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初二英语期中测试第卷(60分) 一、 单项选择1. Its cold outside; you must _ clothes.A. put on more B. put on many C. wear more D. wear many 2. English peoples family name comes _ .A. first B. nearly C. last D. late 3.Please _ the book to me , Lily.A. buy B. make C. show D. have 4. The big tree is _ the building.A. in front of B. in the front of C. in D. on 5. Let me show you the place on the map. _.A. Thats very kind of you B. Youre welcome C. It doesnt matter D. Never mind 6.Here are some flowers _ you _ our best _ .A. for , to , wishes B. for, with, wishes C. to , for, wishes D. of , to , wish 7.We are going to have a meeting _ this afternoon.A. in the open airs B. in the open air C. in an open air D. in the open 8.My ruler is _ than _ .A. longer, her B. long, hers C. longer, hers D. longest, her9.I _ her carefully, but I _ nothing .A. listen, hear B. listen to , hear C. hear, listen D. hear, listen to 10. When shall we meet at the family gate? Lets make _ _ a quarter to eight.A. it at B. it / C. it in D. it on 11.The nearest hotel is about 2 kilometres _.A. far B. away C. far away D. far from 12.Work must _ .A. comes first B. coming first C. come first D. first come 13. My seat is between _ in the classroom.A. Joan and Mike B. Joans and Mike C. Joan and Mikes D. Joans and Mikes 14. People never use Mr. , Mrs. , or Miss before their middle names, _?A. do they B. dont they C. are they D. arent they 15.The girl is _ .A. American B. Canada C. Japan D. English man 二、完形填空 The Browns are 1 neighbours (邻居). Mr. Browns name is John. But when his neighbours talk 2 him, they all call him “Mr. Going-to-do”. Do you know 3 ? Mr. Brown always says he is going to do something, 4 he never (从不) does it . Every Saturday Mr. Brown 5 to the Smiths back door and talks to Mr. Smith. He always says he is going to do something. “Im going to clean my house today,” he says , or, “ Im going to wash my car tomorrow,” or “ These trees in front of my house are 6 big . Im going to cut (砍) them down next week.” Mr. Smith usually says, “Are you, John?” He knows his neighbour is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down 7 trees. Then he says,“Well, 8 John, Im going to do some work in the house.” And he 9 . Mr. and Mrs. Smith often say to their only child Dick, “Are you going to do something? Then do it! 10 another Mr. Going to do!” 1. A. Smith B. the Smiths C. Smiths D. the Smiths2. A. like B. to C. about D. over 3. A. how B. which C. what D. why 4. A. or B. and C. but D. so 5. A. go B. going C. goes D. is going 6. A. two B. many C. a lot of D. too 7. A. much B. some C. any D. a little 8. A. excuse B. hello C. thank you D. sorry 9. A. is B. do C. will D. does 10. A. Be not B. Do be not C. Dont be D. Be not do 三、阅读理解 A Will it rain tomorrow ? Should we take raincoats? Turn on the TV, lets watch the weather report, then we will know. But where does the weather report come from? Who tells the TV people? Satellites(卫星) tell them. Satellites are like spaceship(宇宙飞船). Satellites carry cameras (照相机). Weather people send satellites into space (太空)。 A satellite flies high above the clouds. Its camera takes pictures of the clouds. The cloud pictures show where there is rain. They show where is shining weather and which way the wind blows. Weather people read the pictures and tell us if it will rain or shine. We cant see tomorrows weather, but satellites can.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)( )1. TV can tell us if it will rain or not.( )2. The weather report comes from spaceships.( )3. Weather people send satellites and spaceships into space.( )4. A satellite can fly high above the clouds, carrying cameras to take pictures of the clouds.( )5.The cloud pictures tell people something about the weather. B Dr. William N. Green is a dentist(牙医). Most of his patients (病人) are children. They like to come to his office. He tells them something about their teeth, he cleans their teeth well, he also takes care of their toothache and fixes (修理) their broken teeth. Then he gave them small gifts(礼物). Dr. Green lives in Olney . Thats a small town near Washington D. C. But his office is at 1616 Jefferson Street in Washington. He gets up at 6:15 every morning .He has breakfast at 6:45 and leaves for work at 7:15 . He drives to work and keeps his car in a parking lot (停车场) on Madison Street. He gets to his office at about 8:00 . He has his lunch there. He goes back to Olney at four in the afternoon.( )1. Whats the dentists family name?_.A. William B. N. C. Green D. William N.( )2.What does Dr. Green usually do? _.A. He cleans childrens teeth only B. He fixes the broken teeth for children and gives them small giftsC. He goes to his office by car D. He tells the children about their teeth at home ( )3. Why do children like to go to his office ? Because _.A. his office is near Washington D.C.B. he is a children dentist C. men and women never go there for their teeth D. he is a very kind man and could cure (治好) their toothache ( )4. How far is his office from his home ? Its about _.A. three quarters drive B. an hours drive C. half an hours drive D. an hour and a quarters walk ( )5.How long does he work in his office? _.A. From eight a.m. to four p.m. B. about seven hours C. More than eight hours D. less than six hours 四、选择正确的答案, 完成对话A.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the East Park? B._1 . Go down this street and take the second turning on the right. Then walk on until you reach the end. You will find the park in front of you. A. _2. B.I think its about half an hours walk. A.Im afraid its a bit far from here. B. Yes, 3 . A: Which bus do I take? B: A No.6 bus 4. A: Thank you very much. B: Not at all. 5 . a. The bus stop is along the road on the left.b. How long will it take to get there?c. but you can catch a bus there.d. Certainly.e. Of course not.f. Its a pleasure. 第卷 (40分) 五、词汇(一)根据句意,完成已给首字母的单词。1. Your pen is five yuan and mine is six yuan. Yours is c_.2. Childrens Day is a f_ for all the children in the world.3. Our teacher is working in the o_.4. There are two beds in the room. One is on the left, and the other is on the r_.5. September 10th is T_ Day.(二)用括号内词的适当形式填空。6. Tom is the _ (twenty) student to get to school.7. Look! All the deer _ (be) eating grass over there.8. I often help my mother _ (do) the housework.9. Tom has _ (much) rice than Tim.10. What kind of work can you use the machine _ (do).六、改写句子1.A: Lily is the tallest girl in Class One. (同义句)B: Lily is _ _ _ _ girl in Class One. 2.A: Shall we meet at ten oclock? (同义句) B: _ _ _ meet at ten oclock? 3.A:Whats up with your watch? (同义句) B:_ _ with you watch?4.Im going to college after I leave school. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ after you leave school?5.A:Mr. Green drives to work every day. (同义句) B: Mr. Green _ _ _ _ _ every day.七、完成句子1.I think _ _ _ _ . (工作第一)2.Mr. Hu wants me _ _ _ _ in our class tomorrow. (想让我做报告) 3.I think this pumpkin is _ _ _ than that one. (既大又便宜)4.He lives _ _ _ _ in the city of Toronto. (住在多伦多市的一座高楼里)5.We live in a _ _ Gum tree. (一个名叫桉树村的地方)6._ I _ _ taste? (我可以尝一尝吗?)7.They _ _ animals _ _ farm work _ _ . (不再用动物干农活)8.I _ _ my parents. (同意父母的意见)八、书面表达在下列短文中的空白处填上适当的词: This story is about two mice(老鼠的复数) , they are friends. One mouse(老鼠的单数) 1 in the country ,the other lives in the city. After many years, the country mouse sees the city mouse, he says, “Come and see me at my house in the country.” So the city mouse goes. The country mouse 2 him to his house in the fields(田野). He gives him his nicest food. But the city mouse says, “This food is no-good , and your house is no-good, why do you live in a hole(洞) in the fields? You must 3 and live with me in the city.” So the country mouse 4 to the house of the city mouse. It is a very good house. Nice food is ready for them to 5 . But just as they begin to 6 , they hear a great noise(响声). The city mouse cries(喊),“Run! Run! The cat is coming!” The two friends 7 away quickly and hide(藏) in a dark hole. After some time(一段时间后) . they come out. The country mouse says to the city mouse, “I dont 8 to live in the city. I like to live in my hole in the fields. Its nicer to 9 poor(穷的) and happy 10 to be rich(富的) and live in fear(恐惧)!”1. _ 2. _3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _8. _9. _ 10. _ 习题答案及解析一、单项选择1.A.(put on 表示“穿”的动作,wear表示“穿”的状态。并且应穿比刚才更多的衣服,因为外边冷。)2.C.(外国人的姓在后,名字在前。)3.C.(show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看)4.A.(tree在building 的外部)5.A.(用排除法。B用来回答Thank you;C、D用来回答“抱歉”之类的句子。)6.B.(for 对于;with 带着;wishes做名词)7B(air 是不可数名词,后面不加s)8.C.(比较项是ones ruler , 而不是sb.)9.B.(listen to 表示动作;hear表示结果。)10.B(a quarter to eight 是it的宾语补足语,故不加任何介词。)11.B.(away 表示距离,far、far away 和 far from 都表示远,遥远。)12.C.(情态动词must后加动词原形)13.D.(指A、B两者分别具有的东西,用As and Bs;指A、B两者共有的东西用A and Bs)14.A.(句中若有表示否定的词,如never; few; little; no; nobody; nothing 等,用肯定的形式反问)15.A (形容词,美国的)二、完形填空1.英语在姓氏复数前加the,表示“X X 一家人”。若要表示其所有格,则在姓氏复数后加。如the Blacks(布莱克一家的)。 2.C.talk like 意思是像一样讲话。 talk to 指的是与谈话。talk about 意思是谈论某人、事。 talk over 指的是讨论商谈。如:They are talking like good friends.他们像好朋友那样聊天。Shes talking to her mother.她正和她妈妈谈话。Lets talk about that film.让我们来谈谈这部电影。We must talk it over again.我们必须再讨论一次这件事。3.D.4.C.这四个选项都为连词,可以连接两个句子。or 表示前句为后句的条件,and 表示两个句子为并列关系,but 表示转折关系,so 表示因果关系。5.C 6. D 7.C 8.D 9. D 10.C. 祈使句的否定式是在肯定式前加dont,如:Dont do that again.别再这样做了。三、阅读理解A 1.T因为电视上有天气预报节目。2F 天气预报来源于卫星而不是宇宙飞船。3F weather people 只把 satellites 发向了太空。4.T 文中有原句。卫星飞到云层以上,用携带的相机拍下了云层的照片。5.T 云层照片会显示天气阴晴情况,然后weather people 分析后再告诉人们结果。 B 1.C 外国人的姓放在后面。2.B. 原文有答案。因为Dr. Green 是牙医。3.D. Dr Green 不仅能给孩子们治病,并且还送给他们礼物。4.A.文中说他7:15出发8:00到达办公室。5.A. 文中说他早8:00到达,晚4:00 回家。a.m.指上午,p.m. 指下午。四、选择正确的答案, 完成对话1.d Certainly 表示同意帮忙。2.b 根据下文回答。3.c. 根据下文问坐几路车。4.a 告诉对方坐6路车以后,很自然再告诉车站的位置。5.f Its a pleasure. 用来回答因为对方的帮助而表示感谢时的回答。意思是“很荣幸”或“很乐意”。第卷五、词汇(一)根据句意,完成以给首字母的单词1.cheaper 2. festival 3. office 4. right 5. Teachers (二)用()内词的适当形式填空6.twentieth 7. are All + 复数名词 +复数形式的谓语动词,且look!加现在进行时。8.help (to) do ;help后面的动词可以加 to,也可以用动词原形。9. more 后面有than 10. to do (不定式表示目的)六、改写句子1.taller than any other (“最高”意思是“比其他任何一个都高”)2.Why dont we (它和Shall we 都表示建议)3.Whats wrong (出什么毛病了?)4.Where are going (划线部分是地点,所以用where提问)5.goes to work by car (若有行为动词go,其后用介词短语by car修饰)七、完成句子1.work must come first. (first 是副词,修饰come )2.to give a talk. (want sb. to do sth. 想让某人干某事)3.bigger and cheaper (and 连接并列成分)4.in a tall building (live in 住在某地)5.place called (called 被叫做)6.May have a (May I 表示请求语气)7.dont use to do any more (not any more 不再)8.agree with (agree with sb. 同意某人的意见)八、书面表达在下列短文中的空白处填上适当的词1.lives (主语是单数名词one mouse)2.takes (take sb. to sp.带某人去某地)3.go (must 后加动词原形)4.come (来到the city mouse 的家)5.eat (主语是 Nice food,句意为“美味食物已经被准备好给他们吃了”。nice food作eat的逻辑宾语。)6.eat (从上句顺下意思来)7.run (run away 逃跑)8.like (根据“逃亡经历”可得知the country mouse 不再喜欢住在城市里)9.be (to 后加动词原形,且poor 是形容词)10.than (前面有个nicer)

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