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初二英语期末模拟检测卷(二)一、单项填空(20分)( )1 This is _ honest boy. He is never late for school. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2 . -Have you returned the book to the library _?-Yes, I have _ returned it.A. yet, yet B. already, already C. already, yet D. yet, already ( )3 _helps schools and students in poor areas in China.A. Project Hope B. Save Chinas Tigers C. Spring Bud Project D. Project Green Hope( )4 .We should take good care of _ persons. They have nowhere to live.A. blind B. deaf C. disabled D. homeless( )5 .He doesnt like reading at all, but he has _ books than I do. A. many B. fewer C. more D. less( )6 Meimei is good at English. I think its easy _her _ English well. A. for; to learn B. of; to learn C. for ;learning D. of; learning( )7 The car is _ expensive _ he cant buy it. A. too, to B. so, that C. such, that D. very, that( )8 Is there _ in todays newspaper?.A. something new B. anything new C. new anything D. new something( )9 - _ I go out for a walk now, Mum ? - No. You _ finish your work first. A. Can, may B. May, must C. Must, may D. Should, ought( )10 - How much do you _on this coat ? - 130. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay( )11 -When _ this kind of machine _? -Last year. A. did, make B. was, made C. is, made D. does, make( )12 - Do you mind_ me how to use this function ? - No, not at all.A、tell B、to tell C、telling D、told( )13. Mr Ma _ working far away from home now.A. is used to B. used to C. is used for D. is used as( )14My grandfather _ in 1998 . He _for about seven years . A. died ;died B. died ; has been dead C. has died ; has died D. died ; has died( )15 - It doesnt matter that we do not have pop stars in our charity show. - Yes, _. Organizing the show itself is important.A. That a good idea. B. I agree C. I disagree D. I dont think so.( )16Simon is _to make us all_ Aenough funny;laugh Bfunny enough;laughCenough funny;to laugh D:funny enough;to laugh( )17Im sorryI _ my notebook in my home Aforgot Bforget C1eft D1 eave( )18一This book is a bit difficult. _ read something easier? AWhy not to BWhy dont CWhy not DWhy not you( )19_ of his parents is good health,but _ of them work hard ANone;all BNeither;both CNeither;either DBoth;neither( )20Jane must be_,isnt she? YesShe says it is the most_ moment in her lifeAexcited;excited Bexcited;exciting Cexciting;exciting Dexciting;excited二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)Jack was a milkmanHe and his horse,Pierre,worked 1 every dayThey were great friends and took 2 to people together for years and yearsAfter a while,Jack didnt have to do much any more because Pierre knew where and when to 3 The two friends went on with their 4 until one morningJack came into work one day to find his boss waiting for him“Jack,”said his boss,“I have some 5 newsThis morning Pierre died in his stall”Tears started to run down Jacks face“I will never see my friend 6 ,” said Jack tearfully“I understand what you 7 nowYou may have the day off if you like”“No,I have something to do,”and with that Jack walked offHe was given a new horse and carriage(马车)That day,Jack was in a bad 8 His carriage was hit by a truckWhen the boss got to the place,he asked,“Is Jack 9 ?”“No,he died in the crash,”said the doctor“I dont 10 ,”said the driver of the truck“It was like he didnt even see me”“Thats because he didntThis man has been 11 for 5 years,”said the doctor“I never knew!”said Jacks boss“He didnt 12 you?”said the doctorJust then,Jacks boss 13 what Jack said about Pierre“No,but someone else knew”“ 14 ?”asked the doctor“A friend of JacksHis name was PierreI think that it was just a little 15 between friends” ( )1。Ahardly Bbadly Cangrily Dhappily ( )2Amilk Bnewspapers Cfood Dmoney ( )3Arest Bstart Cplay Dstop ( )4Ajob Bway Cmeal Dholiday ( )5Asad Bold Cstrange Dusual ( )6Amuch Bagain Coften Dhome ( )7Athink Bwant Cmean Dfeel ( )8Aroad Btrouble Caccident Dweather ( )9Adangerous BOK Cafraid Dweak ( )10Aknow Bunderstand Cdrive Dwatch ( )11Aill Bblind Clonely Dcareless ( )12Asee Btell Cask Dmind ( )1 3Aforgot Bthought Cremembered Dwrote ( )14AWhose BWhat CWhen DWho ( )1 5Ajoke Bmistake Cfriendship Dsecret三、 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)(A) We each have a memory(记忆力)Thats why we can still remember things after a long timeSome people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart,but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and againMany of the great men of the world have got surprising memories A good memory is a great help in learning a languageEverybody learns his mother language when he is a small childHe hears the sounds,remembers them he 1earns to speakSome children are living with their parents in foreign countriesThey can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear,remember and speak two languages every dayIn school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it,and they are busy with other subjects,too But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises( )1Some people can easily learn many things by heart because_ Athey always sleep very well Bthey often eat good food Cthey read a lot of books Dthey have very good memories( )2Everybody learns his mother language_Aat the age of six Bwhen he is a small childCafter he goes to school Dwhen he can read and write( )3Before a child can speak,he must _ Aread and write Bmake sentences Chear and remember the sounds Dthink hard( )4In school the pupils cant learn a foreign language well because_ Athey have no good memories Bthey have 13.0 recorders Cthey have too much time for it Dthey are busy with other subjects( )5Your memory will become better and better_ Aif you have plenty of good food Bif you do more and more exercises Cif you do morning exercises every day Dif you get up early(B) It was already late when we started for the next townIt was about 1 5 miles away on the other side of the hillThere we felt sure that we would find a bed for the nightDarkness(黑暗)fell soon after we left the village,but luckily we met no one as we drove along the narrow road to the hillAs we climbed higher,it became colder and rain began to fallIt was difficult at times to see the road,so I asked my friend John to drive slowly Now we traveled for about 20 miles but we could not find the townWe were beginning to feel worriedThen the car stoppedWe found we were out of petrol(汽油),so we decided to spend the night in the car After eating some bread。I tried to go sleep at once,but John,a poor sleeper,got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk up the hillSoon he came running backFrom the top of the hill he had seen the lights of the town in the valley(山谷)belowWe at once tried to push the car to the top of the hillIn less than an hour we were in the town,and we found a hotel(旅馆)there easily( )6The car stopped because _ Athey had traveled more than 20 miles Bit was broken Cit was dark Dthere was no petrol left( )7John found _ Athe lights of the town Ba valley Ca hotel Da house( )8It took them to get to the town Ajust fifty minutes Ba qLl8_rter Cmore than a quarter D1ess than an hour( )9The travelers _ Adid not know the hotel Bknew the town well Cdid not know the town Dknew the hotel well( )10John _ Awas a poor man Bcouldnt sleep well Cdidnt like to sleep in the car Dknew the town well (C)Do you often talk with your parents? Here is some advice(建议)on how to talk with themTry to start your talk with something fun。This will make talking easierFor example,ask them questions about their dayHows work? They love thisMake it clear what you want to tell your parentsIf they have an opinion(观点),let them finish and dont stop their talking。Ask them to do the same for youShow them respect(尊重)by listening to them carefullyLook them in the eye(直视) Be honest(诚实)Honesty builds trust(信任)。Life is good when your parents trust you。If your parents dont understandThats OKIt doesnt mean they dont love youSometimes you have to explain the things to them againWhen you finish the talkthank them for listeningSay something like,“Thanks,that helped”It will let them know this is important to you,and make them want to do it more often( )11. If you want to start the talk easily,you should say something _ at the beginning A. fun Bdishonest Csad Dunhappy( )12. While talking to the parents,you should look them in the eye to show you _ them A. dislike Bunderstand Crespect D. agree with( )13When the parents dont understand you,you can _ Aask them to stop Bargue(争论)with them C1ook them in the eye Dexplain you idea to them( )14When you finish the talk,you should _ your parents for listening Asay goodbye to Bthank Csay sorry to Dask( )15Whats the main idea of this passage? AWe should respect our parents BIts important to trust our parents CWe should love our parents D. Some ways to communicate(沟通)with our parents (D)( )16If you want to get a library card,you _ Ahave to pay one dollar for it Bneednt pay for it Cneed to borrow five books first Dneed to make a card( )17You can borrow _at a time Aonly one video Btwo CDs Cfive books Dsix books ( )18At the 1ibrary,you can Abuy CDs Bread magazines Cwatch the videos Dbuy cartoons, ( )19According to(根据)the library rules,you cant Atake newspapers home Bborrow CDs from the library C1isten to music at the library Dborrow videos( )20The library has _ Abooks in 42 languages Bno language tapes C1istening to the tape Dall kinds of video films 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整通顺。(15分)1 Eddie _ (live) with Mille for 4 years since he was born.2 He cant see anything because of _ (blind ).3 Many people do not have the money for medical _ (treat) in poor countries. 4 He looked very _ (happy) because his mother was ill in hospital.5Its_ (possible)to learn English well without much memory work 6Im_ (terrible)sorry Im 1ate again 7Most of the_ (wife)do housework at home8Would you please put the_ (follow)passage into German? 9She_ (1isten)to the English program when 1 went to see her yesterday10. His bike is really different from_ (I )11. Mr. Green with his friends _ (invite) to my birthday party last Friday.12.Were sure_ (twenty-nine) Olympic Games in Beijing was one of the most successful games in Chinese history.13.My little daughter is old enough to dress_. (she)14.What about _ (have) a birds eye view of Shanghai?Great! I cant wait to.15.The womans _ (operate) was performed by an ORBIS doctor on the plane.五、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成相关任务。 In real life, all of us have friends. We can talk to them, play and go to the cinema with them. (1) But we know that not all of them are real good friends, because simply “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.But why are they still our friends? (2) In every one of us there is a _ need to have friends and not to live _ in this world. This need makes us get along with the others. On the other hand, this need keeps us searching everywhere to find new friends. But when we have found one, some time later we realize that he or she is not what we are looking for. Everybody knows how to become a friend, but not all of them know how to become a good friend, because they dont know what a good friend means. Some of us want to have friends just to make themselves happy, or maybe get something from others. He or she is not thinking about the others or what makes them happy. He or she is a selfish person. Someone knows the meaning of good friendship. Someone knows how to be loyal(忠诚的) to someone, how to take care of him, and how to love him, as he is a very important person in his life. Unluckily, not everyone on the Internet wants to be a good friend as what is happening in real life. They are looking for friends, just to prove that they have a lot of friends. About me, Im not interested in numbers. Because I learned from the life: “Finding a real good friend is not an easy task”.1. 将(1)句译成中文:_2. 在(2)句的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:_ _3. 回答问题:What can we do with friends according to this passage?_4.在文中找出与We are not alone because of the need of having friends意思相近的句子:_5. 写出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子。_六、.根据短文的首字母,填上正确的单词。(10分)Do you know w 1 to do during a big earthquake? Scientists h 2 some advice for us.If the ground begins shaking while you are driving, s_3_your car on the roadside and stay in it. If you are in a tall building, dont use the l_4_ and never jump out of the w 5 . When you are in a living room, find a s_6_table or rush into a smaller room like the washroom, and then lie down your body. T 7 care of your head when you are in a public place, like a supermarket or a cinema, dont run about, or you may fall over and get hurt. Cross your arms to p_8_yourself, You can also find a place to hide.A_9_ the main shake, quickly run out of the dangerous building, for there will be small earthquakes. Dont go to the hospital if you are not badly hurt, others will really n 10 help. Take part in the rescue(援救) action if you can.1. w_2. h_3. s_4l_5. w_6. s_7T_8.p_ 9.A_10. n_第二学期初二英语参考答案 参考答案:二单项选择:1-5 BDADC 610 ABBBC 11-15 BCABB 16-20 BCCBB三完形填空: l5 DADAA 610 BDCBB 1115 BBCDD四 阅读理解:1D 2B 3C 4D 5B 6D 7A 8D 9C 10B11A 12C 13D 14B 15D 16B 17C 18B 19A 20D五 略:六阅读短文,回答问题1.但是我们知道并非他们中的所有人都是真正的好朋友。2. real/great alone3. We can talk to them, play and go to the cinema with them4. This need makes us get along with the others.5. Finding a real good friend is not an easy task.七首字母填空:what, have, stop, lift, window, small, Take, protect, after, need.


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