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1 期中复习 Part1 知识点回顾 词汇 1 patient 1 The nurse the baby 对 有耐心的 2 You ll just have to be patient and wait 3 When the teacher came into classroom the students instantly became silent 4 I just live near the supermarket so it s for me to go shopping A interesting B convenient C safe D inexpensive 5 After the operation the patient was no longer A in silence B in general C in danger D in fact 2 polite 1 你应该对你的老师有礼貌 You should your teachers 2 It s important to know how to ask for help polite 3 对于青少年来说 在父母面前有礼貌地说话很重要 It s important for teenagers to in front of their parents 3 decide 1 Her son has decided to buy a camera 同义句 Her son has buy a camera 2 对于学生来说 下定决心努力学习很重要 For students it s important to to study hard 3 完成句子 2 I think we should 自己做决定 to finish the work 4 neither 1 Which subjects are you interested in art or music They are really interesting A Neither B None C Both D All 2 Which of the two magazines do you prefer I ll take though of them are very interesting A either all B all both C either neither D neither both 3 WeChat is very popular the young the old are getting interested in it A Neither nor B Either or C Not only but also D Between and 4 John Lucy speaks good Chinese so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well A Neither nor B Either or C Not only but also D Both and 5 Lucy what do your parents think of rock music my dad mum like it They think it energetic 6 我和妈妈都不喜欢红色 所以选择了蓝色的 likes red so we chose the blue one 5 expensive 1 The prices in this store are than those in that one A cheaper B very higher C fewer D lower 6 how 的辨析 1 can I get the book if I order it today In a week A How soon B How long C How much D How many 3 2 does it take from your home to school 10 minutes A How far walk B How long on foot C How long walk D How far on foot 3 To show we miss her we ll have a surprise party for her A How soon B How long C How much D How many 7 way 1 玛丽 你能告诉我去他家的路吗 Can you tell me the way Mary 2 在去电影院的路上 他听到了这个消息 He heard the news to the cinema 3 我的爸爸经常在回家的路上买一些水果 My father often 4 在回家的路上 我们经过了一个花店 we passed a flower shop 5 On my way school I pass a fruit shop every day A to by B to past C in with D of for 8 environmental international national traditional 1 每当国旗升起时 我们都很激动 2016 陕西 We all feel very excited when the is being raised 2 As a 传统的 festival Dragon Boat Festival is becoming more and more popular 9 invent 1 Will you fix up the machine according to the David A instructions B inventions C invitations D interviews 4 2 The mobile phone has influenced people s life a lot since it 2015 陕西 A invents B invented C is invented D was invented 10 safe 1 It s every policeman s dream to keep people and the traffic in good order 2015 陕西 A safe B healthy C busy D famous 11 regret 1 我后悔过去和妈妈顶嘴 2015 西工大附中 I back to Mum in the past 12 serious 书写对我们非常重要 所以他总是认真对待 2017 高新一中 1 The handwriting is very important for us so he always 13 pay attention to 1 You should spelling mistakes in the composition 关注 2 2013 呼和浩特 When you visit a museum you should the instructions and don t be against them A compare with B look forward to C pay attention to D try out 14 keep away from 1 Please yourselves 使 远离 the Internet bar 15 get some information 1 We can search for the on the Internet 16 take place 5 1 The 31 st Olympic Games will in August 2016 in Brazil A hold B be taken place C be held D taking place 17 make mistakes 1 He says he sometimes 犯粗心的错误 2 She took my book A by mistaken B by mistake C by mistakes D by a mistake 18 辨析 spend pay take cost 1 It will only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high speed railway Wow how exciting I can t wait 2015 福建 A take B spend C cost 2 It s reported that Chinese more than 40 minutes a day reading too much of our time It s true But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time 2015 湖北 A spend B cost C pay D take 3 你猜我买那块手表花了多少钱 Can you guess how much I that watch 19 辨析 do with deal with 1 Many students don t know how to stress and become worried I think they d better ask their teachers for help A do with B deal with C quarrel with D come up with 20 辨析 used to do be used to doing 1 He dinner in restaurants but now he usually comes back home after 6 work and cooks supper for his family 2014 山东济南 A used to have B is used to have C was used to have D is used to having 2 The factory its waste into the river but now it deals with the waste in a new way 2012 湖南长沙 A used to dump B is used to dump C used to dumping D is used to dumping 3 Kites messages in the war in the past 2015 高新一中 A are used for sending B were used to send C used to send D were used to sending 21 辨析 suggest What B an How C the What D How 6 Do you know Last year A when he came here B when did he come here C when he will come here 7 I m afraid I can t remember In Chouzhou Park I think A when did I first meet you B when I first met you C where did I first meet you D where I first met you 8 Do you know Zunyi or not tomorrow A whether are they leaving for B whether they are leaving for C if they are leaving for D if are they leaving for 9 Could you tell me I d like to take part in it On July 5th 14 A when will the fashion show be held B when the fashion show will be held C where will the fashion show be held D where the fashion show will be held 10 After the exam we ll have a long vacation Yes but I haven t planned A what I will do B what will I do C when I will do it D when will I do it 11 Can you guess yesterday Sorry I ve no idea about it A when did he came back B when he came back C how long he came back 12 Could you tell me Near a park A where does Jim live B where Jim lives C when will Jim come back D when Jim will come back 13 These animals are in danger We should think to protect them A what can we do B what we can do C how can we do D how we can do 14 The math problem is so hard I really don t know A how to do it B how to do C what to do it 15 In the past few years thousands of films all over the world A have produced B have been produced C are producing D are being produced 16 People who to the party are very excited A have invited B has been invited C will invite D have been invited 17 Food safety is very important So some rules to stop people from polluting food A must make B must be made C must made D be made 18 It s difficult for village children to cross the river to school I think a bridge over the river A should be built B will build 15 C is built D was built


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