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高一英语(必修一)教学设计王 山 林庐江县第三中学Unit 1 A Perfect DayTeaching aims:To read two texts for specific informationTo revise Present Simple and Present ContinuousTeaching course:Warm up First ask students the question to arouse their interest.What do you think a perfect day is like?Students will give all kinds of answers: go shopping ; watching TV; read novels; listen to music; surf the Internet and so on.Draw a conclusion: do all you like to do; live a life in the way you like.Now read two texts telling you two peoples perfect days. ReadingUnderstanding the textRead the text and answer the following questions.What kind of lifestyle do you think the man in a couch potato?Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?What kind of lifestyle do you think the man in the second text? Listen to the text 1. underline the TV programmes that Brian usually watches.2. Underline the kinds of work Bob does every day. SpeakingDo the exercise 4 Read the two texts again and answer these questionsDo the exercise 5Which lifestyle do you prefer? Which one is healthier? What can Bob or Britain do to improve their lifestyles?What does a couch potato refer to?What does a workaholic mean? Language in useWork in pairs and describe your parents lifestyle to your partner. VocabularyDo the exercise 7 GrammarFirst turn to page 92 analysis and explain Present Simple and Present Continuous Then do the exercise 8 and 9 HomeworkWrite a composition “My Perfect Day”Words:100 words or soSuppose you can design your a day freely what is your perfect day like?Unit1 Lesson 2 RelaxingTeaching aims:To practise listening for specific informationTo learn about ways of dealing with stress in everyday lifeTeaching course: Warm upWork is very important in our life. We have to work, no matter what you are. With the development of modern society, people are fastening their steps of life. There is less time for relaxation. The problem is that more and more people feel stressed. How to get rid of the stress we are suffering from is what we are to talk about. TalkingTask oneYou are to do some listening, Before it think about your school life, list the things ( at least 3 ) you do and your feeling about them. ( A=Activity, F=Feeling )(目的是激发学生的兴趣,锻炼学生的口头表达能力,为听力内容做铺垫)How do you get rid of the stress in your life? Talk to each other about the activities you have listed. Say which is stressful and which is relaxing. Do it like this:prepare for an exam; lie on the beach; wait for the result of; give a talk in English; do shopping with task two.Interview your classmates to see what kind of stress they are suffering from and how they relax themselves or get rid of it. ListeningDo the exercise 2Do the exercise 3Read through the Strategies with the class and see if they can use any of these Strategies already.In pairs, students read the questions and try to predict the answers. Point out that morethan one answer is possible.Students then exchange ideas to find out if they have made the same predictions if they have made different predictions, ask students to justify their opinions.Do the exercise 5 and 6Before listening the materials ask students to read the questions and first predict answers then listen the tape twice.When students have checked their answers, ask them what advice they would give to Mark to help him be less nervous before exams and before going to parties.Do the exercise 7Students look at the exercise and see if they can remember or can guess any of the missing words.Students listen to the cassette again and complete the sentences in the Function File.PronunciationDo the exercise 9In our oral language we often pause. Now listen to Mark again. Which words or sounds does he use to hesitate?Students listen to the cassette. After each sentence, pause the cassette so that students can repeat the hesitation device.Do the exercise 10Before starting their talk, students can look at the sentences they wrote in Exercise 9Students then put the exercise away and talk to their group without any notes, using as many hesitation words as possible. Homework: Writ a report about you interview in class. Write about the stress you and most of your classmates are suffering from. Find the causes of the stresses and give advice on how to relax yourselves. Lesson 3 A Volunteer Teacher Teaching aims:To listen for specific factsTo give opinion about voluntary workTo talk about future arrangements and intentions, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and going toTeaching difficulties:To talk about future arrangements and intentions, using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous and going toTeaching Aids: computer and cassetteTeaching procedures: . Speaking T: What does the girl do?S:T: Yes she is a volunteer teacher. This is a real story. The girls name is Wang Shu, grew up in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Upon graduation from the English department of Beijing Normal University, she left Beijing for Inner Mongolia working as a volunteer teacher. She is still there now. What do you know about this part of China?S:T: show a slide to introduce Inner Mongolia (Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) is the first national autonomous region established in China. It stretches along Chinas northern border with Mongolia and Russia and covers an oblong area of over 1.28 million square kilometers, one eighth of China. Of all the Chinese provinces and autonomous regions, Inner Mongolia is the third largest after Xinjiang and Tibet.) Inner Mongolia falls behind developed areas so it needs volunteers go to work there.T: What can you say about the girl in the photo?S: ListeningStudents read the questions and predict the answersT: I think you must be interested in Wang Shu, now listen to the interview, you will learn more about her and answer these questions.Students listen to the tape and check their predictions.Students listen to the tape again and make sure of the answersStudents work in pairs and take turns to retell Wang Shus story Voice your opinionIs it a good idea to do voluntary work? What reasons do people have for doing voluntary work? VocabularyDo the exercise 5. Students work individually, thinking about the cues and what they are going to do.Students read the sentences, decide which words to use, and then complete the sentences. GrammarDo the exercise 6Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to these sentences from the interview. What verb forms are used to talk about the future? Guide students to draw the following conclusion:present Simplepresent Continuousgoing to + infinitivedo consolidate exercise7, 8and 9explain further grammar:Expressing future arrangements and intentions: be going to- to express an intention to do something. Present Continuous- to talk about future events that we have already fixed or arranged. Present Simple- to talk about official events or timetables which we cannot change.be going to do 与 be doing 的区别be going to do 表示事先经过考虑过,然后计划好将做某事;迹象将发生某事。We are going to go climbing this week.My sister is going to go to Australia in a week.It is going to snow.be doing 指立刻决定的计划,没有经过一段时间 的考虑, 意思上相当于be about to do, 但后者不能接时间状语;多用于表示位置移动的动词中,如:go, come, arrive, leave, reach , start; I am going to hometown this afternoon. He is leaving. We are playing the piano at six. I am about to go out.句型转换1. We are going to do some shopping next Tuesday. (变成否定句) We _ shopping next Tuesday. 2. Im going to see my mother on Mothers Day. (变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ going to see your mother on Mothers Day? NO, _.3. She is going to carry these luggage to the train station. (对划线部分提问) _ is she going _?4. Sophie is going to France the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问) _ Sophie _ to France?Answers: 1. arent going to do some 2. Are you, I am not3. What, to do 4. When is, going补全对话:A: (1) _tomorrow? B: Im going to buy a gift. A: (2) _? B: Im going to give it to my mother. A: (3)_ ? B: Im going to buy a bunch of flower.A: _?B: Im going to buy it in the Flower World. A: Are you going there aloneB: No. (5)_.A: your mother will be happy.Answers: (1) What are you going to do (2) Who are you going to give it to (3) What are you going to buy (4) Where are you going to buy it (5) Im going there with my sisterTranslate sentences1. 我们要两点半出发。 _ 2. 明年我们要去加拿大度假。 3. 我将派约翰去帮助你。 _4 约翰和玛丽买了一些家具,他们打算下个月结婚。_. Answers:1. We are going to start at 2:30.2. We are going to take a holiday in Canada next year.3. Im going to send John to help you.4. John and Mary bought some furniture, they are going to marry next month. Homework: writingYou have just started your senior high school. You must have a lot of plans. Choose from the following and write about one of your plans: Your plan for the next three years.Your plan for the coming holiday.Your plan for the coming weekend.U1 Lesson 4 City and CountryObjectives:To practise using background knowledge strategies when reading.To practise reading for specific information.To express opinion orally and give reasons for them.To compare one lifestyle with another.Pre-ReadingAnswer these questions to prepare yourself.Use the Key Words below to help you.office, farm, underground, walk, crowded, space, quiet, noisy.1) How are city and country lifestyles different in China?2) Can you imagine city and country lifestyles in Britain?Show some pictures in the country and in the city.boring, easy, free, peaceful, relaxing busy, dangerous, exciting, interesting, stressful The school in the city is very modern and bright.The school in the country is very old and shabbySpacious and brightclassroomHave computer classesReading Read and fill in the table with information about Debbie and Pauls lives. Add information about your own life and compare.DebbiePaulYouLives in A big citya smallvillageWake-up time7 am4 amJoban accountanta farmerstudentWorkinghours 8all dayWorks incenter of Londonnorth of EnglandEveningactivitiesdance classes, go to the gym, French classesplay with his children;study by distance learningSpecialactivitiesgo to the cinema, drive to the country and go walking therego to London for a weekend breakLook at the chart then try to think out some words to describe the advantages and disadvantages living in the city or the country.City lifeTraffic jamspollutionFresh aircrimemodern museumsfirsthand informationisolationCountry lifeinconvenient trafficpeaceful environmentmore spacePost-ReadingChoose the best answers:1.From the first paragraph of text 1, we can know that _A. Debbie has to get up very early but Paul doesnt have to. B .Debbie is rather tired of the underground.C .Debbie goes to work by car every day.D .Paul has to travel far away to work every day.2. In the last paragraph of text 2, it can be inferred that _.A. Pauls wife does not like moviesB. Paul often goes to see the filmC. The life of Paul is very convenientD. When Pauls children see the tube, they will get very excited3. The main idea of text 2 is that _.A. Paul lives in a small village in the north of EnglandB. It is easy for Paul to go to workC. Paul is busy but without the stress of life D. Pauls life is very free4. Whose life is better, Debbies or Pauls?A .Debbies. B. Pauls. C. Both.D. Different people have different ideas.5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the texts?A. Debbie has to spend all morning checking numbers every day on workweeks.B. Debbie likes to go to the countryside to have a weekend break sometimes.C. Debbie and Paul are both movie fanatics and both see movies a lot.D. Paul likes all the crowds and the noise in London.Answers: BDCDCLanguages points:1. Thats what people call Hes a new comer. Thats what I know about him. Thats how Thats why Thats where2. its so crowded that I cant find so that引导结果状语从句,如此以至于 Anna works so hard that she has little time for rest. Tommy got up so late that he missed the first bus.3. I spend all morning checking numbers.spend some time doing sth. 花费时间做I spend two hours doing my homework everyday.4. We dont have the same work hour that office workers in the city have. that引导的从句表示的内容与主句所讲的是“同一” Thats the same purse that I bought last Sunday.对比 Thats the same purse as I bought last Sunday. (同我丢失的那个一样,但不是同一个)5. Right now I am studying by distance learning.distance learning 远程教育6. its my dream to see the Great Wall 不定式to see the Great Wall作真正的主语,前面的it是形式主语。dream of梦见. I often dream of myself becoming a great singer. I never dreamed of meeting you here.我绝对未想到在这里遇到你。7. My wife calls me a movie fanatic.call+宾语宾补We call him our monitor.8. so I dont get the chance to go very often.get the chance to do有机会做Im so happy that I got the chance to go abroad. ExerciseChoose the best answers1 Bob told me not to swim in this river. -Thats I told him.A how B it C that D what2Dont spend too much time the game. -I see.A to play B playing C played D play3 I saw a pen in the garden yesterday. -Where is it now? Its the same pen I lost.A that B as C which D whatKeys: D, B, AVocabularyUse the words from the texts to complete the sentences below.accountant, tube, underground, crowded, nearby, otherwise, career, fanatic, forecast, distance learning1) In England, the is often called the . Many people travel on this to work.2) I am a real book . I have so many books in my flat. It looks like a library!3) The says that the weather this weekend is going to be sunny and warm.4) If you like maths you could be an , you could be a maths teacher.5) There is a restaurant and it is always because it is so popular.6) I am studying by to improve my .Answers:1 underground, tube 2 fanatic 3 forecast 4 accountant, otherwise 5 nearby, crowded 6 distance learning, careerSpeaking Talk about it. How are Debbie and Pauls lifestyles different? How are they similar?Example Debbie has to travel to work but Paul doesnt. They both have to work.WritingWhere do you live? In a city or in the countryside? What do you like about where you live?List three things. Then try to write an essay to describe the place where you live , if you like there and the reason you like it or dislike it. U2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern HeroesTeaching aims:To practise extensive reading in order to understand the main idea of each paragraph and guess the meaning of new words from the context.To use time linkers, especially adverbs and conjunctionsTo revise the use of Past Simple and Past ContinuousTo practise oral EnglishTeaching difficulties:To use time linkers, especially adverbs and conjunctionsTo revise the use of Past Simple and Past ContinuousTeaching Aids: computer and cassetteTeaching procedures: . Warming upT: Who can explain heros meaning in English? Have a try.S:T: A person, especially a man, who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good. Now think about who is hero in your mind?S: possible ansewers (Wen tianxiang, Yue Fei, Lin Zexu, Song Zhongshan, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlain and so on) T: Yes. They are great heroes. They names have been recorded in history books. What character do you think heroes should have?S:T: brave, selfless, calm, honest, generous, intelligent, warm-hearted, romanticToday we talk about Modern Heroes who do you think can be called modern heroes?S:T: teacher can show students some pictures. Finally picture is Yang Liwei. Have you heard of Yang Liwei? How do you feel about him?S:T: show a slide about information Yang Liwei (Born: June 21, 1965, Liao Ning Height:168cm; Weight: 65kg; Training : 1998-2003; Crowned: Space Hero.and say Yang Liwei is the first man to stand for Chinese to fly into space. He has become a spokesman of space industry. We can say he is national hero?Show some pictures about Shenzhou V How did you feel about Chinas first manned space flight?S:T: The launch of Shenzhou V shows China is becoming stronger and stronger. As Chinese, we are proud of being Chinese. ReadingDo you want to know about Yang Liwei? Now lets read the text and do the exercise to see how much you understand,1. When the spaceship separated from the rocket, Yang could feel the high gravity.2. Yang Liwei spoke with the ground control when the spaceship was circling the earth the sixth time.3. Shenahou can change red because of the earths atmosphere. 4. When Yang Liwei was doing its sixth circle, he showed the flags of China and the US, expressing he wishes 5. Yang Liwei felt the ship was shaking when Shenzhou V landed.6. When he came back from space, he felt very excited.Answers: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.TAfter reading the text the teacher ask “Can you say some words about space flight?”Answers: capsule, spacesuit, spaceman (astronaut), spaceship, parachute, rocket, helicopter, launch.In order to consolidate these words to show pictures and ask student to use these words to describe them. Further readingDo the exercise 3and the exercise 4 Read the article and you describe the course of ShenzhouPicture1. The spaceship was lifting off, I could really feel the high gravity.Picture2 The spaceship separated from the rocket I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the skyPicture3 The Shenzhou V circled the earth.Picture 4 Yang Liwei was speaking with his wife and 8-year-old sonPicture 5 Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations.Picture6 Shenzhou V released its parachute.Picture7 Millions of people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship touched down safely.Do the exercise 5Read through the questions with the class so that students know what information to look out when reading the text. Students then read the text and answer the questions. Free talk:Why do you think Yang Liwei is a hero? What can we learn from him? vocabularyDo the exercise 5 and 6. GrammarGuide student to study Grammar Summary 3, on page 92Do the exercise excise 8Students look at the sentences and work out the differences( Past Continuous , Past Simple)Do the exercise 9and 10 Language in useStudents prepare the questions for the interview in pairs. They may need to go back to the text and get more information. They may also use other information which they can collect from newspapers and the internetStudents roleplay an interview between Yang Liwei and a reporter with the reporter asking what happened, what Yang Liwei did and how he felt. HomeworkRead the article space heroes on page 32 Unit2 Lesson 2 History Maker

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