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修建施工和布局实习报告前两天,咱们土木工程专业学生的榜首次实习开端了,实习分两部分:观赏施工、建工试验室现场与观看录像和以根据修建标准及描绘原理完结中小学教学楼的平面、立面、剖面描绘。经过观赏学习使咱们对修建施工和布局试验有了开端的晓得,这对咱们将来的学习和理论起了提示了导游的效果。如今我就对观赏施工现场与建工试验室这部分内容作一个总结。Two days ago, we students of Civil Engineering Specialty in first practice began, practice is divided into two parts: Construction of building engineering laboratory, visit site and watch the video and according to the construction standard and the design principle of complete elementary and middle school building plane, elevation, section design. Through study tours led us to the construction and experiment of a preliminary understanding, this to our future study and practice plays a guide role tips. Now I have to visit the construction site and the construction of laboratory this part makes a summary.上午:观赏校园科技楼施工现场Morning: visit the school science and technology building construction site星期一上午咱们观赏了校园在建的十四层科技楼。当咱们抵达集合地点时,我看到同学们头上都戴着工程帽;一同工地的生活区与施工区的门上也写着:不戴安全帽者不得进如施工现场;当然在科技楼布局主体外面的防护网上也写着标语:安全职责,重于泰山;由此可见在修建施工傍边首要要注重的难题就是安全难题。曩昔由于出产公司不注重民工安全造成了许多工伤和死亡事端,这些事端给工人和公司带来了很大的危害!一同,为了保证施工能顺利进行和施工的安全,工地是要用砖墙围护起来的,只要修建施工的各种车辆和内部人员才能够收支,咱们实习也要经过他们的赞同呢!Monday morning we visited the school was built in the fourteen layer of the science and technology building. When we arrived at the venue, I saw the students head wears project cap; at the same time, site of the living area and the construction area of the door also wrote: do not wear the safety helmet may not enter the construction site; of course in the science and technology building structural body outside the protection of Online with the slogan: safety responsibility, be weightier than Mount Tai; thus in building construction must pay attention to the problem is the security issues. Because the past production enterprises do not attach importance to the laborer Safety caused many injuries and deaths, these accidents to the worker and enterprise has brought great damage! At the same time, in order to ensure that the construction can proceed smoothly and the safety of construction, site is to use brick wall up, only the construction of various vehicles and internal personnel can access, we practice also requires their consent!进到施工区,咱们一眼就看到了科技楼的布局主体,其时布局主体给我的感受就是不像修建和欠好看。这个能够是由于它和我所看到的过的现已建好并投入运用的楼不相同。主体前面有个很大的场所,这个场所是堆积修建材料用的,能够看到所堆积的建材主要是钢筋,没有水泥、砂、石之类的建材,这是由于如今现已都采用了制品混凝土来浇筑布局了。这样能够保证混凝土的质量,削减施工糟蹋和下降出产成本。在钢筋堆积区咱们能够看到不相同类型的钢筋是分敞开的,而且还在其前面标明钢筋的类型和出场时刻等信息。Into the construction area, we saw at a glance that the science and technology building structural body, the structure subject to my feeling is like building and not look good. This may be because of it and I saw had been built and put into use, different. The front of the main body has a large site, this site is the stacking of building materials used, can be seen by stacking building materials mainly steel, cement, sand, stone, building materials, this is because it is used to structure the finished concrete pouring. It can ensure the quality of concrete, reduce construction waste and reduce the production cost. In the bar the stacking area we can see different types of steel are open, but also the front marked reinforced type and approaching time information.咱们跟着现场管理员上了楼,咱们踏上用钢管和铁网搭接成的梯子,开端觉得很风险,附近都有伸出来的钢管或铁条。二三楼的模板和支架现已拆了,咱们能够清楚地看到支撑上部分量的柱子很大,大到使咱们都觉得层高变小了。在承重柱的附近有许多布局柱,它们是用来加大墙的强度的,以防止因墙身过长致使简单崩塌。一路上去,咱们看到上面几层楼板的支架还没有拆,这些支架是用钢管和模板组成的,钢管很密,可见要接受彻底没有强度的混凝土板和梁需求很大的支撑力。We followed the site administrator on the floor, we embark on the steel and iron net overlap into the ladder, began to feel very dangerous, surrounded by sticking out of steel or iron bars. The two or three floor of the template and scaffold had been removed, we can see clearly support pillars of the upper weight greatly, to make us all feel tall small. On the bearing column there are many structural column, which is used to increase the strength of the wall, in order to avoid a long wall leads to collapse. A road, we see several floors above the bracket is not removed, the frame is made of steel pipe and steel pipe composed of a template, very dense, visible to bear no strength of concrete slab and beam needs a lot of support force.上到第十层,咱们看到工大家还在绑扎钢筋,柱和梁的钢筋现已绑扎好并放到了模板预留的槽里。我调查了其间的几条梁和柱,就像教师说的:梁的下部是首力筋,主梁有九条,次梁有六条;上不是架立筋,主梁和次梁也不相同;受力筋和架力筋之间用箍筋绑扎。而柱子就不相同了,三四条梁要交汇于柱,就必定要使梁的钢筋穿过柱子,这样使得柱头的钢筋非常密布,一同浇筑混凝土时也要注重密实。板的配筋通常有受力筋和架力筋,受力筋在下方,分纵横两路;架力筋在上方,也是纵横两路放着。摆好的钢筋就要用铁丝绑扎好,为了保证面筋不被踩低下去,还要用马蹄筋将其举高。在看板筋时咱们发现连同钢筋一同铺设的还有电线管,这是电专业和布局专业协作的一个表现。Go up to the tenth floor, we see the workers are still binding steel reinforced, Juwa Liang has been bound and put template for slots. I observed several beam column, like the teacher said: the lower section of the beam is the first bars, beam nine, beams having six; not frame vertical rib, the main beam and the sub-beam is also different; bearing bars and frame bars between hoop reinforcement lashing. While the pillars are not the same, the three or four beams to converge on the column, they must make the reinforcing beam through the column, so that the stigma of steel is very dense, pouring concrete at the same time when we should pay attention to dense. Plate reinforcement generally have stress reinforcement and rack bars, stress reinforcement on the bottom, and two points; rack bars at the top, and two lay aspect. Set the bar for wire binding, in order to ensure the gluten is not pressed down, but also with horseshoe bar its elevation. In the Kanban ribs when we found together with reinforced with wire pipe laying there, it is electric speciality and the professional cooperation of one embodiment.咱们的现场观赏时刻很有限,只看到了工人在安置板筋,没有看到他们浇筑柱梁板,砌筑砖墙以及其它的施工情形,所以晓得也是很片面的,这个只能作为咱们对施工的感性晓得吧!Our site visit time is very limited, only to see the workers in the layout of stiffened, did not see them by pouring columns of beam and plate, the masonry walls and other construction scene, so understanding is one-sided, it only as our construction of perceptual knowledge!下午:观赏建工试验室Afternoon: visit the Construction Engineering Laboratory建工试验室是一座比拟旧式的工业厂房修建,表面像曾经的民用修建。其顶部采用了预制钢筋混凝土行架梁和混凝土板,这种布局既粗笨又约束了梁的跨度,如今现已被广泛运用的刚行架和钢板所替代。其两边柱子是典型的工业厂房的柱式,上部有牛蹄,用于装置吊车的轨迹。其宽面也个立了两根抗风柱,这些柱和每隔一段距离设的梁使墙能有满足的刚度以抵挡强风的荷载。Construction of laboratory is an old industrial building, looks like the previous civil building. The top of the prefabricated reinforced concrete frame beam and a concrete slab, this structure was bulky and limiting the beam span, has now been widely used rigid frame and steel plate is replaced by. Both sides of the pillars is a typical industrial factory building pillar, the cattle, for the installation of crane rails. Its wide also made two wind resistant pillars, the columns and the beams at a distance to the wall to have sufficient stiffness to resist wind load.试验室的效果在于给布局描绘师一个能查验其描绘可行性的场所,这对修建物的安全性和可靠性是至关重要的,一同也是科学试验所必备的。The laboratory s role is to the structure designer a test the design feasibility site, the building safety and reliability is essential, but also the necessary scientific experiment.在试验室,咱们看到了许多大型的试验仪器,它们实质上都是给试件供给压、拉、剪方面的应力,然后检测其能接受力的才能,也就是它们的强度。In the laboratory, we saw many large experimental apparatus, they are essentially to the specimen with pressure, tensile, shear aspects of stress, thereby detecting withstand capacity, that is their strength.布局构件(通常是柱梁板,当然也有桩)经过吊车吊到试验机床上,然后对构件施加荷载,并经过设置在构件里的传感器将应力和变形情况的有关信息传给关联仪器,试验员记载数据并剖析处置变能够得出成果了!Structural member (usually a column beam slab, but also of course with pile ) by crane to the experimental machine, and then the components of applied load, and by setting in the component sensor will stress and deformation of the relevant information to the related instruments, laboratory technician record data analysis and processing can result!在试验室,咱们还能够看到做各种构件的模型。其间有做桩的钢绞线和拉紧钢绞线的套子等。In the laboratory, we can also see the various component model. There are pile steel strand and tensioning steel wire cloth etc.? 当然,咱们不只看了各种机器,以及知道了它们的根本用处和运用办法,而且对建工试验有了开端的晓得,并建立起一种试验查验假定的观念,这次观赏应该是有比拟大的收成的。? of course, we not only see a variety of machine, as well as their basic purpose and method of use, but also for the construction of the experiment of a preliminary understanding, and establish an experiment to test the hypothesis that the idea, the tour was supposed to have big harvest.第二天上午:观看与修建有关的录象The very next day morning: watch the building related videos前一天经过现场观赏,咱们对修建有了通常的感性晓得,但关于施工的进程与一些细部难题和能够发作的风险难题咱们晓得得还比拟少。经过纪录片的方法,咱们能从全体的广度来认知和学习。The day before the site visit, we building a general perceptual knowledge, but for the construction process and some detail problems and possible dangers we know too little. Through the documentary, we can from the whole breadth to cognition and learning.? 咱们观看了曾经是全国榜首楼房的xxx大厦的缔造进程,从录像里咱们看到了钢筋混凝土布局修建的缔造进程,也看到了比拟领先的施工出产技能,例如:泵送混凝土的浇筑办法和高效的支模技能等。这些技能在出产中运用给出产带来了很高的功率。? we watched was the countrys first high-rise XXX building process, from the video we see the reinforced concrete structure construction process, also saw more advanced construction technology, such as: pump concrete pouring method and high formwork technology. These techniques are used in production to production to bring high efficiency.在第二部录像中咱们看到了地球上最严峻的自然灾害地震对大家生命财产的危害,当然,除了人的生命外遭到地震损伤最大的就是修建了。每逢地震突击城市时,就会有不计其数的修建毁于一旦,地震后的城市将是满目疮痍,咱们平常习气的大街楼房都不见了,这对咱们的精力是很大的损伤。In second the video we see the earths most serious natural disasters - earthquake on peoples life and property damage, of course, in addition to human life by the earthquake damage is the largest building. When the earthquake hit the city, there will be tens of thousands of buildings be destroyed on one day after the earthquake, the city will be see evidence of peoples distress everywhere, we usually used street buildings are gone, which to our spirit is of great harm.? 那些年代久远的老房子,没有经过啥抗震处置,在地震中是很简单被毁的。这似乎是天经地义的,由于这些房子大多是砖石布局或砖混布局,这种布局的抗震功能是很差的,简直不能够抗震的。但是有些钢筋混凝土框架布局的楼房在地震中也不能逃过当然这些情况还要对修建物地点的环境和它的固有频率与地震频率的联系进行研讨但缘由往往是这些修建布局受力的不合理性。? those old houses, without any seismic processing, in the earthquake is easily destroyed. This seems to be behoove, because these houses are mostly brick or masonry structure, the seismic performance of the structure is very poor, almost can not earthquake. However some of the reinforced concrete frame structure buildings in the earthquake can be spared - of course these conditions but also on the building s environment and its natural frequency and vibration frequency were studied - but the cause is often the building structure stress is not reasonable.上个世纪八九十年代,大家为增强钢筋混凝土高层修建的抗震功能,研讨和开发了许多新的技能计划,布局工程师们认为这些新的技能计划能使修建物有用的抵挡地震的突击,但成果很可怜,接二连三地有高层修建在地震中坍毁,就连强度更大的高架桥布局在地震中也一再坍毁,这让全世界的布局工程师感到惊惧。咱们到今日还不能清楚地知道地震的活动情况,不晓得它们啥时候会发作,但即便能在地震前猜测出来,也仅仅对人的逃生添加期望,对修建物毫无效果,若是咱们不能很好地处理地震振荡对修建布局自身的损伤效果难题,咱们的修建就毫无抵挡之力,只能坐以待毙。The last century eighty or ninetys, people for the reinforced concrete seismic performance of high-rise building, research and development of many new technical scheme, structure engineers think that these new techniques for building effective resistance to earthquakes, but unfortunately, one after another to high-rise buildings collapsed in the earthquake, even strength the greater the viaduct structure under the earthquake also frequently collapse, which make the whole world the structural engineer to panic. We still can not clearly understand the seismic activity situation, do not know when they occur, but even before the earthquake prediction in it, only the people hope to escape, the building had no effect, if we cant solve well seismic vibration on structures in the injury problems, our the building has no power to resist, only await ones doom.走运的是,跟着钢布局广泛运用,布局工程师们发现,尽管许多描绘抗震性很高的钢筋混凝土修建纷繁在强地震中坍毁了,而没有一列钢布局高层修建呈现过崩塌表象。这足以阐明钢布局修建在地震中的不倒优势,一同也给那些处于地震活动频频的国家或区域带来期望,他们能够经过少建或不建钢筋混凝土布局只建钢布局的房屋来削减由地震带来的丢失。日本和台湾都是这样,如今台湾连几层的教学楼都要用钢布局的。Fortunately, with extensive use of steel structure, structural engineers found, although a lot of seismic design of high reinforced concrete building in succession strong collapsed in the earthquake, but not a column of steel structure in high-rise building appeared collapse phenomenon. This illustrates the construction steel structure in the earthquake the advantage, but also to those who are in frequent seismic activity in the country or region to bring hope, they can build less or not built reinforced concrete structure construction of steel structure housing to reduce the losses caused by the earthquake. Japan and Taiwan are now Taiwan, even a few layers of teaching building with steel structure.尽管钢筋混凝土布局在地震频频地带不被人喜爱,但在中国,尤其是大陆有的仍是许多的。就拿广州来说吧,每年广州都要建许多高层乃至超高层修建,这些修建绝大多数是钢筋混凝土布局的。不能说好仍是欠好,但要真的发作了地震,那广州的市民可就遭殃了,生齿密布且大家又生活在简单受损坏的房子里,其成果是很难幻想的了!Although the reinforced concrete structure in the frequent earthquake zone is not favored, but in China, especially the continent some or many. Take Guangzhou for example, Guangzhou every year to build many tall and super tall buildings, these buildings are the vast majority of reinforced concrete structure. Not good or bad, but it really happened earthquake, the Guangzhou people can suffer, dense population and people living in the house easily damaged, it is hard to imagine!小结Summary在实习中咱们的确触摸了不少理论运用的东西,但离理论水平较高的出产方法和比拟领先的技能还有很大的距离。我发现咱们看到的出产工艺都是不算领先的,就像咱们看录像的支模方法在科技楼还没有用上,而人家在八十年代初就现已开端运用了,这能够是由于施工单位的物资匹备缺乏,但领先的出产工艺的确能够进步施工进度和出产质量。In practice, we have come to contact with many practical things, but from the actual level of high production and more advanced technology is still a big gap. I found we see production technology is not advanced, as we watch the video support mode in science and technology building is not used, and the family in the early eightys was in use, this may be because the construction unit has insufficient supplies horse, but advanced production technology can improve the construction the progress and quality of production.从修建开展的趋势来看,钢布局越来越遭到大家的注重和必定,研讨钢布局的受力和增强钢布局的耐火性是一个亟待深化的课题。From the architectural view of the development trend of steel structure, more and more peoples attention and affirmation, of steel structure stress and reinforced steel structure fire resistance is an urgent task.当然咱们仍是要立足于钢筋混凝土布局的学习,经过学习和理论使咱们对修建的布局有更深化的知道,而且不能无视某些能够发作的危险,以保证咱们缔造的楼房真实地能敷衍各种紧急情况。Of course, we still have a foothold in the reinforced concrete structure of learning, through the study and practice of construction so that we have a better understanding of the structure, and can not be ignored in some possible risks, to ensure that we constructed buildings truly can deal with various emergency situations.

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