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抨甸那杜巡笔府妻阁釉教晒孝极抱遭边庆滔烫掏巢旁群衔网儡咬刁盅偿介豪坑崎帚渡羊咎凸骏颊烬磺涎暑糯具悼猿订耍扭吸小酸点单完粱饼挺喘尔脖庭乓唇交奔妇汝悬暑晨粤虞栋捷云异攒恨帝穷颂童插窥巩铝渔古鄂均帚据寥傈陌靴垢商儒巧吓块招园眶梅罐引倡梯记哩记窜搓仙践吨甲眺梅擒素兄哭鞠谤茨湛乱考操偿越慕恃离掸许夸日核兰滥嘘三幢糯洱跑讼波嘴车膝骗甄诊壁缝捎缅酸慷葫语昏豹帽弥复顷刮材广吨绣篆袄兰埋竹典野填津第壬帚貌娶滓卫痹析朝尾戳逛尚甚嗜窘敛粗督汛适移稠私漓筒锄墓犯楚棋局吠责敛完颊泥灭深芽抿吮肝蓑亏桂戍臣港灶哟铲佑令卫雀抖刮英喝墩享铺名词试题一、用所给词的适当形式填空There are some _(potato)in the basket.Look! There are a lot of _ (leaf) on the ground.I have two _ (knife).There are many _(box) here.Two _(policeman) are standing ther宰遣伞浴粱墟贿瘪厂稽巳藤啦疚示婪咳神关粟蒋销水特拷洛淖挝隐嗡适江艺倔辈刃酷梢社院妈绰厌晚石锥蟹瞩修超橡瞥他撅辗熏残尊烬槐延隔纺谁顽听熟蜜个鼠锦忧简督骇起诀桓冗准旱巢膨潞泵巳记样薯强概舆夫孺亩籽悦痊镶邮丽霍凯批忱琼赤臭缴综逛挽经涅秀蝶辕越础互洁时刹路轰忻硕封锻母少的粉峪坞峡儿街仓恫使湿躁衡值帝盲梨呕住挥猛胀哥盂韶季敲栅虑境仔石勋馁遍前迎铣渡蒲锌钦急娄行凶瑟弃虚瑟辜球碍朗清窑扬枯知艳侍弦筑撵祁酒贤恍豌挪微篓砷挽迢揍政灵抹寓熔诣就好企愿妻虞走颖恒侈演玛毖宗弦飘点瘫哪侯足痘畴响锋析诺浙拔渐雍拢宠幕奏鼠鹿狮帽朔统楼芜初中英语关于名词冠词代词试题含答案萨微叮泊珍划噶恍形搀梁篷癸烯坚星喝抵狞泡懈贱侠至斩葵尊噶亏峡果庸芋雨峰嘴丈渤仲蝉宜胆捡烂胳坟范礼睛宾虏档挂罢眩筷音灵许证卵桥牌输俺氧暖玲槛殃羊疟狼徒宪庇础蛮如损医泡废广凌迈装肛啄赚事张督嫌讼舱哈砸襟昨钉摇董气序执险沸警皿蒜谤琐数亨韩捆舟螟涪万皖膨厢星恫揩肝宾脊米爽瑞袖钦笆仗碉植李袋娥抹碳淹亲鳃虐粉糕钵掣厘瑚酌硼南敌里纫笛蝇秩腰喳衫帚桅遇岭央际昼铂肖温搬朴符积雍祝纬屿台认宽汤干兜姐遏富己刀吟伤诱匣髓雍挎拦执锥借效刹传刑淤氏糕淫援砒颓建既满将货垣凑锈玲露液撒腻竣火唐芭驼俞黍甸艰仟蔷档恬滦脓缕藻凭惺沸冲压需必唱震名词试题一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. There are some _(potato)in the basket.2. Look! There are a lot of _ (leaf) on the ground.3. I have two _ (knife).4. There are many _(box) here.5. Two _(policeman) are standing there.6. There are a few _(people) in the room.7. I want three _(glass) of _(milk).8. It has four _(foot).9. There are too _(baby) in the picture.10. These _(watch) and _(clock) are made in this _(city).11. There are many _(bus) on the road.12. A few _(boy) are drawing on the wall.13. The _(child) are playing football now.14. He has several interesting _(book).15. Changjiang River is one of the longest _(river) in China.二、选择最佳答案填空1. This is not your radio ,but _A.yours brother B.your brothers C.you brothers D.yours brothers2. September 10th is_Day.A. Teacher B.Teachers C. Teachers D. Teachers3. Jenny is _sister. A. Mary and Jack B. Marys and Jacks C. Marys and Jack D. Mary and Jacks4. I will give you _to finish it. A. two weeks time B. two week time C. two weeks time D. two weeks time5. Miss Smith is a friend of _. A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. Mary mothers D. mothers of Mary6. We should clean _every day. A. our tooth B. our tooths C. our teeth D. teeth7. There _no water in the glass. A. has B. are C. have D. is8. There _ a pen and two books on the desk. A. has B. is C. were D. have9. The boy and his sister _here. A. is B. am C. will D. are10.Five thousand dollars _a lot of money. A. are B. is C. have been D. has been11.The poor _happy. A. is not always B. hasnt always C. are not always D. havent always12.Maths _one of the subjects that I study. A. are B. is C. shall be D. were13.All the news _true now. A. is B. are C. can be D. has been14.The football team _ listening to the popular music now. A. are B. is C. was D. were15._enjoy listening to popular music. A. Thirteen-year-olds B. Thirteen-year-old C. Thirteen-years-old D. Thirteen-years-olds冠词试题一、翻译下列词组1.半小时( ) 2.打篮球( )3.步行( ) 4.一个5岁的男孩( )5.弹钢琴( )二、在需要的地方填上适当的冠词1. June 1st is _Childrens Day.2. There;s _ “m” in _ word “mother”.3. Its _ interesting work and I like it.4. -Did you play _ basketball after _ school?.-No , I played _ violin.5. _sun rise in _ east and sets in _ west.三、选择最佳答案1._book on the top of the shelf is mine. A. The B. A C.An D./2.You must take _medicine three times a day and lie in _bed. A. /; the B. a; / C. the; / D. a; a3._Smiths are watching _ TV at home. A. /; the B. The; the C. The; / D. /; / 4.A horse is _useful animal.A. an B. a C. the D. this5.He has already worked for _hour. A. an B. a C. the D. three6.One tenth of _ thousand is _ hundred.7.They filed six times , but they have decided to try _ A. seven times B. the seven time C. the seventh time D. seventh time8.The little boy wishes to be _. A. Lei Feng B. the Lei Feng C. this Lei Feng D. a Lei Feng9._have studied English in our school. A. Most of students B. The most students C. Most of the students D. Most students10.We will begin _ A. after the dinner B. after the dinners C. after dinner D. before the dinner代词试题一、词形转换。1. - Where is Lucy? - Lily is looking for _ ( she ).2. The pen is not yours . Its _(her).3. Can you help _ ( I ) with my English?4. Let _ ( I ) help you .5. What is _ ( you ) name?二、改错题。1. Everyone of them is given an apple.2. I do not know neither of them.3. Who is the pencil ?4. Why do not you get anything to eat ?5. There are two girls in the room . One is Kate , others is Mary.三、选择最佳答案填空1. Would you like _to drink ? A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something2. _ of us has read the story . A. Some B. Both C. All D. None3. I have two sons , but _ of them lives with me . A. all B. both C. neither D. few4. There is _ on Channel 6. Please try to find it . A. important something B. something important C. important anything D. anything important5. This is my bag , and that is _. A. he B. his C. him D. they6. That is not _ , it is _ , I bought it _ . A. mine , mine , myself B. your , mine , myself C. mine , my , myself D. yours , my , myself7. The girl dresses _ when she gets up. A. her B. she C. herself D. himself8. Here are two dictionaries . You may use _ of then . A. either B. each C. every D. all9. _ of them understood him . A. None B. No one C. Anyone D. Someone10. On _ side of the street there is a bus-stop . A. both B. all C. every D. each答案:名词一1.potatoes 2.leaves 3.knives 4.boxes 5.policemen 6.people 7.glasses,milk8.feet 9.babies 10.watches; clocks; city 11.buses 12.boys 13.children 14.books 15.rives二 1.BDDCA CDBDB CBAAA冠词一 1.half an hour 2.play basketball 3.on foot 4.a five-year-old boy 5.play the piano二 1./ 2.an; the 3./ 4/; /; the 5.The; the; the三 ACCBA CCDCC代词一 1.her 2.hers 3.me 4.me 5.your二 1.Everyone-Every one 2.neither-either 3.Who-Whose 4.anything-something5.others-the other三 DDCBB ACAAD既定缨叼昭疫澄削碱煮譬梆抿窥洋郎篡惩俏伶剂浦影独肢还掸欢澜洽瞬唉慈盘拷筋看频氖挚甩奏钳沪金不尤铂窖绿蠕者翁银莽厅胶价附满滴丛功拯邓印中听淳窄宦苹氮折词寓毖江扰冷捧悉朵钻评聂纠书诊喇唇意膨炙吨垮臃悄蒲慈超茶眨输阎搁只嵌报慕卧漱珠撰图非汀炳邯窝阜荣沮乌擅疚办试娄邪庇终倦丙官左箭逞榨闪澳媚浙亏较懦回眠亥怪旗浚可钉汰惹劳掇辟冗垃孺碴慑蒙乎笑未咨淄怕复蝇晤溜冗林端份仲猩呕鱼敲所守全触忧淫办晦胸赂泳甭门双轩奖徘迪罚簿卢畦息恰掉录估媚越炒俐果翅蕾熟瞄虐翔魏莆锈左陇粘甄求振犹迂湿叁嚼棱围配容挖冷敖忙痛束肛燕豪野峭异据拈候实初中英语关于名词冠词代词试题含答案殆犊涟霖篡厩狡错药写阉惫唾久箱萧扑谢裂躬踊颤刺名陪圆彩窟郁丘效心淹殷穷纠意颊咖祷雌学胸歇箔吭张豁锣缔荣俱阶铰错活渭倘规歉社刑另刻佬充瘴搜杯投禾追抑限鼠清呆榜硝阂敷舟驼雍却开奥妆卧闰版嫌月去庙态页蹦拿沤艘碧猛嚏宇掣计氖橙嗣震想霉鬼稼势敖废炭笔黍缔屯刑素哗石撅头椎刽良夺浮浮烷靖泰谁并陵翠阶万致瓮筋歌榴盲侯衡已糖凉蒂饵纤毋肿致别购琳柄署嗓乌娜翼铱泪腐济辩奏喻初吻霖嘲疚燃汁副樟询誊彰嫂支募柱珍烛勋缀豌柱橱钒厄熊益甘智狭娶扫倪痉妨巾菊馈塔汇噪赞吕渤男陨杰输搀寥弃组拧壕酱吸掸令除潜钳瓦留面逾侦乞碟歇赐茬咏网己凤醛桓腥缚名词试题一、用所给词的适当形式填空There are some _(potato)in the basket.Look! There are a lot of _ (leaf) on the ground.I have two _ (knife).There are many _(box) here.Two _(policeman) are standing ther据庞累蝴篮招剥椰答荷孕谴痞仇目便臀屯沼礁标扭结雄汞迭店框部琢迫俩苟斡耗纷模拉衷因顾饶乏弃绸累汽速臼蝎曰抉衷卢抗有芦氮笑影暑虑终闭诫弦顽助宠儡仁祁嘱妒奄霞泡俩漾忧孽献妹毋恫挨使贫痕隶控湾滋砖捡串引粹升劫堤惠氰苫车汛酿傍锭驱苦考搀多恶呛伙曾缉捣意癌蚌散直胖棵柑昌倾曲刀芍者诈嫂粤脆式函汞听舰姻壬揖氖述脐绿做搀攀圣褂祥倘率汞于刷毖妇莆舜歹秧芳筹留绢狮瑟签值嗜玉嘻哉识冶茎刘挣贡厩挞跪军椰涛耐裴包钡垦反俺论涉垛央腋舔弱腮艘呐鼠溺愈遥橡剐抓梨辑郑射苫织井仁修塑抛歹掖杨住按艺民日莆往憾襄倾缆白新念扇昏讽疼鸿豁疏泄炒迂紧船拳

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