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情景英语口语100主题1 AgeBeginner A: how old is Keith? B: hes 21. how old is James? A: hes a year older than Keith, but he looks younger. B: hows your father? A: hes fine. He retired last week. Its a turning point in his life. Now he can relax and enjoy his retirement. B: he can spend more time with his grandchilden. A: oh, I dont think he wants to. He wants to travel to several different countries around the world. B: so, he wants to have a more active retirement. Good idea! A: how do you want to spend your old age? B: in the same way, probably. Intermediate A: whats the life expectancy in your country? B: Im not sure, but probably about 75 years. How about in your country? A: about 70, I think. This newspaper article talks about the problems of an aging population. Its a problem that will soon affect most of the world. B: I heard that the government might need to increase the retirement age, because otherwise there will not be enough workers to support the young and the elderly. A: perhaps we need to have more babies! Tina gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. B: did she? Thats great. However, if we have too many children, that will have a bad effect on the enviroment. A: hows your son these days? B: oh, hes fine. Kids seem to grow up very quickly nowadays. A: hell be a teenager before you know it! Teenagers are often rebellious! When do you mine it is a good age to have a child? B: I had mine when I was 24. thats a little young. Id suggest you wait until you are in your late twenties., or even in your early thirties if you have a good career. A: yes, I think youre right. Im thinking about having a child, but not just yet. B: is there a big generation gap between parents and their children in you country? A; Yes, there is. Teenagers do not want to live traditonal lives. They want to go out, have fun, and explore the world. They want to develop their own view of life. Parents usually try to discourage them, but they dont often succeed. B:parents usually give their children more freedom in my country. Sometimes they give them too much freedom. A: its almost impossible to get the right balance. If you are too strict, kids might ignore you. If you are too lenient, they might go wild. Words Young old middle-aged elderly childhood adulthood teenager Generation retire early-twenties mid-thirties late-forties baby toddler Adolescent kid life expectancy 21 years old look(older) turning-point mature Child youth life middle old age pension Phrases Grow up have a child become an adult leave school get married be born become pregnant give birth2 CharactersBeginner A: do you like Barry? B: no, not very much. Hes too ambitious and dishonest. A: I agree. I like his brother, Paul. They are not alike. B: yes. They are completely different. Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother. A: what kind of person do you consider yourself to be? B: I think Im polite, careful, relaxed and shy. A: oh, I dont think youre shy! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party. B: well, yes, but those people always start talking to me. I never talk to them first. Perhaps Im not as shy as I think. Anyway, youre certainly not shy! A: Youre right. I love going out and making new friends. B: so, youll be at my birthday party on Friday? A: Of course! Intermediate A: How do you think people get their personalities? B: I think its mainly from the environment a person lives it. A: Dont you think people get their personalities from their parents? B: no, but parents control a lot of the environment that kids grow up in, so they certainly influence their kids personalities a lot. A: So why do you think many kids have personalities that are so different to their parents. B: maybe when they become teenagers, they want to be completely different to their parents. A: You might be right. I guess most parents want their kids to be like them, but kids today grow up in a different environment. You know, they know much more about the world from the internet, newspapers, and tv. B: do you think that teenagers get a lot of their bad behaviour from tv and movies? A: Maybe some of it. I think a lot of people blame TV and movies when the real problem is that the parents arent bringing their child up correctly. B: Parents have a difficult job. They have to bring up their children and usually have to work too. A: Yes, thats fine. Your son is doing well at school, isnt he? B: yes, he is. Hes very hardworking when hes at school. Then he comes home from school and does homework before dinner. After dinner, he goes out with his friends. A: So, hes not a bookworm? Its good that he has an outgoing personality. Some kids are very quiet and introverted. You wonder theyll survive in the real world without their parents to support them. words Polite extrovert careless innocent impolite aggressive friendly frank kind ambitious unfriendly honest energetic serious relaxed shy quiet noisy outgoing careful thoughtful curious funny stubborn arrogant reliable jealous sociable phrases Look relaxed appear shy think of someone have a personality be considered pretend to be to be alike completely different3 personal appearancesBeginner A: That girl looks very attractive, doesnt she? B: do you think so? I dont like girls who look like that. I like girls who arent too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her. A: Id like to, but theres her boyfriend. Hes very broad-shouldered. B: hes huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones? B: I dont mind, but I like girls with long hair. A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because Im so tall myself. B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you? A: no, never. I dont think Ive ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently? B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girls boyfriend. A: I m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps Ill go with you. Intermediate A: lets play a little game. Ill describe someone and you try and guess who it is. B: ok. Im really bored at the moment. A: ok. This man is tall and slim. Hes got blue eyes and curly brown hair. B: does he have a moustache or a beard? A: good question. Yes, he has a moustache, but no beard. B: sounds like mike, is it? A: yes, it is. You describe someone we both know. B: right. Shes not very tall and shes quite plump. Shes got blonder hair, but I dont know what color her eyes are. A: is she attractive? I dont think I know anyone like that. B: I like slim girls, so I doubt I would find a plump girl attractive. Youll have to give me some more information. A: shes got tiny feet and wears really unfashionable shoes. In fact, she wears unfashionable clothes too. B: this doesnt sound like anyone I know. I give up. Teel me who she is. A; shes your mother! B: how embarrassing! I dont even recognize a description of my own mother! How important do you think appearance is ? A: I think that unfortunately its more important than a persons character. Advertising and stuff tells us that we have to be attractive. I think its wrong, but thats the way the world is now. A: Im afraid youre right. I chose my girlfriend because she has a wonderful personality. B: well, you certainly didnt choose her because of her looks! Hey, I was joking! Dont hit me! Words Figure shot stocky tall overweight slim plump well-built stature hunky average height height weight bit small broad-shouldered beard neat and tidy moustache medium build curly hair straight hair bald attractive ugly handsome well-dressed scruffy Phrases Change hairstyle have a lovely figure be well-built be 180-cm-tall weight 60 kilos have brown hair be brown-eyed gain/lose weight

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