高考英语一轮复习 完形填空专练(一)1

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高考英语一轮复习 完形填空专练(一)1_第1页
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1 湖北枝江市 2017 高考英语 一轮 完形填空专练 一 完型填空 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从以下题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 It is inevitable 不可避免的 for us to meet failure and success in everyday life Most of us are eager for success and scared of failure However no one is always successful 1 also no one is always a failure Then 2 to deal with failure and success in our life On the one hand Failure is the mother of success If we sum 3 experiences and lessons after failure maybe success will come Nevertheless if we lose heart and give up former efforts we will not succeed 4 a word the key to success is our hard struggle On the other hand success may cause failure too Generally speaking success often adds confidence and satisfaction 5 failure is accompanied by misery and sadness But supposing 6 become selfsatisfied once we succeed and stop struggling Then it s sure that failure will come We should take 7 right attitude towards failure and success To sum up there is not an absolute limit between success and failure 8 is important is our struggle and attitude 四 1 and 考查并列连词 此空连接两个句子 且表示并列关系 故填 and 2 how 考查疑问副词 那么 怎样对待生活中的失败与成功呢 3 up 考查副词 sum up 总结 4 In 考查介词 in a word 总体来说 5 while 考查并列连词 此空连接两个句子 表示两种情况的对比 故填 while 而 6 we 考查代词 该空在宾语从句中作主语 根据 once 引导的状语从句中的主语 we 可判断填 we 7 a 考查冠词 take a right attitude towards failure and success 对失败与成功持一种端正的态度 8 What 考查名词性从句的引导词 该空引导主语从句且在从句中作主语 故填 what 首字母要大写 2016 高考英语完型填空 日常生活类 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Our family raises sled dogs 雪橇狗 In Mom and Dad take people driving in a dog sled and it s super fun 2 When the dogs were born I was so That s when I saw my favorite little Jip Every I had I put little Jip in my arms I carried him around and played with him not just because it s fun to dogs Getting them used to human touch makes a sled dog Dad says When Jip was eight weeks old he got his first All he had to do was wearing a light leash to get used to the of pulling something behind him When he was ten weeks old I started Jip to come when he was called It was time to try out a harness 挽具 around his body The harness can be a little heavy we left it on for just a short time each day I put Jip s harness on him at mealtime I him to a heavy chair And I placed his just far enough away so that when he ate he had to pull on the line The dogs fast When they were four months old we tied old shoes to their harnesses wolves sled dogs like to run after anything that s moving such as a rabbit We started teaching the On by That means leave the rabbit alone A sled dog must stay on the trail 路线 Jip won t be fully grown and ready to pull a heavy sled he s almost two years old But now that he s nine months old he s enough to go on short runs with the big dogs Dad says that maybe next winter I can in the sled when Jip goes on practice runs I can t wait 小题 1 A spring B summer C autumn D winter 小题 2 A proud B excited C nervous D shy 小题 3 A chance B choice C promise D suggestion 小题 4 A look after B play with C deal with D bring up 小题 5 A pet B strong C guide D good 小题 6 A job B trip C house D prize 小题 7 A get up B fight back C move around D stop by 小题 8 A thought B feel C fear D Use 小题 9 A advising B allowing C teaching D helping 小题 10 A never B just C even D also 3 小题 11 A for B so C or D once 小题 12 A Later B Finally C Luckily D First 小题 13 A showed B took C tied D sent 小题 14 A toy B food C leash D harness 小题 15 A changed B grew C ran D worked 小题 16 A Against B Except C Before D Like 小题 17 A order B method C story D talk 小题 18 A and B but C until D Unless 小题 19 A quiet B clever C careful D big 小题 20 A wait B ride C sing D continue 2016 高考完形填空选练 完型填空 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 4 One day I was taking a bus The driver didn t 21 to start the bus soon because it was not yet 22 A middle aged woman got on Tired and sad she told her story 23 not to anyone particular On her way to the station half of her 24 was stolen The other half was hidden under her blouse so she 25 still had some left A few minutes later she stopped crying but still looked 26 When all the seats were taken the driver started the engine The conductor began to collect the fares When she came to an old man in worn out clothes he 27 that he had spent all his money as he accidentally got on a wrong bus and now was trying to go home On hearing this she ordered the old man to 28 the bus The old man was almost in tears as he 29 her to let him take the bus home The driver took the conductor s side and repeated the conductor s 30 The woman was watching the incident 31 the driver and the conductor raised their voices at the old man she interfered Stop 32 him Can t you see he s only trying to get home He doesn t have any money the driver 33 Well that s no 34 to throw him off the bus She insisted Then she reached inside her blouse took out her 35 money and handed it to the conductor Here s his fare and mine Just stop giving him a 36 time All heads turned to the woman It s only money she shrugged She rode the rest of her way home 37 a happy smile with the money she d lost earlier 38 On the road of life the help of strangers can 39 our loads and lift our spirits How much sweeter the 40 will be when we make it a little smoother for others 21 A try B intend C decide D care 22 A empty B ready C crowded D full 23 A carefully B seriously C tearfully D calmly 24 A money B possession C fare D wealth 25 A strangely B happily C fortunately D secretly 26 A unsatisfied B weak C excited D unhappy 27 A explained B declared C admitted D found 5 28 A get off B get over C get on D get into 29 A thanked B scolded C praised D begged 30 A command B action C suggestion D request 31 A Unless B When C Until D Although 32 A attacking B wronging C blaming D bothering 33 A warned B whispered C repeated D shouted 34 A problem B need C reason D matter 35 A spending B lost C remaining D borrowed 36 A busy B hard C cold D fearful 37 A giving B taking C wearing D forcing 38 A forgotten B used C earned D returned 39 A move B increase C lighten D carry 40 A world B journey C smile D friendship 参考答案 21 25 BDCAC 26 30 DAADA 31 35 BDDCC 36 40 BCACB 广东省 2012 届高三考前冲刺卷 三 完形填空 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从 1 15 各题所给的 A B C 和 D 项中 选出最佳选项 I am an eleven year old primary school boy and all of my teachers complained about my unreadable handwriting So I started taking my laptop to school and using it instead of paper books and 1 At first I thought I was in heaven Writing essays had become so 2 Copying notes took seconds I don t have to worry about spelling mistakes and whether I have 3 to carry my textbooks I was always organized as I could not leave my books at home anymore as they were 4 in my machine so you would think that it was beneficial as a learning tool Unfortunately soon I completely 5 all my ability to write which is very limiting when still at school My spelling became worse as I no longer had to think about it 6 the computer s auto corrector However this wasn t what 7 me the most It was the fact that I was no longer learning what I used to in class The simple act of writing something down was a 6 way of learning for me and a laptop could never 8 that Exams started to become 9 as I no longer knew all the words and phrases because I 10 wasn t learning it just by typing it down Also each lesson was at least five minutes shorter because of the time needed to 11 at the beginning of the class and pack away at the end of lessons Finding and learning notes in your computer is also less effective Furthermore a computer does not have the same 12 of use as paper as paper doesn t have to be fully 13 Finally I couldn t focus on my class knowing I had the whole Internet at my fingertips So during lessons I would often search the Internet and have 14 As you can see the 15 are far more than the benefits Therefore I stopped taking my computer to lessons Now I perform better at school 1 A bags B articles C dictionaries D pens 2 A serious B funny C easy D unusual 3 A decided B forgotten C dreamed D learned 4 A saved B taken C made D prepared 5 A enjoyed B dropped C ignored D lost 6 A regardless of B due to C in spite of D in case of 7 A bothered B puzzled C shocked D interested 8 A mix B change C replace D avoid 9 A more interesting B stronger C more regular D harder 10 A simply B carelessly C finally D slowly 11 A get across B start up C give out D round up 12 A importance B convenience C difference D guidance 13 A searched B analyzed C charged D occupied 14 A fun B luck C success D advantage 15 A excitements B negatives C dangers D terms 1 D 根据语境 作者用电脑写文章 因此不用笔了 2 C 根据前句 in heaven 和后句 Copying notes took seconds 可知 作者写文章变得容易了 3 B 根据后句 I could not leave my books at home 可知 作者不用担心是否忘记带课本了 4 A 由于已经把课本存在电脑里了 所以作者不会把书落在家里了 5 D 根据句中 which is very limiting 可知 作者因为长期不写字 所以丧失了写字的能力 6 B 由于电脑能自动更正 所以作者不用考虑拼写等问题 用 due to 7 7 A 前文提到的方面都是使作者伤脑筋的事 故用 bother 8 C 作者以前记笔记是一种学习 而自从用电脑后不会学习了 故电脑无法取代传统的记笔记的方法 9 D 根据句中 I no longer knew all the words and phrases 可知 考试变得更难了 10 A 根据语境可知 作者只是敲字存进电脑了 根本没有学会 故用 simply 11 B 根据句中 at least five minutes shorter 和 pack away 可以推知是课前启动电脑 12 B 根据后半句内容可知 用电脑也是不太方便的 13 C 根据前文可知 纸张不像电脑一样要充满电 14 A 根据句中 search the Internet 和常识可推断 作者上网时玩得很开心 15 B 根据上文内容可知 用电脑做笔记的缺点比优点多 2016 高考完形填空选练 完型填空 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 I still remember the moment I looked at my saving book when I had only two clients all month I started my speech pathology 言语病理学 practice in 1998 and gradually 41 the business to 13 employees But last year people were not able to 42 speech therapy 言语治疗 because of the economic crisis I cut my own 43 because I didn t want to let any of my staff go 44 my husband Brian lost his job We had 11 45 in all and our oldest four were already 46 and away from home We ve always been interested in food sources and 47 the kids where their 48 came from We love fresh vegetables eggs or meat directly from small farms which are safe and 49 So we wondered what if we started farming When a local farmer 50 we get some laying hens because there was a market for fresh 51 our plan came together It was scary and 52 What if no one bought anything 53 people did buy the eggs The local farmer took eggs to 54 to his customers and today he purchases about 20 dozen a week from us The children 55 out which is important 56 we already have 270 laying hens and 200 chickens The speech therapy business is still 57 but I put in less than ten hours a week I know that on the 58 there is life there is physically satisfying work and our family members 59 more to each other Our quality of life is so much better I spend most of the day with my children 8 which I was grateful 60 And at night I have the good feelings that come from working with my hands and doing something positive 41 A developed B divided C presented D passed 42 A call for B care for C pay for D apply for 43 A fund B salary C profit D cost 44 A Unlikely B Excitedly C Unfortunately D Specially 45 A partners B employees C children D maids 46 A anxious B independent C complicated D prepared 47 A checking B satisfying C questioning D teaching 48 A food B wealth C property D money 49 A processed B polluted C healthy D expensive 50 A suggested B required C learned D demanded 51 A water B fruit C eggs D chicken 52 A stressful B safe C helpless D regretful 53 A But B Thus C Otherwise D So 54 A donate B devote C send D sell 55 A give B run C help D need 56 A because B until C before D though 57 A alive B busy C easy D painful 58 A business B farm C campus D hand 59 A contras B care C relate D compete 60 A on B at C in D for 参考答案 41 45 ACBCC 46 50 BDACA 51 55 CAADC 56 60AABCD

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