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高考英文求职信范文 1 写求职信的目的 让招聘单位了解你的学历 经验 能力 专长 成果和愿望等 并让对方相信你是 一个值得考虑的人选 2 文体与时态 书信格式 一般现在时 写求职信的步骤 1 开头 简单告诉收信人你是从何处获取到此职位信息 并表明你的求职心愿 即写 信目的 After reading your advertisement for a secretary in today s english paper I want to offer myself to the position 2 正文 提供你的若干个人信息资料 年龄 婚姻状况及身体状况 1 I m 19 years old male unmarried I m 1 75 meters tall strong and healthy 详细告诉对方有关你的学历 工作经历 与此工作相关的兼职工作 假期 打工 及与此工作相关的个人兴趣 爱好等 2 I ve just graduated from a senior middle school of Beijing last year I got the first place in the english composition contest in west district Beijing I type quite well and can use computers skillfully 3 结尾 再次表达你想得到这份工作的愿望 并表达感激之情 I d like to be your secretary very much if these meet your requirements I ll be very thankful for your kindness 展望未来 表明决心 希望得到面试机会 Of course I ll work hard and well if i can hold the position I m eager for your early reply 3 结尾 说明联系方式或者进一步联系的时间 地点 4 落款 因为求职信一般是写给不熟悉的人 所以要用正式文体和格式写 sincerely yours Wang Liang 写求职信需注意的 三要三不要 措辞要直接 不拐弯抹角 语言要简单 明了 不要卖弄文学 不要用别人看不懂的词句 语言要礼貌 不过份谦卑 写求职信不是谦虚或虚伪的场合 低估自己别人也会瞧不起你 检查要认真 不留错漏遗憾 常见表达方法 1 开头 1 I wish to apply for the job you are offering in 2 I m writing in the hopes that you will be able to offer me a summer job 3 I am writing to apply for which was advertised 4 I have learned from that your company is looking for 5 Please consider me as an applicant for the position of which you describe in your advertisement in the newspaper of july 5 2 正文 1 I m twenty six and have had n years experience in my present post as 2 I ve been working as a since I graduated from 3 I ve just graduated from in which I majored in 4 I am experienced interested in 5 I believe that i have the training experience and qualities that you are looking for 6 I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed 3 结尾 1 I am willing to work hard and learn 2I d very much appreciate the chance to talk to you and to get your opinion on whether i am qualified for the job you offer 3 I shall be glad to call for an interview at any time 4Ihope to have the pleasure of an interview 5 I look forward to your call at 2351679 i would appreciate your call at 6 I can be reached at 218 365 3333 4 落款 yours respectfully yours faithfully yours truly Dear sir After reading your advertisement for a secretary in today s english paper I want to offer myself to the position I m 19 years old male unmarried I m 1 75 meters tall strong and healthy I ve just graduated from a senior middle school of beijing last year I got the first place in the english composition contest in west district beijing I type quite well and can use computers skillfully I d like to be your secretary very much if these meet your requirements I ll be very thankful for your kindness Of course I ll work hard and well if i can hold the position I m eager for your early reply sincerely yours

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