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电大工程造价基础知识期末考试重点复习资料参考第一部分 期末考试说明一、期末考试要求本课程采用案例分析教学为主,要求学生掌握建设项目投资构成与投资估算的方法;掌握建设项目财务评价的静、动态分析方法;熟悉价值工程在设计、施工方案评价中的应用;熟悉和掌握建设工程计量与计价的基本方法;了解建设工程施工招标与投标程序、方法及决策;掌握建筑安装工程价款结算的方法;掌握工程备料款的确定、扣还及收取。二、组卷原则(1)命题范围:在本课程教学大纲和考核说明所规定的内容和要求范围内命题,不得任意扩大和缩小考试范围。(2)试题的组成与覆盖面:命题应注意知识的覆盖面,同时要突出重点。试题的题量和难易程度要适当,其难易度分为容易、中等和较难三个层次,它们的组成比例约为30:50:20。(3)试题中各种能力层次的试题量比例为:了解起扣点(520万元)故从6月份开始应从工程进度款中抵扣工程预付的备料款。6月份应抵扣的预付备料款=(610-520)60%=54(万元)6月份应结算的工程款=210-54=156(万元) (4)工程尾期进度款结算:应扣保留金=7805%=39(万元)7月份办理竣工结算时,应结算的工程尾款为:170(1-60%)-39=29(万元) (5)由上述计算结果可知:各月累计结算的过程进度款=95+130+175+156+29=585(万元)再加上工程预付备料款156万元和保留金39万元,共计780万元。 背景某设计方案年产量为12万吨,已知每吨产品的销售价格为675元,每吨产品税金为165元,单位可变成本为250元,年总固定成本为1500万元。 问题 (1)对项目进行盈亏平衡分析,计算该方案的产量盈亏平衡点和单价盈亏平衡点。(2)在市场销售良好的情况下,正常生产年份的最大可能盈利额是多少?(3)在市场销售不良的情况下,为了促销,产品的市场价格由675元降低10%销售,若使年利润达到100万元,则年产量应为多少?解答:(1)产量盈亏平衡点= 单价盈亏平衡点= =(2)正常年份的最大盈利额=设计生产能力单位价-固定成本-设计生产能力单位可变成本-销售税金 =12675-1500-12250-12165=1620(万元) (3)年产量=背景某一中外合资汽车制造厂建设施工的土方工程中,承包商在合同标明有松软石的地方没有遇到松软石,因此工期提前1个月。但在合同中另一未标明有坚硬岩石的地方遇到更多的坚硬岩石,开挖工作变得更加困难,由此造成了实际生产率比原计划低得多,经测算影响工期3个月。由于施工速度减慢,使得部分施工任务拖到雨季进行,按一般公认标准推算,又影响工期2个月。为此承包商准备提出索赔。问题(1)该项施工索赔能否成立?为什么? (2)在该索赔事件中,应提出的索赔内容包括哪两方面? (3)承包商应提供的索赔文件有哪些? 解答: (1)该项施工索赔能成立。施工中在合同未标明有坚硬岩石的地方遇到更多的坚硬岩石,属于施工现场的施工条件与原来的勘察有很大差异,属于甲方的责任范围。 (2)本事件使承包商由于意外地质条件造成施工困难,导致工期延长,相应产生额外工程费用,因此,应包括费用索赔和工期索赔。 (3)承包商应提供的索赔文件有: (1)索赔信; (2)索赔报告; (3)索赔证据与详细计算书等附件。请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Many people have the same mixed feelings when planning a trip during Golden Week. With heaps of time, the seven-day Chinese请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!National Day holiday could be the best occasion to enjoy a destination. However, it can also be the easiest way to ruin how you feel about a place and you may become more fatigued after the holiday, due to battling the large crowds. During peak season, a dream about a place can turn to nightmare without careful planning, especially if you travel with children and older people. As most Chinese people will take the holiday to visit domestic tourist destinations, crowds and busy traffic are inevitable at most places. Also to be expected are increasing transport and accommodation prices, with the possibility that there will be no rooms available. It is also common that youllwait in the line for one hour to get a ticket, and another two hours at the site, to only see a tiny bit of the place due to the crowds. Last year, 428 million tourists traveled in China over the week-long holiday in October. Traveling during this period is a matter that needs thorough preparation. If you are short on time to plan the upcoming Golden Week it may not be a bad idea to avoid some of the most crowded places for now. There is always a place so fascinating that everyone yearns for. Arxan is a place like this. The beauty of Arxan is everlasting regardless of the changing of four seasons. Bestowed by nature, its spectacular seasonal landscape and mountains are just beyond word. Arxan is a crucial destination for the recommended travelling route, China Inner Mongolia Arxan Hailar Manzhouli. It is also the joint of the four prairies across the Sino-Mongolian border, where people gravitate towards the exotic atmosphere mixed with Chinese, Russian, and Mongolia elements. As a historic site for the Yitian Battle, Arxan still embodies the spirit of Genghis Khan. Walking into Arxan, you will be amazed by a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colors all the year round - the Spring azaleas blooming red in the snow, the Summer sea wavering blue in the breeze, the Autumn leaves painted in yellow covering volcanic traces, and the Winter woods shining white on the vast alpine snowscape. Hinggan League Arxan city is situated in the far eastern area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Its full name Haren Arxan means hot holy water in the Mongolian language. Arxan is a tourism city in the northern frontier with a blend of large forest, grand prairies, vast snowfield, heaven lake cluster, thermium, as well as volcanic cluster. It is a rare and unique ecotourism base filled with healthy sunshine, clean air and unspoiled green. Nestled close to the countrys largest virgin forest, and known for its spring and ecological environment, Arxan is marveled at by many tourists as the purest land on earth. You cannot miss out the Autumn of Arxan. It is definitely the best with brightly-colored scenery full of emotions. Autumn in the northern part of the country comes earlier than the South. A September rain followed by the footprints of Autumn brings more colors to the once emerald green mountain and blooming grassland. Shutterbugs flock to see for themselves the marvel of splendid colors around the mountains and waters, many of whom have travel a long distance and even camp here only to capture a moment of the nature wonder. The silver birch turns golden, while the larch is still proudly green. You will find yourself drowned in the intoxicating red of the wild fruits as well as the glamour of flowers in full blown. And your heart will be lingering on the woods as its time for the wild fruits to ripe. The picturesque Arxan in Autumn is indeed a fairyland only exists in a dream that satisfies all your fan

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