鲁教版2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练--阅读理解(人物传记类)(II )卷

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鲁教版2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练--阅读理解(人物传记类)(II )卷_第1页
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鲁教版2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练--阅读理解(人物传记类)(II )卷_第2页
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鲁教版2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练--阅读理解(人物传记类)(II )卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 6 页 鲁教版 2020 年备战中考初中英语专项训练 阅读理解 人物传记类 II 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 21 分 1 3 分 2019 八下 石林期中 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 One day a farmer took his horse to the town for sale and hoped to bring some money home On his way he saw an old woman She looked weak so the farmer carried her on his horse Before the woman said goodbye she gave the farmer a ring She told him that the ring had magic power and could make any dream come true But he could make only one wish Later the farmer sold his horse and began to walk home Then he met an old friend and went to his friend s house to take a rest After drinking some wine the farmer talked to his friend about the ring The friend asked him to drink more wine to celebrate his good luck The farmer drank too much and then fell asleep The friend took the ring away and put another one in its place After the farmer woke up and left the man took out the ring and said Fill the house with gold Lots of gold fell down like a heavy rain and killed the man When the farmer got home he thought he should wait until his children grew older to decide what wish was the best So he hid it and forgot about it after several years 1 The farmer went to the town to A help a woman B visit his friend C sell his horse D buy a horse 2 The farmer fell asleep because A he was very tired B he talked too much with his friend 第 2 页 共 6 页 C he was very happy D he drank too much wine 3 The underlined word it means in this passage A the friend B the ring C the gold D the horse 4 What do you think about the farmer s friend A He is very greedy 贪婪的 B He is careless C He is very kind D He is very rich 5 What s the best title for this passage A A horse B A magic ring C A wish for gold D How to be famous 2 10 分 2019 八下 景县月考 阅读短文 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项 Neel Sethi starred in Disney s cartoon The Jungle Book The cartoon started being shown in theaters on April 15th In this cartoon Neel Sethi plays Mowgli a boy growing up in the jungle with some wild wolves When a big tiger named Shere Khan tries to kill him Mowgli has to leave his wolf family Along the way Mowgli meets many animals Some of them put him in danger and others help him out of danger Bill Murray Lupita Nyong o and Scarlett Johansson give their voices for 第 3 页 共 6 页 the animals in the cartoon In fact Neel finished most of his parts in front of a blue screen Later on people put his parts with the animals and jungle pictures together In the movie Mowgli enjoys living with the bear Baloo very much Mowgli stays on the top of Baloo as they play in a river and sing The Bare Necessities To do well in the movie I ran and jumped around in my own time Neel said So it really wasn t that hard to be Mowgli 1 Which of the following is TRUE about Mowgli A He doesn t like the bear Baloo B He grows up with wild animals C He stays in the jungle all his life D On his way home all the animals help him 2 Where did Neel finish most of his parts A In the jungle B In a river C In a boat D In front of a blue screen 3 Why did Neel say it was not hard to be Mowgli in the film A Because he liked playing with animals B Because he played Mowgli just like himself C Because he often did exercise in his free time D Because he has very good acting skills 4 Why did the writer write this passage 第 4 页 共 6 页 A To make us watch many cartoons B To make us live with wild animals C To tell us an interesting movie D To tell us to be kind to animals 3 8 分 2019 九上 慈溪月考 阅读下面材料 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 Born without arms or legs Nick Vujicic knew from an early age that he was different There is no medical explanation for Vujicic s physical disability Though he struggles 挣扎 with some little things of everyday living brushing teeth for example he has become a great speaker Confidence didn t come naturally to Vujicic Growing up in Melbourne Australia he struggled with depression 抑郁 and was bullied 欺凌 at school When he was just 10 years old he tried to kill himself Thanks to his family s strong support and selfless love over time Vujicic chose to be positive towards life After his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a serious disability when he was seventeen he started to give public talks The great Australian has visited more than 50 countries and given thousands of talks No matter where he goes he communicates the main message that no matter what difficulties you meet you can overcome Here s what he said in one of his powerful speeches I felt like I was a burden 负担 to those around me and the sooner I go the better it d be for everyone I wanted to end my pain and end my life at a young age but I am thankful once again for my parents and family who were always there to comfort me and give me courage Because of my emotional struggles I had experienced with bullying and loneliness God has given me a passion 激情 of sharing my story and experiences to help others deal with whatever difficulty they have in their life and let God turn it into a blessing To encourage and inspire others to live to their fullest potential and not let anything get in the way of achieving their hopes and dreams 1 According to the passage above we know that A Nick Vujicic had a happy childhood 第 5 页 共 6 页 B Nick Vujicic was a burden to his family C Nick Vujicic was from Britain D Nick Vujicic has encouraged lots of people 2 Nick Vujicic s speech mainly wants to tell people that A actions speak louder than words B practice makes perfect C where there is a will there is a way D health is better than wealth 3 The underlined word it in Paragraph 4 refers to 指 A bullying B loneliness C disability D difficulty 4 Which of the following word can best describe Nick Vujicic A Brave B Honest C Humorous D Patient 第 6 页 共 6 页 参考答案 一 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 21 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略


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