高一英语单元复习配套课件:Module2《My New Teachers》 (外研版必修1)

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,. 句式填空 1. so. . . that句式表示“如此以至于”。 Shes kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that (如此清楚以至于) even I can understand it! 2. so that引导表示结果的状语从句。 . . . but Mrs Li just smiles, so that (因此) you dont feel completely stupid!,3. “with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构。 . . . but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me (有陈老师教我).,4. would rather do sth. than (do) sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。 Id rather study history than geography (我宁愿学历史而不愿学地理)because I can learn a lot from many historical figures. 5. Its up to sb. (to do sth. ). 由某人决定(做某事)。 You decide its up to you (由你决定).,. 教材设题 1. I like teachers who are _ and can laugh with their students. A. amuse B. amusing C. amused D. amusement 【解析】选B。句意:我喜欢那些有趣, 而且能和他们的学生一起笑的老师。amuse动词, “娱乐”;amused“(人)感到有意思的”;amusement是名词;amusing“有趣的;可笑的”, 符合题意。,2. Good teachers _ that everyone in the class understands. A. are sure B. are sure of C. make sure D. make sure of 【解析】选C。句意:好老师能确保班里的每个学生都能听懂。make sure“确信;确保”, 其后跟that从句时不能加of。,3. Shes very strictwe dont _ a word unless she asks us _ . A. dare say; to B. dare to say; to C. dare say; to say D. dare to say; to say 【解析】选B。dont 后面的dare应为实义动词, 排除A、C;第二空若选to say应在其后加宾语。,4. _ is interesting to look at differences between schools in different countries. A. It B. This C. That D. What 【解析】选A。此处it为形式主语, 而后面的不定式短语作真正的主语。其他的词都不能作形式主语。,1. My mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient 【解析】选A。句意:当我们说会到而未到时母亲总会变得焦急。anxious“焦急的”;ashamed“羞愧的”;weak“虚弱的”;patient“耐心的”。由句意可知A正确。,2. The public transportation in this city is very convenient, where many buses run _ . 2011济宁模拟 A. occasionally B. approximately C. immediately D. frequently 【解析】选D。句意:这个城市的交通很方便, 在那里有很多公共汽车在运行。occasionally“偶尔;有时”;approximately“大约”;immediately “立即;马上”;frequently“频繁地”。,3. I would appreciate _ , to be frank, if goods could be delivered as soon as possible. 2011合肥模拟 A. you B. this C. it D. myself 【解析】选C。句意:坦率地讲, 如果货物能及时送达我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if. . . “如果我将不胜感激”。,4. If you leave the club, you will not be _ back in. 2009全国卷, 15 A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved 【解析】选B。句意:如果你离开俱乐部就不许你再回来。admit“允许”符合题意。,5. She was young and pretty, and loved children. My pupils, Donnie included, all _ her very much. A. respected B. disliked C. avoided D. minded 【解析】选A。句意:她年轻漂亮且喜欢孩子, 我的学生们, 包括多尼都非常尊敬她。respect “尊敬”;dislike “不喜欢”; avoid “避免”; mind“介意”。,1. Could you tell me the way to the railway station? _ . 2011日照模拟 A. Sure B. If you like C. Make sure D. Never mind 【解析】选A。句意:你能告诉我如何去火车站吗? 当然可以。Sure相当于 Certainly或 Of course, 意为“当然”。,2. The teacher was so pleased with the progress that I had _ in my study this term that she sent me an English-Chinese dictionary. 2011沈阳模拟 A. made B. had C. kept D. graded 【解析】选A。考查固定搭配与句子结构的分析。在此句中that I had _ in my study this term作定语修饰the progress。make progress“取得进步”, 是固定搭配, 故选A。,3. My mother was over the age limit and _ , her application for the job was rejected. A. as a result B. in conclusion C. worse still D. whats more 【解析】选A。句意:我母亲超过了年龄限制, 结果她的工作申请被拒绝。as a result“结果是”符合题意。in conclusion“总之”;worse still“更糟的是”;whats more“而且;此外”。,4. Many people think the world will come to an end _ the film 2012. A. as a result of B. on top of C. in front of D. in need of 【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意:由于电影2012, 很多人认为世界将尽。as a result of. . . “由于的结果”;on top of. . . “在顶部”;in front of. . . “在前面”;in need of“需要”, 由句意知A项正确。,1. It was _ to be chosen as a torch bearer that he would never forget it. A. so great honor B. such great honor C. so great an honor D. such great an honor 【解析】选C。句意:被选为火炬手是如此大的一个荣誉, 以至于他永远都不会忘记。此处honor为可数名词, 排除A和B;so great an honor= such a great honor。,2. With what she needed _ , she left the grocery and made her way home through the storm. A. buying B. bought C. was bought D. had been bought 【解析】选B。考查with +宾语 +宾补, 作宾补的应为非谓语动词, 故排除C和D; 所需的东西被买完后才离开杂货店, 故用过去分词表示被动和完成。,3. I _ walking in the garden _ watching TV in the room. A. like; instead B. would rather; than C. prefer; to D. prefer; than 【解析】选C。句意:我宁愿在花园散步, 而不愿在屋里看电视。prefer doing sth. to doing sth. “宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”符合题意。若选B可用I would rather walk in the garden than watch TV . . . 。,4. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ more on its culture. 2010江苏, 34 A. focus B. focused C. would focus D. had focused 【解析】选B。句意:乔治将要谈论关于他的国家的地理情况, 但是我宁愿他更多地谈它的文化(方面的情况)。根据题意, 本题中would rather后面的宾语从句应该是与将来相反的情况, 所以从句用一般过去时来构成虚拟语气。,5. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _ for a meal to be cooked. 2010山东, 29 A. laid B. laying C. to lay D. being laid,【解析】选A。考查with 复合结构。句意为: 起居室既干净又整洁, 做饭用的餐桌已经摆好了。table 与lay 在逻辑上是被动关系, 排除B; 从already 可以看出动作已经发生;C项表示动作将要发生;D项表示动作正在进行, 故都排除。A项表示被动且完成, 故为正确答案。,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 amuse, energy, intelligent, patient, strict, avoid, immediately, admit, science, similar 1. Looking after children requires patience . 2. The work demands your immediate attention. 3. We should take a scientific approach to this problem. 4. Use your intelligence , and you are sure to succeed. 5. I found the story amusing , then I introduced it to my friends to make them laugh.,6. Strictly speaking, its difficult to pass the exam if you dont study hard. 7. Young people are usually more energetic than the old. 8. Now that he admitted that he had stolen the money, you should have forgiven him. 9. I have difficulty avoiding Jane because we are in the same office. 10. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. Similarly , our minds are developed by learning.,. 完成句子 1. 我们给儿子买些礼物好吗?由你决定。 Shall we buy some presents for our son? Its up to you . 2. 航班可能推迟了, 你最好弄清楚。 The flight may be delayed and youd better make sure . 3. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。 His illness resulted from bad food. 4. 如果你让我继续做这个工作的话我将不胜感激。 I would appreciate it if you let me get on with my job.,5. 天气这么好, 我们都想出去散散步。 It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk. 6. 他宁愿辞职也不愿向领导让步。 He would rather resign than give in to the leader. 7. 饭菜质量很好, 服务也不错。 The food is good and the same is true of the service. 8. 有机器的帮助, 我们能按时完成工作。 With the machine helping us , we could finish the work on time.,. 单项填空 1. Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday or Sunday? It makes no difference to me. _ . A. It couldnt be better B. If you like C. Thats all right D. Its up to you 【解析】选D。考查交际用语。句意:我们是在周六还是周日去野餐?我无所谓。由你来决定。Its up to you“由你决定”; It couldnt be better“再好不过了”; If you like“如果你喜欢”; Thats all right“没关系”。,2. What is he like? He is patient _ others and _ hardships. A. with; of B. with; to C. of; with D. to; with 【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。句意:他人怎么样?他对别人很耐心, 且能忍受苦难。be patient with sb. “对某人耐心”; be patient of sth. “能忍受某事”。,3. Youd better buy a mobile phone _ you can keep in touch with us. A. as a result B. in case C. as long as D. so that 【解析】选D。考查连词。此句中so that引导目的状语从句, 表示“以便”。句意:你最好买一部手机以便能与我们保持联系。as a result“结果”; in case“以防万一”; as long as“只要”。,4. My father was so tired that he soon fell asleep _ the candle still _ . A. with; burnt B. on; burnt C. with; burning D. on; burning 【解析】选C。句意:我父亲太累了, 以至于一会儿就睡着了, 而蜡烛还燃着。此处with复合结构作伴随状语, the candle与burn之间为主动关系, 故用现在分词作宾补。,5. There arent many seats left for the play; you had better make sure that you _ two today. 2011哈尔滨模拟 A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got 【解析】选A。考查make sure的用法。句意:本场演出没有剩下很多座位了, 你最好确保你今天能买到两张票。因为主句是一般现在时, make sure后面的宾语从句也通常用一般现在时, 所以A是正确答案。,6. She is very strict not only _ all of us , but _ all her own work. A. in; with B. with; with C. with; in D. in; in 【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。句意:她不仅对我们大家严格要求, 而且她对自己的工作要求很严格。be strict with sb. “对某人要求严格”; be strict in sth. “对某事要求严格”。,7. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _ , he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise 【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意:我的朋友马丁由于莫名的高烧而病得很厉害, 结果, 他既不能吃也不能睡。as a result“结果”, 符合题意。after all“毕竟”; anyway“无论如何”; otherwise“否则, 要不然”。,8. Ancient Greeks were responsible for many of the _ in science and other fields. A. advances B. progress C. development D. civilization 【解析】选A。此处表示“在科学和其他领域的许多进步”, advance与progress都可表示“进步; 进展”, 但advance为可数名词而progress为不可数名词, 根据many可知应选A。,9. The murderer ran away from his village, trying to avoid _ by the police, but in vain. 2011本溪模拟 A. to be caught B. being caught C. to be catching D. to catch 【解析】选B。考查avoid的用法。句意:为了避免被捉, 那个杀人犯从他的村里逃走, 但是白费力气, 被警方捉住了。avoid doing避免, 被动形式为avoid being done。,10. I would appreciate _ if you could teach me how to use the computer. 2011温州模拟 A. that B. this C. it D. you 【解析】选C。考查appreciate的用法。句意:如果你能教我如何使用电脑的话, 我将不胜感激。在本句中appreciate表示“感激”, 后用it作形式宾语, if从句是真正的宾语。,【方法技巧】 it作形式宾语 此题中it作形式宾语, 而if从句作真正的宾语。此种用法常见的词为表示喜欢或厌恶的词, 如appreciate, love, like, dislike, hate等; 有一些短语如depend on, see to, take. . . for granted等也有类似用法。例如: I dislike it when you look at me like that. 我不喜欢你那样看着我。,I hate it when people speak with food in their mouth. 我讨厌人们说话时嘴里满是食物。 We depend on it that they will help us. 我们要依靠他们帮助。 We will see to it that the meeting is held on time. 我们将要确保会议按时举行。 We all take it for granted that Mile can succeed. 我们都认为米尔肯定能成功。,11. In Japan students show great respect _ their teachers and this is true _ Germany. A. for; for B. to; to C. for; of D. to; for 【解析】选C。考查介词。show/have respect for sb. “尊敬某人”, be true of“适用于”, be true to“对忠诚的/忠实的”。,12. Information has been put forward that more middle school graduates will be _ into universities. 2011厦门模拟 A. admitted B. accepted C. permitted D. allowed 【解析】选A。句意:消息已经发布, 将有更多的中学毕业生进入大学学习。be admitted into/to“被接收(入学等)”, 符合题意。,13. He has made _ that we are proud of him. A. so rapid progress B. such a rapid progress C. such rapid progress D. such rapid progresses 【解析】选C。由于progress为不可数名词, 排除B和D; 此处为:such + 形容词 + 不可数名词。,【举一反三】 It is _ that Id like to go for a picnic. A. very lovely a day B. too lovely a day C. such lovely a day D. so lovely a day 【解析】选D。句意:天很好, 我想去野餐。考查so/such. . . that结构, “so+形容词+a(n)+名词单数”; 若用such则为such a lovely day。,14. _ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldnt go on with the experiment. A. Since B. For C. As D. With 【解析】选D。考查with复合结构。句意:由于温度下降得很快, 我们无法继续做实验。,15. Whom would you rather _ with you, Wang or Zhang? A. have go B. have to go C. love to go D. like to go 【解析】选A。本题中whom作have的宾语, 构成would rather have sb. do sth. 这一结构。,. 完形填空 Lucky to have him 2011潍坊模拟 When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me. I never had a father, though in my neighborhood thats not 1 . I know some kids just like me. You have to 2 yourself. There are fights and killings all the time. I have friends who ended up in jail or pregnant. I could have ended up that way, too, 3 Mr Clark and my mom wouldnt let that happen.,Mr Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work. My grades rose. In fact, I did so well that in sixth grade, I entered the 4 class, and Mr Clark was the teacher. I felt so 5 to have him for a second year! He took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera. Before the show, he 6 us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We didnt want to let him 7 , so we listened to him attentively.,8 of us were surprised when Mr Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year. When he learned hed won, he said he would 9 three names out of a hat; he would go to Los Angeles to get the 10 with those students. But 11 it came time to draw names, Mr Clark said, “Youre all going. ” He got 12 to fly all 37 of us out to Disneyland in California and put us up at the Hilton. People were 13 , but Mr Clark really cared about us. Theres no way I can 14 most teachers doing that. No way. But he saw something in us that nobody else saw.,On graduation day, there were a lot of tears. We didnt want his class to 15 . In the new school year, we were all happy when Mr Clark 16 in our class once again. Hes been a 17 in our lives. In 2003, Mr Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to 18 school supplies and visit orphanages. It was the most amazing 19 of my life. Its now my 20 to one day start a group of womens clubs, helping people from all backgrounds. 【文章大意】文章讲述了作者在克拉克先生的指导和帮助下健康成长的经历。,1. A. common B. normal C. real D. unusual 【解析】选D。从下句I know some kids just like me可知:像我这样没有父亲的(现象), 在我们街区是很普遍的。common普通的; normal正常的; real真正的; unusual不寻常的。 2. A. encourage B. watch C. comfort D. tolerate 【解析】选B。从下句There are fights and killings all the time. 可知:你必须要小心点。watch yourself小心, 保重。,3. A. but B. therefore C. otherwise D. or 【解析】选A。我的一些朋友最后进了监狱或怀孕了。我本来也会是那样的结局, 但克拉克先生和我母亲没让这样的事情发生。前后句子之间是转折关系, 故用but。 4. A. local B. general C. gifted D. sacred 【解析】选C。从前面的I did so well that in sixth grade可推知:因我功课学得好, 所以我上了才能班。gifted有才能的。,5. A. sudden B. lucky C. annoyed D. anxious 【解析】选B。联系上下文可知:多亏有了克拉克先生, 所以说我是幸运的。sudden突然的; lucky幸运的; annoyed烦恼的; anxious焦急的。 6. A. treated B. directed C. showed D. swapped 【解析】选A。从at a restaurant可知:他请我们吃饭。treat sb. to dinner请某人吃饭。,7. A. off B. out C. up D. down 【解析】选D。从so we listened to him attentively可知:我们不想让他失望。let sb. down使某人失望。 8. A. Some B. Any C. None D. Many 【解析】选C。当克拉克先生被评为“年度教师”时, 没有人感到惊讶。 9. A. give B. draw C. enter D. register 【解析】选B。联系下文. . . it came time to draw names可知答案。,10. A. reward B. bonus C. diploma D. award 【解析】选D。他要去洛杉矶领奖。reward报酬; bonus红利, 津贴; diploma毕业文凭; award奖金, 奖品。 11. A. after B. when C. before D. since 【解析】选B。但是当到了抽名字的时候, 他说:“你们都去吧。”when当时。,12. A. donations B. suggestions C. requests D. messages 【解析】选A。他得到了赞助, 我们37名学生乘飞机到了加州的Disneyland。donation赞助; suggestion建议; request要求; message信息。 13. A. excited B. satisfied C. ashamed D. amazed 【解析】选D。从上句可知:看到我们这么多学生, 人们都很惊奇。excited激动的; satisfied满意的; ashamed羞愧的; amazed吃惊的, 惊奇的。,14. A. suggest B. advocate C. imagine D. complain 【解析】选C。联系上句可知, 我能想像出大多数老师不会这样做。而我们的老师能这样做。suggest建议; advocate提倡; imagine想像; complain抱怨。 15. A. end B. start C. continue D. last 【解析】选A。联系文章内容可知, 我们对老师恋恋不舍, 不希望他的课程结束。end结束。,16. A. picked up B. showed up C. rang up D. packed up 【解析】选B。新学年开始, 当克拉克老师又出现在我们教室时, 我们都非常高兴。pick up捡起; show up出现; ring up打电话; pack up打包, 收拾。 17. A. colleague B. sponsor C. success D. constant 【解析】选D。他一直跟随着我们。colleague同事; sponsor赞助者; success成功的人; constant不变的事物, 常量, 这里指老师一直跟我们在一起。,18. A. deliver B. collect C. display D. recommend 【解析】选A。从orphanages可知, 老师是带我们去南非分发学习用品的。deliver分发, 递送; collect收集; display展出; recommend推荐。 19. A. adventure B. experience C. vacation D. interview 【解析】选B。这是我生命中最有意思的经历。adventure冒险; experience经历; vacation假期; interview采访。,20. A. turn B. conclusion C. dream D. demand 【解析】选C。现在我的梦想就是开办妇女俱乐部, 帮助各个阶层的人们。turn轮流, 依次; conclusion结论; dream梦想; demand要求。,. 阅读理解 Teaching Boys: Developing classroom practices that work Amanda Keddie and Martin Mills Bridge the gap between theory and practice to offer a practical and sustainable framework for teaching boys in classrooms of all levels.,Sales Points Teaching boys remains one of the most concerned issues in education today. Many books have been published analysing why boys perform less well than girls, and why some boys struggle at school. But they dont show teachers what will work: this book does. The authors offer a research-based framework for classroom strategies that work with boys and dont disadvantage girls.,Description Boys education continues to be a focus of public anxiety among teachers. Concern about boys general educational under-achievement and the impact this under-achievement has on the boys themselves, as well as on the broader society, continues to fuel disagreement and debate on the best approach to take in response. Teaching Boys provides a framework for developing practical and sustainable ways to improve boys education.,The book indicates what teachers do in the classroom can enable boys academic and social outcomes. With detailed case studies, Keddie & Mills outline a range of practical classroom strategies that will assist teachers to meet the challenge of teaching boys, without neglecting the girls in the process.,About the Author Amanda Keddie is a researcher at the University of Queensland. Her research interests and teaching areas focus on classroom teaching, curriculum and educational sociology. Martin Mills is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Queensland. He has written several books, and is co-author of Teachers and Schooling Making a Difference (Allen & Unwin, 2005).,【文章大意】在课堂上, 男生的表现普遍较差, 如何提高男生们的课堂学习效果是教育者和老师感到头疼的难题。有一本书可以帮助教师解决这一问题。,1. The purpose of this passage is _ . A. to promote classroom teaching B. to advertise a book C. to analyse boys academic performance D. to introduce two educators,【解析】选B。主旨大意题。作者在Sales Points和Description这两部分中提到:对男生的教育是教育者和老师普遍感到忧虑的问题。接着介绍了Teaching Boys这本书, 由Description中末段末句可知Teaching Boys为提高对男生的教育提供了实际可行的办法, 文章最后介绍了该书的作者皆为资深教育专家, 显然是在推销这本书。,2. What problem is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Boys general educational under-achievement and its impact. B. Teachers anxiety to teach boys. C. Lack of practical strategies for teaching boys. D. Public opinions on classroom teaching. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。由Description首段可知A、B两项正确, Sales Points部分第二、三句对应C项表述。D项在文中没有涉及, 故选D。,3. The book Teaching Boys is intended for _ . A. parents B. teachers C. students D. boys 【解析】选B。细节理解题。由首段第一句“Bridge the gap. . . for teaching boys in classrooms of all levels. ”可知, 这本书是为教师写的。,4. What can we know from the passage? A. Teachers concern makes the disagreement and debate on the best approach more heated. B. Teachers concern brings about the disagreement and debate on the best approach. C. The strategies recommended by the book are of no benefit to girls. D. Teaching boys to improve their achievement is a newlyraised issue.,【解析】选A。推理判断题。理解Description首段中的第二句话是找到答案的关键。该句主干为Concern continues to fuel disagreement and debate on. . . 教师对这一问题的忧虑更加剧了争议和分歧。由此可知该句中的fuel对应A项中的make. . . more heated。其他三项和文章表述相悖。,. 语音知识 1. means A. headmaster B. great C. repeat D. theater 2. completely A. holiday B. European C. tongue D. movie 3. appreciate A. trade B. total C. majority D. hammer,4. technology A. match B. touch C. headache D. watch 5. encouragement Ahousewife Bcouple Ccount Dthrough 答案:15. CBACB,. 单词拼写 1. Looking after children requires patience(耐心). 2. The work demands your immediate(立即的,立刻的) attention. 3. We should take a scientific(科学的) approach to this problem. 4. Use your intelligence(智力,智慧),and you are sure to succeed. 5. I found the story amusing(有趣的,好笑的), then I introduced it to my friends to make them laugh.,6. Strictly(严格地) speaking, its difficult to pass the exam if you dont study hard. 7. Young people are usually more energetic(精力充沛的) than the old. 8. Now that he admitted(承认) that he had stolen the money, you should have forgiven him. 9. I have difficulty avoiding(避开) Jane because we are in the same office. 10. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. Similarly(同样地,类似地), our minds are developed by learning.,. 完成句子 1. 我们给儿子买些礼物好吗?由你决定。 Shall we buy some presents f

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