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*ONE.考过题目(05.11.19-07.7.28所有机经)0511.19. 电视对当代社会是有正面效应还是负面效应,y Negative television-1. TV programs are so fascinating that people spend too much time in front of the screen, resulting in lack of communication and less time for work, study and exercise.2. Watching television excessively would drain the eyes and bring harm to the skin because of radiation.3. The violence, sex and crime scenes have extremely bad influence on the sound development of children.12.2 Should high schools teach music and art as other basic scienceMusic and art importance1. Knowledge in music and art classes will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students, which is quite important in our rapid developing society.2. Music and art lessons can serve as a means to help the students relax and relieve the pressure from work and study in other classes.3. learning music and art may help some students discover their talents for music and art, which is beneficial to them when are choosing career.12.3 打手机应不应该在一些地方禁止?Should be prohibited in some occasions.1. When driving a vehicle. Talking on a cell phone would more or less prevent the drivers from focus on the traffic situations ahead of them, increasing the possibility of accidents.2. On airplanes. The electrical signals of the phone will probably cause signal interruption and malfunction of the plane and even accidents.3. In hospitals. Likewise, the cell signal may have a bad effect on the medical devices, posing a great danger to the patients lives.12.16 媒体和家人朋友从哪学到更多?媒体1. Computer and internet technology enable us to have access to a huge amount of information in all kinds of areas. Internet is a vast ocean of Natural sciences and social sciences. 05.11.191. TV programs are so fascinating that children may spend too much time in front of the screen, resulting in lack of communication and less time for work, study and exercise.2. watching television excessively would drain the eyes and bring harm to the skin because of radiation.3. The violence, sex and crime scenes have extremely bad influence on the sound development of children.4.8 musical education important?Important05.12.21. Knowledge in music and art classes will bring benefit to the all-round development of the students, which is quite important in our rapid developing society.2. Music and art lessons can serve as a means to help the students relax and relieve the pressure from work and study in other classes.3. learning music and art may help some students discover their talents for music and art, which is beneficial to them when are choosing career.4.28 attend college 是否比不读college更容易successful in life. Yattend college important 07.3.101. enhance the proficiency in a certain area, broaden ones horizons and increase knowledge in all kinds of fields2. improve interpersonal and communication skills which is essential in future career.3. make friends with those people on campus who share the same love for a particular subject. 5.26 Prefer to be a leader or group member.Be a leader1. Organizing the affairs and activities of the group can greatly improve my interpersonal and communication skills, which is quite important for future career in the rapidly developing society. 2. I have more freedom to do what I intend to and dont need to obey anybodys orders because I have the biggest power in the group.3. I can have easy access to all kinds of resources of the group and I have the right to make use of them and distribute them.6.9/10 Prefer to do research by academic books or internet?Internet 07.6.301. Provide more useful resources and information online and so that I have easy access to a large amount of information in all kinds of areas concerned in the research.2. improve the computer skills and keep abreast of the new technologies, which is quite important for the future career in such a rapidly developing society.3. be able to make friends with the people who have related experience and expertise and get help from them about the problems we run into on the research.6.16 被电视,报纸,广播上的信息影响的多还是家人朋友影响的多?Family and friends.1. we spend most of our time with our family and friends. So we will be inevitably influenced by their opinions, behaviors and characters.2. Our family and friends are the ones who care and concern about us the most and also the ones we trust most. 07.2.2410.15 big class or small classsmaller class06.3.171. This would make the best of the resources and facilities in the schools, resulting in the improvement of working and learning efficiency of the students.2. In smaller classes, teachers would pay more attention to each one in the class and teach more effectively and more efficiently.3. Fewer people in class are relatively easy to organize and manage and this would enhance security and keep good order in the class.10.21 a/d people should always tell the truthno1. most of the time, people should be honest and be a man of integrity. But not always.2. To those bad guys, like the bullies and hooligans who want to take advantage of us, we should be manipulative and say what we can to stay away from danger.3. To our friends and family. Sometimes, a white lie proves to be beneficial than a cruel truth. For example, my friends mother got sick and in grave condition when he was preparing for an interview. I would lie to him by saying his mom is fine and focus your job hunting. Because if I had told him the truth, he couldnt do anything about his mom and he may had lost the job. 10.22 college to all students or some students.06.3.1710.28 Live alone or with roommates?.07.1.611.3 offer PE courses or not?PE importance1. The running and jumping around can definitely help us relax.2. PE classes would improve health condition and better prepare us for any physical challenge in the future 3. All kinds of sports games in PE lessons require us to play in a group, This would help develop our sense of teamwork and the spirit of cooperation, which is quite important in future career in society.11.17 Study in a university in big city or small city?1.2111.18 If you have money, practical thing or happy thing. 177practical thing1. When we buy a practical thing, it will be always there. 05.11.1912.16 relaxed or hurried life?Relaxed life1. The lower pace and life style would definitely help me relax This is better for both my mental and physical condition.mostly we cannot control the news broadcasting on tv to meet our own schedule.3. Watching television excessively would drain the eyes and bring harm to the sk

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