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携手走进新课堂班级:姓名:武屯镇初级中学 学科课堂设计活页 第 周课题: Unit 1 课时: 1 设计人:李秋芳 复备: 审核: 上课时间: 期 学习目标:Learn to talk about ability【知识回顾】回答问题:1. Do you want to go to a movie? _2 .What kind of movies do you like? _【自主先学】英译汉1dance _2swim _3sing _4 paint _5want to play soccer_6 play chess _7 play the guitar _8 speak English _9 join the art club _ 10 join the music club _【分组探究】翻译句子:1. A: Can you swim? _ B:No,I cant ._ 2:A:I want to join the art club_B: can you paint?_ A:Yes, I can _3:A: I want to join the music club._B: Can you sing?_A: Yes,I can._【基础达标】完成对话1. A_you swim.B:Yes,I_A:Lets_the swimming clubsB:Thats_fine.2. A:Can you _English.B: No,I_,I want to join.3. A:Can you_the guitar?B:Yes,I_4. A:I want to _the art club.B:_you sing ? A: Yes ,I _武屯镇初级中学 学科课堂设计活页 第 周课题: Unit 1 课时: 2 设计人:李秋芳 复备: 审核: 上课时间 学习目标Train students listening and speaking skills.【知识回顾】回答问题:1Ca n you sing an English song?_2Do you want to join the English club?_【自主先学】汉译英1英语俱乐部_ 2艺术 _3音乐 _4 象棋 _5 游泳俱乐部_6下象棋 _7 弹吉他_8加入俱乐部 _9 想加入篮球俱乐部 _10 会讲英语 _【能力提高】 单项选择1. _ you friend play the guitar?A.Need B.Must C.Can D. Should 2. Does she want _the music club? A. join B. to join C. joining D. to join in 3. I can play _ tennis. A. a B .an C. the D./【基础达标】完成对话1. A:What club _you want _join?B:I_to join the swimming club.A:Can you _?B:No I_2. A:Can you play chess?B:No,I _like chess.A:_you sing and dance?B:Yes,I_,I_music.武屯镇初级中学 学科课堂设计活页 第 周课题: Unit 1 课时: 3 设计人:李秋芳 复备: 审核: 上课时间: 学习目标:Train students listening and speaking skill.【知识回顾】回答问题:Can you speak Engish?_What club do you want to join?_【自主先学】英译汉1. can play the guitar _2. want to play the guitar _3. play the guitar well _4. be good with sib _5. need some help _6. help sib with sth/doing sth _【分组探究】完成对话A: What club do you want to join?B: I_know.A: What can you_?B:I can_chess.A:Can Tom play chess?B:Yes,he_, but he_play it well.A:Are you good _Tom?B:Yes,I_A:Can you _him _-playing chess?B:Yes,I_he_help.【能力提高】选择填空1. Do you want_the music club?A. joinB. to joinC. joining D. to join in2. A:Do you like to play _cocker?B:No,I like to play _ guitarA. the,theB.the,/C./,theD./, 武屯镇初级中学 学科课堂设计活页 第 周课题: Unit 1 课时: 4 设计人:李秋芳 复备: 审核: 上课时间: 星期 学习目标:Train studentslistening and speaking skill.【知识回顾】翻译:What can you do?_ Can you sing and dance?_Do you need some help?_ 【自主先学】汉译英1 弹吉他 _2吹喇叭 _3 弹钢琴 _4 打鼓 _5踢足球 _6下象棋 _7拉小提琴 _8 唱歌跳舞 _【分组探究】完成对话:1. A: Can you play the piano? B:Yes,I_A: Can you play chess? B: No,_2.A:Can.Tom play _drums? B: No,he_A: Can he _soccer? B:Yes,he_选择1.A: _you speak English?B: No,I cant.A .canB. mustC. mayD .should2 He learn to play _pain.A .aB. theC. anD. /【能力提高】单项选择:1.I cant speak English would you please_me_English ?A to play ,doB help,withC to help withD help do2 .A:_I join in the music club?B: Sorry you_A .Can, can B. May, cantC. May, mantaD Can, may not武屯镇初级中学 学科课堂设计活页 第 周上课时间: 课题: Unit 1 课时: 5 设计人:李秋芳 复备: 审核: 星期 学习目标:Train studentsreading and writing skills.【知识回顾】翻译:李明会弹吉他吗?会,但他弹得不好。【自主先学】英译汉1. a musician_2. be in _3. show us _ 4. Rock Band _5. a sports day _ 6. school show _7. Chinese kung fu 8. school music festival _ _9. show sb. sth=show sth to sb. 10. in the music room _ _【分组探究】完成短文 Musicians wanted for Rock Band We want some_(音乐家) for our band, can you_(唱歌) can you_(跳舞) can you _(弹钢琴)can you(打鼓)if you can ,please_(拨打) Lucy at 6823232.【基础达标】用所给词的适当形式填空1. They are good_(musician).2. He can_(play)the piano.3. I want_(play)soccer.4. Can she_(dance)well?5. Lets_(play)basketball.6. He can_(do) Chinese kung fu?7. She wants _(join)the music club.8. She need some _(help).【能力提高】 书面表达 某乐队招聘新成员,要求会唱歌跳舞,会弹各种乐器。联系人:TomMusicians wanted for the Band _ _ _ _ _ _武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit 2 what time do you go to school?课时:第一课时 设计人:宋会玲 学习目标1 To learn to talk about daily routines.2 To learn to say “what time is it?”记录时间:【能力提高】 Look at the chart blow ,make your conversations -武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school?课时:第二课时 设计人:宋会玲 学习目标 1 To learn to talk about daily routines.2 To learn to say “what time is it?”【自主学习】【合作探究】【能力提高】自己编新对话-武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 课时:第三课时 设计人:董秋娟 学习目标:1 Train students writing skill and listening skill. 2 Communicative competence . 读一读1. do morning exercise 做早操2. have lessons 上课3. play football 踢足球4. do some cleaning 做清洁5. play the piano 弹钢琴6. watch TV 看电视7. listen to the radio 听收音机8. read newspapers 看报纸9. login line/ surf the internet 上网10. cook supper 做晚饭11. write my diary 写日记12. do some washing 洗东西13. play chess 下棋14. play computer games 玩电子游戏用英语填写自己的作息时间表:Activitiesget uphave breakfastTake a showerhave lunchdo homeworkgo to schoolhave dinnergo to bedTime结合上面的时间表,补全下面的短文 I usually _(起床)at _. I have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I _(洗澡)and then I _(上学)by bus. I get to school at _ I have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at _. In the afternoon I have two classes. I _(回家)at _. I get home at 4:30 p.m. I _(吃晚饭)at about _. After dinner, I _(做作业). I _(睡觉)at _. My life is busy but not exciting.武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 课时:第四课时 设计人:董秋娟 学习目标:1 Train students reading and writing skills. 2 Train students communicative competence.3 Improve your written English by making a pen pal.英汉互译 work到达工作岗位make breakfast make a shower schedule practice guitar leave home take a shower = 洗淋浴澡 take the Number 17 bus to the go to clas tell sb. about sth know about sth love to do like to do put on (反义词take off)自主先学(看图并编写对话) A: What time do you usually ? B: I usually get up at 6:30.A: What time do you usually ? B: 7:00.A: What time do you usually ? B: I usually eat at 7:30. A: What time do you usually ? B: I usually a shower at 8:00.A: What time do you usually ? B: I usually school at 8:30.根据句意,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Uncle John likes _ (make) things. 2. We can _ (swim) now. 3. Why am I the last one? B _ I am the _ (old). 4. Rich has two _ (brother). 5. My brother can take a _ (show).武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 课时:第五课时 设计人:姚瑶 学习目标1. Talk about routines2. Talk about and say times.(一) 翻译:起床 _ 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 _ 去上学 _ 淋浴 _ 为.而感谢_做家庭作业_ (二)根据汉语完成句子。 1. 我早上六点起床. I _ _ _ six in the morning. 2.他的爸爸晚上九点洗澡. His father _ _ _ _ nine in the evening. 3.你每天早上七点跑步吗? _ you _ _ seven every morning? 4.你姐姐几点吃晚饭? _ _ _ your sister eat _? 5.他的爸爸不是六点起床. His father _ _ _ at six oclock. 二、书面表达以 My Sunday为题写一篇60词的短文。_武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit2 What time do you go to school ? 课时:第六课时 设计人:宋会玲 get for 为某人拿东西get from 从.得到go to bed 去睡觉do homework 做家庭作业go shopping 购东西go fishing 钓鱼他7 点吃早饭 武屯镇初级中学 七年级英语 学科课堂设计活页上课时间: 课题:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时: 第1课时 学习目标:1、Learn how-question 2、Learn to talk about how to get to places【知识回顾】【自主先学】英汉翻译1 take the subway _2 talk a walk _3 on foot _4 ride a bike _5 到达学校 _6 一百零五 _7 25分钟 _8 多久 _9 by bus_10 六百个公交车_11 你怎样去北京_12 花费多长时间?_根据汉语提示完成句子1 How do you _ _(达到)school?2 I _ _ _(步行到校)every day.3 He _ _ _(骑自行车)every day.4 It _ _(花费我20分钟)to go to school yesterday.5 They go to the zoo _ _(乘出租车)武屯镇初级中学 七年级英语 学科课堂设计活页上课时间: 课题:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时: 第2 课时学习目标:1 learn how How long How far 【自主先学】词组互译1 大约在六点钟_2 匆匆吃早饭 _3 带某人去某地 _4 早班车_5 多远 _6 从加到学校 _7 by air_ by plane _ Take the plane_8 take a walk _9 on foot _ walk _连词成句1 store get do to you how the _?2 does school Anna far live from how _?【基础达标】单选1 I always go to walk _A ride a bike B take a bus C by boat D by a train 2 How far do you _ from your school?A go B are C live D take 武屯镇初级中学 七年级英语 学科课堂设计活页 上课时间: 课题:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时: 第3课时学习目标:1、Learn how-question 2、Learn to talk about how to get to places【知识回顾】【自主先学】词组互译1 汽车站_ 2 地铁站_3 认为_ 4 by plane_5 全世界_ 6 by boat _7 到家_ 8 how far _【展示点拨】对划线提问1 It takes about forty minutes._ _ _ it take?2 His hone is about 10 kilometer from school? _ _ is it _ his home to school?3 He leaves for school at six-thirty?_ _ he leave for school?4 Paul goes to the movies once a week?_ _ _ Paul go to the movies?根据单词适当形式填空1 How long does it take you _ (walk) from home?2 John _ (ride)his bike to the bus station every day.3 What _ you _ (do)for vacation?4 What do you think of the _(交通)of your city?5 Dont w_, let me help you.武屯镇初级中学 七年级英语 学科课堂设计活页 上课时间: 课题:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时: 第4课时学习目标:1、Learn how-question 2、Learn to talk about how to get to places【知识回顾】【自主先学】1 决定于_ 2 与不同_3 在世界的其他地方_4 最受欢迎的方法_5 乘校车_6 a lot more fun _7 A number of _8 the most popular means of transportation_9 必须,不得不_10 乘船_ _11 not all _12 ten minutes walk_【展示点拨】【分层反馈】用单词适当填空1 Is she _(ride)he bike?2 He has two ways of _(get) to school?3 In summer people often go swimming in _ (river)4 He needs _(study) again after school 5 Emily _(not take) the train to school from Monday6 There are many tall buildings now in many _ (city)7 What does she think of the _(公共交通)武屯镇初级中学 七年级英语 学科课堂设计活页 上课时间: 课题:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时: 第5课时学习目标:1、Learn how-question 2、Learn to talk about how to get to places【知识回顾】【自主先学】英汉互译1、study for a test 2、go to the doctor 3、上钢琴课 4、帮助我父母 5、看望我妹妹 6、sure , I would love to 7、on wednesday 8、踢足球 9、看电影 10、必须 不得不 11、太多 根据提示填空1、Thanks a lot for (invite) me 2、Tomorrow I (go) to the mountains.3、she has to (visit) her anut this evening 4、 can she go to movies? No ,she cannot . she (have) a piano lesson .5、thanks for (帮助)我6、he (必须) go to the doctor.7、They have to (为考试而学习)8、I have (太多作业)this weekend.9、That is (太糟糕)10、Can you (参加我的聚会吗)武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时:第六课时 设计人: 知识点总结词汇:1.交通方式: take the train=by train /walk= on foot / ride a bike = by bike2.every+可数名词单数,表示每一 every day/month/year3.be sure 表示确定的。Are you sure? Yes,I am. No,Im not.4.need (时间、某物、某人) to do sth. 需要做某事。5.It takes sb.+一段时间+ to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事 It takes me one hour to read this book.6.Its+形容词+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来讲做某事是怎样的 Its easy for many students to get to school.7.betweenand在和之间 between the school and the village8.an 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩 a 3-day trip 一个3天的旅行9.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某物或某人10.love to do = love doing11.be like sth./sb. 像某物或某人一样 12.Its ones dream to do sth. 做某事是某人的梦想 Its Toms dream to be a basketball player.句子:1.How do you get to school? How是疑问副词,意思是“如何,怎样,用什么手段”,搭配其他的词语形成新的疑问副词,如How old, how much, how many ,how long ,how farHow long 提问时间有多长 How long does it take you to get to work? About 15 minutes.How far 提问距离有多远 How far is it from your home to school? About 2 kilometers.2.I go to school by bike. = I ride a bike to school.3. There is no bridge. = There is not a bridge. There are no bridges. = There are not any bridges. 当no 用于构成否定句时,主要用于名词之前,强调否定其后的名词,表示“完全不,根本没有”。如:There is no milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛奶。 I have no money. 我没有钱。武屯镇初级中学七年级英语学科课堂设计活页 第 周 星期上课时间: 课题:Unit4 Dont eat in class.课时:第一课时 设计人:姚瑶 学习目标一. 翻译下列句子1. 上课不要迟到 _

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