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目 录第一题 朗读(20分1题)2第二题 口述题 (20分1题)13第1章 公共用语13第3章 靠泊与锚泊业务15第4章 装卸作业17第5章 航行19第6章 修船与船体保养20第7章 事故处理22第8章 消防与船员自救23第9章 救助25第10章 遇险26第11章 港口国检查28第12章 船舶保安30第三题 问答题(60分:6分10小题)31第1章 公共用语31第3章 靠泊与锚泊业务32第4章 装卸作业34第5章 航行35第6章 修船与船体保养36第7章 事故处理37第8章 消防与船员自救39第9章 救助41第10章 遇险42第11章 港口国检查44第12章 船舶保安46第二题 口述题 (20分1题)第1章 公共用语1Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.My hometown is located in the southeast part of China.It is a seashore city.There are 3 million people in my hometown.My hometown is developing very fast.The environment in my hometown is very good.People keep their traditional customs.Fishery industry is important to my hometown.It is a major fishery products providing place in China.Nowadays, my hometown has rapid development in tourism.Thousands of tourists from different parts of China and other countries visit my hometown.And peoples living standard has been improved greatly.I am very proud of my hometown.2. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work.c) Your spare time activities.My name is_.I am_ years old.I am from_ province.I am a student majoring in navigation in Guangzhou Maritime College.I will graduate in the year _.I go to class to learn some navigational subjects from Monday to Friday.In the evening, I usually review my lessons.Sometimes, I go to downtown to buy something.During my spare time, I usually read novels or do some sports.I like playing basketball and football very much.Life at school is interesting to me.I will work hard to master the basic navigational knowledge and skills. I am confident that I will become a qualified seafarer in the future. 3. Say something about your family.a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.c) Their hobbies and characteristics.There are _ people in my family.My grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister and me.My father is a worker( farmer, teacher, doctor, company staff, government staff, seafarer)My mother is a _.(housewife)They work very hard to support my education at school.I am very thankful to them.My father likes reading newspaper very much.(watching TV, playing cards)My mother likes shopping very much.My father and mother are very kindMy father is and he talks little. My mother is _ and she talks a lot.I love my family very much. 4. Your favorite port you have called at.a) A simple introduction of the port.b) Reasons why you like it.c) Anything special about it.My favorite port is Singapore port.Singapore port is located in the south coast of the Singapore Island.It is the largest cargo trannshipment port in the Asian and Pacific region. And it is one of the busiest ports in the world.Its cargo throughput always ranks in the world top-tens.I like Singapore port because the procedure for ships entry and departure is simple and rapid.Besides, there are modern and complete port facilities in the port. High technologies and effective measures are applied in the port operation management.“Highly effective is the special feature of Singapore port.5. Your responsibilities on boarda) Your position on board.b) Your daily work on board.c) Your duties on board .My position on board is Third Officer.While the vessel is at sea, I keep navigational watch on the bridge from 0800 to 1200 hours and from 2000 to 2400 hours.I keep the safety equipment record book and ships logbook.I also work out contingency plan for the whole ship./kEn5tindVEnsi/应急部署表I am responsible for the care of all lifesaving and fire fighting equipment.And I shall ensure that all of them are in good condition.While the vessel is in port, my watch focuses on duties such as cargo operations, fire watches, security watches, monitoring communications, and monitoring the anchor or mooring lines.While the ship is entering or leaving port, I shall be on the bridge to assist operation.As a Third Officer, my post is very important on board.第3章 靠泊与锚泊业务1.Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor?a) Regular operations for anchor watch .b) Emergency handling in case of dragging .c) Conclusion .While the ship is at anchor, I shall keep watch as an officer on duty. /5ANkE/锚I shall take the anchor position at regular intervals.I shall keep a proper lookout.I shall make inspections round the ship regularly. /5rejJlElI/有规律地I shall check the situation of the anchor chains.And I shall keep an alert on the movement of the ships nearby. /E5lE:t/警惕的I shall pay attention to change in wind direction and speed, tide, current and sea.If the anchor is dragging, I will inform the Captain immediately.At the same time I will take emergency measures.Then I will act according to the Captains instructions.2.Describe the proper way of using VHF?a) How to operate VHF set proper .b) General rules of using VHF .c) Rules of using VHF Channel 16 .First, turn on the power.Then , choose a correct channel.Use the transmitting power as low as possible./trAnz5mit/发射Press the transmitting button to speak.Speak slowly and clearly.Use the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases.Avoid non-essential transmissions. /trAnz5miFEn/发射Always transmit with correct identification. /ai7dentifi5keiFEn/辨认Do not occupy one particular channel under poor conditions. /5Ckjupai/占用Do not use offensive language. /E5fensiv/adj.无礼的When another channel is available, do not call on channel 16 except for distress, urgency and very brief safety communications.3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.a) The preparations from the bridge.b) The preparations from the engine room.c) The preparations from the deck.Before a vessel arrives at a port, some preparation work must be done. Inform the agent at the port about the ships ETA.Ask the agent to arrange berthing, pilot, tug and so on. Prepare the documents and certificates required for inspections. All navigational equipment should be tested and recorded. Gather detailed information of the port such as fairway, tides and currents.Inform the engine room about ETA. Arrange mooring ropes on the deck.Prepare cargo gears. /iE/Remind the crew to obey the port rules and regulation. 4. Describe the procedures before leaving at a port.a) The preparations from the bridge .b) The preparations from the engine room .c) The preparations from the deck .Before a vessel leaves a port, some preparation work must be done. Inform the agent at the port about the ships ETD.Ask the agent to arrange unberthing, pilot, tug and so on. Prepare the documents and certificates required for port clearance.All navigational equipment should be tested and recorded. Close and secure the hatch covers.Lash and secure the goods. Check the seaworthiness of the holds. /5si:wE:Tinis/适航性Inform the engine room about ETD. Recover mooring ropes on the deck.Recover and secure cargo gears.5Describe the procedures of pilotagea) The general procedures for pilot request .b) The preparations for receiving the pilot .c) The general rules for pilotage .If a vessel requires pilotage in a port, She can ask her agent to arrange the pilotage 24 hours in advance. The vessel should provide the pilot station with the following information:Ships name, call sign, gross tonnage, maximum draft, cargo, ETA and so on. The vessel should inquire the pilot station about the time for pilot to embark and the place to pick up pilot.An Officer and a sailor should be appointed to stand by at pilot ladder when pilot embarks or disembarks.Lifebuoy, heaving line, manropes should be prepared beside the pilot ladder.The pilot ladder should be clean and in good condition. The pilot ladder should be rigged on leeside, clear of outlets.The Master of the ship has the final responsibility on the ship even when the pilot is on the bridge. 第4章 装卸作业1. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board.a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo .b) Procedures on loading and discharging .c) Maintenance during the voyage .First, the dangerous cargo should be declared to the authority concerned.And the class of the goods should be verified.Before loading, the cargo holds should be cleaned out completely.The precautionary and emergency measures must be taken to ensure the safety requirements must be followed.During loading and discharging, the appropriate handing procedures and safety requirements must be followed.In general, the dangerous cargo should be checked at regular intervals.If they become an actual to the vessel, the Carrier may throw such goods over board.2.Describe the precautions before entering an enclosed space.a) The potential dangers in an enclosed space .b) The normal procedures .c) The important precautions .The potential dangers in an enclosed space are toxic fumes and the lacking of oxygen.The normal procedures for entering an enclosed space is that First, check whether the oxygen is enough or not;You can use an oxygen indicator;Second, check whether there are toxic fumes or not.Third, decide whether ventilation is needed or not.The enclosed space must be well ventilated,Otherwise we must wear breathing apparatus before entering.Before entering the enclosed space, make sure there is another crew waiting outside.3.Describe the procedures of cargo stowage.a) The acquisition of information about the cargo to be carried .b) The principles and considerations on navigation safety .c) The modification of stowage plan .First, the stowage factor must be calculated.The cargos nature, discharging schedule must be taken into account.Some cargo needs segregation to protect them against tainting damage.During loading, the cargo work should be supervised by an officer.If the cargo is in poor condition, a remark should be inserted in the mates receipt.And the cargo plan needs modification to ensure the stability of the vessel.After completion of loading, the cargo must be checked to detect if there is any leakage or damage.During voyage, the goods should also be checked at regular intervals.4.Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.a) The initial responses .b) The actions following up according to the SOPEP on board .c) The precautions to be taken .The initial responses for an oil spill on board are sound the alarm at once.According to the SOPEP, five emergency teams will be formed.They are the command and communication team, clean-up team, collecting team, engine-room team and rescue team.As to the handling of oil spill, typical procedures are as follows.Stop all oil transfer operations at once.Shut off all the valves on the pipeline.Inform the oil supply barge or installation with details.Clean up the oil spill on the deck.If necessary, ask for outside assistance to combat the pollution.5.Describe how to ensure a proper stowage of general cargo.a) General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage .b) Special considerations for cargo stowage .First, the cargo plan should be worked out according to the stowage factor and specific gravity.The cargo nature, discharging schedule should also be taken into account.Some cargo needs segregation to protect them against damage.During loading, the cargo work should be supervised by an officer.If the cargo is in poor condition, a remark should be inserted in the mate receipt.The cargo plan needs modification to ensure the stability of the vessel.After completion of loading, the cargo must be secured and lashed.And the vessel must be in a good sea-going trim.During voyage, the goods should also be checked at regular intervals to detect if there is any leakage or damage.第5章 航行1 Describe the duties of the watch-keeping officer when underway.a)General rules as to watch-keeping .b)Items to be checked and monitored each watch. c)Special attention for bridge watch-keeping .When the vessel is underway, the OOW shall ensure safe navigation of the ship.He must not leave the bridge during the watch.He must call the captain when in any doubt or in restricted visibility or congested waterways.During the watch, the items to be check are ships position, speed, and course.He must monitor the status of navigational equipment and the movement of other vessels nearby.Arrange proper lookout when necessary. Make proper recoreds during the watch.Pay special attention to avoid collision, stranding and other dangers to navigation.Pay attention to the state of weather, visibility, traffic density and so on. 2 Describe the bridge shift change.a) The conditions which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch .b) The procedures for shift change .c) Special attention for shift change .During bridge shift change, the relieved officer shall ensure that the relieving officer is able to perform his duty.At night time, he shall ensure that the relieving officers vision is fully adjusted to the night condition.The procedures for shift change are that:The relieved officer shall tell the relieved officer about the ships navigation status, such asThe ships position, course, speed, or any danger to navigation. He shall ensure that the relieving officer fully understand all standing orders or the Masters night orders.The relieving officer shall check the ships position, course and speed; be aware of the tides, currents, weather, visibility;note the status of all bridge equipment; note the movement of other vessels nearby. special attention for shift change is to make sure everything is clearly stated and understood.3. Describe the differences between navigation in a narrow channel and in a traffic separation scheme.a) The rules in navigating in a narrow channel .b) The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme .c) The major differences in terms of technical navigation.Rule 9 of COLREG specifies rules for vessel navigating in a narrow channel.In a narrow channel, a vessel shall proceed near to the starboard limit of the channel if it is safe and possible.A vessel shall avoid crossing a narrow channel.Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, (如果情况容许)avoid anchoring in a narrow channel.Rule10 of COLREG specifies rules for vessel navigating in a traffic separation scheme.In a traffic separation scheme (TSS sepE5reiFEn ski:m分道通航制)a vessel shall proceed in the general direction of the traffic flow of that traffic lane.But usually she will proceed along the centerline of the traffic lane and shall keep clear of a traffic separation line(通航分隔线)or separation zone(通航分隔带). This is different from narrow channel navigation.4. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.a) The features of radar observation .b) The advantages of visual lookout .c) The correct uses of various tools or technologies .There are various tools or technologies for keeping a proper lookout at sea. Radar can detect the presence of an object within its working range in various weather conditions. The bearing and distance of the object are noted and plotted. But radar cannot tell the shape, size or height of the object. Besides, radar has blind sectors, so we cannot rely totally on the detection of radar. Visual lookout can discover object and find out its shape, size and height. But this can only be possible within a certain distance in favorable weather conditions. Therefore, in some circumstances, lookout should be stationed even when radar is in operation. Different tools or technologies have their respective advantages and disadvantages, so we should use all available means to keep a proper lookout in order to ensure safe navigation. 5. Describe the preparations to be done by the Deck Department prior to arrival a) General introduction of the responsibilities of Deck Department in pre-arrival situation .b) Preparations to be done prior to arrival .Before a vessel arrives at a port, some preparation work must be done. Inform the agent at the port about the ships ETA.Ask the agent to arrange berthing, pilot, tug and so on. Prepare the documents and certificates required for inspections.All navigational equipment should be tested and recorded. Arrange mooring ropes on the deck.Prepare cargo gears. /iE/Inform the engine room about ETA. Gather detail information of the port such as fairway, tides and currents.Remind the crew to obey the port rules and regulation. 第6章 修船与船体保养1 Describe the formalities before carrying out a ships repair.a) The necessity of carrying out a ships repair .b) The formalities before a ships repair begins .c) Special attention paid to the repair . After a period of operation, a ship as well as its equipment needs repairing in Order to keep it in an efficient state. Usually the Company will inform the Captain of ship repair three months in advance. Then the Captain will instruct the Chief Officer and the Chief Engineer tocompile repair lists with relevant personnel.If any replacement is necessary and no corresponding spare is on board,spareOrder lists should also be compiled.The repair lists, spare order lists and store lists for ship repair will be sent to theCompany for approval.Preparations including fire-protection preparations should be made before the ship repair.2、Describe the procedures of carrying out hull maintenance .a) The preparations before carrying out hull maintenance .b) The contents of hull maintenance .c) The cautions to be taken while carrying out hull maintenance .3、Describe the procedures of carrying out an overhaul for navigational aids .a) The necessity of carrying out overhaul for navigational aids .b) The contents of the overhaul .c) The cautions to be taken.Navigational aids play an important role in ensuring the ships safety navigation.It is very necessary carry out periodical overhaul for them.Important navigational aids include radar, compass, GPS, AIS, GMDSS and so on.The contents of the overhaul normally include Checking the effective operation of these aids;Checking the important parts of the navigational aids,Repairing or replacing the faulty parts.In overhauling, the cautions to be taken are safety prevention.The process of overhauling must be recorded.4、Describe the procedures of carrying out the maintenance of riggings .a) The preparations before carrying out the maintenance of riggings .b) The contents of the maintenance of riggings .c) The cautions to be taken while carrying out the maintenance .It is very necessary to carry out the maintenance of riggings on board ship.Some preparations must be done before the maintenance.Prepare necessary tools and materials.The contents of the maintenance of riggings include:Finding out any rust marks on the wire rope and fittings;Replace any broken items;Adjust the tension of the wires properly.While carrying out the maintenance, ensure that the riggings receive proper replacement.第7章 事故处理1 Describe the procedures in handling fire on board.a) The alarms .b) The measures taken after the fire has been extinguished .c) Your position and function during fire-fighting . If there is a fire, sound the alarm immediately. Use proper extinguishers at hand to f


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