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魔术英语大学英语六级词汇风景状物1,The snapshot shows that a buck is browsing on grass in the endless meadow. 那幅快照上,一只羚羊正在一望无际的草地上吃草。2,There is a luminous quartz clock near the wooden shutter, which has a metallic pendulum. 木制的百叶窗旁放着一个带有金属钟摆的夜光石英钟。3,There is a tub, a sieve and a heap of tiles nearby the ruptured pipeline. 破裂的管道旁放着一个木盆、筛子和一堆瓦片。4,The Water Cube, the result of China in collaboration with foreign countries, with optimum temperature and humidity, dazzles the world. 水立言,中外合作的结晶,有着最适宜的温度和湿度,让世界瞩目。5,There is a gorge in the forest with clusters of thorns, some tangled vegetation like hollies and olives. 这个森林中有一道峡谷,森林中生长着荆棘丛和其他杂乱的草木,像冬青、橄榄树等等。6,Atmospheric moisture diminishes the visibility of this sizable wasteland. 因为雾气,这片辽阔荒野的能见度变得很低。7,At the night of the mountainous district, the scent of blossoms permeated e everywhere , breezes murmured in the pines, and stars sparkled in the Milky Way Galaxy. 山区的夜晚花香弥漫,微风呢喃,星光闪闪。8,Tempted by the odor of roses after being released from the hive, the bees were humming around them.从蜂箱一放出来,蜜蜂就被玫瑰的花香吸引,围着花丛嗡嗡叫。9,Escorted by the gentle breeze, flapped by the flaring wave, the ferry was sailing on the sea. 伴着轻柔的微风和闪烁的波浪,渡船航行在海面上。10,Bearing his mental scars ,the pensioner stumped like a snail.忍受着心屡的创伤,这个领取养老金的老人像蜗牛一样笨拙地走着。11,A batch of infantry and armor were convened and arrayed beforehand along the bank.一组步兵和装甲部队预先在岸边严阵以待。12,The artifact made from composite is flanked with diamonds which are hard to disjoin.这件复合材料做成的手工制品的两侧都很牢固地镶着钻石。13,The aisle of the first-class compartment is spacious .一等车厢的通道很宽敞。14,Like a revenge, the furious surge was slashing at the stern, menacing all the passengers.像复仇似的,狂浪拍打着船尾,威胁着船上所有人的安全。15,The briefing shows that drought and ecological catastrophe swept over the whole locality, followed by a consequent pervasive economic slump.据简报介绍,干旱和生态灾难席卷了整个地区,并引起了普遍的经济萧条。16,The performance of circus in the arena is of large lure. 舞台上马戏团的表演很有吸引力。17,The isle looming ahead is mainly inhabited by penguins ;the conquerors have to confront the deterioration of the environment now. 眼前这座隐约可见的岛上栖居的主要是企鹅。现在这些征服者们不得不面对岛上日益恶化的环境。18,The consecutive hurricane inflicted severe damage in the peninsula and terrified lots of people. 连续的台风给半岛造成重大损失,也引起了很多人的恐惧。19,Beside the transistor , a stationary icon of owl stands opposite to the threshold.收音机旁,一座静立的猫头鹰圣像正对着门口。20,The streamline yacht is operative through automation.这架流线型的游艇可通过自动操作运转。 人文教育21,Nurturing the innovation competence is an integral part of modern education.创新能力的培养是现代教育必不可少的一部分。22,Some adolescents in the transition from childhood to adulthood have an exceptional character, such as not complying with their parents persuasion.那些从孩子向成年过渡的青少年常常有反常的脾气,例如不听父母的劝告。23,Most pupils articulate that decimal notation is intelligible.大部分小学生都明确表示,十进制法是明白易懂的。24,The questionnaire unveiled that overwhelming students were not satisfied wit their tuition for which deviated from the pact of compulsory education.问卷调查显示,绝大多数学生对学校的收费不满,因为这与义务教育的条款相背离。25,Juveniles reckless and erroneous acts like harassment , alcoholic addiction, theft , and racketing , arent negligible. 青少年不顾后果的错误行为,例如骚扰、酗酒、偷窃、勒索等等,是不能忽视的。26,When telling a falsehood , you degrade yourself and become vulgar, so youd better ponder over how to constrain yourself timely.你撒谎时就贬低了自己并且变得粗俗,所以最好及时地想想该如何约束自己。27,Teachers should neutralize and hold no bias in class, for they are not privileged to differentiate pupils of different parental background.老师没有权利按家庭出身区别对待学生,应该一视同仁。28,Success is rejoicing, an award , a milestone (landmark), a diversion of life state.成功是一份喜悦,一种奖励,是一个里程碑,是人生状态的一次转换。29,Keep fighting and we could overcome all the setbacks , misfortunes and miseries in life.只要不断奋斗,我们就能战胜人生的一切挫折、不幸和痛苦。30,Time elapses, the pioneer of the Renaissance that once revived arts and literature retains its glory and successors.时光流逝,曾经复苏了文学和艺术的文艺复兴先驱,到现在光环依旧,不乏追随者。31,He infringed the regulation of the college and was propelled to quit school without a diploma.他违反了学校的规章制度,迫不得已只有退学了。32,Under the tendency of globalization, preservation of constricted essence of Confucianism and fostering multicultural thoughts are reciprocal.在全球人的趋势下,对儒家文化精髓的坚持和对外来多元文化的鼓励是互惠的。33,In utopia, everyone keeps an aloft ideological dogma of being caring and respectful.在理想社会里,人人持有这样高尚的意识信条:互相关心,互相尊重。34,After some formalities, he was affiliated with the college as an honorary professor for his creation of a unique literary genre.经过一系列程序的办理,他因为独创的艺术流派而被该学院接受,并被授予名誉教授的称号。35,The tragedy, mingling queerly with history, depicts the synthesis of invasion and recipient culture.这部悲剧与历史奇妙地结合起来,描绘了入侵文化和接受文化的融合。36,Unveiling the ancient Chinese civilization, I can visualize the Yellow River (Chinese artery ) flowing to the skyline.揭开华夏文明的神秘面纱,我似乎能看见黄河(中国人大动脉)滚滚奔流向天际。37,The romances manuscript has an intricate plot: smuggle , prosecution, assassination, confederation, confrontation, etc.那部言情小说初稿情节复杂:走私、告发、暗杀、联盟、对抗等等。38,The appendix of this pamphlet (brochure ) lists all its bibliographies. 这个册子的附录列出了该书的参考书目。39,The versatile writer is renowned and respectable for his patriotism . 这位多才多艺的作家以其爱国热情而闻名和受人景仰。40,We , the ordinary mortals , mediating midst modern cities all day long not only oppress our soul, paralyze our minds , inhibit our ideology, but also obscure our nature of life. 当我们这些普通人成天翰旋于现代城市之间,这不仅压抑我们的灵魂,麻痹思绪,抑制思想,也泯灭了我们的天性。 科学技术41,In refinery, copper and zinc are fused to make a king of alloy named brass. 在精炼厂,锌和铜被融化来制成名为黄铜的合金。42,The zoological expert found a skull and some fossils of animal skeleton that were extinct in medieval times. 这位动物学专家发现了一个头盖骨和一些中世纪已经绝种的动物骨骼化石。43,Biochemistry is a science of accuracy, and blundering about without caution could only entail contradiction and distortion to the truth. 生物化学是一门精确的科学,妄加乱闯只会与真理相矛盾甚至扭曲真理。44,This chorus commemorating the forerunners of science struck a responsive chord in the hearts of listeners.这段纪念科学先驱的合唱引起了听众的共鸣。45,It is customary to consider it true that what was learned in the cradle is so embedded and predominant in our mind that would never be erased. 习惯上我们都认为,孩提时代学到的东西是如此深地扎根和占据在我们的脑海,以至于任何事物都无法将它抹去。46,The multilateral prediction of this book, devoted to realism, is speculative rather than definitive.这本书关于现实主义的多角度预测,是探讨性的而不是肯定性的。47,The proposition of precluding the forthcoming flood by using the new drainage fixtures is upheld by many people. 利用新一代的排水设备来防止未来洪灾的提议受到多数人的拥护。48,From biomedical view , all the living creatures could be classified with hierarchy, and there is correlation between each two. 从生物医学的角度来看,一切生物均可按层级分类,每两级之间都有着联系。49,In retrospect, recycling of water is the recipe for irrigation in dry areas. 回顾过去,干旱地区顺利实现灌溉的秘诀就是水的循环使用。50,Mechanics is a qualitative and quantitative matter of science and no neglect whatsoever is permissible. 力学是有关数量和质量的科学,容不得半点疏忽。51,Induction is a credible methodology that differentiates from deduction.归纳法是一种不同于演绎法的可信的方法论。52,Watt is a unit of electric power ,while Quart is a unit of capacity, so they are not convertible. 瓦特是电力单位,而夸脱是容量单位,所以他们是不能相互转换的。53,Installing the lightweight apparatus in the tanker is practicable. 在油轮上安装这种轻质仪器是可行的。54,We can slot the new Medicare entry in the glossary for the convenience of retrieval. 我们可以把这个关于医疗保险的新词条编进辞典,以方便检索。55,A scholarly speech should be of great wording and clarity, neither diffuse nor simplistic, or else it is a problematic speech with a scarcity of meaning. 学术演讲需要用词到位,立场明了,既不能冗长繁琐,也不可过分简单,否则,将是问题百出的乏味演讲。56,By analogy, this planet also does rotary movement around the sun , no emission of light. 以此类推,这颗行星也是围绕太阳旋转,本身并不发光。57,The broadband network provides the availability to browse the electronic portfolio of her drawings and memorandum anytime. 宽带网络使得她能够随时浏览自己绘画作品和备忘录的电子文件。58,She has gained proficiency in computing method of the shaft parameter of the hoist. 她熟练地掌握了计算那台起重机杆参数的方法。59,She worked with great dedication, often immersing herself in painting on the canvas, without blinking. 她工作认真,经常忘我地画油画, 眼睛几乎一眨也不眨。60,Granted that your potential is immeasurable , it is absurd to formulate a plan to complete the formidable projet within two weeks. 就算你有无限潜质,在两星期内想出一个完成那个艰巨工作的方案仍然是荒谬的。 人物素描61,As an anonymous patron, the millionaire endowed (donated ) 10,000 Yuan to a disabled boy. 作为匿名捐赠者,那位百万富翁将一万元捐给一个残疾男孩。62,It was disclosed that the famous electrician who emigrated from Canada to Australia had dual subsidy. 据透露,那位从加拿达移居到澳大利亚的著名电气专家享受双重津贴。63,The actress in the full glare of publicity is of great feminine glamour, for example, courtesy, persistence, being virtuous, tolerant and truthful. 这名广受公众关注的女演员极具女性魅力,例如,殷勤、坚韧、善良、宽容、正直等等。64,Many celebrities appeared concurrently in the charitable feast and showed their generosity through donating funds to the charity. 在慈善宴会上,众多名流纷纷捐资给慈善基金,以示其慷慨之心。65,The batter with a beer-belly bullied his rivals with his fellowship and later was accused of breach of the peace and denounce by public. 那个长着啤酒肚的击球手与其伙伴欺凌其对手,后来以扰乱治安罪名被起诉并受到公众的谴责。66,Through directory , the compassionate woman found the frail and wretched girl whose nickname was locust.通过通讯员,这位富有同情心的妇女最终找到了那位绰号叫“蝉儿”的可怜的弱小女孩儿。67,His resentment evaporated and underwent a complete conversion to brotherly love as the misunderstanding in their boyhood was explained . 当儿时误解被解释清楚之后,他的憎恶消失了,转而涌起的是兄弟之情。68,Behind the optic, the eyes of he leftist judiciary shone with a feverish glare. 镜片后面,那个左派司法分子的眼睛闪烁着炽热的光芒。69,For an adventurer, a few more banknotes are handy and advantageous, so that something in need can be affordable. 冒险家随身多带一些钞票是有利的,这样可方便他购买一些必需品。70,Ones action , like an overt inventory , is indicative of his privacy and future intents. 一个人的行为,就像一个公开的清单,透漏着他的稳私和未来的意向。71,A gang of provincials strike as a lever to force the petty employers to give them more premiums. 一群乡下用罢工来迫使小气的雇主给他们增加额外津贴。72,He is such a humane, venerable and exemplary person that his words could purify the soul and repel the sensual impulse. 他是个仁慈、受人景仰的楷模,他的话语能净化灵魂、平息人性的冲动。73,The well disciplined and humanitarian cardinal is his nominal teacher. 那位受过良好的训练、富有人道主义精神的红衣主教是他名义上的老师。74,Through the reconciliation of mediator , notwithstanding the artful coworker was on oath not to tease her any more , she is still skeptical about it. 通过调解人的和解,尽管这个狡猾的同事发誓不再挑逗她,她对此还是感到怀疑。75,Someone wrenched the facts and lied that I was a night owl and slack in work so as to hamper my accession to a higher positon, while the scheme became a binder of his promotion on the rebound. 有人歪曲事实,说我晚睡和怠工,试图阻碍我晋升,反而成了自身晋升的绊脚石。76,In order to prevent the tragedy from recurring , the judge reproached the witness rigorously for his withholding the truth. 为了预防悲剧重演,法官严厉责怪见证人隐瞒真相。77,The prose written by my tenant is prevalent among the bottom society for its exotic description, though it suffers contempt from the upper class of prestige. 我的房客写出的文章由于独具异国情调,在底层社会很受欢迎,但是上层社会有威望的人却不屑一顾。78,Stitch by stitch, my illiterate aunt weaved a suit as a tribute to my grandpa. 一针一线地,大字不识的姑姑亲手织了一套衣服作为礼物送给了爷爷。79,The momentary motherhood compelled her to give the only left parachute to a little girl decisively (decidedly).突然泛起的母爱驱使她果断地将最后仅剩的降落伞给了一个女儿。80,He lubricated the cannon barrel with grease to make it shiny. 他为大炮炮管涂油来使它变得闪亮。凡人琐事81,It is said that a dreadful ghost frequently haunted the forest adjoining a cemetery. 据说,一个可怕的幽灵,经常出现在墓地旁边那个林子里。82,Doubtlessly , the little clan of engineers is to enhance and consolidate their power and safeguard their position in the company. 毋庸置疑,工程师们组成的这个小团体是为了加强其权力以及巩固其在公司的位置。83,The ticket for weightlifting contest isnt of validity if detached, so how wasteful. 举重竞赛门票副券撕下地效, 唉,真是浪费。84,He is desirous that their disrupted love would be renewed , carefree and harmonious and no more annoyance and breakage. 他期盼他们中民的爱情会继续起来,从此无忧无虑、和谐融洽,不有烦恼,不再分开。85,By intuition , I am suspicious that this hairy plant can bloom here, but the upcoming fact that it wont perish even in more barren soil stuns me. 直觉之下,我很怀疑该多毛植物能在此开花,但是接下来,即使再贫瘠的土壤上它也不会枯萎的事实却让我目瞪口呆。86,In an alternate way , we may invert the file in the rectangular drawer. 换一种方法,我们可以将此长方形抽屉里的文件倒排。87,The quota of picking junk in the trench in the trench in front of the mall is a boring business. 商厦前沟渠的垃圾拾配额任务真是个令人讨厌的事情。88,As it is portrayed in the serial , a ride in the lunar module is quite a relish. 就像电视连续剧里刻画的一样,在登月舱上的一次驾驶真是乐趣无穷。89,The person who set a stall selling gruel was detained 24 hours for violating traffic regulation . 那个摆摊卖麦片粥的人因妨碍交通被拘留了24小时。90,Their old rivalry soon unfolded hotly when they met in a shuttle.当他们在短途汔车上相遇时,昔日明争暗斗的局面又死灰复燃。91,The moderato tole his speculation about the brewery patent to the tribunal. 调解人把自己对啤酒厂专利案子的一些推测告诉了法院。92,To put it straightforwardly, I cant endorse your dubbing them “watchdog”.坦率地说,我不赞成你给他们的“看门狗”的绰号。93,She claimed for a refund to the liaison, for the company wasnt punctual in sending the anti-ultraviolet umbrella and jigsaw she ordered. 因为商家不按时发送她订购的防紫外线遮阳伞和拼图玩具,她向中间人提出退款申请。94,Incidentally, please turn the knob counterclockwise. 顺便说一句,请按反时针方向拧把手。95,The lost locomotive accessory was found in the vicinity of the driveway.丢失的机车零件在离车道不远的地方被找到。96,Maybe out of indignation , my hound howled towards a hovering hawk which attempted to assault a chicken. 也许是出于愤慨,我的猎犬朝着一只盘旋着试图攻击小鸡的老鹰嗥叫。97,The superintendent introduces to me the fact that sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas. 主管对我介绍说,二氧化硫是有毒气体。98,People celebrate the Lunar New Year of rooster in red outfit that would never be outdated, 农人们穿着永远不过时红色服装庆祝农历鸡年新年。99,He excerpted a sentence from the academicians diary: our words should embody our intrinsic thought and one should be accountable for his words. 他从这位院士的日记中摘录了一句话:我们的话语应该表现我们的内在思想,我们要对自己所说过的话负责。100, As a lieutenant , he has enough money to indulge himself in cocktail. 作为一名海军上尉,他有足够的钱满足他喝鸡尾酒的嗜好。政治法律101,The prophet foretells assertively that the billionaire is prospective to win the throne. 预言家断言道,那个亿万富翁可能会夺得王位。102,It is alleged that nine amended decrees in aggregation will be activated in the ensuing year. 据说,共计9条新修订的法令将于明年执行。103,The bold and vicious insurgent of no cultivation was deprived of the autonomy. 这名胆大凶残、没有教养的叛乱分子被剥夺了人身自由。104,The humanist appraised that about 10,000 constituents had taken the ballot . 这位人文学者估计大约一万选民参加了这次投票表决。105,Hearing the judicial verdict , the respondents complexion turned abruptly. 听到法庭对他的裁决结果,被告脸色大变。106,The historian was bewildered about how to certify the defendants crime. 这位历史学家因不知道怎样证明被告的罪行而感到迷惑。107,The government mobilized people to boycott alien goods . 政府动员人们抵制货。108,The endeavor of the federal governments crackdown on cardinal bureaucratic crimes received compliments from the enthusiastic citizens. 联邦政府努力打击主要官僚犯罪的行为受到了热心市民的赞扬。109,The malicious officers who overstated the danger of SARS misguided a lot of people and were ousted in the end for their malpractice.某些恶毒的官员蓄意夸大了非典的危险性,从而误导了很多群众。最后,这些官员均因失职而被撤职。110,It is not fitting to bracket terrorism with nationalism empirically . 单纯从经验上把恐怖主义和民族主义混为一谈是不合适的。111,It would be an unprecedented sarcasm toward its former constitutional system if the policy was proved to be victorious. 如果该政策胜利了,将是对该国原有体制的莫大讽刺。112,The Commonwealth designated the magistrate to clamp down on any criminal activities in this municipal area. 英联邦命令当地官员取缔这一自治地区的一切犯罪活动。113,The parliamentary seniority said that the plan of diluting the presidential influence on the state was underway. 这位议会资深议员说,关于削减总统对国家影响的计划正在实施当中。114,The tentative organization in suspension aimed to elicit the best thinking and prevent subjective decision , but it transcended the understanding of most leaders and triggered a quarrel. 这个试探性的机构设置形式,初衷是为了集思广益,防止主观决断。然而,众多领导却感到不解,甚至引发了一次争吵。115,This principle is not susceptible to alteration, inclusive of all the congressional representatives. 这一原则不容更改,对任何国会代表都不例外。116,His outbreak was so violent that the solicitor hesitated to intervene in but receded to the staircase and preyed. 他的反抗非常暴烈,律师不敢插口申辩,只有退至楼梯开始祷告。117,Allegedly, the lash of public opinion caused resignation of the broker. 据说,舆论的严厉指责迫使这位经纪人辞职。118,The lawful struggle for unification is gaining momentum every day. 通过合法斗争取统一的势头日益增长。119,Complaining about the enforcement of legislative institution is an unprofitable pastime. 对强制实施立法体制的抱怨是无益之举。120,The watertight plan of the overthrowing of the corrupt regime and monopoly was paraded as a feat. 这个关于推翻腐败政权和垄断的严密计划被标榜为丰功伟绩。梦回故园121,My hometown is situated at the fringe of a forest on the Loess Plateau.我的家乡位于黄土高原的一个树林旁。122,In memory, my hometown is always in a bleak view: the old plaster walls were fractured ; the shabby porches stood gloomily; some gigantic logs lied in the tangled shrubs like stiff corpses.在我的记忆里,故乡总是一道凄凉的风景:古老的泥墙斑斑驳驳,破旧的门廊沮丧地站立着,巨大的原木如僵尸般地躺在乱糟糟的灌木从中。123,I like enjoying the radiant sunrise and gorgeous sunset of hometown. 我喜欢故乡辉煌的日出和灿烂美丽的晚霞。124,My grandfather always tucked a pair of canes in his arms; he has no literacy and his conception couldnt break through the stereotype; my father was outgoing , blunt, optimistic and hospitable ; he reclaimed the vast tracts of woodland from day to night. 我的爷爷总是挂着一副拐杖,他一字不识而且观念比较保守;我的父亲是一个外向、直率、乐观、热情好客的人,他整天在开垦大片的林地。125,With specialty of my hometown , peanuts and several bottles of champagne in our basket , my father and I often went to scramble the hill ,at the foot of which a shepherd always grazed a flock of sheep in the pasture. 我和父亲经常在篮子里提着家乡特色菜、花生,几瓶香槟酒,一块儿去爬山。山脚下的牧场上,总是有一个牧羊人在放羊。126,Apple is the staple of my hometown , sweet, crisp and nutritious.苹果是我家乡的主要特产,它又甜又脆,而且营养丰富。127, The air is saturated ( overflowed ) with the perfume ( fragrance ) of the blossoms, with innumerable bees buzzing around. 空气中充满着花香,无数的蜜蜂围着花丛嗡嗡叫。128,Farmers prune branches, irrigate field, and sprinkle the pesticide.农民修剪树枝、浇地、喷洒杀虫剂。129,In an excited mob, my classmates and I often rushed to the booths around to buy something we needed or lingered nearby them with greedy eyesight. 我的同学经常一窝蜂地跑到周围的一些货摊上买我们想要的东西,或带着贪婪的目光在附近徘徊。130,We simulate a true warfare with toy-pistols around the enclosure. 在围墙附近,我们用玩具手枪模仿着真正的战争。131,My classmate mocked at me by saying that I was as timid as rabbit and looked at me with lofty scorn. 我的同学嘲笑我胆小如鼠,并以高傲的姿态看着我。132,I retorted their defiance and said that I wasnt a coward. 我反驳道:我不是懦夫。133,For the incentive of my classmate and my impulse, I warranted that I could scramble up the willow. 由于伙伴的鼓励和我的一时冲动,我向他们保证我能爬上那棵柳树。134,When I scrambled down, I found my trousers were contaminated and my ankles bruised due to oversight. 当我爬下树,我发现因为不小心,裤子被弄脏了,脚踝又青又肿。135,In order to disguise my lame legs, I pretended to be weary, and went to bed deadly after dining. 为了掩饰我跛行的双腿,我装着很累,急匆匆地吃完晚饭后死一般躺在床上。136,However , my mother discerned my abnormal walking posture and when I got up next morning, I found my ankle with linen bandage. 妈妈觉察出我反常的走路姿势。第二天起床时,我发现妈妈已用纱布绷带包好了我的脚踝。137,Due to inherent mental inertia. I always couldnt have an instantaneous response to the teachers question, but I was obedient to her and strived to study hard. 由于天生大脑迟钝,我总是不能立即回答老师的是问,但是,我很听老师的话,而且学习努力。138,My stubborn character is an impetus for me to surpass others later. 我天生固执的性格成了我超越他人的动力。139,I subscribed some periodicals, pored over them and recited some good sentences. 我订阅了一些期刊,仔细阅读它们并努力背诵优美的句子。140,And now, strolling in the hill I used to climb, watching the apple trees in the terrace of symmetry, I think too myself that time is transient , but I would never forget my beautiful hometown. 此刻,漫步在我曾经爬过的山中,看着梯田里整齐的苹果树,我自言自语道:时光流逝,但是我会永远记得美丽的家乡。古代人的生活141,About 2 million years ago, our feeble and vulnerable ancestors dwelled in the cavities , exposed to grim hardship in nature and

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