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1 2018 小升初分班考试英语试题 人教版 模拟考试一 一 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同 请将这单词的标号 填入题前括号内 1 A take B bad C have 2 A fish B find C give 3 A me B bed C red 4 A glue B run C us 5 A night B ghost C daughter 二 找出下列英文单词所对应的中文意思 1 underground A 电影院 2 light train station B 地铁 3 movie theatre C 博物馆 4 museum D 京剧 5 Peking opera E 轻轨站 6 listen to the radio F 植物园 7 bad cold G 樱花 8 play chess H 听广播 9 botanical garden I 重感冒 10 cherry blossom J 下棋 三 单项选择 1 He asked me I would like a cup of tea A that B what C if 2 Be quiet The babies A sleep B are sleeping C slept 3 Do you know this word A what to spell B how to spell C to spell 4 The students couldn t help when they heard the joke A to laugh B laugh C laughing 5 What day is today It s A Monday B a fine day C September 1st 6 If I you tomorrow I will give you the receipt A see B will see C am seeing 7 Is the cat the door No it isn t It s the desk A behind under B in on C under at D over behind 8 I v got a toothache I m going to the A park B dentist C teacher 9 May I your bike Sorry A ride B reading C read 10 Whose ruler is it Maybe it s A Peter B Peters C Mary s 11 I want to find a good book I m going to the A cinema B library C museum 12 will you do I ll play football A What B When C Where 13 I don t like milk I don t A too B neither C either 14 I want to buy A something eat B something to eat C anything to eat 15 I m sorry I can t help you A Not at all B You are welcome C It doesn t matter 16 Mrs Sun is a friend of A Mary s mother B mother of Mary C Mary s mother s 17 There two cups of tea on the table A is B are C was 18 There are thirty pupils in our class of them are young pioneers A Any B Either C All 19 There isn t water here Could you get for me All right A some any B any any C any some 20 You look so beautiful in this white skirt A That s all right B Thank you C Not at all 四 根据所提供的情景选择适当的句子 1 你想知道对方姓名 应说 A My name is Han Mel B What s your name C Hello 2 早上遇见 刘老师 应说 A Thank you Mr Li B How C Good morning Mr Liu 3 别人向你打招呼 Hello 你应说 A What s your name B Hello C Thank you 4 假如你叫林峰 当有人问你 What s your name 时 你应回答 2 A I m fine too B Nice to meet von C My name is Lin Feng 5 见到客人站着 你应说 A Sit down please B How are you C I m fine too 6 下午与同学见面 你应说 A Good afternoon B What s your name C How are you 7 晚上分手时所用礼貌用语是 A Hi B Hello C Good night 8 当经介绍后认识某人 你应该说 A Good morning B Please sit down C Thank you D Nice to meet you 9 上课铃响了 教师走进教室 班长应该说 A Please come in B Good morning C Stand up 10 想知道对方的年龄 应怎样问 A How old are you B How are you C How do you do 五 根据对话内容 从多个选项选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项 A I ll go and get it at your home B It s a very bad line C That would be fine D I ll arrive between two and three E Tomorrow morning if possible A Hello 3769808 B Hello Kate I d like to borrow your Chinese dictionary I lost mine this afternoon A Sorry 1 Could you speak a little clearly and slowly B Yes Could you lend me your Chinese dictionary Mine is lost A Sure When do you want it B 2 A But it is Sunday tomorrow I won t go to school B 3 A But I ll go to Miss Wang s home tomorrow Could you come in the afternoon B Certainly 4 A 5 I ll wait for you B Thank you Bye 六 完形填空 阅读短文 并从四个选项中 选择正确的答案 My father 1 a good friend in the factory 工厂 He is sixty He is an old man All of the children like him We call 2 Uncle Sam He 3 from England He 4 in Sichuan He can t 5 Chinese We teach 教 him Chinese 6 he 7 us English He 8 work 9 Sundays He 10 making things And he likes watching TV with his children at night 1 A have B haves C has D is 2 A he B they C him D his 3 A come B comes C goes D to come 4 A live B living C lives D to live 5 A speak B tell C say D talk 6 A or B but C and D until 7 A teach B teachs C teaches D teaching 8 A do B don t C does D doesn t 9 A in B on C for D of 10 A likes B like C to like D liking 七 阅读理解 George was a quiet serious young man He had been studying very very hard one year and when he passed all his exams his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest talk with him You ve never been to a dance George he said It s boring always studying and never enjoying oneself Come out with me this evening Maybe you re right Jim replied George after a moment s hesitation So they went to a dance and had a very good time But George drank more than he was used to and by midnight Jim had become worried about him so he said now we ll walk home in the cool air On their way home they came to a bridge and George looked down at the river below very carefully the stars were reflected in its surface What are those lights down there George asked They re the stars George Jim answered The stars George said Well then they should be above in the sky How did I get so high up here They are now at my foot 1 According to the passage when did Jim go to see George A After George had passed all his exams B Before George had taken the exam C After they had an earnest talk 2 Which is true according to George A It s good always studying without enjoying oneself B It s good always enjoying oneself without studying C It s good to study hard and enjoy oneself in a while 3 What did George ask Jim to do that evening 3 A To have a good rest at home B To work hard as ever C To go out with him 4 What did they talk about on the way home A Bridge B Water C Stars 5 Why did George say the stars are then at his foot A Because he and his friend were high in the sky B Because he was looking down at the reflections of the star on the surface of the water C Because he was very happy to have passed the exam 八 英文数学题 If half of a number is 30 then three quarters of that number is 2018 小升初分班考试英语试题 人教版 模拟考试二 找出在意义上不属于同类的词 将字母代号写在括号内 5 分 1 A spring B summer C autumn D weather 2 A bread B meat C apple D butter 3 A cupboard B desk C window D chair 4 A sunny B rain C cloudy D snowy 5 A the B near C behind D on 二 词汇 5 分 根据首字母提示写出单词 完成句子 1 Thank you very much With p leasure 2 Wednesday comes after Tuesday 3 What do you have for breakfast 4 This is Peter s everyday life 5 F ebruary is the second month of a year 三 选词填空 5 分 用 at on to like for in front of from 填空 1 What s the weather like in Shanghai 2 A storm is coming from South China Sea 3 Here s the weather report of tomorrow 4 Mr Smith has many pigs on his farm 5 Father is cleaning his car on the house 6 I get up of six o clock in the morning 7 We are eating dinner on the table 8 It s raining We can watch TV in home 9 What can I do for you 10 It s five to twelve in the morning 四 用所给单词的适当形式填空 10 分 1 Linda can swim very fast She is a good at swimming swim 2 It s late We can t play any long long 3 Mary is much beutfuil good today 4 That is a new boy his He name is Jack 5 Here s your book think Thank a lot 6 Today is the nine nine of June 4 7 I had have a shower at this time yesterday 8 San was in the sit sit room just now 9 Lucy writes carefuiiy carefully than Lily 10 My father reading read a newspaper last night 五 选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子 10 分 1 Excuse me Where s Shanghai Zoo A How far is B How can I get to C Where can I go to 2 Which apple do you want A do you like B would you want C would you like 3 You can go to Zhongshan Park on foot A walk to Zhongshan Park B go to Zhongshan Park by foot C go to Zhongshan Park by walk 4 Rose and Jane are in the same class A classmates B schoolmates C deskmates 5 The girl in white is Jane A has a white dress B with a white dress C wearing a white dress 6 It s ten five A ten to five B ten past five C five past ten 7 Where are you from A are you coming B do you come from C do you from 8 I m hungry Can I eat some bread Certainly A That s great B Sure C Yes I can 9 The boys of our school like to play football A like playing B to like play C like play 10 They had a good time at the party last Sunday A had many time B enjoyed themselves C had many friends with them 六 选择填空 12 分 1 My sister can well She s a good A singing singer B sing singer C sing singing 2 chase the ducks A Can t B don t C Don t 3 the music is nice A Look B Listen C Hear 4 What do sheep like A They like corn B They like grass C It likes grass 5 Are you Yes we are A postman B postmen C the postman 6 It was egg Now it is a caterpillar A a B an C the 7 Would you like some milk A Yes I like B No I don t C No thanks 8 Excuse me where s Red Flag School A by B taking C take 9 It s late Let s A go to home B go home C go to the home 10 Whose desk is this It s A Tim s and Jim s B Tim and Jim s C Tim and Jim 11 We played at nine o clock in a music lesson A drum B drums C the drum 12 We can t eat drink in class A and B but C or 七 根据要求改写句子 8 分 1 John has lunch at school every day 对画线部分提问 2 Lingling gets up at six o clock 现在进行时 3 I like the small apple 否定句 4 That tall man is Mr White 对画线部分提问 5 What time do you go to school 一般过去时 6 It s warm in spring and cool in autumn in Shanghai 对画线部分提问 7 I read English every day 对画线部分提问 8 Mr Black can speak very good Chinese 对画线部分提问 八 阅读理解 15 分 A 阅读短文后做出判断 符合短文意思用 T 表示 不 符合用 F 表示 5 分 5 What Am I I was born 出生 in a small river When I was young the river was my home I did not know my father or mother but I had many many brothers and sisters I swam and played with them At that time I did not look like my father or mother I had no legs but I had a long tail 尾巴 So I looked like a fish Then my tail became shorter and shorter 变得越来越越短 And now I have four legs and a very short tail I know I m going to have no tail at all soon 不久 I m going to be like my father and mother Then I m going to jump out of the water I m going to live on the land 陆 地 and in the water too I m going to eat a lot of insects 昆虫 a lot of bad insects What an I 1 The river was my home when I was born 2 I had no father or mother but I had many brothers and sisters 3 I was a fish when I was young 4 I m going to look like my father and mother 5 I m an insect B 根据短文内容 回答问题 10 分 The Crow 乌鸦 and the Fox A crow is sitting in a big tree She has a big piece of meat in her mouth My babies will have a nice breakfast she thinks An old fox is looking for 寻找 his breakfast He sees the crow and the meat How can I get that piece of meat he thinks Good morning Mrs Crow says the fox very sweetly How are you But the crow doesn t say a word You are very nice babies Mrs Crow says the fox very sweetly How are they May I see them Still 仍然 the crow doesn t say a word You are very beautiful Mrs Crow And you have a beautiful voice 声音 too says the fox very very sweetly Will you sing a song for me Mrs Crow thinks How nice Mr Fox is I must sing him a song So she opens her mouth Caw Caw 乌鸦的叫声 Down drops 掉下 the meat into the fox s mouth Questions 1 What does the crow have in her mouth 2 What is the old fox looking for 3 The fox says Good morning to the crow Does the crow say anything 4 Why does the crow open her mouth 5 Who gets the meat at last 最后 九 读短文 用五个英语句子将短文写完 5 分 Today is Children s Day It s sunny The pupils are having an English evening on the playground 6 2018 小升初分班考试英语试题 人教版 模拟考试三 依次写出含有与 f 共同读音的字母 大小写 汉译英 1 看起来像 2 长发 3 中等身材 4 一张圆脸 5 明天见 6 来自 7 他的朋友 8 我的老师 9 手机 10 二年级八班 句型转换 1 My hair is black 就划线部分提问 is your hair 2 He looks a little heavy 就划线部分提问 he look like 3 She has two short arms 改为否定句 She two short arms 4 We are from Brazil 改为一般疑问句 from Brazil 5 His father is fine 就划线部分提问 his father 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 What s she name 2 Who are their 3 We are good friend 4 My brother have a nice shirt 5 This is my mother handbag 6 Let s are here at six 7 Nice meet you 8 Her sister is from Japanese 9 Is he Germany 10 She is 12 year old 单项选择 1 name is Ann What s name A She you B Her your C Her you D She your 2 It s my friend Tom A Who s that B What s this C What s that D What s your name 3 Maria is English girl A the B a C an D 4 He is from Canada he is a A Canadians B Korean C Australian D Canadian 5 is your mother She is 39 A How old B What C Where D How 6 What s this Japanese A of B to C in D at 7 How do you do A How old are you B Fine thanks C How are you D How do you do 8 I s this your A a watch B watch C watches D a watches 9 are good friends A Me and Tom B Tom and me C Tom and I D I and Tom 10 do you spell book B O O K book A How B What C What s D Where 11 are her A This brother B these brothers C These brother D These brothers 12 可表示 中国共产党 的英文缩略词是 A NBA B CPC C ABC D APC 13 Are you Dick Yes A I am B you are C I m D you is 14 Thanks very much A All right B Don t thank me C That s OK D Oh yes 15 is Changchun It s in Jilin A Where B How C What D Who 情景会话 A Do you have a new friend B 1 A What s her name B Her name is Amy A 2 B She is from Cuba A What does she look like B She has a medium height 7 A 3 B Yes she does A 4 B It s black A Can she speak Chinese B 5 A Look she is coming B Let s go 阅读理解 A This is a girl Her name is Cathrine She has a cat 猫 It s an English cat Her friends are Amy and Barbara They have cats too They are Chinese cats The English cat is four The Chinese cats are both 都 two They all like 喜欢 their cats Now they can t see their cats They think 认为 their cats are in the tree They go there and carry 抱 them down 根据短文内容选择正确答案 1 Cathrine has a good cat A English B Chinese C American D Japanese 2 Cathrine has friends A one B two C three D four 3 The English cat is and the Chinese cats are A two two B two four C four two D four four 4 Where are the cats They are A in the tree B on the floor C behind them D under the tree 5 Do they like their cats A No they don t B Yes they do C Yes they don t D No they do B Do you like sports I do and my friend Manuel does We have sports collections 收 藏 I have two tennis rackets 网球拍 three baseballs and a basketball She has two volleyballs two footballs and baseball bats We both play sports after school every day 根据短文内容选择正确答案 1 Does Manuel like sports A Yes I do B No I don t C Yes she does D No she doesn t 2 We have small collections A pen B book C ball D sports 3 I have A a basketball B soccer C ping pang D volleyballs 4 She doesn t have A tennis rackets B baseball bats C footballs D volleyballs 5 We every day A watch TV B read C play sports D watch baseball C I am a Chinese boy My name is Li Fei I am a student My father is a teacher My mother is a teacher too She is a teacher of English I don t have a sister or a brother But I have two little friends in my family They re Xiaoxiao a nice dog and Lele a good bird I love my father and my mother I love my Xiaoxiao and Lele too 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 1 There are three people in my family 2 My mother is a teacher of Chinese 3 I have a brother 4 I don t have a sister or a brother 5 This is an English family 书面表达 介绍你的朋友 他的情况如下 男孩 13 岁 法国人 棕色头发 大鼻子 大眼睛 个高且瘦 像他父亲等 约 50 个单词 8 2018 小升初分班考试英语试题 人教版 模拟考试四 一 单项选择 20 分 1 There are two in our school A library B libraries C librarys 2 There aren t apples in the basket but there are some on the table A some B any C a 3 Is there a dining hall in your school A Yes there are B No there is C Yes there is 4 Loo k my grandmother is my grand father A on the left of B next C on the right of 5 Have you got a dictionary A Yes I do B Yes I got C Yes I have 6 Where are They are on the chair A Tony s books B Tony s book C Tony books 7 He any aunts or uncles A doesn t has got B haven t got C hasn t got 8 How many computers in your classroom There are two A are there B are you have C does you have 9 Where you I m from Beijing A are from B do from C are come 10 is a doctor What about father A His your B Her your s C His you 11 There are students in our class That is 19 boys and 21 girls A forty B fourty C fourteen 12 Juice and water are healthy drinks Coke isn t healthy drink A and B but C or 13 Can I have water A these B some C one 14 Lingling is in A Class Four Grade One B Grade One Class Four C Class four grade one 15 What s your fruit A very like B favourite C much like 16 She can t in the lake A swimming B swiming C swim 17 There a cat and two dogs in my home A be B is C are 18 He hamburgers A like eat B likes eating C like to eats 19 The office building the classrooms A behind B behinds C is behind 20 there any apples in the kitchen A Have B Be C Are 二 智力测验 5 分 21 Paris is the capital of A the USA B the UK C France D Australia 22 About percent of the earth s surface is covered with water A 29 B 82 C 71 D 100 23 A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour How long will it take to travel 300 miles A 250hours B 6hours C 1 6hours D 15000hours 24 Beijing Olympic Games are the modem Olympic Games A B C D 25 The number of seconds in one day The number of minutes in one week A B C D We don t know 三 完形填空 10 分 NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world There 26 a Chinese player in this game His name is Yao Ming He is 27 player in this game In his spare time Yao 28 cars On last Christmas he drove 9 29 old car to visit one of his 30 On his way he 31 a policeman following him Finally he stopped and said to the policeman 32 Christmas sir Is there anything wrong with me No of course not answered the policeman Then 33 did you 34 me asked Yao 35 be angry said the policeman You did nothing wrong I only want to ask you for a signature 签名 26 A be B are C is 27 A tall B the tallest C tallest 28 A 1ikes driving B 1ikes drive C 1ike driving 29 A a B an C the 30 A friends B friend C the friend 31 A sees B seed C saw 32 A Marry B Merry C Happy 33 A Why B How C When 34 A ask B follow C stopped 35 A Don t B You don t C You can t 四 阅读理解 30 分 A The following discussion 讨论 took place 发生 between a father and his nine year old son It s unfair 不公平 Dad Mum wants me to make my bed but I don t know how It s time for you to learn Where are your clean sheets 床单 I don t know What do you mean you don t know You need to take care of your things Where are Jack s sheets the father called to his wife Right next to ours the wife answered After a moment the father asked slowly Where ale ours 36 The discussion takes place between A a husband and a wife B a mother and her son C a father and his son D a mother and a father 37 The son doesn t know A how to wash his sheets B how to make his bed C how to clean his sheet D how to clean his bed 38 The father doesn t know A how to wash sheets B how to make his bed C how to clean sheets D where his sheets are 39 The father says his son is because he doesn t know where his is A careful sheet B careless bed C careful bed D careless sheet 40 Who do you think take care of the housework 家务 in the family A the father B the mother C the child D No one B A girl may pass easily through the first grades While boys of her age bring home low marks the girl may get easily good grades Girls seem to have better brains in school Why do so few girls become scientists Why is the most important thinking in adult 成人 world done by men According to 根据 scientists the answer is aggression 敌对行为 Boys usually refuse to accept other people s conclusion 结论 They insist on solving problems by themselves while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them little boys are learning to think in their own ways Boys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age 41 Girls get better marks at school than boys because A boys are lazier B girls are better at remembering things than boys C girls are cleverer than boys D teachers care more for girls than for boys 42 There are so few women scientists because A boys are cleverer than girls B girls are less cared for 10 C girls are lazier D few of them are trained to be aggressive 43 According to the scientists A boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering things B boys Can easily get food jobs while girls can t C girls insist on doing things on their own D the nature of the boys and girls is the same but their education is different 44 In the view of the writer A girls have better brains B boys have better brains C neither boys nor girls have better brains D usually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men 45 Which of the following is right A Boys are cleverer in school B Girls are cleverer at an early age C Boys and girls have good points in different ways D Boys have good points only

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