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小学六年级英语基础训练(五)班级 姓名 一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,将其标号填入题前括号内。()1、A. stationB. mapC. bankD. panda()2、A. pilotB. lionC. fiftyD. size()3、A. busB. jugglerC. studentD. brother()4、A. sheepB. sweaterC. cheapD. jeans()5、A. wearB. whereC. chairD. early2、 根据提示,在横线上填写适当的单词,使句子通顺、完整。1、Bob is a _. He works in a zoo.2、My uncle is a policeman. He works in a police _.3、 His grandma is old. She cant see the things without(没有)her_.4、 We like _. Theyre good to us(我们).5、 Mingming is wearing a yellow _.6、Li Jie is standing in _of the house.三、选择填空。(将正确答案的标号填入提前括号内。)()1、_does she do? She is a nurse.A. WhoB. HowC. What()2、_you like rabbits? Yes, I_.A. Do, doB. Are, amC. Do, am()3、_ are these shoes? Sixty yuan.A. How B. How muchC. How many()4、Im short. These trousers are too _for me.A. longB. smallC. short()5、_do you want? Medium. A. What sizeB. What colorC. What()6、_ is the movie theater? Its near the post office. A. WhatB. WhoC. Where()7、Where is the supermarket? Its _the park_ the train station. A. next, to B. between, andC. behind, and()8、Whats he doing? Hes swimming _.A. in the restaurant B. in the fire stationC. in the swimming pool ()9、_right at the movie theater. You can see a big bookstore.A. TurnB. GoC. On()10、I want to go to Nanyang by bus. Please buy a ticket_.A. in a bankB. at the bus stationC. in a park四、连词成句。(请注意字母大、小写及句子标点符号)1、aunt, a, nurse, is, her_2、he, pandas, does, like_?3、shoes, do, any, have, you_?4、medium, a, he, coat, wants_5、swimming, where, the, is, pool_五、补全对话:在题中横线上填写适当的单词,使对话通顺、完整。(1)_is that boy? Hes my friend, Li Ming. _ _he do? He is a student. _he swim? No, he cant. What animal does he_? He likes monkeys.(2)Can I help you? Yes. Do you have any coats? Yes, I do._ _do you want? Yellow. What_ do you want? Size 19. Well, here you are. _ _is it? Sixty yuan. OK. Ill take(买)it.六、阅读理解。My name is Zhang Hua. This is a photo of my family. This is my grandfather. He is a vet. This is my uncle. He works in a post office . This is my aunt. Her name is Li Mei. She is a singer. This is my father. He is a doctor. My mother is next to my father. She teaches English in a school. She goes to school by bike.根据对话内容选择填空,并将正确答案的标号填入题前括号内。()1、Zhang Huas grandfather is a _.A. doctorB. farmerC. vet()2、Zhang Huas uncle works_.A. in a post officeB. in a bankC. on a farm()3、Zhang Huas mother is_.A. a doctor B. a policeman C. a teacher()4、_isnt a singer.A. Li Mei B. Zhang Huas uncle C. Zhang Huas aunt()5、Zhang Huas mother goes to school_.A. by bike B. by bus C. by car


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