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Revision 一 词汇 本单元应该掌握的词汇soccerball tennis racket play volleyball ping pong bat well basketball sound good sport many club more interesting class boring fun difficult relaxing watchTV collection but playsports everyday 二 句子 1 本单元应该掌握的句子DoyouhaveaTV Yes Ido No Idon t Dotheyhaveacomputer Yes theydo No theydon t 3 Doeshehaveatennisracket Yes hedoes No hedoesn t 4 Let swatchTV 5 No thatsoundsboring great 2 本单元要求熟悉的句子 1 Iwanttoplaybasketball 2 Idon thaveasoccerball 3 Volleyballissodifficult 4 Smithhasagreatsportscollection 5 Sheplayssportseveryday 3 本单元可以扩展的句子 1 Canyouplaybasketball Yes Ican No Ican t 2 Whydoyoulikeping pong Becauseit sinteresting easy 3 Myfavoritesportis 4 Whatclubdoyouwanttojoin Why 根据首字母写出单词 1 Weplaycomputerg Thisisapictureofmyf 2 Helikess ballverymuch Ihaveacomputergame It si 3 Thatsoundsb Shehasasportsc 4 Toplaybaseballisd Theyh twochildren 5 Themusics good ame amily Occer nteresting oring ollection ifficult ave ounds 1 咱们去踢足球吧 play soccer 2 你有垒球吗 have baseball 3 我的朋友没有电脑游戏 not have computergame 4 你的儿子喜欢体育吗 son like sports 5 我收集了很多中国画 Have agreatcollectionof Let splaysoccer Doyouhaveabaseball Myfrienddoesn thaveacomputergame Doesyoursonlikesports IhaveagreatcollectionofChinesepaintings 改为否定句 Ihaveabaseball Wehaveavolleyball TheyhaveanewTV BeibeiandJimhaveasoccerball MrSmithhasatelephone Hehasatennisracket Shehasasoccer OurChineseteacherhasaroom Idon thaveabaseball Wedon thaveavolleyball Theydon thaveanewTV Theydon thaveasoccerball MrSmithdoesn thaveatelephone Hedoesn thaveatennisracket Shedoesn thaveasoccer OurChineseteacherdoesn thavearoom 三 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 Ihaveabaseball 2 Wehaveavolleyball 3 TheyhaveanewTV 4 BeibeiandJimhaveasoccerball 5 Iplaytennis Doyouhaveabaseball No Idon t Doyouhaveavolleyball No wedon t DotheyhaveanewTV No theydon t Dotheyhaveasoccerball No theydon t Doyouplaytennis 三 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 MrSmithhasatelephone Hehasatennisracket Shehasasoccer OurChineseteacherhasaroom Barryhasacomputergame DoesMrSmithhaveatelephone No hedoesn t Doesshehaveasoccer No shedoesn t DoesyourChineseteacherhavearoom No hedoesn t DoesBarryhaveacomputergame No shedoesn t Doeshehaveatennisracket No hedoesn t 四 划线提问Ihaveabaseball Ihaveatennisball Shehassomebaseballbats Hehasmanybasketballs Myparentshavesomenicephotos Whatdoyouhave Whatdoesshehave Whatdoeshehave Whatdoyouhave Whatdoyourparentshave 短文改错 读下面的对话 判断每行是否有错 如有错 请找出并改正 A Excuseme LiPing Doyouhaveacolorpencil B Sorry Ido A DoyouthinkLinTaohaveone B Yes Ithinkso Youcanaskforhim A LinTao canIborrowyoucolorpencil please C Yes Whatcolorareyouwant A Theyellowit C Hereyouare A Thankyou Icangiveitbacksoon C That sright do改为don t have改为has are改为do it改为one That sallright 二 补全对话 A Let splay OK B Sorry Idon thaveavolleyball Ihaveabasketball A I wanttoplaybasketball Ionlywanttoplayvolleyball B Who avolleyball Doyouknow A MaybeTomhasone Let sgoandaskhim A B Hi Tom youhaveavolleyball C No I Peterhaveone volleyball But don t has Do don t Does A B Oh he A B C Hi Peter Doyouhaveavolleyball D Yes Ido Butitisathome A B C tohearthat B Well let splaybasketball OK A C OK A B C Peter please us D OK Let splay Sorry join does 补全对话 A Let splaycomputergames B Whereisyourcomputer A Idon thaveacomputer Doyouhaveacomputer B ButIhaveaTV Let swatchTV A No thatsoundsboring Let splaytennis Ihaveatennisracket B Good A Onthesofa B Yes Ido Doesyourbrotherhavearacket A Yes hedoes Andhehastennisball B OK Let sgo Thatsoundsfun interesting relaxing good No Idon t Whereisyourtennisracket Doyouhavearacket Let splaytennis 阅读理解Tom开了一个体育用品商店 读读他的介绍 判断正 T 误 F Hello everyoneThisismysportsshop It snotbig Buttherearemanythingsinit Herewehavemanykinds 种类 ofballs basketballs volleyballs baseballs tennisballs andsoccerballs Butwedon thaveanyping pongballs Therearealso 也 somebatsandrackets Theyarebaseballbatsandtennisrackets Butifyouwanttobutaping pongbat Ihaveto 不得不 say 说 sorry 1 Thesportsshopisverybig 2 Tomhasfivekindsofballsinhisshop 3 Youcanbuyping pongballsintheshop 4 Therearebaseballbatsintheshop 5 Ifyoudon twanttobuyanything youshouldsay sorry F T F T F 阅读理解BilllivesandworksinLondon Heworksinafactory Heworksveryhard Hishomeisnotnearfromhisfactory Heusuallygoestoworkbytrain Today thetrainislate sohedrivestowork HeworksfromMondaytoFriday OnSaturdaysandSundayshedoesn tgotowork Sometimeshegoestoseeafilm Sometimeshegoestoseehisfriends SometimeshestaysathomeandwatchesTV WhatdoesBilldo A teacherB driverC workerD doctor 2 Billlivesin A AmericaB BeijingC ChinaD English 3 Heusuallygoestowork A bytrainB bybusC bycarD bybike 4 Heworks daysinaweek A fiveB sixC fourD seven C D A A

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