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UNIT 5TEXTA mother and her son learn more from a moment of defeat than they ever could from a victory. Her example of never giving up gives him courage for the rest of his life.The Day Mother CriedGerald MooreComing home from school that dark winters day so long ago, I was filled with anticipation. I had a new issue of my favorite sports magazine tucked under my arm, and the house to myself. Dad was at work, my sister was away, and Mother wouldnt be home from her new job for an hour. I bounded up the steps, burst into the living room and flipped on a light.I was shocked into stillness by what I saw. Mother, pulled into a tight ball with her face in her hands, sat at the far end of the couch. She was crying. I had never seen her cry.I approached cautiously and touched her shoulder. Mother? I said. Whats happened?She took a long breath and managed a weak smile. Its nothing, really. Nothing important. Just that Im going to lose this new job. I cant type fast enough.But youve only been there three days, I said. Youll catch on. I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning or doing something important to me.No, she said sadly. I always said I could do anything I set my mind to, and I still think I can in most things. But I cant do this.I felt helpless and out of place. At age 16 I still assumed Mother could do anything. Some years before, when we sold our ranch and moved to town, Mother had decided to open a day nursery. She had had no training, but that didnt stand in her way. She sent away for correspondence courses in child care, did the lessons and in six months formally qualified herself for the task. It wasnt long before she had a full enrollment and a waiting list. I accepted all this as a perfectly normal instance of Mothers ability.But neither the nursery nor the motel my parents bought later had provided enough income to send my sister and me to college. In two years I would be ready for college. In three more my sister would want to go. Time was running out, and Mother was frantic for ways to save money. It was clear that Dad could do no more than he was doing already - farming 80 acres in addition to holding a fulltime job.A few months after wed sold the motel, Mother arrived home with a used typewriter. It skipped between certain letters and the keyboard was soft. At dinner that night I pronounced the machine a piece of junk.Thats all we can afford, Mother said. Its good enough to learn on. And from that day on, as soon as the table was cleared and the dishes were done, Mother would disappear into her sewing room to practice. The slow tap, tap, tap went on some nights until midnight.It was nearly Christmas when I heard Mother got a job at the radio station. I was not the least bit surprised, or impressed. But she was ecstatic.Monday, after her first day at work, I could see that the excitement was gone. Mother looked tired and drawn. I responded by ignoring her.Tuesday, Dad made dinner and cleaned the kitchen. Mother stayed in her sewing room, practicing. Is Mother all right? I asked Dad.Shes having a little trouble with her typing, he said. She needs to practice. I think shed appreciate it if we all helped out a bit more.I already do a lot, I said, immediately on guard.I know you do, dad said evenly. And you may have to do more. You might just remember that she is working primarily so you can go to college.I honestly didnt care. I wished she would just forget the whole thing.My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears on Wednesday was a perfect index of how little I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the couch, I began very slowly to understand.I guess we all have to fail sometime, mother said quietly. I could sense her pain and the tension of holding back the strong emotions that were interrupted by my arrival. Suddenly, something inside me turned. I reached out and put my arms around her.She broke then. She put her face against my shoulder and sobbed. I held her close and didnt try to talk. I knew I was doing what I should, what I could, and that it was enough. In that moment, feeling Mothers back racked with emotion, I understood for the first time her vulnerability. She was still my mother, but she was something more: a person like me, capable of tear and hurt and failure. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I had sought comfort in her arms.A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station had offered. Its job I can do, she said simply. But the evening practice sessions on the old green typewriter continued. I had a very different feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping away. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.When I left for college two years later, Mother had an office job with better pay and more responsibility. I have to believe that in some strange way she learned as much from her moment of defeat as I did, because several years later, when I had finished school and proudly accepted a job as a newspaper reporter, she had already been a journalist with our home town paper for six months.The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. It memento, but what it recalls for me is not quite what it recalled for Mother. When Im having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself and think things should be easier for me, I roll a piece of paper into that cranky old machine and type, work by painful word, just the way Mother did. What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead.Its the best memento anyone ever gave me.课文翻译妈妈哭的那天 很久前一个阴暗的冬天,我放学回家,心中充满着期待。我腋下夹着一本我所喜爱的刚出版的体育杂志,而且整个房子将只有我一个人。爸爸还没下班,妹妹不在家,妈妈刚找到一份新工作,在一小时内是不会回家的,我跳上台阶,冲进起居室,啪的一声打开电灯。 我眼前出现的景象使我惊呆了。妈妈紧缩着身子。手捂着脸,坐在沙发的一端,她在哭。我以前从没见她哭过。 我小心地走近她,把手放在她肩上。“妈”我说,“怎么了?” 妈妈长叹一口气,强作微笑。“没什么,真的。没什么大不了的事。只是我要失去这份新工作了。我字打的不够快。” “但你才上三天班,”我说,“你会赶上的。”我重复了妈妈对我说过的一百遍的那句话。每当我学什么或做什么重要事情而遇到麻烦时,妈常这样对我说。“不行了,”妈妈神色黯淡地对我说。“过去我常说只要我下决心,什么事我都能干好。现在我仍然认为在多数情况下我能做到。但是,打字这事我做不到啦。”我无能为力,十分尴尬。那时我16岁,仍然认为妈妈能做任何事。几年前,当我们卖掉农场,搬到城里来住的时候,妈妈决定开一所日托所。她没受过这方面的训练,但这并不妨碍她。她参加幼托函授课学习,做练习,六个月后就正式获得从事这项工作的资格 了。不久后,她不但招满了生,而且还有许多孩子等着注册。我认为这是理所当然的,是妈妈能力的体现。但是不管是日托所还是后来爸妈买的汽车旅馆都无法提供足够的钱送我和妹妹上大学。两年后我就要准备上大学了。再过三年,妹妹也想上大学。时间过得真快。妈妈想尽了一切方法存钱。很明显,爸爸不可能比他现在干得更多-除了一份全日制工作外,还要耕种80英亩地。在我们卖掉汽车旅馆几个月后,妈弄回家一台旧式打字机。这台打字机跳字,键盘也很松。那天吃饭时,我说这台打字是“废物一件”。“我们只买得起这个,”妈妈说。“这对练打字是够好的了。”从那天开始,只要桌子一收拾,碗一洗,妈妈就会消失到她的缝纫房里练习打字。这缓慢的嗒嗒声有时一直持续到深夜。快到圣诞节时,我就听到妈妈在电台找到一份工作。我一点也不吃惊。一点也不觉得有什么特别,妈妈却高兴极了。星期一,她第一次上班回家后,我就看不到那份高兴劲了。妈妈看上去很疲倦,紧绷着脸。我装着没看见。星期二,爸爸做饭,收拾厨房。妈妈在缝纫间里练习打字。“妈没事吧?”我问爸。“她打字遇到了一点困难,”爸爸说。“她需要练习。我想如果我们都帮忙做家务,她会很感激的。”“我已经做了很多事,”我立刻警觉起来,说道。“我知道,”爸心平气和地说。“你也许得再多干点。你应该记住,她现在工作,主要是因为要供你上大学。”老实说,我不在乎上不上大学,我真希望她把这事给忘掉。因此,当星期三看见妈妈在哭时,我既震惊双尴尬。这完全说明我一点不理解她身上的担子。“我想,我们每个人都有失败的时候的,”她平静地说道。我能感觉到她的痛苦,感觉到她在极力抑制住因我到来而打断了的强烈感情。突然,我深深感动了,我伸出双臂把妈妈搂在怀里。她再也抑制不住了,把脸帖着我的肩,抽泣着。我紧紧地搂着她并不急着说什么。我知道,我正在做我应该做的,能够做的,这就足够了。那一刻,当我感到妈妈的背因激动颤抖时,我才第一次明白她不是事事都能办到的。她仍是我妈妈,但她身上有了更多的东西:她和我一样,也害怕,也有失败的时候。我能感觉得到她的痛苦,就像我曾数千次地在她怀里寻求安慰时,她能感觉到我的痛苦一样。过了一周,妈妈找到一个卖纺织品的工作,工资只有电台的一半。“这工作我能胜任,”妈妈简单地说道。但是晚上她仍旧坐在那台破旧的绿色打字机旁练习打字。现在,当我晚上走过她的房间时,听见那连续不断的嗒嗒声时,我的感觉完全不同的。我意识到这不仅仅是一名妇女在学打字。两年后,我去上学,那时妈妈已得到一份办公室工作,工资高了,责任也更重了。我不得不相信,妈妈以她奇特的方式从失败中学到的东西和我学到的东西一样多。几年后,我完成学业,自豪地受聘担任一家报社记者时,妈妈已在我们家乡的一家报社里做了六个月的记者了。现在,那台绿色的旧打字机就放在我的办公室里,没有修理。它是一件纪念品。但它给我带来的回忆不仅仅是对妈妈的回忆。当我在写故事遇到困难想放弃时,或者当我自叹命运对我不公平时,我就往那台旧打字机里卷进一张纸,艰难地一个字,一个字地打着,就象妈妈当年那样。此时,我所想起的不是她的失败,而是她的勇气,那勇往直前的勇气。这是我一生中得到的最好的纪念品。NEW WORDSanticipation expectationn.1. 预期,期望;预料UCWe are looking forward to their visit with eager anticipation.我们热切地期待着他们的来访。2. 预期的事物C3. 预感,预知U4. 先发制人,抢先UOur anticipation of our competitors meant greater sales for our book.我们比竞争对手抢先一步,这意味着我们书的销售量会更多。5. 【律】(信托财产收益的)预支6. 【音】先来音anticipatevt.1. 预期,期望;预料+v-ing+that+wh-It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.不可能预料这事何时发生。The first question is one which Jason has anticipated.第一个问题是杰森料到的。2. 预先考虑到;预先做(或准备)+wh-+thatMy wife anticipates all my needs each time I come back from a business trip.我每次出差回家,妻子总会预先考虑到我的全部需要而作好安排。3. 先于.前行动,先发制(人);早别人做;占先The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder.中国人先于欧洲人发现火药。4. 提前支用(薪金等)No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary.这家商行不允许雇员提前支用薪金。issue 发行物(刊物的)一期vt.1. 发行;发布The post office issued the stamps last week.上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。2. 发给,配给O(+to),核发Who issued the travel documents?谁核发这些旅游证件的?3. 使流出,放出,排出vi.1. 出来(+forth)2. 流出(+from)Lava issued from the volcano.熔岩从火山口流出来。3. 由.得出,由.产生(+from)A strange noise issues from the next room.隔壁房间里传出奇怪的响声。4. 诞生,传代His difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge.他遇到的困难是由缺少知识造成的。5. 收益,生息6. 发行,颁布,出版A new coinage issued.一种新硬币发行了。n.1. 问题;争论;争议CThey have published a lot of new books on international issues.他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。2. 发行(物);一次发行量;(报刊)期号CTheres an article about Jamaica in this issue.在这一期里有一篇关于牙买加的文章。3. 流出;流出物U4. 【律】子女,子嗣UHe died without issue.他身后无子女。5. (土地,地产等的)收益Ptuck put or push into a desired convenient position so as to hold tightly; draw together into a small space塞(进);卷(起)vt.1. 把.塞进,把.藏入OShe tucked her letter into an envelope.她把信折好塞进信封。2. 把.的边塞到下面(或里面)His mother tucked in his blanket.他母亲帮他把毯子盖好。3. 把.舒服地裹好(+in/up)She tucked the baby in his crib for a nap.她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿。4. 使折叠,卷起,挽起The man tucked up his trousers for wading.那人卷起裤子,准备涉水。5. 使缩起,收拢6. 使有褶裥The babys dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.婴儿的衣服用细针脚缝着漂亮的褶裥。7. 【俚】大口吃(或喝)(+away/in)The boys tucked away a big meal.男孩子们大吃一顿。vi.1. 缝褶裥2. 折叠;收拢3. 舒服地裹在里面By nine oclock we had all tucked into bed.九点以前我们都舒舒服服钻进了被窝。4. 【俚】大口吃(或喝)(+in/into)The boy tucked into the salad put in front of him.男孩大吃放在他面前的色拉。n.1. (衣服等的)褶裥;打褶CThe dress was too big, so Mother put a tuck in it.衣服太大,所以妈妈在里面打了裥。bound move along quickly by jumping or leaping movements跳跃vi.1. 跳跃;跳起He bounded to his feet and waved good-bye to his friends.他一跃而起,向朋友们挥手告别。2. 弹回The ball bounded from the wall.球从墙上弹了回来。vt.1. 使跳跃2. 使弹回n.C1. 跳跃My heart gave a violent bound.我的心猛跳了一下。2. 弹回flip turn or move quickly or with a jerkvt.1. (为作出决定而)掷(硬币);轻抛Tom flipped a coin to see whether he would pass the exam.汤姆掷硬币看他考试是否会及格。2. 轻弹;轻拍,轻击He flipped the ash off his cigarette.他用手指弹掉了烟灰。3. 快速翻动(书页等),翻阅(+through)4. 使翻转(+over)Nancy flipped the egg over in the pan.南茜把蛋在平底锅里翻过来。5. 【美】【俚】使激动;使高兴vi.1. (用指)轻弹;挥动;(用鞭等)轻抽He flipped at the ass with a whip.他用鞭子轻轻抽打那头驴子。2. 翻转;急促地转动She flipped to the index and found the information she needed.她翻到索引,找到了所需的资料。3. 浏览;很快地翻书4. 跳跳蹦蹦;不平稳地走动The little girl flipped all the way to school.小女孩一路蹦蹦跳跳地去学校。5. 掷硬币(以作决定)6. 【美】【俚】(因激动,愤怒等)失去自我控制;变得狂热n.C1. 轻弹;轻击;轻抛2. 突然的动作;(跳水或体操时的)空翻flip a.1. 【口】无礼的,鲁莽的;油腔滑调的Shes a flip young thing.她是个不懂礼貌的小姑娘。tight drawn, fixed or fastened together firmly 紧的;牢的a.1. 紧的,不松动的;牢固的The lid was so tight that I couldnt open the box.盖太紧了,我打不开盒子。2. 拉紧的,绷紧的He made sure that the rope was tight.他看清楚绳子是否拉紧了。3. 紧身的,紧贴的The shoes are too tight for me.我觉得鞋子太紧。4. (时间,空间)紧凑的,排得满满的,没空的We hope to finish the work next week, but the schedules very tight.我们希望在下周做完这工作,但日程安排很紧。The principal has a very tight schedule.校长的日程表排得满满的。5. 密封的;不漏的6. 严厉的,严格的7. 麻烦的,棘手的,尴尬的Losing my wallet put me in a tight spot.我的钱包丢了,弄得我很尴尬。8. (比赛等)势均力敌的We had a tight volleyball match.我们进行了一场势均力敌的排球赛。9. (文字等)紧凑的,精练的;排得紧的10. 整洁的,整齐的11. 吝啬的The old man is tight with his money.老人对钱很吝啬。12. 【商】商品难得到的;银根紧的Money is a bit tight at the moment.眼下银根有点紧。13. 【俚】醉醺醺的Fad.1. 紧,紧紧地;牢牢地The doctor tied the bandage too tight.医生把绷带绑得太紧。2. 【方】充分地,彻底地firmly closelyad.1. 坚固地;稳固地Sara closed the door firmly.萨拉把门紧紧地关上。2. 坚定地;坚决地I shall tell her firmly that it is not any business of hers.我将毫不含糊地告诉她这不关她的事couch a long comfortable seat with a back and arms on which more than one person may sit; sofa长沙发椅n.C1. 长沙发;睡椅The sick child was lying on the couch in the living room.病孩躺在起居室的长椅上。2. 【诗】床,卧榻3. (心理病人接受治疗时躺的)沙发4. (酿造)麦芽床vt.1. 使躺下H2. 表达H(+in)His criticism was couched in very tactful language.他的批评措辞很圆滑。3. 端着(枪,矛等)准备进攻4. (酿造)在麦芽床上铺上麦粒vi.1. 躺着2. 蹲着;埋伏The deer couched.那只鹿蹲伏下来approach come near or nearer (to)vt.1. 接近,靠近He cautiously approached the house.他小心地走近那房子。2. 近乎,即将达到3. 找.商量(或联系)(+about)Have you approached the manager about taking a day off next week?你是否同经理谈过下周请一天假的事?Did Mary approach you about lending her some money?玛丽找你商量过有关借钱给她的事吗?4. 着手处理,开始对付He approached the question as a scientist.他从科学家的角度来处理这一问题。vi.1. 接近,靠近;即将达到n.1. 接近,靠近;即将达到U(+of)Snow announced the approach of winter.雪宣告了冬季的来临。2. 通道,入口C(+to)3. 方法,方式;态度C(+to)I like her approach to the problem.我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。4. 接近的表示,接洽P1(+to)cautiously very carefully细心地;谨慎地ad.1. 小心地,谨慎地She cautiously closed the door.她小心翼翼地关上门。cautiousa.1. 十分小心的,谨慎的(+about/of/with)The old lady is very cautious with money.那位老太太用钱很谨慎。My nephew is a cautious investor.我侄子是个小心谨慎的投资者。The boss is cautious about making promises.老板对承诺持谨慎态度。type write (sth.) with a typewritern.1. 类型,型式,样式C(+of)What type of house would you prefer to live in?你喜爱住哪一类房子?2. 典型;榜样CHe is a perfect type of pedant.他是个十足的书呆子典型。3. 标志;象征;符号C4. 【印】铅字,活字;字体UC5. 【口】具有某种特点的人;古怪的人C6. (奖章,硬币等的)图案C7. 【俚】打字机Cvt.1. 作为.的典型2. 测定(血等的)类型It is absolutely necessary to type the patients blood before a blood transfusion.输血前测定病人的血型是绝对必要的。3. 把.分类(+as)4. 用打字机打Please type this letter for me.请替我把这封信用打字机打出来。vi.1. 打字The young girl types well.这小姑娘打字打得很好。line a row of words in a poem; a row of words on a page of writing or in print(诗,文的)一行n.C1. 绳,线,索She hung the wash on the line.她将洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。2. 线条Draw a line from A to B.从A点划一条线到B点。3. 列,排;(等待顺序的)行列There is a long line at the ticket office.售票处排着长队。4. 交通线;航线;铁路线A new bus line runs straight to the airport.一条新的巴士线路直抵机场。5. (诗文的)一行He quoted a few lines of Milton.他引了弥尔顿的几行诗。6. 皱纹His face is covered with lines.他的脸上布满了皱纹。7. 外形,轮廓P1The new car has very sleek lines.这种新车线条很流畅。8. 电话线;电报线Fredie was speaking on the other end of the line.弗雷迪正在另一头接电话。9. 【口】短简,短函SDrop me a line when you arrive.你到达以后给我来一封信。10. 方式,方法His novels follow traditional lines.他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。11. (政治)路线,方针The government took a hard line on strikes.政府对罢工采取强硬的方针。12. 行业;擅长;兴趣What is your line?你是干哪一行的?13. (货物等的)种类This dress is one of our latest lines.这件衣服是我们的最新产品之一。14. 赤道the S15. 界线;战线A small group of soldiers were parachuted behind enemy lines.一小队士兵被空降在敌人后方。16. 消息;迹象S(+on)Can you give me a line on the new boss?你能跟我讲讲新老板的情况吗?17. 台词P1She learned her lines in a few hours.她几个小时就背熟了台词。vt.1. 用线标示;划线于He lined the paper with a blue pencil.他用蓝铅笔在纸上划了线。2. 使有线条,使起皱纹His face was lined with worry.忧虑使他脸上布满了皱纹。3. 沿.排列The streets were lined on both sides with people.街道两旁都站着人。vi.1. 排队,排齐(+up)The troops lined up and marched away.部队列队开走了。linevt.1. 给(衣服等)装衬里H(+with)The coat was lined with silk.这上衣的衬里是用丝绸做的。2. 用作(衣服等的)衬里Strong cloth lined the trunk.这箱子用很结实的布作衬里。3. 填(腰包)The policeman lined his pockets with bribes.这警察接受贿赂中饱私囊。helpless unable to look after oneself or take action to help others, powerlessa.1. 无力照顾自己的,无助的a helpless child一个无依无靠的孩子2. 无能力的;无可奈何的Sam raised his arms in a helpless gesture.萨姆举起双臂作了个无可奈何的姿势。He was helpless to resist the temptation.他无法抵御诱惑。3. 无助益的,无用的;徒劳的All their efforts seemed helpless.他们的一切努力似乎是徒劳的。assume take as true without actual proof; suppose假设,主观认为vt.1. 以为;假定为;(想当然地)认为+(that)O2O8O9I assumed that he had gone for a stroll.我想他去散步了。2. 承担;就任;取得The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen.王子在十五岁时就掌权了。3. 呈现;采取;采用His illness assumed a very grave character.他的病显得非常的严重。4. 把.视为己有,僭取,夺取5. 装出,假装He assumed a look of surprise.他装出吃惊的神色。ranch a very large farm for raising horses, cattle or sheep大牧场;大农场n.C1. (北美的)大牧场,大农场He enjoyed life on the ranch.他在牧场日子过得很痛快。2. (专业性的)饲养场;(专营某一作物的)农场a mink ranch养貂场vi.1. 经营牧场(或农场)2. 在牧场(或农场)工作vt.1. 在.经营牧场(或农场)2. 在牧场饲养.nursery a place where small children are temporarily cared for托儿所n.C1. 幼儿室,育儿室They have two nurseries in their house.他们家里有两间幼儿室。2. 托儿所Children in this nursery are taken good care of.这个托儿所的孩子受到很好的照顾。3. 苗圃;养鱼场;动物繁殖场We bought a small tree at the nursery.我们在苗圃买了一棵小树。4. 温床;滋生地day nursery a place where small children are cared for during the dayph.1. 日间托儿所training the process of training or being trained; instructionn.1. 训练;锻炼,培养SU(+in/for)She was given some quick training at the vocational school.她在职业学校受过速成训练。2. (竞赛的)身体状况U3. (园艺中的)整枝,整形4. 对准,瞄准correspondence the act of exchanging letters通信n.1. 一致;符合U(+with/to/between)Your account of the accident has little correspondence with the story the other driver told.你描述的事故情况与另一位司机讲的不怎么相符。2. 相当;类似;相似处C(+between)There are many correspondences between the two novels.这两部小说之间有许多相似之处。3. 通信,通信联系US1(+with/between)I had kept up a correspondence with him until the war broke out.在战争爆发之前我一直与他保持通信联系。4. (总称)信件US1The letter had been among his correspondence that morning.这封信就在他那天早晨收到的信件之中。correspondence course an educational course in which instructions and work are exchanged between the teacher and student by post 函授课程formally according to proper rules or lawful forms 正式地ad.1. 正式地;正规地At the police station he was formally charged with murder.他在警察局被正式指控犯有谋杀罪。2. 拘泥形式地;形式上Everyone was formally lined up to meet the king.大家拘谨地列好队迎接国王。formala.1. 正式的;礼节上的The letter was formal in its wording.此信措辞正式。2. 拘泥形式的,拘谨的,刻板的You neednt be so formal with me.你对我不必如此拘束。3. 整齐的,布置井然的;有条理的4. 形式上的;表面的,外形的ZThey maintained only formal unity among themselves.他们只在表面上保持一致。5. 合乎格式的,正规的6. 【语】规范的n.1. 正式的社交活动2. 【口】夜礼服qualify make fit or competent for a special purpose使具有资格vt.1. 使具有资格,使合格(+as/for)O2I am a qualified doctor, who will not hurt you.我是一个合格的医生,不会伤害你的。Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion.两年的资历使他有资格获得升迁。2. 限制,限定Qualify your statement that dogs are loyal by adding usually.将你说的狗是忠诚的这句话修正一下,加上通常二字。3. 【语】修饰,限定In blue pencils, the adjective blue qualifies the noun pencils.在蓝铅笔中形容词蓝修饰名词铅笔。4. 把.称作,形容,描述(+as)I qualify it as a plot.我说它是一个阴谋。5. 证明.合格Can you qualify yourself for the job?你能证明你自己有能力担任这一工作吗?6. 授权予,准予7. 缓和,减轻vi.1. 取得资格;具备合格条件(+as/for)He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas.他在伦敦取得海外英语教师的资格。enroll(l)ment the number of people who have registered themselves as members of a school, a program, etc; registering 注册人数;注册;登记n.1. 登记;入会;入伍;登记人数enroll(l) 注册;登记vt.1. 把.记入名册,登记(名字等)The secretary enrolled our names.秘书登记了我们的名字。2. 使入会;使入学,招(生);使入伍,征(兵)The school will enroll new students in August.这所学校将于八月份招收新生。They enrolled us as members of the club.他们将我们吸收为该俱乐部会

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