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目 录课前能力检测-1第一课时-4第二课时-6第三课时小测-8第四课时-10第五课时-12第六课时小测-14第七课时-17第八课时-19第九课时小测-21第十课时-23第十一课时-25第十二课时小测-27第十三课时-29第十四课时-31第十五课时-33第十六课时-35第十七课时小测-37三年级上学期英语课前能力测试班级_ 姓名_ 学号_一、听录音,写出字母的大小写。(10分) 二、听录音,选出你所听到的字母或者字母组合,并把编号填在括号里。( ) 1. A. Tt B. Ee C. Ww( ) 2. A. Qq B. Dd C. Ss( ) 3. A. Ff B. Hh C. Ll( ) 4. A. ao B. ac C. ho( ) 5. A. YI B. YR C. IR( ) 6. A. bdv B. dbe C. pqv( ) 7. A. RST B. RSB C. SBR( ) 8. A. KUN B. KVM C. JQN( ) 9. A. ZXL B. SLF C. FLX( ) 10. A. WYV B. WVY C. VYM三、听录音,判断下列字母是否与录音内容相符,用“”或“”表示。1. Uu ( ) 2. Vv ( ) 3. Ww ( ) 4. Qq ( ) 5. Mm ( )6. Tt ( ) 7. Gg ( ) 8. Jj ( ) 9. Ff ( ) 10. Bb ( )四、听录音,给下列各组字母排序。1. U V W 2. M W N ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. u t n 4. r s w ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. W Q U ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听录音,写出单词中所缺的字母。1. uck 2. est 3. ish 4. irl 5. ion6. ey 7. at 8. nt 9. ce 10. ilk六、听录音,涂颜色。七、写出下列字母相邻的字母,注意大小写。1. f 2. J 3. T 4. b 5. n 6. W 7. q 8. K 9. r 10. Y 八、根据中文意思,把单词补充完整。1. ou (你) 2. h s (这) 3. m (是) 4. ose (鼻子)5. m rning (早上) 6. en (钢笔) 7. de k (书桌) 8. r ler (尺子)9. ye (眼) 10. e ening (晚上) 11. ar (耳朵) 12. h ir (头发)13. ead (头) 14. p ncil (铅笔) 15. tee h(牙齿) 16. f ce (脸)17. fternoon (下午) 18. ubber (橡皮) 19. outh (口)20. ox (盒子)九、判断下列字母的大小写是否相符,用“”或“”表示。1. Bd 2. Dd 3. Ef 4. Gg 5. Li ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6. Ra 7. Yy 8. Uv 9. Hh !0. Qo ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )十、按字母表顺序,认真默写26个字母的大小写。三年级上册 第一课时 Module1A【学习目标】1. 字母的认读与书写2. 关于介绍的用语1) Hi. /Hello.2) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.3) My names Li Ming.4) This is Mr. White.3. 询问别人名字和说出自己名字(英文名),介绍自己的句型:Whats your name?Im.My name is .【海青导学】英语中注意如何称呼别人:Mr.(先生),Mrs.(夫人、太太),Miss (小姐/老师)。Mr. / Mrs. / Miss+姓,如:Mr. Chen 陈先生, Mrs. Wang 王夫人/王太太,Miss Ye 叶小姐/叶老师。【典型例题】把你自己介绍给新同学。Hello, My name is Mary White. Im your new teacher.【强化训练】一、 写出下列字母相对应的大小写形式。USA am PRC sre CCTV dj CBA hwo 二、单词过关。Hello 兄弟 class Mr. 名字 your Hi 和;并且 my I 小姐 is am 老师 meet this 好的 you 三、将句子的大写字母编号填在相应图的括号里。AMy name is Mary White. Im your new teacher.BHello, my name is Janet.CThis is my brother Ben.DHi, Im Zhang Xiaoling.EHello, my name is Zhou Youxian.FThis is Mr. Chen.四、看图选句子完成对话,把句子编号写在括号里。A .Whats your name?B. Hello, Miss White.C. Nice to meet you.D. Hi!五、选出适当的答句。( ) 1.Nice to meet you, Ben.A. Good morning, Janet. B. Nice to meet you too.( ) 2.Whats your name?A. Im Yongxian. B. Hello, Yongxian. ( ) 3. Hello, my names Mary White.A. Im a new teacher. B. Hello, Miss White. ( ) 4.Hi, Im Janet.A. Hello, Janet. B. Whats your name?三年级上册 第二课时 Module1B【学习目标】1.关于打招呼的用语1)Good morning /afternoon /evening.2) How are you?Im OK /fine. Thank you. And you?3) This is Mr. White.4) Thank you. /Thanks.2. 人物介绍句型: This is.【海青导学】在向别人介绍身边的朋友时,不说“Hes /Shes,而用This is ” 接着双方应用Nice to meet you. 来表示已经认识。【典型例题】介绍你的新朋友给你妈妈。 Mum, this is Li Ming, my new friend.【强化训练】一、 根据字母表顺序,写出空格所缺的字母。1. D 2. G 3. Q 4. Y 5. f 6. s 7. m 8. u 二、单词过关。good morning how 你们 fine 你呢 谢谢 OK evening afternoon 你好 children 三、读下面的句子,找出应答的句子,并将其字母编号写在相应的括号里。( ).Hello. A. Nice to meet you.( )2.Good afternoon, Jiamin. B. Im fine.( )3.How are you ? C. Good afternoon, Ben.( )4.Nice to meet you . D. Im Sally.( )5.Whats your name ? E. Hello.四、用适当的词填空,并朗读句子。1. This is (I, my) brother.2. (Whats, What) your name?3. ( I ,Im ) Zhang Xiaoling.4. How (is, are) you?5. Nice to meet (you, your).五、请排列下面句子,组成对话,并朗读对话。( )( )( )( )( )1. Hello, Ben .How are you?2. And you?3. Im fine, thank you.4. Im OK too, thanks.5. Hello, Mike.六、根据上下文,选择适当的单词填写在横线上。 Good name are Hi you OK is( 1 )A: My name is Ben. What your name?B: My is Chen Ping.A: evening, Chen Ping.B: Good evening, Ben.( 2 )A: Hello, John.B: , San.A: How you?B: Fine, thanks. And ?A: Im .三年级上册 第三课时 单元M1测试一、 看图形,写出字母。二、看图,判断句子是否符合图意,如相符写“T”,不符合写“F”。三、将下列的词与它们相对应的中文意思连线。四、读句子,选出相应的答句,并把答句的编号写在括号里。( )1.Hi ,Chen jianmin. A: Thank you. B: Hi, Mike.( ) 2. Hello. Whats your name? A: My names Zhang xiaoling. B: Im OK, thanks.( ) 3. Nice to meet you. A: And you? B: Nice to meet you, too.( ) 4. How are you? A: Im fine, thank you. B: Im Ben Webb.五、根据上下文,选择正确的单词填写在横线上。 name too is toA: Im Sally .What your name?B: My is Tom.A: Nice meet you, Tom.B: Nice to meet you, .六、读对话,在图的括号里写出对话的编号。七、选择正确的答案填空,将大写字母编号填在括号里。( ) 1.A:Whats your name ? B: _ A. Hello. B: My name is Xiaohong C. Thanks.( )2. A: Hello ,Miss White . B: _ A. Hello. B. Im Jianmin C. Im OK.( )3. A: Good afternoon ,children. B: _A. Good evening, Mr. White.B. Good afternoon, Mr. White.C. Good morning, Mr. White.( ) 4. A: How are you? B: _ A. Nice to meet you. B. Im fine, thanks. C. And you?( ) 5. A: This is my brother Ben. B: _ A: Hi, Ben. B. Im Ben. C. Thank you.( )6. A: Good morning , Xiaoling. B: _A. Im OK, thanks. B. Good morning, Jiamin. C. Im Zhou Yongxian. ( ) 7. Hello, am Lihong. A: I B. my C. you ( ) 8. Nice to meet . A. your B. you9. A: Good evening, Liling. B: _ A. Goodbye, Mike. B. Hello, class. C: Good evening, Mike.10. A: are you? B: Im fine. Thank you. A. How B. how C. What三年级上册 第四课时 Module2A【学习目标】1. 动作指令1) Wash your face.2) Brush your hair.3) Clean your ears.2. 表达身体的部位1) This is my face /body.2) That is my leg.3.知道在列举两样或三样以上东西的时候在最后的东西前加and;【海青导学】1. Brush 有“梳”的意思,“刷牙”也可以说“Brush your teeth.”2. 姓名第一个字母要大写,如:Ben ,Sally ,Chen Yongxian3. 英国人的姓通常放在后面,如:Janet Webb, Webb是姓,Janet是名。【强化训练】一、 单词过关。wash your hand 先生 头发 脸 brush all right 耳朵 但是 眼睛 head nose mouth 二、 用英语在方框内写出下列人体部位的名称。三、 用所给字母组成单词并画出相应的图。1. o e s n 2. n d h a 3. r a e 4. h t o m u 四、 选出符合图意的句子,把其编号写在括号里。五、 判断句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号写“T”,否则写“F”。( ) 1.Wash your face . ( ) 2. Raise your left leg. ( ) 3. Raise your hands. ( ) 4. Touch your toes.六、 画出每张脸缺少的部位,并在横线上写出这个部位的英文名。三年级上册 第五课时 Module2B【学习目标】1. 动作指令1) Touch your mouth.2) Raise your left / right arm.2. 名词复数后一般加-s :名词的复数形式,如: ear -ears , eye-eyes ,tooth的复数形式是teeth;3. 正确使用I 和 my,you和your,right和left。【海青导学】1. 英语名词的单复数之分,单数是指“一”,复数是指“二或以上”。名词的单数变成复数,通常在名词后加-s,但也有其他特殊变化,如:children是child的复数,teeth 是tooth的复数,feet 是foot的复数等。2. 名词hair是没有复数形式的。3. I(我)总是大写的。【强化练习】一、 单词过关。touch toe raise 手臂 腿 这 Right left body 那 我的 脚 二、 选择正确的答句。( )1. Wash your hands . A Im David. B All right. ( ) 2. How are you? A Fine, thank you. B Im Mary White. ( ) 3. This is my sister Janet. A Im Ben. B Hello, Janet. ( ) 4. Whats your name? A My name is Zhou Yongxian B Hello. ( ) 5. Touch your head. A Nice to meet you. B OK.三、 写出相邻的字母。1. M 2. B 3. W 4. J 5. e 6. s 四、 选择正确的答案填空,将大写字母编号填在括号里。( )1.Brush hair . A you B your ( ) 2. your nose. A Brush B Clean ( ) 3. your teeth. A Clean B This ( ) 4. A: Wash your hands. B: A OK B Hi ( ) 5. This my face. A are B is五、 仿照例子画图。六、 判断句子是否符合图意,若符合在括号写“T”,否则“F”。1. Wash your face. 2. Brush your hair.3. Clean your teeth. 4. Raise your right leg.三年级上册 第六课时 单元M2测试笔试部分:一、 找出不同类的单词。( )1 A. bus B. carC. dog D. bike( )2 A. white B. eraser C. pinkD. black( )3 A. peach B. pear C. orange D. pencil( )4 A. redB. eyeC. black D. orange( )5 A. brown B. green C. TV D. yellow二、 单项选择。( )1. Bob is black dog .A. a B. an C. ( )2.-Whats this ? - a desk.A. Its B. Its C. it is( )3. -Look , is it a bag ?- .A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. It isnt.( )4. -How are you ?- .A. Im nine. B. Im fine, thank you. C. Im fine, too.( )5. - the pencil?- Its on the desk.A. Whats B. How many C. Wheres( )6.Im a pupil . names Zhang Hua .A. My B. Your C. His( )7. -Whats that?- A. Its red. B. Its a red book. C. This is a book. 三、翻译词组Here it is on the desk in your pencil case in English a red sun Here you are I see come in have a look over there Let us a picture of 四、翻译句子1. Whats that on the desk? 2. Whats this in your pencil-case?Its a pencil sharpener. 3. Whats this in English? 4. Sure. Here you are. 5. What colours your pen? 6. Lets colour it green. 五、词汇考察A写出五个表示颜色的英语单词。-B根据英语意思和汉语提示写出下列单词。1. How old are (你)?2. (我的) name is Zhang Hong .3. (他的) father is a teacher .4.Wheres (她的) pencil ?5.Is this (你的) pen ?六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. blue , this , a , is , chair ._2. the , where , yellow , is , bag ? 3. cat , is , your , that ?4. lend , your, ruler , me , please .5. is , what , colour , in , English , this ? . 七、看图填空。 1. Raise your . 2. Touch your . 3. Wash your . 4. your hair. 5. Raise your . 6. Clean your .三年级上册 第七课时 Module3A 【学习目标】1. 能用英语说出一些文具的名称,并能写出其单词。2. 能用下面的句型进行问答,说明物品的位置。(1) Where is the /my /your? Its in /on the / my(2) Is it ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.3. 能用下面的句型向别人借物品,同时别人向你借东西的时候能做出反应,如: A:Please lend me your B:OK, here you are . / Here is my A:Thank you. B:Thats OK.4. 能正确使用下面的功能意念用语:(1) Close / Open your books.(2) Pack your bag.(3) OK. / Thats OK. / All right.5. 懂得在适当的场合使用下面这些感叹句:(1) Oh ,on !(2) Oh dear!6. 在实际情景中正确使用下面的句型进行问答,了解物品的位置。(1) Where is the / my / your ? Its in / on the / my(2) Is it ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.【海青导学】1. 表文具的单词较多,记忆有一定的困难,要学会善于观察、比较和思考,寻找有助于记忆的方法。如:pen-pencil-pencil-cae-pencil sharpener ruler-rubber【典型例题】1. Where is your English book? Its on the desk.【强化训练】一、 单词过关。where pencil it 在的上面 书桌 不是 bed table here 钢笔 椅子 盒子 rubber ruler bag 二、 选词填空 【table、wheres、is】A: Janet, my book?B: Is it on the ?A: Yes, here it .三、 看图写出句子所缺的单词。 t ble r bber b x四、 阅读句子,把问句的字母编号写在相应的括号里。 A Wheres your ruler? ( ) Yes, it is. B Is the pen on the desk? ( ) Its in the pencil-case. C Wash your hands, Yongxian . ( ) Good morning. D Good morning. ( ) All right. E How are you? ( ) Fine, Thank you.五、找出每组词中不同类的单词,把编号写在括号里。( )1. A face B no C nose ( ) 2. A pen B bag C here( ) 3. A bed B Janet C Ben六、看图读句子,若句子意思与图一致,写T,否则写F。( ) 1.What is this ? Its a pencil . ( ) 2.Theyre books. ( ) 3.This isnt a chair. ( ) 4.The pencil is in the pencil-case.七、读对话,选择适当的单词填空。1. A: (Are Is) this your pencil? B: (Yes No), it is.2. A: Please lend (me my) your pen. B: OK .Here you (is, are)3. A: (Where Wheres) your book? B: Its on the desk.三年级上册 第八课时 Moudle3B【学习目标】能把下面的肯定句改为否定、一般疑问式句子:A. It is on your box.B. It isnt on your bed.2) 能正确对下面的句型做肯定或否定回答,如: Is it on the table? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.3) 能正确使用下面的问题提问:Where is my pencil?Its on/in the table.【海青导学】1. Wheres=where is, isnt=is not2. 理解on和in的分别。【典型例题】in the lake . 在湖中on the lake. 在湖面上评析:in 表示在中,在内。on 表示在一个平面上。【强化训练】一、根据中文写英文(1)尺子 (6)书桌 (2)椅子 (7)饭桌 (3)钢笔 (8)橡皮 (4)床 (9)盒子 (5)书包 (10)铅笔 二、选择正确的答案( )1. Close your pencil-case , please. A. Hello B. All right C. Oh dear( )2. Wheres your bag ?A. Its a bag. B. On the desk. C.OK( )3. Is it on your bed? A. No, it isnt. B. It is on your bed. C. Here you are.( )4. How are you ? A. Im fine, thank you. B. All right. C. Im Janet.三、根据提示补充句子(1)Lend me your书 ,please. OK. Here are.(2)Is your 尺子 in the 笔盒 ? No, it .(3)Where is your 书包 ? Its on the 饭桌 .(4)Wheres the 盒子 ? Its on the 椅子 .四、阅读句子,把相关的物品用线连接起来。1. The pencil is on the table.2. The bag is on the chair.3. My pencil case is in the desk.4. My book is on the bed.五、看图选择单词把句子补充完整。bag is isnt Where ruler pen pencil in 1. These are a and a book.2. is the ? Its the box .3. the in the book ? No , it .4. Its my .六、根据上下文的意思,补充对话。A: Hello, Ben.B: Hello, Jiamin.A: my pen?B: Is it your pencil-case?A: , it isnt.B: Is it the table?A: No. Oh, its here. Its my hand.三年级上册 第九课时 单元M3测试一、看图回答问题 1. Wheres the rubber? 2. Wheres the pen? 3. Is the pencil on the table? 4. Is the pencil-case in the chair? 5. Wheres the book? 二、根据问句选择相应的答句。( )1. Please lend me your pen.( )2. Is the pencil in the pencil-case?( )3. Pack your bag.( )4. How are you?( )5. Good morning.( )6. Wheres your book?A. Yes, it is.B. Its on the desk.C. OKD. All right.E. Fine, thank you.F. Good morning.三、看图写单词。四、根据首字母提示,完成对话。A: Hello, Janet.B: Hello, Ben.A: I this y

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