见。干。16. go off 熄灭17. How is it going ?口语中询问对方生活工作中有什么新进展M4-6教材重点句子Module 41. 但是我和她相处得很好。But I get on well with her.2. 刘三子是一个八岁的男孩,他住在湖南的一个村子里。Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province. 3. 在希望工程的帮助下,他们现在可以上学了。Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope.4. 因为有了希望工程,成千上万的孩子们过上了更好的生活。Beacause of Project Hope,thousands of children have better lives.5. 他的父母希望他辍学。His parents want him to drop out of school.6. 在过去的15年中,这个工程已经筹集了善款,支付了乡村2500000个穷孩子的教育经费。In the last 15 years this project has raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside.7. 去年沈,一个男孩去一个没有电,只有几本书的学校上学。Last year Shen, a boy went to a school with no electricity and only a few books.8. 大多数中国人听说过希望工程,捐过钱。Most people in China have heard of Project Hope and have given money.9. 帮助穷孩子上学。Helping poor children go to school.10. 我和他相处的好,我们喜欢一样的东西。I get on well with her, we like the same things.11. 当你参观国家的时候,学习外语会更容易。Its easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.12. 这是为穷孩子所建的学校。Its a school for poor children. Module 51. 这是谁创作的?Whos it by ? 2. 她不喜欢流行音乐,是吧?对,她不喜欢。-She doesnt like pop music, does she ?-No, she doesnt.3. 别再烦我们了(让我们清静一会吧)!Give us a break !4. 那究竟是什么音乐?What on earth is that ?5. 和他的父亲相比,儿子更加成功,更受人们的欢迎。The son was even more successful and popular than his father.6. 他创作了400多支圆舞曲,最著名的是蓝色多瑙河。He wrote more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was The Blue Danube.7. 维也纳是多瑙河上一个美丽古老的城市。Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube .8. 在他不到六岁,他不仅弹奏钢琴,还拉小提琴和管风琴。Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ.9. 在他12岁时,他写了他的第一首歌剧,为古典乐队写了成千上百的美丽的曲子。He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra.10. 埃尔维斯是一个很棒的歌手,他决定为他制作唱片。Elvis was a great singer and decided to make records for him.11. 他上学从不迟到,是吗?He is never late for school ,is he ?12. 多好的天气啊,是吧?What fine weather, isnt it ? Module 61. 她看了几眼姐姐的书,发现书上既没有插图又没有对话。 Once or twice she looked into her sisters book, but it had no pictures or conversations in it .2. “没有插图、没有对话的书有什么用?” “What is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?3 她正在想着做一个雏菊花环,突然,一只粉色眼睛的小白兔从她的身边跑过。 She was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her 4 她从没见过兔子有兜,也没有见过兔子看表,因此就跟着那只兔子跑过田野。She never saw a rabbit with a pocket or a watch, so she ran across the field after it.5 她看到了兔子钻进树篱下面一个挺大的兔子洞里。She saw it go down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.6 爱丽丝没有什么事可做。Alice had nothing to do .7 爱丽丝掉进一个兔子洞穴,进入了它们奇特的世界。 Alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange world.8 每个英国的男孩女孩都读过。Every boy and girl in Britain has read it.9 爱丽丝非常疲倦。Alice was getting very tired.10 当兔子从口袋里掏出一块表看时间时,爱丽丝跳了起来。When the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it,Alice got up.M4-M6 句子练习1你听说过长江三峡工程吗? Have you heard of the Changjiang Gorges Project?2 我学英语两年多了。 I have learnt English for over two years.3似乎他与杰克相处不来。 It seems that he does not get on well with Jack.4Bob 和JACK 对音乐十分感兴趣。 Not only Bob but also Jack is very interested in music.5你们学校有多少西方古典音乐爱好者? How many fans of western classical music are there in you school?6下一步他究竟要耍什么花样。 What on earth will he get up to next.7 你们听说过他,是吧?You have heard of him,have not you?8 昨天下午三点,他们正在筹备钱。 They were raising money at 3pm yesterday.9 我们正在外边玩,则是下起雨来了。 We were playing outside when it started to rain.10 当我找到他的时候,他正在读书。 He was reading when I found him.11当我们打电话给他的时候,爸爸正在种菜。 Father was planting vegetables when we called him.12 昨天这个时候你在干什么/ _我在打篮球。_ What were you doing at this time yesterday?_I was playing basketball.13 上周六这个时候,我正在照顾小孩。I was looking after the child at this time last Saturday.M7-9Module71. look pretty/ taste salty /feel tight/ smell sour/ sound noisy系表结构2. so much food如此多的食物3. make cookies做小甜饼4. have a look(at)看一看(某物)5. have something to eat有一些吃的东西6. get the food ready把食物准备好了7. silk shirts丝绸衬衣8. thanks for sth/doing sth谢谢某物/做了某事9. hear from sb=receive a letter from sb收到某人的来信10. cant wait to do sth.迫不及待的做某事11. arrive at/in=reach=get to到达12. each other彼此13. as well也14. be proud of以为自豪 15. bad/good mark坏/好成绩16. a bit=a little=kind of有点17. help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事18. have a try 来试试19. 19.introduce sb to sb把某人介绍给某人20. be/get angry with对某人生气21. be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕某事/做某事 Module81. swimming pool游泳池2. show sb.sth.=show sth to sb给某人看某物3. a map of一幅地图4. on the left/right 在左边(右边) 5. on the left/right of 在的左边(右边)6. betweenand和之间7. the way to的道路 8. go across/through穿过9. turn left/right向左/右拐10. on the corner of在的角落11. do some shopping=go shopping逛商店12. go along沿着走13. next to紧挨着14. in the middle of在的中间15. the National Gallery(英国)国家画廊16. Go straight ahead.径直向前走17. go along/down/up + 街道/路 沿道路走18. Turn left into Changan jie.向左拐入长安街 Turn left/right into+街道/路 Turn left/right on+街道/路Turn left/right at+小地点19. on a clear day在一个晴朗的日子20. the best way to最好的方式21. by boat/take the boat乘船22. get off下(车)23. go past经过24. go for a walk散步25. 问路方式1). Excuse me, how do/can I get to the Forbidden City? How can I get (to)?2). And where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall? Where is the?3). And can you tell me the way to a park?4). Where can I do some shopping? 5). Is there a(n)? Module 91.in danger 在危险中 2.such as例如3. take away拿走 4. one of the best-known animals最知名的动物之一5. find找到 find out查明 look for寻找 6. enough + n.足够的(东西) adj. + enough足够 big enough足够大7.sb. need to do需要去做某事 dont/doesnt need to do不需要去做某事 sth.need doing =sth.need to be done某事/物需要被做8. be excited to do干某事很兴奋 be excited about sth. 对做某事感觉很兴奋 9. make sb/sth + adj.使某人(某物) 10. It is/was + adj./ n. + to do / To do sth is/was + adj/n.做什么事是怎么样的 11. if possible如果可能的话12. in peace 在和平之中 13. Its/Thats very nice/kind of you to do sth你真是太好了去做某事 14. stop sb. doing sth阻止某人做某事15. Lets + do 让我们做某事吧 16. at last最后17. live on以为生 live in住在的地方18. for many different reasons由于许多不同的原因 19. less and less越来越少20. for example例如21. look after照顾 look at看look for寻找 look over医生检查身体look up查字典the cause of的原因 M7-9教材重点句子Module71.它的味道尝起来太浓了。It tastes too strong.2.恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。 Im afraid I dont like cheese.3.她长的什么样子? Whats she like?4.你一定要把我介绍给她。 You must introduce me to her.5.它摸起来很柔软,很舒服。 It feels very soft and comfortable.6.谢谢你的上一封信,收到你的信真开心。 Thank you for your last message, it was great to hear from you.7.我还喜欢运动,特别是打网球。 I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis.8. 她听起来很棒,而且她看起来很漂亮。 She sounds really nice, and she looks very pretty.9.谢谢你告诉我你喜欢做的事情。 Thanks for telling me about what you like doing.10,当我说中文的时候,我觉得紧张。 I feel nervous when I speak English.11.我们将要去机场接我从伦敦来的笔友Sally。 We are going to the airport to meet my friend Sally from London.12.我们将回到这里吃点东西。 We are coming back here to have something to eat.13.我很高,长着金色的长发,并且带着眼镜。 Im quite tall with short fair hair, and I wear glasses.14.我哥哥是学校网球队的队长,我为他感到骄傲。 My brother is captain of the school tennis team Im very proud of him!15.我希望当我到达机场的时候,你能从照片上认出我。 I hope you can recognize me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. Module 81. 沿着这条红色的街道来到白金汉宫,女王就住在这里。Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace .The Queen lives here.2. 伦敦塔是这座城市最古老的宫殿。The Tower of London is the citys oldest palace.3. 现在你又回到了出发的地方广场。You are now back where you started, at the square.4. Lingling,给我展示你的北京的地图。Show me your map of Beijing, Lingling.5. 我怎么到达紫禁城? 6. How do I get to the Forbidden City?7. 直走。它在天安门广场对面。Go straight ahead. Its opposite Tiananmen Square.8. 穿过广场。向左转到长安街,然后向右转到长街。Go across the square. Turn left into Changan Jie and then turn right into Chang Jie.9. 你可以告诉我去公园的路吗? Can you tell me the way to a park?10. 我想在长街和文津街的拐角处有一个入口。I think theres an entrance on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie11. 我可以在哪里购物? Where can I do some shopping?12. 它有点安静。 Its kind of quiet.13. 对面是国家美术馆,一个有许多名画的博物馆。Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings.14. 它把你带到泰晤士河上135米处。It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames. 15. 你可以在一个晴天看到大部分伦敦。 You can see most of London on a clear day.16. 坐船沿着河回去。 Take the boat back along the river.17. 下船并经过车站,沿着街走。Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street.18. 我们站在伦敦的中间。 We are standing in the middle of London.19. 当你累了,看伦敦最好的方法是坐船。When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.20. 欢迎来这次短暂的伦敦旅行。Welcome to this short tour of London.21. 当你沿着河边走,伦敦在你的右边。As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.Module 91. 但是想起那些濒危动物来,真让人伤心。But its sad to think about all those animals in danger. 2. 我们的村庄和农场越来越大,我们剥夺了他们的土地和森林。Our villages and farms are growing bigger,and were taking away their lands and forests.3. 它们主要以竹子为食,每天每只熊猫要吃很多的竹子。 They mainly live on bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.4. 拯救大熊猫的道路依旧十分漫长。There is still a long way to go to save the panda.5. 了解卧龙大熊猫自然保护区的知识很有趣。It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.6. 想起那些濒危动物让人很难过。Its sad to think about all those animals in danger.7. 杀死鲸和象来获取他们的肉根本就是不对的。It just isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat.8. 发现鲸处境很危险你感到震惊吗?Are you surprised to find out that whales are in danger?9. 我们要帮助动物生活在安全的环境里。We need to help the animals live in peace.10. 很多人决定不去想这件事。Many people decide not to think about it.11. 它们的水不适宜饮用The

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