高考英语一轮复习 完形填空精选精练(四)

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高考英语一轮复习 完形填空精选精练(四)_第1页
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1 湖北枝江市 2017 高考英语完形填空 一轮 精选精练 完形填空 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从 21 40 各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 It was the old lady s birthday She got up early to be ready for the post From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street and a little boy Johnnie 1 her letters from the ground floor on the rare 2 when anything came Today she was sure there would be something Myra 3 forget her mother s birthday even if she 4 wrote at other times Of course Myra was busy but 5 Enid the daughter the old lady loved most died two years ago Since then Myra had been to see her mother three times but her husband Harold never The old lady was eighty today She had put on her best dress Perhaps perhaps Myra might come After all eighty was a 6 birthday another decade lined or tolerated just as you chose to look at it 7 Myra did not come she would send a present The old lady was 8 of that Two spots of colour 9 her cheeks She was 10 like a child She would enjoy her day Now she stood by the window 11 The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle Her heart beat 12 Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate Then clatter 咔嗒声 clatter up the stairs Johnnie knocked at her door He had got her post four envelopes Three were unclosed cards from old friends The fourth was closed in Myra s writing The old lady felt a sharp pain of 13 There was no parcel for her Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post That was it It would come later by parcel post She said to herself She must be 14 Almost 15 she tore the envelope open 16 in the card was a piece of paper Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday Buy yourself something nice with the 17 Myra and Harold The cheque moved quickly to and for in the air to the floor like a bird with a broken wing Slowly the old lady 18 to pick it up Her present Her 19 present With 20 fingers she tore it into little bits 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文 文章讲述了一个 80 岁老人在生日来临之际对自己唯一的亲人的殷殷期 盼 但她最终盼来的确是一种无言的伤痛和失望 1 A took away B brought up C moved off D set down 解析 根据语境可知 此句是说老人把信件从 the ground floor 拿到 the second floor bring up 意为 拿上来 符合语境 take away 意为 拿走 带走 move off 意为 离开 出发 set down 意 为 记下 放下 均不符合语境 答案 B 2 2 A occasion B opportunity C ceremony D anniversary 解析 根据语境可知 此处是指在特别的 场合 与下文的 other times 作对比 occasion 意为 场合 符合语境 opportunity 意为 机会 ceremony 意为 典礼 仪式 anniversary 意为 周年纪念日 均 不符合语境 答案 A 3 A mustn t B mightn t C wouldn t D needn t 解析 根据语境可知 此处是指老人坚信女儿一定不会忘记自己的生日 表示 一定不会 时 应用 wouldn t 答案 C 4 A occasionally B always C almost D seldom 解析 根据下文可知 Myra 由于工作繁忙 平常很少给妈妈写信 seldom 意为 很少 不常 符合语境 occasionally 意为 偶尔 间或 always 意为 总是 一直 almost 意为 差不多 几乎 均不符合语 境 答案 D 5 A Unhappily B Unfortunately C Unforgettably D Unkindly 解析 根据常识可知 最爱的女儿 Enid 的离去自然是一件 不幸 的事情 unfortunately 意为 不幸地 符合语境 unhappily 意为 不开心地 unforgettably 意为 令人难忘地 unkindly 意为 刻薄地 不 客气地 均不符合语境 答案 B 6 A casual B remote C special D conventional 解析 根据常识可知 人生 70 古来稀 80 岁生日自然尤为 特别 special 意为 特别的 符合语境 casual 意为 随便的 临时的 remote 意为 遥远的 疏远的 conventional 意为 传统的 常见的 均不符合语境 答案 C 7 A Even if B So that C In case D Now that 解析 句意为 即使 Myra 不来 她也会送一份礼物 由句意可知 前后分句之间为一种让步关系 所以应 用表示让步关系的连词 even if 意为 即使 答案 A 8 A proud B capable 3 C sure D afraid 解析 根据下文的描述可知 老人坚信她的女儿即便不来也会送她礼物 be sure of 为固定短语 意为 坚 信 确信 符合语境 答案 C 9 A sharpened B weakened C widened D brightened 解析 根据下文中的 She would enjoy her day 可知 此处应指老人红光满面 面露喜 色 brighten 意为 使闪亮 使快乐 使露喜色 符合语境 答案 D 10 A excited B alarmed C inspired D satisfied 解析 根据语境可知 老人此时兴奋得像个孩子 excited 意为 兴奋的 激动的 符合语境 答案 A 11 A thinking B imagining C welcoming D watching 解析 根据上下文语境可知 此句是指老人久久地站在门口 期盼着礼物的到来 因此选 watching 最符合 语境 意为 守望 眺望 答案 D 12 A steadily B wildly C nervously D randomly 解析 根据语境可知 此处应选 wildly 该词是一种夸张的表达 旨在体现老人无法掩饰的 因迫切而慌乱 激动的心情 答案 B 13 A discontent B loneliness C disappointment D annoyance 解析 根据上下文语境可知 此句是指老人的心情由先前 狂乱的兴奋 跌之 沉重的失望 是一种修辞 上的对比 disappointment 意为 失望 沮丧 符合语境 答案 C 14 A patient B anxious C urgent D mild 解析 根据语境可知 此句是指老人自我解嘲 自我安慰的一种无奈的表达 同时也暗含着一丝苦涩的期盼 所以老人告诫自己还要 耐心一点儿 patient 意为 耐心的 符合语境 答案 A 15 A immediately B cheerfully C angrily D unwillingly 4 解析 根据语境可知 此句是指老人对自己期盼的 礼物 非常失望 因此不愿意打开它 unwillingly 意 为 不情愿地 勉强地 符合语境 immediately 意为 立刻 马上 cheerfully 意为 高高兴兴地 angrily 意为 愤怒地 均不符合语境 答案 D 16 A Pinned B Folded C Lined D Roped 解析 根据下文的 a piece of paper 可知 此处应选 fold 意为 折叠 合拢 表示 在卡片里折了 一张纸 答案 B 17 A card B bonus C cheque D cash 解析 根据下文中的 The cheque moved quickly 可知 此处应选 cheque 意为 支票 符合语境 答案 C 18 A bent B leaned C struggled D stretched 解析 综合考虑老人此时的心情和神态可知 她拾起支票的姿势应该是 弯腰 bend 意为 弯腰 弯曲 符合语境 lean 意为 倾斜 倚靠 struggle 意为 努力 挣扎 是一个中性词汇 不能体现身体的姿 势 stretch 意为 伸展 延伸 均不符合语境 答案 A 19 A painful B sad C expensive D lovely 解析 根据语境可知 此处应选 lovely 表现的是一种强烈的讽刺效果 增强了语言的表现力 而 painful sad 两词会使语言的色调索然无味 暗淡无光 答案 D 20 A moving B trembling C reacting D freezing 解析 根据语境可知 当老人看到女儿给自己的礼物竟然是一张支票时 她感到既失望又痛心 所以应选 trembling 意为 颤抖的 战栗的 生动地表现了老人当时的心情和神态 moving 意为 动人的 reacting 意为 反应的 freezing 意为 冰冻的 严寒的 均不符合语境 答案 B 2016 高考英语完型填空 日常生活类 5 After breakfast in the morning my mother came to ask me to go shopping She told me that she a new dress I don t usually like to go shopping and I m not a n person but we went to the mall together We visited nearly every that sold ladies dresses and my mother dress after dress giving all of them up the day went on I grew tired Finally at our shop my mother tried on a lovely blue three piece dress The had a bow 蝴蝶结 at the neckline and as I stood in the dressing room with her I as she tried with much difficulty to tie the bow Her hands were so badly from arthritis 关节炎 that she couldn t do it my impatience gave way to a great wave of compassion 同情 for her I turned away 避开 走开 to try and the tears filling my eyes I managed to myself down and turned back to tie the bow for her Our shopping trip was over but the was left in my memory For the rest of the day my mind returning to that moment in the dressing room and to the moment of my mother s trying to tie that bow Those hands had fed me bathed me and dressed me She had also me whenever I felt sad And they were now touching me in the unforgettable manner Later in the evening I went to my mother s room her hands in mine kissed them and much to her told her that to me they were the most beautiful hands in the world 小题 1 A solved B chose C needed D reduced 小题 2 A patient B optimistic C honest D generous 小题 3 A church B store C hospital D school 小题 4 A carry on B put on C tookon D tried on 小题 5 A Before B As C Because D For 小题 6 A last B personal C first D favorite 小题 7 A trousers B shoes C cap D blouse 小题 8 A played B cried C watched D applied 小题 9 A killed B disabled C shocked D attacked 小题 10 A Unfortunately B Luckily C Strangely D Immediately 6 小题 11 A hide B move C drop D offer 小题 12 A calm B put C write D take 小题 13 A headline B event C opportunity D attitude 小题 14 A suggested B enjoyed C finished D kept 小题 15 A thought B mind C hands D face 小题 16 A young B loving C relaxing D stressful 小题 17 A suffered B bored C injured D comforted 小题 18 A too B most C far D much 小题 19 A covered B waved C crowded D involved 小题 20 A confidence B harm C sadness D surprise 2016 高考完形填空选练 完型填空 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 Maureen worked in an office with twenty other people and she liked her job Getting 7 ahead in her career wasn t 41 to her until the day that her friend and co worker Betty was promoted to be the boss of the unit Betty couldn t have gotten the 42 if Maureen had tried to In the eyes of the other co workers Betty was always cheerful 43 and ambitious while Maureen was low key 低调的 and easy going Before Betty got the promotion Maureen had been 44 at her work even if she had not been specially happy But once Betty was made 45 Maureen began to fill up with resentment 怨 恨 until she 46 her job and hated Betty 47 she made a big mistake because she had a feeling of 48 all the time Maureen began to see Betty as the source of all her problems and she 49 to remember that she had not particularly wanted the promotion anyway Now she just thought that it should be hers 50 examining herself to see what her real goal was in life she began to 51 on Betty and regarded Betty as her enemy Maureen became completely 52 on her resentment and she couldn t get out of the 53 situation One of the major problems with resentment is that you believe that your 54 is entirely caused by some outside person You stop 55 what you can do to improve your situation because you decide that your injured feelings are the 56 of someone else s fault You just give up trying to find real 57 Dealing with resentment needs awareness and 58 First of all you need to 59 you are feeling resentful and then try to stop yourself feeling upset Only in this way can you solve the 60 in your life 41 A equal B native C similar D important 42 A job B order C position D direction 43 A hard working B good looking C peace loving D smooth talking 44 A annoyed B pleased C excited D skilled 45 A head B guide C princess D assistant 46 A did B got C knew D disliked 47 A Strangely B Usually C Eventually D Immediately 48 A safety B pride C unhappiness D unemployment 49 A tried B failed C began D preferred 50 A Instead of B Along with C Because of D As for 51 A drop in B play tricks C cut down D make comments 52 A keen B impressed C focused D dependent 8 53 A social B national C complex D dangerous 54 A anger B fear C surprise D anxiety 55 A calling on B looking for C learning from D cheering for 56 A goal B truth C result D reason 57 A differences B solutions C opportunities D relationships 58 A bravery B humour C curiosity D calmness 59 A admit B argue C doubt D prove 60 A case B mystery C crime D problem 参考答案 41 45 DCABA 46 50 DCCBA 51 55 BCDAB 56 60 CBDAD

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