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新译林 7A 英语 UNIT 2 一 词汇知识点整理 做运动 一天许多次 踢足球 打网球 谈论 放学后 去游泳 中的一员 来自 听音乐 在下届世界杯 实现 在某人的空闲时间 住 生活在 看书 在周末 待在家里 许多 问某人某事 在电视上 看篮球比赛 感觉特棒 二 结构用法 做 怎么样 喜欢做某事 使某人 某物 使某人做某事 想要做某事 希望做某事 做某事开心 三 句式用法 我喜欢散步 我喜欢游泳 他最喜欢的运动是什么 我希望他梦想成真 李华在业余时间做什么 你还想做什么其他的事情 读书是有趣的事情 四 语法归纳 行为动词的一般现在时 行为动词的一般现在时的构成 主语 行为动词 其他 当主语为第三人称单数 he she it 时 谓语动词也 要用单数形式 用好一般现在时 时间状态需牢记 主语人称是三单 动词要把 s es 添 基本用法要记清 状态习惯经常 性 行为动词的一般现在时的变化 1 否定句 主语 don t doesn t 动词原形 其他 I don t like bread He doesn t often play football 2 一般疑问句 Do Does 主语 动词原形 其他 Do you often play football Yes I am No I am not Does he often play football Yes he does No he doesn t 3 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句 When do you go to school I go to school at seven o clock 动词的三单形式的变化 动词三单现在时 一般在词尾加 S S x ch sh 在词尾 直 接加上 es 词尾若是字母 o 加上 es 不用愁 词尾是 辅音字母 y 先变 y 为 i 后边再加 es 语法小练习 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1 He often have dinner at home 2 Daniel and Tommy be in Class One 3 We not watch TV on Monday 4 Nick not go to the zoo on Sunday 5 they like the World Cup 6 What they often do on Saturdays 7 your parents read newspapers every day 8 The girl teach us English on Sundays 9 She and I take a walk together every evening 10 There be some water in the bottle 11 Mike like cooking 12 They have the same hobby 13 My aunt look after her baby carefully 14 You always do your homework well 15 She go to school from Monday to Friday 16 The child often watch TV in the evening 17 How many lessons your classmate have on Monday 18 What time his mother do the housework 译林牛津英语 7AUnit2 单元测试题 1 7A Unit2 Let s play sports 单元检测卷 A 总分 100 分 时间 60 分钟 1 单项选择 15 分 1 He doesn t like but he enjoys A sing dance B to sing to dance C singing to dance D to sing B dancing 2 How many are there in a football team Eleven A play B player C players D to play 3 He the English Club A is a member of B is at C is member of D is a member 4 I like playing football A I like too B Yes I do too C Me too D thank you 5 My family usually goes to the park the weekend A at B of C for D about 6 Millie likes reading She often goes to A the classroom B the teacher s office C the Reading Club D the shop 7 I have friends in Suzhou A much B a lots of C lots of D a lot 8 I have lunch at school but my brother lunch at school A isn t have B hasn t have C don t have D doesn t have 9 Let s that interesting film A talk about B talk to C talk with D talk at 10 They know you and like you too A very much very much B very well very well C very much very well D very well very much 11 Can you help me with my English A Thank you B You re welcome C That s all D Yes of course 12 he get up at 7 00 a m He gets up at 8 00 every morning A Is Yes he is B Is No he isn t C Does Yes he does D Does No he doesn t 13 If Millie enjoys swimming She should go to A the Reading Club B the Dancing Club C the Art Club D the Swimming Club 14 My mother at weekends A enjoys go shopping B enjoy going shopping C enjoys to go shopping D enjoys going shopping 15 everyone come from Nanjing No Mr Wang from Beijing A Do does B Does does C Does is D Do do 2 完形填空 10 分 I have a good friend His name is Tom He is a nice boy but he eats too 1 and doesn t like sports He has a big 2 every morning He has four eggs 3 of bread and butter c 黄油 and 4 big glass of milk for it 5 lunch he eats two hamburgers a lot of French fries 炸薯条 6 chicken He drinks a lot of cola or soda too For dinner he likes beef and salad He 7 eats beef chicken hamburgers and eggs He likes ice cream cola and soda 8 Too much food is not 9 for health So Tom is very 10 1 A many B much C some D any 2 A breakfast B lunch C dinner D Supper 3 A much B many C lots D lot 4 A a B an C some D any 5 A To B On C For D Of 6 A for B and C of D But 7 A often B never C seldom D not 8 A and B but C too D Also 9 A bad B good C important D hungry 10 A healthy B fit C thin D fat 3 阅读理解 30 分 A Xiao Qing is a schoolboy His brother works in a hospital of Beijing This summer his brother lets him come to Beijing Xiao Qing is very happy He comes to the hospital for the first time One evening9 Xiao Qing s brother gives him a ticket for a football match It begins in the Capital Stadium 首都体育馆 at eight clock in the evening Xiao Qing likes to watch football matches very much but he doesn t know the way to the Capital Stadium He asks a young man at the bus stop How much is the ticket to the Capital Stadium Three yuan Answers the young man Xiao Qing finds only two yuan in his pocket He has to run to the next stop When the bus comes to the stop he sees the young man again He asks the young man Now how much is the ticket Four yuan the young man says with a smile You run in a contrary direction 相反的方向 1 Xiao Qing is a and his brother is a A student doctor B doctor student C student worker D worker student 2 The football match begins A at seven p m B at eight p m C at noon D in the afternoon 3 Xiao Qing wants to watch the football match A on TV B at home C in the playground D in the Capital Stadium 4 How does Xiao Qing want to go to the Capital Stadium A By bike B On foot C By bus D By car 5 Does Xiao Qing know the way to the Capital Stadium A I think so B I don t know C Yes he does D No he doesn t B It s Jimmy s birthday and he is 9 years old He gets a lot of presents from his family and one of them is a big drum 鼓 His grandfather buys it for him Jimmy likes it very much He plays with it every day and he often makes a terrible noise 可怕的声音 His father works in the day and Jimmy is in bed when he gets home in the evening So his father doesn t hear the noise But Mrs Black doesn t like the noise so one morning she takes a sharp knife and goes to Jimmy s room when he hits his drum She says to him Hello Jimmy Do you know there is something very nice in your drum Here is a knife Please open the drum and let s find it 6 What does Jimmy get on his birthday A He gets only one present from his family B He gets a lot of presents C He gets a knife and a drum D He gets a drum from Mrs Black 7 Who gives Jimmy a drum A His mother buys it for him B His father buys it for him C His father s friend buys it for him D His grandfather buys it for him 8 When his father gets home in the evening what does Jimmy do A He hits his drum with his grandfather B He watches TV with Mrs Black C He sleeps in bed D He does his homework with his grandfather 9 What s the Chinese meaning of hits in this passage A 敲击 B 拿着 C 知道 D 看见 10 Mrs Black gives Jimmy a knife because A she likes Jimmy s drum B she knows there is something in the drum C she doesn t like the noise D she wants to know what is in the drum C My name is Lucy I come from the USA I am now in China I study in Nanjing No 4 Middle School There are many clubs in our school They are an English club an art club a ball game club a swimming club a reading club and a computer club There is a Show 4 Yourselves 你们自己 festival in our school every year On that day students from different 不同的 clubs show their talents 才能 in different ways They can sing English songs and show beautiful pictures They can also play ball games and show US their swimming skills 技巧 They like this festival very much I am a member of the art club and I draw ads 广告 to help them This makes me happy 11 Lucy is A Chinese B American C a boy D Twin 12 There are clubs in No 4 Middle School A eight B seven C six D Five 13 Lucy is in the club A music B English C reading D art 14 The students from the English club show their talents by 通过 方式 A singing English songs B showing their swimming skills C playing ball games D showing their drawing skills 15 makes Lucy happy A Showing her reading skills B Working for the club C Singing for the festival D Studying in a good school 4 根据句意 首字母或汉语提示完成单词 10 分 1 What club are you in Amy I m a m of the Dancing Club 2 Andy loves watching volleyball m on TV 3 I like tennis Do you e it 4 Are you f No I m not I will do my homework at home 5 I often have a 梦 at night 6 Jack enjoys 画画 7 How can we go to the Reading Club Let s 步行 there 8 Yao Ming is a good basketball 运动员 9 What 另外的 do you want to buy 10 These girls are good at playing 排球 5 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 5 分 1 The train leave for Tianjing at seven o clock 2 We visit our grandparents every week We go there on Sundays 3 Mr Chen doesn t like tea He drink a cup of coffee every morning 4 I am not very good at sport 5 you listen to music in the evening 6 翻译句子 10 分 1 我希望我美梦成真 2 许多人在空闲时进行运动 3 她一个月多次和妈妈一起去购物 4 这首乐曲让我感觉很棒 5 下周三和我一起画画怎么样 7 书面表达 20 分 Buddy 伙伴 Club 网站上进行征文大赛 题目是 My Friend 要求介绍你最喜欢的朋 友 请你根据下面的照片和表格里面的内容 替 Jim 介绍他的朋友 Andy 要求 1 覆盖表格以及照片中的要点 2 可以加入自己的合理想象 3 50 词左右 不包括所给的开头和结尾 My Friend I have a good friend His name is Andy Lee Andy is a good boy All our teachers and classmates like him 一 词汇知识点整理 play sports 做运动 many times a day 一天许多次 play football tennis 踢足球 打网球 talk about 谈论 after school 放学后 go swimming 去游泳 a member of 中的一员 come from 来自 listen to music 听音乐 in the next World Cup 在下届世界杯 come true 实现 in one s free time 在某人的空闲时间 live in 住 生活在 read books 看书 at on weekends at on the weekend 在周末 stay at home 待在家里 a lot of 许多 ask sb about sth 问某人某事 on TV 在电视上 Watch basketball matches 看篮球比赛 feel great 感觉特棒 二 结构用法 What about doing sth 做 怎么样 Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 make sb sth adj 使某人 某物 make sb to do sth 使某人做某事 want to do sth 想要做某事 hope to do sth 希望做某事 have fun doing sth 做某事开心 三 句式用法 I like walking 我喜欢散步 I enjoy swimming What s your favourite sport 我喜欢游泳 他最喜欢的运动是什么 I hope his dream comes true 我希望他梦想成真 What does Li Hua do in his free time 李华在业余时间做什么 What else do you want to do 你还想做什么其他的事情 Reading is fun 读书是有趣的事情

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