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3A Chapter 5 练习3笔试部分:Part1. Write the correct sentences. (连词成句,加上标点符号).1.may/have/ I/two /tickets/ , please ? 2. marbles/these/ smooth/and/round/are/.3. feel/ can /i/ them/?4. please/armchair/in /this/sit.5 .the headmaster/the farewell party/for/whens ?Part2 :选择合适的单词完成对话。 Who When What Which Why How much1. is the crayon? Its three dollars.2. _do you like summer best? Because I can swim in summer.3. _is Speech Day? Its on the third of December.4. _do you like doing at school? I like playing tennis. 5. _is your English teacher? My English teacher is Miss Wu.6. _sports do you like best? I like running best.Part 3. 用it, them 填空。 1. These marbles are smooth. I like them .2. This chair is hard. I dont like_.3. This armchair is soft. I like _.4. These stones are rough. I dont like_.5. That key is rough. Can I feel_?6. Those tissues are soft. Can I feel_?Part 4. 选词填空。 this these Its Theyre it them1. A. Feel _ teddy bear. B. _ soft. I like _.2. A. Feel _ marbles. B. _ smooth and hard. I like _.3. A. Feel _ stones. B. _ rough and hard. I like _.soft round hard smooth rough4. This marble is _, _ and _.5. This cushion is _.6. This stone is _ and _.sit in sit on hard soft7. This chair is _.Can I _ _it?8. This armchair is _.Can I _ _it?Part 5:根据课文part C,选择正确的单词填空。 money sell come homeless help market each key rings buys Charlies school has a school fair. He wants to_ things at the school fair .He wants to raise _for the_.He asks his grandmother:” Can you_to our school fair?”His grandmother says:” Sure. I can come and_ you.”Grandma sees some _ at the _ .She buys twenty key rings. Theyre five dollars _. At the school fair, Linda thinks the key rings are lovely . His father _ three king rings for Linda and her brother.Part 6. Read the following passage and choose the right answers.读短文,回答问题。Diet(节食) Benny is a little fat. He needs to go on a diet. Benny needs to eat foods that are healthy(健康的) for him. He will eat more vegetables(蔬菜) and less(少一点) meat every day. Benny will also have to eat less candy and chips.1. Benny needs to go on a diet because _.A. he is thin B. he is healthy C. he is hungry D. he is fat2. Benny will eat more _.A. vegetables B. meat C. candy D. chips3. Benny will eat less _.A. lettuce B. tomatoes C. candy D. onionsPart 7. Read the story and write “Yes” or “No” in the brackets.阅读故事,在句子后的括号里写上“Yes”或“No”。选择正确答案;SaturdayI wake up at 7 oclock everyday. I wake up early because I need to go to school. However, today is Saturday. I dont need to go to school. I am going to my friends house to play in the afternoon. Right now(现在) I am eating breakfast. I am also wearing my favorite(最喜欢的) T-shirt. Since (因为)it is not a school day, I dont need to wear my uniform. ( ) 1. I wake up at 6 oclock every day.( ) 2. I have to go to school today.( ) 3. I am eating my lunch now.( ) 4. I am wearing my favourite t-shirt. Because it is a school day.( ) 5. I am going to the school playground to play today.


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