高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Great Scientists》 (外研版必修4)

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高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Great Scientists》 (外研版必修4)_第1页
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,. 句式填空 1. the key to (doing) sth. (做)某事的关键; 的钥匙 He thought that the key to feeding people (养活世人的关键) was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.,2. a way to do sth. /of doing sth. 做的方法/方式 by doing sth. 通过做某事 He thought there was only one way to do this (做这件事的一种方法) by crossing different species of rice plant (通过使不同种类的水稻杂交), and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.,3. v.-ing形式作方式状语 Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer (靠轮椅来移动并且通过特殊的电脑说话), he has become the voice of science. 4. keep sb. /sth. doing sth. 使一直做某事 The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction (使火箭直直地前进).,5. it is possible that . . . 可能 . . . it is possible that (是可能的) they introduced them to Europe.,. 教材设题 1. Researchers were _ from all over China to develop the new system. A. brought up B. brought in C. put up D. put in 【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:全中国的许多研究者被召集来研究这一新项目。bring up培养, 抚养; bring in召来, 请来; put up举起; put in把某物放在里。由句意可知B正确。,2. As _ result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47. 5 percent in _ 1990s. A. the; the B. a; / C. a; the D. /; the 【解析】选C。考查冠词。as a result of由于, 是固定短语。第二个空填the, 是因为表示“在20世纪90年代”时, 要用in / during the 1990s / 1990s。,3. Following this, Yuan Longpings rice was _ to other countries, such as Pakistan and the Philippines. A. imported B. importing C. exported D. exporting 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析与语态。import进口; export出口。句意:在此之后, 袁隆平的水稻被出口到其他的国家, 如巴基斯坦和菲律宾。由句意可知此处要用export的被动形式, 所以选C。,4. You can get a good job _ . A. with studying hardly B. with studying hard C. by studying hardly D. by studying hard 【解析】选D。此处by表示“通过方式”, 后面经常跟v.-ing形式。另外, 还要区分hardly与hard, 前者表示“几乎不”, 后者表示“困难的/地, 努力地”。注意后者既是形容词也是副词。,5. Perhaps some of the tubes jumped out of the fire _ exploding in it. A. in terms of B. in favor of C. instead of D. in memory of 【解析】选C。考查介词短语。in terms of依据, 就而言; in favor of赞成; instead of代替; in memory of为了纪念。句意:可能一些管子从火中蹦出来了, 而没有在火中爆炸。根据句意可知选C。,1. The majority of people in the town strongly _ the plan to build a playground for children. 2010浙江, 4 A. consider B. support C. confirm D. submit 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。consider考虑, 认为; support支持, 支撑; confirm证实; submit(使)服从, 提交。句意:这个城市的大多数人强烈支持为孩子建操场的方案。,2. The prisoners are reported _ to the other side of the border two months ago. A. to escape B. to avoid C. to have escaped D. to have avoided 【解析】选C。句意:据报道那些犯人两个月前逃到了边界的另一边。根据句意可知此处要用escape(逃脱, 逃跑)。另外, escape这一动作发生在谓语动作之前, 所以要用动词不定式的完成式。avoid避免, 放在此处意思不符合。故选C。,3. Eventually the roads _ and the traffic began to flow again. A. cleaned B. removed C. moved D. cleared 【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。clean打扫; remove除去; move移动; clear(烟雾等)消散, 澄清(误会), 清除障碍等。句意:最后道路上的障碍清除了, 交通又通畅了。,4. I remember seeing the young man before, but his name _ me for the moment. 2011西安模拟 A. escapes B. reminds C. forgets D. ignores 【解析】选A。句意:我记得以前见过这个年轻人, 但我暂时记不起他的名字了。escape sb. 意为“被某人遗忘”, 符合句意。,1. The ruling Social Democratic Party has been _ for ten years. A. in power B. come to power C. under control D. in order 【解析】选A。in power掌权; come to power掌权; under control被控制住; in order妥当的。句意:现在处于统治地位的社会民主党已经掌权十年了。in power与come to power都表示“掌权”, 但后者不能与时间段相连, 所以排除B。故选A。,2. Her parents died in a car accident when she was a baby and she was _ by her aunt in Canada. A. turned up B. broken up C. cheered up D. brought up 【解析】选D。turn up调大, 出现; break up结束, 解散; cheer up振作起来; bring up培养, 养育。,1. Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _ with her stories. 2010上海, 33 A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused 【解析】选A。此处考查keep sb. /sth. + adj. 的用法。句意:露西有很强的幽默感, 总是用她的故事使她的同事们很高兴。,2. The key _ our strength lies in the unity of our members. A. of B. to C. with D. in 【解析】选B。考查介词。the key to表示“的关键”, 其中to是介词。句意:我们强大的关键是我们的团结。,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 produce, educate, support, agricultural, brief, graduate, explode, escape, clear, quantity 1. Firemen were still clearing stones and bricks from apartments damaged at the scene of the attack. 2. It was an actor whose name escaped me for the moment. 3. Such a desert can support very few creatures. 4. That model of mobile phone wont go into production before late 2012.,5. He wants his children to have a good education in good schools. 6. Most of the population in China are employed in agriculture and fishing. 7. Tell me briefly what your story is about. 8. When the boys graduated from high school, their parents moved to a small town. 9. They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded . 10. His reputation as a writer depends more on quantity than quality.,. 完成句子 1. 整个事情的关键是他处理这件事的方法不当。 The key to the whole affair was that the way he dealt with it was not proper. 2. 她养育了四个孩子, 在她的暮年, 却没有一个陪伴着她。 She brought up four children, none of whom accompanied her in her late life. 3. 由于误解, 他们很长时间没有说话了。 They havent talked with each other for a long time as a result of a misunderstanding.,4. 张艺谋更以他的电影和电视工作而出名。 Zhang Yimou is better known for his films and TV work. 5. 在网上开店谋生是多么好的一种方式啊! What a lovely way it is to earn a living by opening a store on line! 6. 两年前掌权的这一届政府面临很大的压力。 The government that came to power two years ago suffers lots of pressure.,7. 通过借给他们一些钱我们可以帮助他们。 We can give them a hand by lending them some money . 8. 在这次地震中这个小镇的三分之二的房屋被毁了。 Two thirds of the houses in the town were destroyed in the earthquake.,. 单项填空 1. The citys population has _ in the last few years. A. exploded B. employed C. explored D. exploited 【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。explode爆炸, 激增, 爆发; employ雇用; explore探索, 勘探; exploit剥削, 利用, 开发, 开拓。句意:在过去的几年中, 这个城市的人口激增。由句意可知A正确。,2. Nowadays the Chinese government _ more importance to education and agriculture. A. adjusts B. attaches C. provides D. marks 【解析】选B。考查attach importance to(认为重要)。句意:现在, 中国政府认为教育和农业更重要。,3. Mum, I have finished my homework. Oh, if you _ not to disturb me, you can watch TV. A. offer B. support C. guarantee D. want 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意:妈妈, 我已经完成作业了。噢, 如果你保证不打扰我的话, 你可以看电视。offer主动提供; support支持, 供养; guarantee保证; want想要, 由句意可知C正确。,4. Can he take charge of the computer company? Im afraid its _ . 2011合肥模拟 A. beyond his power B. within his power C. beyond his reach D. within his reach 【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。beyond/within ones power在某人的能力之外/之内; beyond/within ones reach某人够不着/够得着。句意:他能负责这家电脑公司吗?恐怕这超出了他的能力。根据句意可知选A。,5. Men usually go _ to what they want and leave quickly when shopping. A. slight B. light C. straight D. strict 【解析】选C。考查副词与形容词辨析。A、B、D三项都是形容词, 而此处需要的是副词, 修饰前面的动词go, 所以选C。straight既是形容词也是副词, 表示“直直的/地”。,6. The formula(公式) always _ over and over, until you grasp it. It just needs more patience. A. goes up B. turns up C. brings up D. makes up 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。go up上升; turn up出现, 发生; bring up培养, 抚养, 提出, 呕吐; make up组成, 和好, 化妆。句意:这个公式会反复出现直到你掌握它。仅需要更耐心一些。由句意知B正确。,7. The musical “Butterfly” _ next week is a love story. 2011哈尔滨模拟 A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced 【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:下周要创作的音乐剧蝴蝶是一个爱情故事。根据句意可知动词produce与被修饰的词the musical “Butterfly”之间是被动关系, 且此动作发生在将来, 所以要用动词不定式的被动式。因为动词不定式可以表示将来, 而动词不定式的进行式表示这个动作正在进行, 过去分词表示动作已完成或存在。,【举一反三】 The 2010 Shanghai World Exposition _ with “Better city, better life” as a theme was one of the biggest events in the history of China. A. being held B. holding C. held D. having held 【解析】选C。句意:以 “城市让生活更美好”为主题的2010上海世博会是中国历史上最重大的事件之一。根据句意可知2010上海世博会已举办完, 所以要用过去分词形式。,8. Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci were known _ their artistic achievements. A. as B. to C. for D. in 【解析】选C。be known as作为而出名; be known for因为而出名; be known to为所知。句意:梵高和莱奥纳多达芬奇都因为他们的艺术成就而出名。,9. Theres gas _ somewhere. Can you smell it? A. escaping B. coming C. flowing D. floating 【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:某个地方煤气泄漏了。你能闻到吗?根据句意可知选A。escape表示“逃跑, 逃脱, 漏出”。现在分词在此处作定语。干扰项是C。C项表示“流淌”, 此处指气体泄漏, 不能用“流淌”修饰气体。,【方法技巧】 现在分词与过去分词作定语 现在分词作定语表示主动或正在进行。用现在分词作定语时必须符合下面的条件: 1. 现在分词表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时发生 They lived in a room facing north thirty years ago. =They lived in a room which faced north thirty years ago. 2. 现在分词表示的是现在正在发生的动作 The girl running around is Kate. =The girl who is running around is Kate.,过去分词表示完成或被动的动作。用过去分词作定语时, 应符合下列条件: 1. 过去分词表示的动作是在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生的 This is a picture painted by my father. = This is a picture that was painted by my father. 2. 过去分词表示的动作是没有一定的时间性的 Goods imported from abroad are not always better than those made in China.,10. With the fast development of economy, a lot of farmlands were _ to industrial, residential or other uses. 2011固原模拟 A. replaced B. converted C. made D. returned 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:随着经济的快速发展, 大量农田被转换成工业用地、住宅或用于其他用途。replace代替; convert转换; return返回。由句意可知B正确。,11. I dont want to keep you long, so let me be _ . A. briefly B. brief C. friendly D. careful 【解析】选B。考查形容词与副词辨析。briefly简短地; brief简洁的; friendly友好的; careful仔细的。句意:我不会让你久等, 因此我会简洁些。由句意可知B正确。,12. The key to _ weight is to keep yourself _ exercise all the time. A. lose; take B. lose; to take C. losing; taking D. losing; taken 【解析】选C。the key to中的to是介词, 所以后面要跟v.-ing形式。第二个空考查keep sb. doing sth. (让某人一直做某事)。句意:减肥的关键是要一直让自己坚持锻炼。,13. He was busy doing his homework, only _ once in a while to refer to his notes. A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:他忙着写作业, 只是偶尔停下来看一眼笔记。根据句意可知stop是他在写作业中做的一个伴随动作, 所以要用v.-ing形式。,14. Everyone can greatly improve the _ of life by taking part in all kinds of activities. A. quantity B. problem C. preparation D. quality 【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。quantity数量; problem问题; preparation准备; quality质量。句意:通过参加各种活动, 每个人都能大大地提高生活质量。,15. Theres _ need to ban smoking as _ result of the great loss it has caused. A. /; a B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a 【解析】选B。考查冠词。theres a need to do sth. 有必要做某事; as a result of由于。,. 完形填空 2010天津高考 Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with 1 and gang (团伙)problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often 2 trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day 3 .,Those fun trips had a(n) 4 impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day, 5 working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys 6 . He sensed trouble between them. 7 one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug. “ I 8 you. You took me 9 when I was in fifth grade. That was one of the 10 days of my life. ”,Deeply touched by the boys words, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会)that 11 teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw 12 there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging 13 on the kids, ” says Moody. By turning kids on to fishing, he 14 to present an alternative way of life. “When youre sitting there waiting for a 15 , ”he says, “you cant help but talk to each other, and such 16 can be pretty deep. ”,“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人)pressures in high school, ” says Michelle, 17, who 17 the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother 18 drugs. ” Moody faces 19 in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full-time. “Im living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my 20 to give back, ” Moody says. “If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow. ” 【文章大意】本文主要讲了Robert Moody通过让青少年学习钓鱼而远离毒品的事情。,1. A. drinking B. drug C. security D. smoking 【解析】选B。根据下文的drugs were always behind it和Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer pressures in high school可以确定, 此处是指“毒品, 吸毒”。 2. A. ran into B. got over C. left behind D. looked into 【解析】选A。由空格后的trouble和句意可知此处是指“很多小孩陷入困境之中”。,3. A. ahead B. away C. off D. out 【解析】选C。既然前面说邀请小孩去钓鱼, 一般应该是在休班、休假的日子, 所以, 要选择off(下班, 休息)。 4. A. immediate B. damaging C. limited D. lasting 【解析】选D。通过下文的例子, 可以看出Robert Moody警官的钓鱼教育法有着“持久的”影响。,5. A. once B. while C. since D. until 【解析】选B。从上下句的逻辑关系看, 空格所在的句子表示时间, 意思是“在的时候”, 其他几个词虽然都可以表示时间, 但意思不合题意。 6. A. quarreling B. complaining C. talking D. cheering 【解析】选A。从下文的He sensed trouble between them. 可以判断, 那两个人是在“吵架”。,7. A. Slowly B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Secretly 【解析】选B。在Robert Moody警官意识到要出乱子的时候, “突然”发生了下面的事情。对Robert Moody警官来说有点意外。 8. A. understand B. hear C. see D. remember 【解析】选D。因为下文提到是五年级时带着“我”去钓鱼, 所以用remember比较恰当。,9. A. fishing B. sailing C. boating D. swimming 【解析】选A。根据下文可知此处指带着去钓鱼。 10. A. quietest B. longest C. best D. busiest 【解析】选C。既然记得那么清楚, 说明那天对他来说很重要很美好, 所以用best。 11. A. connects B. introduces C. reduces D. commits 【解析】选B。introduce sb. to sth. 表示“使某人初次了解”。,12. A. where B. unless C. as D. whether 【解析】选A。where引导地点状语从句表示“在的地方”。句意是:在有暴力的地方, 也总有毒品。 13. A. impression B. burden C. decision D. impact 【解析】选D。have an impact on是一个固定短语, 意思是“对有影响”。上文第4个空处也有这个短语。,14. A. asked B. intended C. pretended D. agreed 【解析】选B。intend to do sth. 打算、计划做某事。作者在此用intend表明Moody想通过将孩子们的注意力转向钓鱼来向他们展示一种与以往不同的生活方式。 15. A. solution B. change C. bite D. surprise 【解析】选C。此处是钓鱼术语, 等待鱼儿上钩。,16. A. concerns B. interests C. conversations D. emotions 【解析】选C。与前面的talk to each other意义一致。 17. A. participated in B. worked out C. approved of D. made up 【解析】选A。participate in加入, 参加; work out 解出, 制定, 锻炼; approve of 赞同; make up编造, 组成。,18. A. misuse B. avoid C. tolerate D. test 【解析】选B。句意:我能帮助我的小弟弟远离毒品。avoid避开。 19. A. unemployment B. challenge C. competition D. retirement 【解析】选D。由下文的to run the foundation full-time可知, 他很快就要退休了。unemployment失业; challenge挑战; competition竞争; retirement退休。,20. A. team B. school C. family D. community 【解析】选D。根据本文Moody说的最后一句If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow. 可知, 他觉得自己生活得很愉快, 是因为自己尽到了回报周围的人们的责任, 使孩子们更加健康地成长。community社区, 居住区域。,. 阅读理解 BEIJING Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of Hybrid Rice”, said on Wednesday that he hopes that in 2020, when he turns 90, he can create a new version of hybrid rice yielding about 15 tons of rice per hectare(公顷).,Yuan, a renowned agriculture scientist who celebrated his 80th birthday on Monday, said he now has two wishes, both concerning his lifes work - the hybrid rice that he originally created in the 1970s. “First, I wish that by 2012, my team and I could complete the Phase- super hybrid rice, which is expected to yield 13. 5 tons of rice per hectare. I hope I can live another 10 years until 2020. By then the yield will be improved to 15 tons per hectare, ” Yuan said at the 21st Century Forum in Beijing.,“Second, I wish that hybrid rice will be spread all around the world to solve the problems of hunger and ensure food security worldwide, ” he said. Hybrid rice is produced by crossbreeding different varieties of rice. The second-generation super hybrid, which was released commercially in 2006, can yield 9 tons of rice per hectare on average.,Hybrid rice in China has greatly helped increase rice output and allowed 20 percent of the worlds population to feed itself with just 7 percent of worlds farmland, Yuan said at the forum. “We are fully prepared and willing to help other countries with food issues by growing hybrid rice, ” Yuan said.,“The average yield of hybrid rice is at least 20 percent more than that of inbred rice, feeding 70 million more Chinese people annually, ” Yuan said. 【文章大意】文章介绍了“水稻之父”袁隆平在他80岁生日时的愿望到2012年培育出三段杂交水稻并把水稻传到世界各地, 解决全世界的饥饿问题与食品安全。,1. What are Yuan Longpings two wishes connected with? A. His life. B. His family. C. The hybrid rice. D. Agriculture. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的. . . he now has two wishes, both concerning his lifes work-the hybrid rice that he originally created in the 1970s. 可知。,2. How is hybrid rice produced? A. By developing one species of rice. B. By improving the quality of the soil and water where rice is grown. C. By crossbreeding different varieties of rice. D. By spraying pesticide and killing pests. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第五段的Hybrid rice is produced by crossbreeding different varieties of rice. 可知。,3. We can conclude from the passage _ . A. the population in China makes up 20 percent of the worlds population B. the farmland in China is the least in the world C. the problem of hunger has been solved thanks to Yuans hybrid rice D. rice output will not be increased greatly in the future 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第六段可以推断出中国的人口是世界人口的20%。故选A。,4. The underlined word “renowned” in Paragraph 2 means _ . A. happy B. hard-working C. famous D. powerful 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。renowned表示“著名的”, 所以选C。,. 语音知识 1. catch A. biochemistry B. Christmas C. machine D. bench 2. agriculture A. water B. maths C. waste D. whatever 3. clear A. hear B. research C. heart D. wear,4. arrow A. allow B. shower C. own D. drown 5. escape A. anywhere B. average C. accept D. Asian 答案:15. DBACD,. 单词拼写 1. Firemen were still clearing(清理) stones and bricks from apartments damaged at the scene of the attack. 2. It was an actor whose name escaped(被忘掉) me for the moment. 3. Such a desert can support(支持) very few creatures. 4. That model of mobile phone wont go into production(生产) before late 2012. 5. He wants his children to have a good education(教育) in good schools.,6. Most of the population in China are employed in agriculture(农业) and fishing. 7. Tell me briefly(简短地) what your story is about. 8. When the boys graduated(毕业) from high school, their parents moved to a small town. 9. They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded(爆炸). 10. His reputation as a writer depends more on quality(质量) than quantity.,. 完成句子 1. 整个事情的关键是他处理这件事的方法不当。 The key to the whole affair was that the way he dealt with it was not proper. 2. 她养育了四个孩子,在她的暮年,却没有一个陪伴着她。 She brought up four children, none of whom accompanied her in her late life. 3. 由于误解,他们很长时间没有说话了。 They havent talked with each other for a long time as a result of a misunderstanding.,4. 张艺谋更以他的电影和电视工作而出名。 Zhang Yimou is better known for his films and TV work. 5. 在网上开店谋生是多么好的一种方式啊! What a lovely way it is to earn a living by opening a store on line! 6. 两年前掌权的这一届政府面临很大的压力。 The government that came to power two years ago suffers lots of pressure.,7. 通过借给他们一些钱我们可以帮助他们。 We can give them a hand by lending them some money . 8. 在这次地震中这个小镇的三分之二的房屋被毁了。 Two thirds of the houses in the town were destroyed in the earthquake.,. 语法和词汇知识 1. The citys population has _ in the last few years. A. exploded B. employed C. explored D. exploited 【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。explode爆炸, 激增, 爆发; employ雇用;explore探索,勘探;exploit剥削, 利用, 开发, 开拓。句意:在过去的几年中,这个城市的人口激增。由句意可知A正确。,2. Nowadays the Chinese government _ more importance to education and agriculture. A. adjusts B. attaches C. provides D. marks 【解析】选B。考查attach importance to(认为重要)。句意:现在,中国政府认为教育和农业更重要。,3. Mum, I have finished my homework. Oh, if you _ not to disturb me, you can watch TV. A. offer B. support C. guarantee D. want 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意:妈妈,我已经完成作业了。噢,如果你保证不打扰我的话,你可以看电视。offer主动提供;support支持,供养;guarantee保证;want想要,由句意可知C正确。,4. Can he take charge of the computer company? Im afraid its _ . 2011合肥模拟 A. beyond his power B. within his power C. beyond his reach

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