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英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。如:Many people speak English(主动语态)English is spoken by many people(被动语态)1被动语态的构成由于不及物动词不能带宾语,故无被动语态,只有及物动词或相当于及物动词的动词短语才有被动语态,其基本构成方式是“助动词be过去分词”。注意:“be过去分词”结构不一定都是被动语态,有些动词(如be,feel,look,seem等)后面的过去分词已转化为形容词,用作表语表示状态。如:My bike is broken(我的自行车坏了。)The door is open(门开了。)2主动语态改被动语态的方法1)将主动语态改为被动语态应注意以下三个方面:将主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语;将主动语态的谓语动词改为“be过去分词”结构;将主动语态的主语改为介词by之后的宾语,放在谓语动词之后(有时可省略)。2)含直接宾语和间接宾语的主动语态改为被动语态时有两种情况:把间接宾语改为被动语态的主语,直接宾语仍保留原位;把直接宾语改为主动语态的主语,此时,间接宾语前要加介词to或for。如:He gave the boy an appleThe boy was given an apple(或An apple was given to the boy)Her father bought her a presentShe was bought a present by her father(或A present was bought for her by her father)3)不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的主动语态,改为被动语态时不定式前要加to。如:They watched the children sing that morningThe children were watched to sing that morning4)带复合宾语的动词在改为被动语态时,一般把主动语态的宾语改为主语,宾语补足语在被动语态中作主语补足语。如:We call him Xiao WangHe is called Xiao WangHe cut his hair shortHis hair was cut shortThey told him to help meHe was told to help me5)短语动词是不可分割的整体,改为被动语态时要保持其完整性,介词或副词不可遗漏。如:We must take good care of the young treesThe young trees must be taken good care of6)含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动结构时,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面;也可采用另一种形式。可以这样转换为被动结构的动词有know,say,believe,find,think,report等。如:People believe that he is illIt is believed that he is ill(或:He is believed to be ill)3被动语态改为主动语态的方法:被动语态中介词by后的宾语改为主动语态中的主语(或按题意要求确定主语),按照这个主语的人称和数以及原来的时态把谓语动词形式由被动语态改为主动语态。注意在主动语态中有的动词要求不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,此时要把被动语态中的to去掉。被动语态的主语用来作主动语态的宾语。如:History is made by the peopleThe people make history4不能用于被动语态的情况1)某些表示“静态”的及物动词(表示状态而不是动作,而且常常是不可用于进行时态的动词)如have,fit,suit,hold(容纳),cost,suffer,last(持续)等不能用于被动语态。如:They have a nice car他们有一辆漂亮的汽车。My shoes dont fit me我的鞋不合适。My brain cant hold so much information at one time我的脑子一下子记不住这么多资料。How muchWhat does it cost?这值多少钱?Our holiday lasts 10days我们的假期有十天。This food will last(them)(for)3days这食物足够(他们)(吃)三天。2)不是所有带介词的动词都能用于被动结构。若是构成成语动词通常有被动态,若不构成成语动词则无被动态。试比较:They arrived at a decisionA decision was arrived at他们作出了决定。They arrived at the station他们到达车站。(不说:The station was arrived at)He looked into the questionThe question was looked into他调查了这个问题。3)动词leave(离开),enter(进入),join(参加)不可用于被动语态。如:The car left the road and hit a tree车子离开了道路,撞上了树。4)某些及物动词可作不及物动词用,特别是后加副词(如well,easily等)时。主动语态有被动含义,这类动词常见的有sell,write,wear,wash,cook,open,close,lock,read,record等。如:His new novel is selling well他的新小说很畅销。The cloth washes well这布很耐洗。This material wont wear这种材料不耐穿。His play wont act他的戏剧不会上演。The window wont shut这窗关不上。The door wont open这门打不开。The door wont lock这门锁不上。This poem reads well这首诗读来很好。5)feel,look,appear,sound,taste,smell等由实意动词演变而来的系动词,后接形容词作表语,不可用于被动语态。如:Tell me if you feel cold你要是感到冷就告诉我。Youre looking very unhappywhats the matter?你看来很不高兴怎么回事儿?The soup tastes wonderful这汤味道好极了。Those roses smell beautiful那些玫瑰好闻极了。She appears to be friendly她看上去很友好。6)宾语是不定式或动词的-ing形式时,不可用于被动语态。如:Peter hoped to meet her彼得希望遇见她。Mr Smith enjoyed seeing his daughter史密斯先生喜欢看他的女儿。7)宾语是反身代词或相互代词时,不可用于被动语态。如:She can dress herself她可以自己穿衣服。We could hardly see each other in the fog在雾中我们彼此几乎看不见。8)宾语是同源宾语时,不可用于被动语态。如:They live a happy life他们过着幸福的生活。The girl dreamed a sweet dream那女孩做了个甜美的梦。9)宾语带有与主语有照应关系的物主代词时,不可用于被动语态。如:The old man broke his(the old mans)legs那老人把自己的腿弄断了。The girl shook her(the girls)head那女孩摇了摇头。5某些动词的主动形式表被动含义英语中有很多动词如act,break,catch,cut,clean,drive,draw,let,lock,open,sell,read,write,wash,wear等,当它们被用作不及物动词来描述主语特征时,其主动形式常用来表达被动含义。另外,像owe,beat,cook,bake,print,build,make等,有时可以用主动形式表达被动含义。如:This kind of radio doesnt sell well这种收音机不太畅销。The shop opens at eight oclock这个商店八点开门。The pipe does not draw well这烟斗不太通畅。These plays act wonderfully这些剧演得好。Kates book reads like an interesting novel凯特的这本书读起来像本有趣的小说。注意:主动表被动强调的是主语的特征,而被动语态则强调外界作用造成的影响。如:The door wont lock门锁不上。(指门本身有毛病)The door wont be locked门不会被锁上。(指不会有人来锁门)His novels sell easily他的小说销路好。(指小说本身内容好)His novels are sold easily他的小说容易销售。(主要强调外界对小说的需求量大)6某些动名词的主动形式表被动含义1)在need,want,require,deserve和bear等词的后面,动名词用主动形式表示被动含义,其含义相当于动词不定式的被动形式。如:The house needs repairing(to be repaired)这房子需要修理。My clothes need washing(to be washed)我的衣服需要洗了。2)形容词worth后面跟动名词的主动形式表示被动含义,但不能跟动词不定式;而worthy后面跟动词不定式的被动形式。如:The picture-book is well worth reading(The picture-book is very worthy to be read)这本画册很值得一读。Such a man as MrSmith is not worth helping(Such a man as MrSmith is not worthy to be helped)像史密斯先生那样的人不值得帮助。This plan is not worth considering(This plan is not worthy to be considered)这个计划不值得考虑。3)某些动词不定式的主动形式表被动含义a当nice,easy,fit,hard,difficult,important,impossible,pleasant,interesting等形容词后跟不定式作状语,而句子的主语又是动词不定式的逻辑宾语时,这时常用不定式的主动形式表达被动含义。如:Japanese is not difficult to learn日语并不难学。(指日语被学)The water is unfit to drink这水不适合喝。(指水被喝)The piece of music is pleasant to hear这首音乐听起来很悦耳。(指音乐被听)This book is easy to read这本书读起来很容易。(指书被读)b当动词不定式在名词后面作定语,不定式和名词之间有动宾关系时,不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。如:I have a lot of work to do today我今天有很多工作要做。(work to do指被做的工作)He has three children to look after他有三个孩子要照看。(children to look after指孩子被照看)注意:如果以上句型用动词不定式的被动形式,其含义有所区别。如:I have some clothes to be washed我有些要洗的衣服。(衣服不是自己洗)c在there be句型中,当动词不定式修饰名词作定语时,不定式用主动或被动式,其含义没有什么区别。如:There is a lot of homework to do(to be done)有很多家庭作业要做。There are some clothes to wash(to be washed)有些衣服要洗。4)由介词for,on,above,under等构成的短语有时可以表达被动含义。如:His paintings will be on show tomorrow afternoonHis paintings will be shown tomorrow afternoon他的油画作品明天下午展出。5)表示感官意义的连系动词如smell,feel,taste,look,sound等在句子中常表达被动含义。如:How nice the music sounds!这音乐听起来多悦耳!Good medicine tastes bitter良药苦口。Our school looks more beautiful than before我们学校看上去比以前更漂亮了。把下列句子变成被动语态1.We found some jewels in a box.2.The teacher is keeping the pupils at school for a revision.3.James has left a parcel for you.4.You must finish the article before Friday.5.They will not paint the house again next year.6.They promised Mary a new doll for her birthday.7.I have told the children many times not to skate on the pond.8.Where did he translate the story?9.We had to repair our TV set.10.Do they take good care of the sick?11.They company has paid the workers very handsome wages.12.They showed me the room where they lived.把下列句子变成主动语态1.Spanish is spoken in South America.2.The plans will have to be revised.3.All the words must be looked up in a dictionary.4.Has John been cured of his heart illness?5.The door should not have been left open all night.6.We are afraid that we may be attacked at night.7.We are being taught how to operate the new machine.用动词的正确时态填空Our desks and chairs_(make)of wood.The paper of books and newspapers_also_(make)from wood.Even some kinds of cloth_(make)from it.Many people_(burn)wood to keep themselves warm in winter.Indeed,wood_(be)important in our everyday life.Where_wood_(come)from?It_(take)from trees which_(grow)in the mountains._you_(know)how it_(get)to us from the mountains?First of all,trees_(cut)down when they_(grow)big enough.Then their branches_(cut)off,and logs_(make).These heavy logs_(put)together in different ways and_(take)down to the foot of the mountains.Some of them_(float使漂流)down the small rivers and others_(carry)down on trains.Big trees_(cut)down in the mountains every year.Then young ones_(must,plant)so that we_always_(can,have)enough wood.We have to take good care of mountains so that they_always_(may,cover)with growing trees.翻译1.The shirt washes well.2.The shirt is being washed now.3.The door wont lock.4.The shop is closed now.5.The room is filled with smoke.6.It is reported that the big fire has been put out.7.台湾属于中国.8.韩寒的书很畅销.9.这录音机不转.10.火灾是怎样发生的?11.这个问题值得讨论.12.这种布摸起来很柔软.选择正确答案1.When I got to his office,I_that he_out.A.told,had been B.was told,was C.had told,was D.was told,had been2.The vegetables didnt taste very good.They_for too long.A.cooked B.were cookedC.had cooked D.had been cooked3.The anti-Japanese war_in 1937 and it_eight years.A.was broken,lasted B.broke out,lastedC.break out,lasted D.broke out,was lasted4.She was heard_A_an English song.A.to sing B.singC.sang D.to be sang5.These boxes are very heavy_.A.be carried B.carryC.carried D.be carrying6.The police found that the house_and a lot of things_.A.had been broken into,has been stolenB.has broken into,has been stolenC.had been broken into,stolenD.has broken into,has stolen7.Coal can_to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.A.have used B.used C.be used D.use8.John has never dreamt of_.A.taken to Athens B.taking to AthensC.be taking to Athens D.being taken to Athens9.Nobody likes_.A.laughed at B.laughing atC.being laughed at D.being laughed10.The bridge_will be completed next year.A.built B.being built C.is being built D.building11.It is said that tigers_in Asia year after year.A.are being disappearedB.are disappearingC.will be disappeared D.will disappear12.Im going to Wuhan tomorrow.Do you have anything_to your mother?A.to take B.taken C.to be taken D.taking13.Take it easy.There is nothing_.A.to worry B.to be worriedC.to be worried about D.to worry about14.Your new computer will soon become outdated,because technology_so fast.A.is developed B.is being developedC.has been developed D.will developed15.I wont go to the party unless_.A.invited B.being invitedC.be invited D.inviting16.The problem_last week is very important.A.was discussed B.discussedC.being discussed D.be discussed17.We should keep the animals from_.A.be endangered B.endangeringC.being endangered D.endangered18.There are no rivers_out of the Dead Sea.A.flowed B.flowingC.being flowed D.be flown19.This place has been destroyed.So there is no bamboo_for pandas to feed on.A.left B.leaving C.leave D.be left20.All the preparations for the task_,and we are ready to start.A.completed B.completeC.had been completed D.have been completed高一英语被动语态基本功过关一、选择题(每小题1分共40分)1._a new library_in our school last year?A.Is;built B.Was;builtC.Does;build D.Did;build2.An accident_on this road last week.A.has been happened B.was happenedC.is happened D.happened3.Cotton_in the southeast of China.A.is grown B.are grownC.grows D.grow4.So far,the moon_by man already.A.is visited B.will be visitedC.has been visited D.was visited5.A talk on Chinese history_in the school hall next week.A.is given B.has been given C.will be given D.gives6.A lot of things_by people to save the little girl now.A.are doing B.are being doneC.has been done D.will be done7.The doctor_for yet.A.isnt sent B.hasnt been sentC.wont be sent D.wasnt sent8.-When_this kind of computer_?-Last year.A.did;use B.was;usedC.is;used D.are;used9.Who_this book_?A.did;written B.was;written byC.did;written D.was;written10.Mary_show me her new dictionary.A.has asked to B.was asked toC.is asked D.asks to11.A story_by Granny yesterday.A.was told us B.was told to usC.is told us D.told us12.The monkey was seen_off the tree.A.jump B.jumps C.jumped D.to jump13.Older people_well.A.looks after B.must be looked afterC.must look after D.looked after14.Our teacher_carefully.A.should be listened to B.should be listenC.be listened D.is listened15.In some part of the world,tea_with milk and sugar.A.is serving B.is servedC.serves D.served16.It was reported that the murderer_arrested.A.has been B.had beenC.has D.had17.Do you think that the bridge_in a year?A.would be completed B.will be completedC.had been completed D.is being completed18.Great changes_in China since the Peoples Republic of China_in 1949.A.have taken place;was foundedB.has taken place;was foundedC.have been taken place;foundedD.took place;founded19.Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy?She has_by her classmates.A.laughed B.laughed atC.been laughed D.been laughed at20.Doctors_in every part of the world.A.need B.are needingC.are needed D.will need21.I promise that matter will_.A.be taken care B.be taken care ofC.take care D.take care of22.No permission has_for anybody to enter thebuilding.A.been given B.given.C.to give D.be given23.I_ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.A.gave B.was givenC.was giving D.had given24.Can such a thing_happening again?A.prevent from B.prevented fromC.be prevented from D.to prevent from25.A new house_at the corner of the road.A.is building B.is being builtC.been built D.be building26.This bike_last year.A.bought B.has been boughtC.was bought D.had been bought27.Did you see the house that_by fire last year?A.was destroying B.destroyedC.would destroy D.was destroyed28.It_whether she will get her work in the hospital.A.hasnt been decided B.isnt decidingC.doesnt decide D.hasnt decided29.The pen_me.It is hers.A.isnt belong to B.wasnt belong toC.doesnt belong to D.didnt belong to30.I cant use my bike because it_.A.is repairing B.is being repairedC.will repair D.was repairing31.The chairman told the speaker that she_to speak a little louder so as to make herself_.A.was expected;heard B.had expected;hear.C had hoped;hear D.was hoped;heard32The window is dirty.I know.It_for weeks.(2004全国03)A.hasnt cleaned B.didnt cleanC.wasnt cleaned D.hasnt been cleaned33.By the end of last year,another new gymnasium_inBeijing.(2003上海春季,27)A.would be completed B.was being completedC.has been completed D.had been completed34.How long_at this job?Since 1990.(NMET 2003北京春季,27)A.were you employed B.have you been employedC.had you been employed D.will you be employed35.What happened to the priceless works of art?_.(NMET 2003北京春季,34)A.They were destroyed in the earthquakeB.The earthquake was destroying themC.They destroyed in the earthquakeD.The earthquake destroyed them36.This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot.He_trying to save a child in the earthquake.A.killed B.is killed C.was killed D.was killing(NMET 2002北京春季,27)37.Rainforests and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.(2002上海春季,30)A.cut B.are cutC.are being cut D.had been cut38.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology_so rapidly.A.is changing B.has changed C.C.will have changed D.will change(NMET 2001,24)39.Hundreds of jobs_if the factory closes.(NMET 2001北京春季,12)A.lose B will be lostC.are lost D.will lose40.A new cinema_here.They hope to finish it next month.A.will be built B.is builtC.has been built D.is being built(NMET 2001北京春季,17)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20B D A C C B B B B B B D B A B B B A D C21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40B A B C B C D A C B A D D B A C C A B D练习题1)It is said that a new robot_by him in a few days.A)designedB)has been designedC)will be designedD)will have been designed2)We are late.I expect the film_by the time we get to the cinema.A)will already have startedB)would already have startedC)shall have already startedD)has already been started3)She will stop showing off if no notice_of her.A)is takenB)takesC)will be takenD)has taken4)Diamond_in Brazil in 1971.A)is foundB)has been foundC)was foundD)had been found5)“Have you movedsintosthe new flat?”“Not yet.The room_.”A)has been paintedB)is paintedC)paintsD)is being painted6)My pictures_until next Friday.A)wont developB)arent developedC)dont developD)wont be developed7)Tim_since he lost his job three weeks ago.A)had been unemployedB)was unemployedC)has been unemployedD)has unemployed8)A great number of colleges and universities_since 1949.A)has been establishB)have been establishedC)have establishedD)had been established9)Ill have to push the car to the side of the road because we_if we leave it here.A)would be finedB)will be finedC)will being finedD)will have been fined10)“_two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday.Shall we go and see it together?”A)They have been givenB)I have been givenC)I am givenD)They have given to me11)The subject of these lectures_by the lecture committee.A)is announcedB)have been announcedC)are announcedD)has been announced12)I found an aspirin bottle_dropped on the floor of Davids room.A)wasB)hadC)had beenD)is13)The goods_when we arrived at the airport.A)were just unloadingB)were just been unloadingC)had just unloadedD)were just being unloaded14)If one_by pride,he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.A)overcomesB)is overcomeC)has been overcomeD)overcome15)Most environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them_taken in the past.A)was notB)were notC)were not beingD)had not been16)You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator,now_sour.A)I smellB)it is smeltC)it smellsD)it is smelling17)After the race_,the celebration began.A)had been wonB)is wonC)will be wonD)has been won18)He was here for a little while,but I dont knowswhereshe_now.A)isB)wasC)had beenD)has been18)The young teacher has_competent.A)been proved to beB)proved to beC)been provedD)proved being19)Pluto,the outermost planet of the solar system,_photographically in March 1930.A)discoveredB)was discoveredC)by discoveryD)when discovered20)To get a better view of the stage,_.A)our seats had to be changedB)our seats were changedC)we had to change our seatsD)our seats were changed by us22)After synthetic_,engineers had a better choice of material.A)createdB)has createdC)has been createdD)had been created23)I think much attention_your pronunciation.A)must be paid toB)ought to be paid toC)must pay toD)should be paid to24)Since 1970,millions of enthusiasts_Vitamin C,which they believe can remedy the common cold.A)have takenB)have been takenC)have been takingD)have been taking25)I dont remember_the chance to try this method.A)shavingsbeen givenB)to have been givenC)shavingsgivenD)to have given26)We could ask someone to do the work privately without it_.A)knowB)be knownC)being knownD)to be known27)The construction of the laboratory_by the end of next month.A)must be completedB)must have been completedC)will be completingD)will have been completing28)They would tell how the African_on a ship to an American port.A)was broughtB)could have been broughtC)had been broughtD)was to be brought29)He does not possess a bicycle,this one he uses_to Peter.A)is belonged toB)belongedC)belongsD)is belonging30)Negotiation_again with Moscow tomorrow,a great event will be discussed then.A)is to be openedB)is on the point of openingC)is going to openD)opens31)The reason for all the changes be

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