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1. In the CPA Review Course case, Daniel is required by a contact with RAP to provide email addresses of students at his university. The university has now taken the position that it is the invasion of students privacy to release email addresses without the students permissions. What should Daniel do?a. Provide the email addressesb. Not provide the email addresses and lose his positionc. Provide the email address only if students give permission for the RAP to use their email addressesd. Ask students to provide RAP with their email addresses, and then provide them anyway.Answer: c2. A classmate comes to you and says that she cannot afford the price of the accounting textbooks this semester. She would like to photocopy the necessary pages from your books as the semester goes along. You explain that would break copyright laws. She says that she cannot afford it and this would not hurt anyone. Which ethical theory is she using?a. Utilitarianismb. Deontologyc. Teleologyd. EgosimAnswer: d3. What is the result of the practice of virtue ethics?a. A set of rules to live byb. An ethical reasoning modelc. Ability of judgmentd. A strong sense of justice.Answer: b4. What makes virtue ethics different for the other moral philosophies?a. Focus on the act and punishment.b. Focus on the decision maker and society.c. Focus on the act and societyd. Focus on the act and decision maker.Answer: d5. The philosophical belief that you should judge the result, not the action (end justifies the means) is?a. Utilitarianismb. Deontologyc. Justiced. Virtue ethicsAnswer: a6. When making a donation at the local Goodwill, Martha tells the clerk that her old computer is worth $400 when she knows it is only worth $100, just so she can deduct more on her taxes. Which theory best describes Marthas behavior?a. Utilitarianismb. Deontologyc. Egoismd. JusticeAnswer: c7. Virtue ethics isa. Doing what is rightb. Ones duty to act in a socially acceptable mannerc. Ones ability to meet or exceed their potentiald. What one ought to do when presented with an ethical dilemmaAnswer: a8. Aristotle defined _ as a trait of character manifested in habitual action.a. virtueb. ethicsc. moralsd. none of theseAnswer: a9. “Do that action which will bring about the greatest good for the greatest number of people,” is the basic concept of which ethical theory?a. egoismb. deontologyc. utilitarianismd. virtue ethics Answer: c10. The relationship between legal and ethical isa. Legal requires more than ethicalb. Ethical requires more than legalc. Legal and ethical are the same thingd. Ethical does more than required by the law Answer: dGroup Discussion:The school board has received a bomb threat claiming that a bomb would be detonated at noon on Monday at the high school. The threat was received by the school board at 8 pm on Sunday night. The school met and tried to decide how to handle the threat, keeping in mind the obligations to students, parents and the public. The school board came up with three alternatives solutions. 1. Do nothing as a majority of the time bomb threats to schools are a hoax. 2. Call off school at the high school on Monday. Have an announcement made on the 10 pm Sunday news announcing that a water main is broken. (Some members of the board feel that such an announcement of the breaking water main will prevent copycat threats.) 3. Call off school at the high school on Monday. Have an announcement made on the 10 pm Sunday news announcing that a bomb threat had been received.Discuss which ethical theory supports each alternative. Which would you choose and why?Answer: The essay was written to have no right answer but rather for the student to display understanding of theories and critical thinking skills.1. This may not require a theory. It is business as usual. Students may discuss the rights of students and parents for safety.2. This is protecting the public and students interest but is telling a lie to achieve this end. Thus students should mention Kant on the duty to not tell a lie and Utilitarianism on the least harm to all. Rights might also be mentioned as to whether the public, parents, and students have a right to know the truth.3. This is protecting the public and students interest and is telling the truth. Thus students should mention Kant on the duty to not tell a lie, Utilitarianism on the least harm to all, and rights of the public, parents, and students have a right to know the truth. One consequence that students might consider is whether the public, parent, and students are better served when all know the truth (what if there are copycat threats).

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