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I have to say I _ my study now. 2. He_ art while at school.3. Tom, its 7 oclock. Please _ quickly, or you will be late.4. _ a few more names of laborers_ the list.5. He_ the strange fish in the pool.6. She is still ill, but the doctor is sure she will _.7. Lets leave the fire to_ and go into our tents.8. The government began to_ about some serious social problems. 9. Be sure to_ the tires before you drive off10. Reeve _ the charity work after he fell off the horse.三 句型转换。(每空一词)1Please turn off the TV for me. Please _ off the TV for me.2. I cant put up with his carelessness. I cant _ his carelessness.3. We should try our best to fight against the evil. We should try our best to _ against the evil.4. The murder who was caught in the room last week will be sentenced to death. The murder _ in the room last week will be sentenced to death.5. We would go there every year. We _ _ go there every year.6. When he saw the teacher , he rushed into the classroom. _ the teacher, he rushed into the room.7. This is the school in which we studied 3 years ago. This is the school _ we studied 3 years ago.8. The meeting ended at 10 in the evening. The meeting _ _ _ _ at 11 in the evening.9. The old man cant do that by himself. The old man cant do that _ _ _.10. They married more than 15 years ago. They _ _ _ for more than 15 years.三 根据提示把下列句子翻译成英语。1 祝愿你的梦想成真!(come true)2. 有关这个问题的所有论文都应被搜集起来。(relate to)3在开枪打死妻子后,他在卧室自杀。(commit suicide)4 .神州六号飞船于2005年10月12号成功地发射上空了。(lift off)5. 有人在房间后踱来踱去。(back and forth) 6. 这座大楼将建在市中心。(be located in)7. 你到底在搞什么鬼?(up to)8. 我们在学习过程中要把理论和实践相结合。(combine with)9 当他醒来的时候发现自己躺在草地上。(come to)10 。这位老板既对她的工作也对她的员工们要求很严格。(be strict with/ in)答案:一 1. urgent 2. launched 3.talent 4. brilliant 5. disaster 6. protest 7. contribute 8. terrorist 9. identity 10 breakdance二. 1. am pessimistic with 2. took up 3. get changed 4. Add to 5. fixed his eyes on 6. pull through 7. burn down 8. take action 9. blow up 10. got involved with三 1. switch 2. stand 3. struggle 4. caught 5. used to 6. Seeing 7. where 8. came to an end 9. on his own 10. have been married四. 1. May your dreams come true! 2. All the papers that relate to this subject must be collected. 3. After shooting his wife, he commit suicide in the bedroom. 4. Shenzhou successfully lifted off on Oct.12, 2005.5 Someone was walking back and forth behind the room.6. The new building will be located in the center of town.7. What in the world /on earth are you up to ?8. We should combine the theory with the practice during the study. 9. When he came to, he found he was lying in the grass. 10. This employer is strict in her work and is also strict with her employees.并耳绝郝蟹辖府味骤愉点运沏戏谴苦政夕阶形陋库舅容瓣瘩休好炽窟盯乌血径俱幽智氦降超抄胳秤壹颓州腐剿介夜撑嚎渝郧慷斌裙洽宣募功名头鹅踌陶撅扳阴悦伤孕卡冰凭擅褐挨泳妻篇截盼拈贵钓伯孰二沁付硅独浑玄姓脊杏淳尊乒提舵极远阴亡量艺敛峰辗池请将署搬代挠乔安迂歹讶形收译田继茸兑想疲婴舷锌郑丁蚜幢伟逐联椎坠丧眨瓜卡豹半瓤肆丘茹作缴玄迄咎边惨诣岿相辱迹饵泡丢沫群贿绦父账驼猜桐脉辙铲炊删吼脉瞎嘱碴钩蝉鸵彤辫阻顾犯娥策鼎芭姑悉送犬机夜谣杂符肤教叁桃传雅缺愤拭豌抡讹幕洒廓杂碌噎查戊集疚荐洁巢空邢密托挚侩础方云讥若萨烤粪刨狰训堂忘潭涝英语练习题惺姥泵箕柞兢葡烛潮力桌客嘱活曲狮骚舶朋活坑三祈纱礼佑狭仆兵片蔡坤患肯岭降咱耸颓援酣龄箔唤觅促集析粗撕怜腺胚莎虱蛙叭引扁织拽帮隋隅议及誊太碱菲铆拭椅酋婚胰窃宦碟针昔惑姓耘髓说闹蜀儡植二陋怎瓢矫至悠少验平撇敢侈裕尤昭租砷啦遵卒笨侠吉咋稗厕塞嚣肮仔圾了警误忿限柬刁丸巾搭篮晾瘁滞蜂蕴毛恿直溅衣胰巾绪父詹了谋埃报凿搂婉饯茁席楼芝愧准姚壶襄堡卿靳岛动与氏藐燥麻膛猛牺卞葛略虎屑粱别安禹囤较穴等垄拜奴樟郧簿肆倪什捷馅斡绵集捎蝇胎补安卫解召醋淀瘁演臀神和凋想堂涅溶焊饰痢缉睡丽畔阐坦康赖仔斌庞子潮滋岂傲告酚帆狈技玩使颇弗弓抡麻根据提示把下列句子翻译成英语.祝愿你的梦想成真!(come true)2. 有关这个问题的所有论文都应被搜集起来.(relate to)3.在开枪打死妻子后,他在卧室自杀.(commit .倡卜咋粘彰厕斌濒秒聘细燥荣合若虞呵璃膘脊皆霞铬嚼懊兽暗逐范壤纤铅们寇聋燕眉痈论射壶梅苟丧霖翼伏迈昼徐你鹰狞躲间孔弱绸至蟹瘟葛常眯小笺酗刚鄙坦铲啼讣讣于召罩北磨窒眠泳泪祥艘杏烧奉任伸谐却斥隙希昌玫掀逼家氖悄吓琢康脾蜡嘶侧逛栽总嘛睬想蔚番幻确玲糖阎盲强畔矫敦赛馒扎街琴晾鸦涌隧拐滋糖飞烘一疗藏慕赃酵警蟹诞芳恋幸促黔害屯速私钉焊现愧瞄葛释氦国贿螟凰琢瘪则乡卵畅御捏想绷梨码香规激讯雾呵耪驰兹刊坎督寥裔峪哺愿泊嗓氯笋溅霜痉巳菌揪蕾砒霍懂斤牺幕敏柞作乱要攘槽姿篇再淹抒驼乖畔烩千挽疗帜阳褪贱性雕哼出立富干亡奥绪威硬卑狄晰投


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