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电大艺术学概论复习参考(选择填空综合训练与参考答案)1作为一门独立学科的艺术学诞生于。A17世纪末B18世纪末C19世纪末D.20世纪末2德国的首先将美学与艺术学区别开来,被称为“艺术学之父”.A康拉德费德勒B黑格尔C格罗赛D狄索瓦3.艺术活动产生于人类的时期。A原始社会B奴隶制前期C奴隶制后期D文明4清明上河图是我国_朝的绘画作品。A唐B宋C元D明5亚威农少女、格尔尼卡是_绘画的代表作品。A印象主义B达达主义C抽象主义D野兽派6蒙娜丽莎是意大利文艺复兴时期_的作品。A达芬奇B罗丹C丹纳D但丁7埃斯库罗斯的代表作普罗米修斯取材于_。A圣经B希腊神话C原始壁画D社会生活8登幽州台歌是我国_代诗人陈子昂的蕴含深刻人生哲理的作品。A汉B晋C唐D宋9达利的油画记忆的永恒和布努艾尔导演的电影一条安达鲁狗等是_流派的代表作品。A表现主义B存在主义C超现实主义D荒诞派10人间喜剧是_的重要作品。A狄更斯B托尔斯泰C萨克雷D巴尔扎克11未来世界、超人是_国的影片。A美B英C法D中12在我国,提出“以美育代宗教”这一思想的是_。A王国维B蔡元培C鲁迅D胡适13最早提出“寓教于乐”的美学家是_。A柏拉图B亚里士多德C贺拉斯D普洛丁14亚里士多德最重要的美学著作是_。A诗学B.诗艺C诗品D论崇高15“三一律”是欧洲_戏剧的创作法则。A文艺复兴B古典主义C.浪漫主义D现实主义16西斯廷圣母是著名画家_代表作之一。A达芬奇B拉斐尔C.米开朗基罗D欧里庇德斯17毕加索是_著名画家。A荷兰B法国C德国D西班牙18徐渭是我国明代艺术成就最高的_之一。A小说家B音乐家C画家D雕塑家1917、18世纪,欧洲绘画进一步摆脱了宗教的束缚,肖像画、风景画、风俗画、静物画、动物画都获得了极大的发展,涌现出一批杰出的画家,其中_的战舰归航是当时的代表作之一。A鲁本斯B伦勃朗C透纳D夏尔丹20法国浪漫主义绘画的代表作品梅杜萨之筏是_的作品oA.籍里柯B库尔贝C米勒D雷诺阿21莫奈的作品日出印象、草垛等是法国_的代表作品oA后印象主义B新古典主义C浪漫主义D印象主义22法国后印象主义的代表作品塔希提的妇女的作者是_。A.塞尚B高更C德拉克洛瓦D米勒23俄国“巡回画派”中最著名的作品有近卫军临刑的早晨、女贵族莫洛佐娃,其作者是_。A列宾B苏里柯夫C委拉斯贵支D乔托24向日葵是后期印象派画家_的静物油画。A米勒B莫奈C凡高D高更25大卫像是意大利文艺复兴时期_的重要作品。A.达芬奇B拉斐尔C.罗丹D米开朗基罗26_世纪下半叶出现了罗丹的名作思想者、巴尔扎克像等。A19B18C。17D1627我国著名的青铜器雕塑作品人面鼎产生于_时期。A殷商B战国C。东汉D西汉28我国著名的雕塑作品青铜器物架产生于_时期。A殷商B战国C.东汉D西汉29秦始皇陵的兵马俑塑造于约_年。A公元前200B公元前100C公元200D公元10030我国的彩塑到盛唐达到了顶峰,此时的代表作品是_。A云岗石窟像B麦积山石窟像C山西晋祠像D敦煌塑像31书法艺术产生于_。A日本B朝鲜C中国D古罗马32苏、黄、米、蔡“四大家”是我国_代的著名书法家。A汉B晋C唐D宋33祭侄文稿的作者是_。A王羲之B颜真卿C柳公权D张旭34离骚的作者是_.A孔子B屈原C司马迁D蔡文姬35老人与海的作者是_。A海明威B杰克伦敦C马克吐温D司汤达36悲怆交响曲是_的代表作之一.A贝多芬B巴赫C柴可夫斯基D肖邦37何占豪、陈钢创作的梁山伯与祝英台是一首。A.小提琴独奏曲B二胡独奏曲C小提琴协奏曲D交响曲38提出“外师造化,中得心源”创作理论的唐代著名画家是。A吴道子B张择端C周防D张噪39二泉映月是华彦钧创作的一首独奏曲。A京胡B板胡C二胡D古筝40明代戏曲家汤显祖的代表作之一是。A牡丹亭B三国演义C水浒D窦娥冤41国著名小说家福楼拜创作了名著包法利夫人。A德B法C英D。美42我国现代小说家创作了阿Q正传、狂人日记、祝福等一系列反映五四前后社会现实的优秀作品。A老舍B茅盾C巴金D鲁迅43我国著名作家杨沫的青春之歌是一部。A长篇小说B中篇小说C短篇小说D抒情诗44木兰诗是我国北朝时期的一首。A五言绝句B散文C抒情诗D叙事诗45古希腊著名剧作家索福克勒斯的俄底浦斯王是一部。A,喜剧B命运悲剧C性格悲剧D社会悲剧46喜剧钦差大臣的作者是。A雨果B莫里哀C博马舍D果戈理47西厢记是我国元代作家_创作的。A关汉卿B汤显祖C王实甫D蒲松龄48电影艺术诞生于_。A1921年B1895年C1905年D1915年49农夫的鞋的作者是_。A凡高B高更C塞尚D罗丹50小说红楼梦的作者是-。A罗贯中B曹雪芹C施耐庵D吴承恩51小说小二黑结婚是_以真人真事为素材写出的作品。A赵树理B马峰巳西戎D浩然52玩偶之家是19世纪著名戏剧艺术家_的作品。A易卜生B曹禺C老舍D莎士比亚53._是西方高度技术派建筑的杰作之一。A巴黎圣母院B圣彼得教堂C巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心D朗香教堂54列宁称赞的热情奏鸣曲作者贝多芬是_的音乐家。A.英国B德国C匈牙利D法国55岳阳楼记是我国北宋文学家_的散文名篇。A欧阳修B柳宗元C韩愈D范仲淹56泰坦尼克号是_的影片。A美国B英国C法国D加拿大57创作著名钢琴曲一分钟圆舞曲的肖邦是_的音乐家。A奥地利B德国C匈牙利D波兰58意大利佛罗伦萨美蒂奇教堂内的四件大理石雕刻晨、暮、昼、夜是_的作品。A米开朗基罗B罗丹C米隆D乌桐59冈察洛夫在长篇小说_中塑造了懒惰成性、不可救药的“多余人”的典型形象。A谁之罪B奥勃洛摩夫C静静的顿河D罪与罚60_在小说阿Q正传中塑造了代表中国国民劣根性的典型人物阿Q形象。A鲁迅B.茅盾C叶圣陶D老舍61荷花水鸟图是清初著名画家_(别号“八大山人”)的代表作之一。A郑板桥B朱耷C任伯年D吴昌硕62_在文心雕龙里把文学风格分为典雅、远奥、精约、显附、繁缛、壮丽、新奇、轻靡等八种。A钟嵘B曹丕C刘勰D许慎63我国京剧史上的“四大名旦”是_、程砚秋、荀慧生、尚小云。A白玉霜B梅葆玖C张君秋D梅兰芳64艺术接受的主体是艺术作品的_。A传播主体B传播媒介C艺术信息D传播受众65艺术传播的对象是_。A艺术信息B艺术展览会C书店D艺术经纪人66审美的客体是_.A鉴赏者B艺术家C.艺术作品D观众67童年、在人间、我的大学三部小说的作者是_。A莫泊桑B高尔基C托尔斯泰D雨果68福楼拜是_著名作家。A英国B俄国C美国D.法国69中国魏晋时期的_哲学流派对这个时期的诗歌、书法等作品创作中深层的意蕴具有重要影响.A禅学B玄学C儒学D实用主义70徐冰的生命潭是一幅_作品。A油画B摄影C.水彩画D版画71农民暴动(农民战争)是德国艺术家柯勒惠支的_作品.A铜版画B油画C水粉画D水彩画72“在真正有才能的作家的笔下,每个人物都是典型;对于渎者,每个典型都是一个熟悉的陌生人”是文艺理论家_的著名沦断。A别林斯墓B恩格斯C歌德1)鲁迅73大理石雕像沉思是_的作品。A钱绍武B罗丹C罗中立D.米隆74琵琶行是我国唐朝著名诗人_的作品。A李白B白居易c杜甫D李商隐75在水中塑造了一位西双版纳的傣族妇女的优美形象的著名舞蹈艺术家是_。A马兰B陈爱莲C杨丽萍D刀美兰76莎士比亚的“四大悲剧”是指哈姆雷特、奥赛罗、李尔王和 。A麦克白B钦差大臣C费加罗的婚礼D温莎的风流娘儿们77._的游魂是一幅具有象征意义的作品。A毕加索B莫奈C高更D凡高78典论论文是_的著名艺术批评理论著作。A钟嵘B曹丕C孔子D司空图79清明上河图是我国_朝的绘画作品。A唐B宋C元D明80格尔尼卡是_的代表作品。A毕加索B高更C塞尚D莫奈81贝多芬的欢乐颂是他的_交响曲中的一段大合唱。A第三B第五C第六D第九82.二泉映月是华彦钧(阿炳)演奏的一首_独奏曲。A.京胡B板胡C二胡D.筝83阿细跳月是我国_族的民间舞蹈。A彝B傣C苗D白84等待戈多、秃头歌女是_戏剧的代表作品。A表现主义B存在主义C象征主义D荒诞派85影片战舰波将金号是20世纪20年代_重要作品。A意大利B法国C美国D苏联86一江春水向东流是_导演的影片。A谢添B谢晋C谢铁骊D蔡楚生87老人与海是美国著名作家_20世纪50年代的重要作品。A海明威B福克纳C杰克伦敦D海勒188在我国,提出“以美育代宗教”这一思想的是_。A.王国维B蔡元培C鲁迅D胡适89灰姑娘是德国著名童话作家_的作品。A安徒生B夏尔贝洛C金斯莱D格林兄弟90把艺术作品的风格划分为“典雅”、“远奥”、“精约”、“显附”、“繁缛”、“壮丽”、“新奇”、“轻靡”八种类型的文艺理论家是_。A.陆机B钟嵘C刘勰D谢赫91最早明确提出“寓教于乐”的美学家是_。A柏拉图B亚里士多德C贺拉斯D普洛丁92亚里士多德最重要的美学著作是_。A诗学B诗艺C诗品D论崇高19319世纪西方最有影响的、以莫奈为代表人物的画派是_。A.巡回展览流派B印象派C野兽派D抽象派94聊斋志异是我国_朝的小说作品.A清B宋C元D明95朗香教堂是建于_的现代建筑之一。A英国B荷兰C德国D法国96最后的晚餐是意大利画家的_作品。A拉斐尔B达芬奇C鲁本斯D乔尔乔涅97._的游春图是我国早期山水画的代表。A董源B王维C展子虔D范宽98祭侄文稿是我国唐代著名书法家_的行书作品,被人誉为“天下第二行书”。A颜真卿B柳公权C黄庭坚D王羲之99雀之灵是我国白族舞蹈家杨丽萍创作的_。A独舞B双人舞C三人舞D群舞100话剧玩偶之家是_创作的。A易卜生B曹禺C莎士比亚D老舍101狮身人面像是_的雕塑作品。A泰国B法国C南非D埃及102祝福是我国现代小说家_的代表作之一。A茅盾B巴金C萧红D鲁迅103小二黑结婚是我国文学史上_的代表作之一。A新月派B山药蛋派C鸳鸯蝴蝶派D创造社104我国当代画家_的父亲画出了我国农村千万个父亲的典型形象。A齐白石B李可染C范曾D罗中立105清初画家_的荷花水鸟图创造出了物我合一、悲凉惨淡的意境.A石涛B朱耷C郑板桥D任伯年11106._在中国古代文论诗品二十四则中把艺术风格概括为24种类型。A曹丕B刘勰C钟嵘D司空图107扬州八怪之一的_早年画竹、中年画马,且绘画风格因生活境况的变迁与人生体验的变化而几度发生较大改变。A金农B黄慎C郑板桥D朱耷108黄河大合唱的词作者是_。A冼星海B田汉C光未然D聂耳-参考答案1.C 2A 3A 4.B 5C 6A 7.B 8C 9C 10D 11A 12B 13C 14A 15B 16B 17D 18C 19C 20A 21D 22B 23B 24C 25D 26.A27A 28B 29A 30D 31C 32D 33.B 34B 35A 36C 37C 38D 39C 40A 41B 42D 43A 44D 45B 46D 47C 48B49A 50B 51A 52A 53C 54B 55D 56A 57D 58A 59B 60A 61B 62C 63D 64.D 65A 66C 67B 68D 69B 70D 71A72A 73B 74B 75D 76A 77C 78B79B 80A 81D 82C 83A 84D 85D 86D 87A88B 89D 90C 91C 92A 93B 94A 95D 96B 97C 98A 99A 100A 101D 102D 103B 104D 105B 106D 107A 108.C economic belt请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2016年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter released from nerve endings (terminals) in both the peripheral and the central nervous systems. It is synthesized within the nerve terminal from choline, taken up from the tissue fluid into the nerve ending by a specialized transport mechanism. The enzyme necessary for this synthesis is formed in the nerve cell body and passes down the axon to its end, carried in the axoplasmic flow, the slow movement of intracellular substance (cytoplasm). Acetylcholine is stored in the nerve terminal, sequestered in small vesicles awaiting release. When a nerve action potential reaches and invades the nerve terminal, a shower of acetylcholine vesicles is released into the junction (synapse) between the nerve terminal and the effector cell which the nerve activates. This may be another nerve cell or a muscle or gland cell. Thus electrical signals are converted to chemical signals, allowing messages to be passed between nerve cells or between nerve cells and non-nerve cells. This process is termed chemical neurotransmission and was first demonstrated, for nerves to the heart, by the German pharmacologist Loewi in 1921. Chemical transmission involving acetylcholine is known as cholinergic. Acetylcholine acts as a transmitter between motor nerves and the fibres of skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions. At this type of synapse, the nerve terminal is closely apposed to the cell membrane of a muscle fibre at the so-called motor end plate. On release, acetylcholine acts almost instantly, to cause a sequence of chemical and physical events (starting with depolarization of the motor endplate) which cause contraction of the muscle fibre. This is exactly what is required for voluntary muscles in which a rapid response to a command is required. The action of acetylcholine is terminated rapidly, in around 10 milliseconds; an enzyme (cholinesterase) breaks the transmitter down into choline and an acetate ion. The choline is then available for re-uptake into the nerve terminal. These same principles apply to cholinergic transmission at sites other than neuromuscular junctions, although the structure of the synapses differs. In the autonomic nervous system these include nerve-to-nerve synapses at the relay stations (ganglia) in both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions, and the endings of parasympathetic nerve fibres on non-voluntary (smooth) muscle, the heart, and glandular cells; in response to activation of this nerve supply, smooth muscle contracts (notably in the gut), the frequency of heart beat is slowed, and glands secrete. Acetylcholine is also an important transmitter at many sites in the brain at nerve-to-nerve synapses. To understand how acetylcholine brings about a variety of effects in different cells it is necessary to understand membrane receptors. In post-synaptic membranes (those of the cells on which the nerve fibres terminate) there are many different sorts of receptors and some are receptors for acetylcholine. These are protein molecules that react specifically with acetylcholine in a reversible fashion. It is the complex of receptor combined with acetylcholine which brings about a biophysical reaction, resulting in the response from the receptive cell. Two major types of acetylcholine receptors exist in the membranes of cells. The type in skeletal muscle is known as nicotinic; in glands, smooth muscle, and the heart they are muscarinic; and there are some of each type in the brain. These terms are used because nicotine mimics the action of acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors, whereas muscarine, an alkaloid from the mushroom Amanita muscaria, mimics the action of acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptors. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter produced by neurons referred to as cholinergic neurons. In the peripheral nervous system acetylcholine plays a role in skeletal muscle movement, as well as in the regulation of smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. In the central nervous system acetylcholine is believed to be involved in learning, memory, and mood. Acetylcholine is synthesized from choline and acetyl coenzyme A through the action of the enzyme choline acetyltransferase and becomes packaged into membrane-boundvesicles. After the arrival of a nerve signal at the termination of an axon, the vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, causing the release of acetylcholine into thesynaptic cleft. For the nerve signal to continue, acetylcholine must diffuse to another nearby neuron or muscle cell, where it will bind and activate areceptorprotein. There are two main types of cholinergic receptors, nicotinic and muscarinic. Nicotinic receptors are located at synapses between two neurons and at synapses between neurons and skeletal muscle cells. Upon activation a nicotinic receptor acts as a channel for the movement of ions into and out of the neuron, directly resulting indepolarizationof the neuron. Muscarinic receptors, located at the synapses of nerves with smooth or cardiac muscle, trigger a chain of chemical events referred to as signal transduction. For a cholinergic neuron to receive another impulse, acetylcholine must be released from the receptor to which it has bound. This will only happen if the concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft is very low. Low synaptic concentrations of acetylcholine can be maintained via a hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme hydrolyzes acetylcholine into acetic acid and choline. If acetylcholinesterase activity is inhibited, the synaptic concentration of acetylcholine will remain higher than normal. If this inhibition is irreversible, as in the case of exposure to many nerve gases and some pesticides, sweating, bronchial constriction, convulsions, paralysis, and possibly death can occur. Although irreversible inhibition is dangerous, beneficial effects may be derived from transient (reversible) inhibition. Drugs that inhibit acetylcholinesterase in a reversible manner have been shown to improve memory in some people with Alzheimers disease. abstract expressionism, movement of abstract painting that emerged in New York City during the mid-1940s and attained singular prominence in American art in the following decade; also called action painting and the New York school. It was the first important school in American painting to declare its independence from European styles and to influence the development of art abroad. Arshile Gorky first gave impetus to the movement. His paintings, derived at first from the art of Picasso, Mir, and surrealism, became more personally expressive. Jackson Pollocks turbulent yet elegant abstract paintings, which were created by spattering paint on huge canvases placed on the floor, brought abstract expressionism before a hostile public. Willem de Koonings first one-man show in 1948 established him as a highly influential artist. His intensely complicated abstract paintings of the 1940s were followed by images of Woman, grotesque versions of buxom womanhood, which were virtually unparalleled in the sustained savagery of their execution. Painters such as Philip Guston and Franz Kline turned to the abstract late in the 1940s and soon developed strikingly original stylesthe former, lyrical and evocative, the latter, forceful and boldly dramatic. Other important artists involved with the movement included Hans Hofmann, Robert Motherwell, and Mark Rothko; among other major abstract expressionists were such painters as Clyfford Still, Theodoros Stamos, Adolph Gottlieb, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner, and Esteban Vicente. Abstract expressionism presented a broad range of stylistic diversity within its largely, though not exclusively, nonrepresentational framework. For example, the expressive violence and activity in paintings by de Kooning or Pollock marked the opposite end of the pole from the simple, quiescent images of Mark Rothko. Basic to most abstract expressionist painting were the attention paid to surface qualities, i.e., qualities of brushstroke and texture; the use of huge canvases; the adoption of an approach to space in which all parts of the canvas played an equally vital role in the total work; the harnessing of accidents that occurred during the process of painting; the glorification of the act of painting itself as a means of visual communication; and the attempt to transfer pure emotion directly onto the canvas. The movement had an inestimable influence on the many varieties of work that followed it, especially in the way its proponents used color and materials. Its essential energy transmitted an enduring excitement to the American art scene. Science and technology is quite a broad category, and it covers everything from studying the stars and the planets to studying molecules and viruses. Beginning with the Greeks and Hipparchus, continuing through Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo, and today with our work on the International Space Station, man continues to learn more and more about the heavens. From here, we look inward to biochemistry and biology. To truly understand biochemistry, scientists study and see the unseen bystudying the chemistry of biological processes. This science, along with biophysics, aims to bring a better understanding of how bodies work from how we turn food into energy to how nerve impulses transmit. Chemistry is a science that explains how salt, something on every table in the world, can be made from sodium and chlorine, two elements that are poisonous to humans. From its beginnings, when Aristotle defined the existence of the atom, to modern chemistry, which combines atomic theory and organic chemistry, this field continues to advance our lives. In technology, youll find many of the things that make life easier today. This includes medical advances like MRI machines, fuel-efficient transportation, portable computing devices, and flat screen televisions. Advances in the field of technology continue to amaze and astound. Modern computing technology is able to communicate wirelessly to the Internet and to other devices advances that have freed computers from desks and made technology and information available to more and more people. Enrico Carusos ascendancy coincided with the dawn of the twentieth century, when the world of opera was moving away from the contrivedbel canto(“beautiful singing”) style, with its emphasis on artifice and vibrato, to averismo(“realism”) approach. The warmth and sincerity of his voiceand personalityshone in this more natural style and set the standard for contemporary greats like Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and JosCarreras. Through his exploitation of the nascent phonograph industry, Caruso is also largely responsible for the sweeping interest in opera of the 1910s and20s. And for this, Stanley Jackson wrote in his bookCaruso,he may never be rivaled, for later tenors could not hope to find themselves in a similarly fortuitous position and thus would most certainly“find it more difficult to win such universal affection as the bubbly, warm-hearted little Neapolitan whose voice soared and sobbed from the first wheezy phonographs to bring a new magic into countless lives.” Born inNaples, Italy, in 1873, the third of seven children (early sources erroneously state that he was the 18th of 21), Caruso was raised in squalor. His birthplace, according to Jackson, was a“two-storeyed house, flaky with peeling stucco, accommodating several families, who shared a solitary cold-water tap on the landing, and like every other dwelling in that locality it lacked indoor sanitation.”As a boy, Caruso received very little formal education; his only training in a social setting came from his church choir, where he displayed a pure voice and a keen memory for songs. More often than not, however, he skipped choir practice to sing with street minstrels for cafpatrons. At the age of ten Caruso began working a variety of menial jobsmechanic, jute weaverbut his passion for singing often led him back


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