高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 24 Society》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop

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高二英语课件北师大版选修8《Unit 24 Society》SectionⅢCommunicationWorkshop_第1页
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,Section Communication Workshop,语言点一单词集释板块,语言点二短语荟萃板块,语言点三句型解构板块,写作讲座,课 时 跟 踪 检 测,Unit 24,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 .落实,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 .落实,识记 .掌握,理解 .拓展,应用 . 落实,佳作观摩,技法指导,专题练习,词义匹配 1suck athe money paid as a punishment 2merchant bpunishment for a criminal in court 3swing cto bring to an end; stop 4fine dalso; in addition; besides,5sentence eas a result; therefore 6moreover fto move backwards and forwards 7abolish g a person who buys and sells goods 8consequently hto draw sth. into the mouth by using the tongue 答案:15 hgfab 68 dce,1fine 教材原句 My brother works as a police officer and he tells me that drug dealers and robbers can be out on the streets only a few weeks or months after committing their crimes, or even get let off with fines. 我的弟弟是一名警官,他告诉我毒品交易商、抢劫犯可能会在犯罪后的仅仅几个星期或几个月后就出现在大街上,甚至交点罚款就被放了。,(1)n. 罚款,罚金 She has already paid over 2,000 yuan in fines. 她已经付了2,000多元罚金。 Theres a heavy fine for driving drunk according to the new law. 根据新法律,酒后驾驶的罚款很重。,(2)vt. 罚款,She felt angry that she passing a stopped school bus. 她感到生气她因超一辆停住的校车而被罚50美元。,was fined $ 50 for,2sentence 教材原句 I think we should bring back much harder sentences in this country . 我认为我们应在这个国家内恢复更加严厉的刑罚 (1)n. 宣判,判决,The prisoner has served his sentence and will be released tomorrow. 犯人服刑期满,明天将获释。 Its reported that the judge passed sentence on Lai Changxing on May 18,2012. 据报道,法官于2012年5月18日宣布了对赖昌星的判决。,(2)vt. 宣判,判决,The young man six years in prison for stealing too much money. 那个年轻人因偷了太多钱而被判了六年徒刑。,was sentenced to,3consequently adv.所以,因此 教材原句 Consequently, in the USA, the death penalty is not as likely if the victim is black and the murderer white as the other way around. 因此,在美国,如果受害人是黑人而杀人犯是白人,死刑就不像其他地方一样。 We have not enough money; consequently we cannot afford a new car. 我们的钱不够,因此买不起新车。 He had been ill for a long time and consequently he was behind in his work. 他病了很久,因此耽误了功课。,Many people believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation. 许多人认为贫困是人口过多直接造成的后果。 She was over the age limit and, , her application was rejected. 她已经过了年龄限制,因此她的申请被拒绝了。,as a consequence/result,.单词拼写 1He has been to China before; he knows something about it. 2The superstitious practices should be as soon as possible. 3The rent is reasonable and, , the location is perfect. 4I got a 100 for speeding, which made me unhappy. 5Her son was to death for killing a man. 6He his arms as he walks.,consequently,abolished,moreover,fine,sentenced,swings,.单项填空 1The agricultural tax was _ in order to reduce the burden of farmers and encourage their enthusiasm of farming. Aestablished Breplaced Cabolished Ddeleted 解析:选 。句意:农业税被取消了,目的是为了减轻农民负担,鼓励他们种植的热情。abolish“废除”;establish“建立”; replace“代替”;delete“删除”。,C,2What he had done made him sentenced _ two years in prison. Awith Bto Cin Dfor 解析:选 。sentence作“判刑,判决”讲时,常与介词to搭配使用。,B,3The incomes of skilled workers went up._, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. AMoreover BTherefore CMeanwhile DOtherwise 解析:选 。考查副词辨析。句意:熟练工的收入在增加,与此同时,不熟练工人的收入却在下降。语意表示“与此同时”,故选C项。moreover“再者,而且”;therefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”。,C,4The heavy rain lasted five days in a row and _the farmland was flooded. Acontinuously Bconstantly Cconsistently Dconsequently 解析:选 。句意:大雨一连下了五天,结果农田被淹了。continuously“接连不断地”;constantly“不断地”;consistently“一贯地,一致地”;consequently“因此,所以,结果”。根据句意选择D项。,D,1break into 2on principle 3take it easy 4 摆脱,废除 5 对失去信心 6 把考虑在内,闯入,原则上,别紧张,放松,do away with,lose faith in .,take sth. into account,1break into (1)闯入,强行进入 Generally speaking, people who computer systems are called “hackers” 闯入电脑系统的人一般被称为黑客。,break into,(2)突然起来(后接名词作宾语,相当于burst into) The couple tears at the bad news. 听到这个坏消息,那对夫妇突然哭了起来。 The audience broke into loud applause as soon as Liu Qians performance was over. 刘谦的表演一结束,观众就爆发出热烈的掌声。,broke into,Thieves and stole ¥10,000 worth of computer equipment. 窃贼破门而入,偷走了价值10,000元的计算机设备。 His health has broken down because of working too hard. 他因工作过度劳累,身体垮下来了。,broke in,2on principle原则上 教材原句 I am totally against harder sentences on principle. 我在原则上坚决反对较重的刑罚。 He doesnt invest in the arms industry on principle. 他根据自己的原则不投资军火业。, , there is no reason why the same cloning techniques should not work on human cells. 从理论上讲,把相同的克隆技术运用在人体的细胞上未尝不可。 They agree to the plan in principle but still have to negotiate the terms. 他们大体上同意这个计划,但仍须协商一些条款。,In principle,3take . into account把考虑在内 教材原句 The wishes of victims family and friends possibly need to be taken into account. 受害者的家人和朋友的愿望可能需要被考虑进去。 We should take the proposals of our parents into account and vice versa. 我们应该考虑父母的建议,反之亦然。 The company environment/issues wherever possible. 只要有可能,这家公司总是尽量把环境问题考虑在内。,takes,into account,She cant work on account of her too young children. 她因为孩子太小而不能工作。 should the soldiers be blamed for what happened. 士兵们绝对不该为所发生的事情而受到责难。,On no account,.选词填空,1He a run as he came round the corner. 2I believe he will my request .,broke into,take,into account,3He was always late . His principle being that punctuality is the thief of time. 4People thought that the use of robots would boring lowpaid factory jobs. 5The public the government over the past years.,on principle,do away with,has lost faith in,.单项填空 1Shall we _our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please? Abreak off Bbreak down Cbreak into Dbreak out 解析:选 。句意:我们中断讨论,喝些茶或咖啡怎么样?break off“停顿,中断”,符合语境。break down“分解”;break into“闯入”;break out“爆(暴)发,逃离”。,A,2I agree with your statement _ principle but I disagree on some details. Awith Bfor Cto Don 解析:选 。句意:我原则上同意你的叙述,但是在一些细节上我不同意。on principle表示“原则上”。,D,3_ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide. AIn spite of BOn account of CRegardless of DInstead of 解析:选 。on account of“由于,因为”;regardless of “不顾”;in spite of“尽管”; instead of“而不是”。根据句意可知前后两部分为因果关系,因此选B。,B,1句型展示 What_is_even_more_unbelievable_ is the fact that some murderers are let out of prison after three or four years. 更令人难以置信的是一些凶手三、四年后被从监狱释放这一事实。 典例背诵 What parents do will make a lot of difference to their children. 父母的行为会对孩子产生重大影响。,2句型展示 How come? 怎么会呢? 典例背诵 I think you owe me some money. 我想你欠我一些钱。 How come? 怎么会呢?,1What_is_even_more_unbelievable is the fact that some murderers are let out of prison after three or four years. 更令人难以置信的是一些凶手三、四年后被从监狱里释放出来这一事实。,(1)句子结构分析:,(2)句中what引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。 , she told me, was her family. 她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是她的家人。 Though what you are doing is very difficult , it is of great importance. 尽管你正在做的事情很难,但却很重要。,What was most important to her,(3)句中that引导同位语从句,对the fact作进一步的解释。 常见的跟同位语从句的名词还有:fact, news, idea, belief, doubt, information等。 The news that I have passed the exam is true. 我通过了考试这一消息是真的。 There is no doubt that Lin Dan will win the game. 毫无疑问林丹会赢得比赛。,2How_come? 怎么会呢? “How come?”用法如下: (1)“How come?”为独立的句子,常用于口语,意为“为什 么?/怎么会呢?”。 Jack failed his exam again. 杰克考试又没及格。 How come? 怎么会呢?,(2)“How come句子?”意为“怎么会呢?”。 How come she got the job when she was so young? 她那么年轻,怎么会得到那份工作呢?,.完成句子 1我不知道他什么时候回来。 I have no idea . 2他们所需要的是一些好的教科书。 are some good textbooks. 3既然有那么多工作要做,你怎么没加班(work overtime)呢? since you have so much work to do?,when he will be back,What they need,How come you dont work overtime,.单项填空 1Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases. Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere 解析:选 。考查同位语从句。句意:现代科学有充分的证据表明吸烟会导致多种疾病。结合句意和句子成分可知该句不缺少句子成分,故用that引导,解释说明evidence 的内容。,C,2I dont think Ill be able to go mountainclimbing tomorrow. _? AAnd how BHow come CHows it going DHow about it 解析:选 。考查情景对话。根据语意“我看我明天不能去爬山了。”“为什么呢?”可知,此处应用How come表示“为什么,怎么会这样”。,B,3(2011北京高考)_Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness. AWhich BWhat CThat DWhom 解析:选 。考查名词性从句。由句中的is 可知空格处为主语从句的引导词,且该引导词在从句中作offer 的宾语,故可排除C项;which“哪一个”;whom“谁”。故只有B项正确。,B,议论文,假设你是李华,最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论北京动物园是否应迁出市区。以下是你所在班级讨论的情况,请你给该报写一封信,反映讨论结果。,注意:1.词数120左右; 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3参考词汇:郊区suburb.,Dear Editor, Recently our class has had a heated discussion about whether Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city. Some of my classmates are in favour of the move.They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in the traffic jams. They also say that once moved, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs.,However, other students are against the idea, saying that Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is wellknown at home and abroad. So it should not be moved. Whats more, moving may cause the death of animals. To move or not, this is a big decision which has to be done by people in Beijing.,In my opinion, it isnt necessary to move the zoo. It will cost a lot of money, and furthermore, it is part of the city, which witnesses the history of the old city. Yours, Li Hua,第一段点出主题即动物园是否应迁出市区。 第二段列举正方的观点。 第三段列举反方的观点。 第四段指出是否迁出应由北京市民决定。 第五段阐明自己的观点。,1高级词汇:高级的词汇有heated, in favour of, large crowds of, result in, suburbs, wellknown, witness等。 2关联过渡词:文章巧妙地运用了过渡词however, so, whats more, furthermore等,加强了上下句的连贯性。 3复杂句式: 句中whether Beijing Zoo should be .为whether引导的宾语从句;,句中that引导宾语从句,且从句中once moved 为省略句; 句中运用现在分词saying that .作状语,运用过去分词built in .作定语。 句中运用动名词moving作主语; 和句中分别运用了which引导定语从句。,议论文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辩是非,以确定其观点的正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张。议论文应该观点明确,论据充分,语言精练,论证合理,有严密的逻辑性。议论文在高考中常以图表、提纲或图画的形式出现。写此类作文时可采用三段式,即: 1第一段根据图表、提纲或图画提出问题。 2第二段阐明正、反方观点。 3第三段阐明个人观点。,(1)相关的连接词有:on the contrary, all in all, in short, generally, worse still, on the other hand, in conclusion, as a consequence, also, personally, furthermore, definitely, surely, undoubtedly, obviously, in addition, moreover, consequently, clearly, besides, as well, in my opinion, for the sake of, last but not the least, to begin with, firstly(first),(2)句式:The main reason is that . I cant agree more. Another thing we cant forget is that . There is every reason to believe that . As we all know .,假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which would you give up: TV, cell, or Web?”为题,写一篇英语短文。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _ _ _,参考范文: Which would you give up: TV, cell, or Web? We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them. However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet. I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and therere too many commercials. Besides, most programs on TV are also available elsewhere.,As for cells and the Web, they are more necessary for me. I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family, and almost all information can be gathered on the Internet.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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