高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module5《Cloning》 (外研版选修6)

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,. 句式填空 1. while +v. -ing 当做的时候 While studying at university(当在大学学习时), he discovers the secret of how to create life. 2. wish +(that) +主语+虚拟语气 I wish I had not done(我没做) this terrible thing. 3to do 形式作主语 But to rely on a few cloned animals or crops (依靠少数克隆的动植物) would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.,. 教材设题 1. I hid in the garden and stayed there till morning, _ by what I had done. A. terrified B. terrifying C. being terrified D. to be terrified 【解析】选A。句意为:我藏在花园里,一直待到清晨,为我的所作所为感到恐惧。terrified与主语I之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式。C表示正受到惊吓;D表示将要受到惊吓,均与题意不符。,2. In fact, it was in 1866 _ Mendel first recorded the results of growing pea plants. A. when B. how C. why D. that 【解析】选D。考查强调句式。句意为:事实上,在1866年孟德尔就首次记录下了种植豌豆的结果。it was. . . that. . . 为强调句式,去掉该结构后,原句仍然成立。,3. A clone is an organism which is genetically _ to another one. A. optional B. controversial C. identical D. beneficial 【解析】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:一个克隆体就是在基因上与另外一个生物体完全一样的生物体。optional可选择的,随意的;controversial引起争议的,引起争论的;beneficial有益的;identical相同的,符合题意。,4. A doctor wants to offer cloning as a treatment for couples who find _ difficult to have children. A. one B. it C. that D. too 【解析】选B。考查形式宾语。句意为:一名医生想为那些发现很难生育孩子的夫妇提供克隆作为治疗方法。it在此作形式宾语,真正的宾语为to have children。,1. Seeing the inviting sweets, the boy couldnt _ reaching out for some. A. decline B. refuse C. reject D. resist 【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意为:看到诱人的糖果,那个男孩子忍不住伸手拿了一些。cant resist doing= cant help doing。decline拒绝,谢绝;refuse拒绝,接不定式;reject拒绝,抵制,后接名词。,2Nobody wanted to make friends with the student _ money. A. suspected having stolen B. suspected to steal C. suspected to have stolen D. suspected of having stolen 【解析】选D。句意为:没人愿意和那个被怀疑偷钱的学生交朋友。suspect sb. of (doing)sth. 怀疑某人(做)某事。故选D。,3. _ in the video games, he didnt notice his father coming. A. Absorbed B. Absorbing C. Having absorbed D. Being absorbed 【解析】选A。句意为:沉浸在电子游戏当中,他没注意到父亲进来。be absorbed in sth. 专心致志于。此句为省略句,补全后为:Because he was absorbed in the video games, he. . . 。,4. With no hope for _ and no way to reduce her pain,the patient sought her doctors help to end her life. A. treat B. cure C. ache D. love 【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:由于没有了治愈疾病的希望,又没有办法减少痛苦,病人寻求她的医生的帮助来结束她的生命。and连接两个名词短语作with的宾语,即no hope for cure和no way to reduce. . . , 表示原因。cure“治愈”,与句意吻合。treat对待;ache疼;love关爱,均与句意不吻合。,5. 完成句子 1)Her dark hair contrasts with (与形成对比) her pale silk coat. 2)In contrast with(与相比)the city life, time seemed to pass slowly in the country.,1. The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service. 2009北京,27 A. treated B. were treated C. would treat D. would be treated 【解析】选B。“客人”与“招待”的关系为被动关系;treat的动作与influence的动作具有同时性,应用一般过去时。,2How about your journey to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way. 2009四川,8 A. slowed down B. broke down C. got down D. put down 【解析】选B。slow down放慢(速度),(使)减速;break down(健康)垮掉,分解,(机器等)出故障;get down下来,写下,使沮丧;put down记下。,3It took the new teacher weeks to bring her class _ . A. beyond control B. in control of C. out of control D. under control 【解析】选D。句意为:这位新老师花了好几周的时间才控制好班级。bring. . . under control使得到控制。A、C均意为:失去控制,不合题意。B项后面需加宾语,不符合语法结构。,1. How I wish I _ hard when I was at school! A. had studied B. studied C. should study D. would study 【解析】选A。由后面was可知说话人表达的是与过去相反的愿望,故用过去完成时。,2. 句型转换 1) You are very kind. You could say so. (用it和不定式) Its kind of you to say so . 2)Where will we go out for the weekend? This hasnt been decided. (用不定式作主语) Where to go out for the weekend hasnt been decided.,1. It was really a _ experience, after which everyone was very _ . A. terrifying; shocking B. terrified; shocking C. terrifying; shocked D. terrified; shocked 【解析】选C。一般来说,形容词化的分词,常用-ing形式修饰物;-ed形式修饰人。故本题选C。,2. Our elder son has been _the Continent for several months. 2011荆门模拟 A. knocking about B. knocking down C. knocking over D. knocking out 【解析】选A。考查动词词组辨析。句意:我们大儿子已在欧洲大陆转了几个月了。knock about闲逛;knock down撞倒;knock over打翻;knock out摧毁。,. 单词拼写 1. The tall boy terrified(威吓) him into stealing money. 2. The white snow contrasts (形成对比)with the brilliant blue sky. 3. This medicine cured(治愈) her of cough. 4. I couldnt resist(抵抗) glancing at her paper. 5. In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb(吸收) heat.,6. The bad meat gave out a disgusting(令人恶心的) smell. 7. People suspect(怀疑) the truth of the news. 8. Do you think it will be beneficial(有益的) to your body? 9. He treated(招待) her to a dinner, but she refused. 10. Chase(追赶) after Tim and ask him to get some bananas while hes at the shop.,. 用所给词语的正确形式填空 break down, in contrast with, suspect . . . of, cure. . . of, treat. . . as, get out of control 1. Her bad behaviour was in contrast with her fine words. 2. The bridge broke down in last earthquake. 3. The angry fans got out of control at last. 4. The police suspected her of murder. 5. The teachers must treat the students as adults. 6. The doctor devoted himself to curing the patient of cancer.,. 单项填空 1. Im sorry. I shouldnt have shouted at you the other day. Forget it. I was a bit _ myself. 2011长春模拟 A. out of control B. under control C. lost control D. in control 【解析】选A。句意为:对不起,那天我不该冲你嚷嚷。忘了吧。我自己也有点失控。be out of control失去控制;under control 处于控制之下;lost control失去控制,但此处不需要谓语动词;in control在控制之中。故A项最佳。,2. The look _ on his face shows that hes greatly _ . A. terrified; terrified B. terrified; terrifying C. terrifying; terrifying D. terrifying; terrified 【解析】选A。句意为:他脸上害怕的表情表明他极其恐惧。terrified用来修饰人及人的表情,terrifying用来修饰物,根据题意,应选A。,3. The man _ of shooting 6 school children was caught by the police. 2011永州模拟 A. being suspected B. suspecting C. suspected D. to be suspected 【解析】选C。句意为:那个被怀疑射杀6名学生的人被警方抓住了。分析题干可知,the man与suspect之间为被动关系,故排除B。A表示正在受到怀疑,D表示将要受到怀疑,均与题意不符。,4. How much of the foreign experts speech have you understood? Next to nothing. I wish I _ harder at English. A. worked B. had worked C. would work D. were working 【解析】选B。句意为:那位外国专家的演讲你听懂多少?几乎都不懂。我真希望我当年学英语时更努力些。由上下文可知后面说的事与过去的事实相反,故用过去完成时。,5. This afternoon lets go to a good restaurant. Oh, itll cost a lot of money. Dont worry. It is my _ today. A. service B. offer C. turn D. treat 【解析】选D。It is my treat today. 今天我请客。此句为固定表达方式。,6. At one point, the peace talks between the two countries seemed close to _ . 2011漳州模拟 A. break away B. break through C. breaking down D. breaking out 【解析】选C。句意为:曾经一度,这两国之间的和谈似乎就要破裂。break down分解,发生故障,失败;break through 突破,突围;break away脱离,放弃,逃跑;break out爆发。因close to中的to为介词,需接v. -ing形式。,【举一反三】 At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape he _ and admitted everything. A. broke up B. broke away C. broke down D. broke in 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。break down垮掉,崩溃,符合题意。break up打碎,分解;break away突然离开,放弃;break in闯入,打断。,7. They were often so _ in their research that they skipped meals and rest. 2011上海模拟 A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 【解析】选B。句意为:他们常常专注于研究,甚至废寝忘食。be absorbed in专心致志于, 符合题意。,【举一反三】 _ writing the article, he forgot that he had a meeting to attend. A. Absorbed in B. Absorbing at C. To absorb in D. Having absorbed by 【解析】选A。be absorbed in“全神贯注于”。当从句主语和主句主语一致且从句中含有be动词时,可把从句主语和be动词同时省略,从句补充完整为:When he was absorbed in writing the article。,8. _ better in 2010 World Expo was the duty of every citizen in Shanghai. A. Being served B. To serve C. Serve D. Having served 【解析】选B。考查非谓语形式。句意为:更好地为2010世博会服务是每个上海市民的职责。非谓语形式作主语,一般有v. -ing和不定式两种形式。A项为被动式,与题意不符,D项为完成式,常作状语,且有逗号与后面句子分开。,9. Mr. Black doesnt understand _ made his wife so upset this morning. A. what was it B. why it was that C. how that was D. what it was that 【解析】选D。考查强调句式。分析题干可知强调句式部分作宾语从句,语序用陈述语序,排除A;根据题意疑问词应用what。,【方法技巧】 强调句式大观园 强调是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,主要有如下几种形式: 1用助动词“do(doesdid)动词原形”来表示强调: He does know the place well 他的确很熟悉这个地方。 Do write to me when you get there 你到那儿后务必给我来信。,2用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句): Where in the world could he be? 他到底会在哪儿? What on earth is it?它究竟是什么? Do you know at all?你到底知不知道? 3用感叹句来表示强烈的感情,突出说话人的情感: How interesting a story it is! 这是一个多么有趣的故事啊! Oh,what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎!,4将要强调的句子或被强调的部分置于句首来加强语气: On the table were some flowers 桌上摆着一些花。(强调地点) Many a time have I climbed that hill 我多次翻过那座山。 Only in this way can we solve this problem 只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。,5用强调句型:“It is(was)被强调的部分that(who)原句其他部分”来强调说话人的意愿: 被强调的部分为“人”时用who,为“物”时用that。 It was on Monday night that all this happened 所有这一切都发生在周一晚上。 Its me who he blamed他怪的是我。 注意:在It is (was). . . that句式中,被强调部分不能是谓语。,10. The CEO of the computer company made the final decision after he _ the matter with the board members. A. contacted B. connected C. consulted D. contrasted 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意为:在与董事会成员商议之后,电脑公司的首席执行官做了最终的决定。contact联系;connect连接;consult商议,洽谈;contrast对比,对照。,11. Many medical scientists have found the cure _ H1N1. Aof Bfor C. with D. on 【解析】选B。句意为:许多医学家已经找到治疗H1N1的方法。cure for. . . 的疗法,为固定搭配。,12. I couldnt _ telling him the secret. You shouldnt have done that. A. consist B. insist C. resist D. exist 【解析】选C。resist抵抗,抵制, 符合题意。consist构成;insist坚持;exist存在。,13. Jenny said she was _ by the programme on TV, and she turned it off. A. disgusted B. attracted C. disgusting D. attracting 【解析】选A。 be disgusted by. . . 因而感到厌烦,符合题意。由于是被动关系,排除C、D。attract“吸引”,不合语境。,14. Its impossible for all the people _ jobs because _ of them are not fit for them. A. getting; none B. to get; all C. to get; not all D. get; every one 【解析】选B。本句中it作形式主语,不定式to get jobs作真正主语。根据句意及部分否定用法可知应选B。,15. Whos that man? I havent seen him before. Oh, hes been _ here for days. A. knocking about B. turning up C. coming out D. taking in 【解析】选A。考查动词词组辨析。句意:那个人是谁?我以前从没见过。噢,他已经在这里闲逛好几天了。A“闲逛”,符合句意。B“出现”;C“出来,出版,发表,显露”;D“吸收,带进来”,均不符合句意。,. 阅读理解 (A) Have you ever heard a news reporter talk about DNA? Reporters talk about DNA found at the scene of a crimeThey talk about police finding DNA “fingerprints” Police sometimes use DNA as a clue to find out who committed the crime DNA is a substance(物质) that makes up genesEverything alive has genesPlants have genesAnimals have genesYou have genes,Genes are the basic units of heredity(遗传)Heredity means all the characteristics you inherit from your parentsYou get your genes from your parentsYou inherit half of your genes from your motherYou inherit half of your genes from your father Genes are a kind of codeA trees genes tell what shape its leaves will beA cats genes tell what color its fur will beYour genes tell what color your eyes will beYour genes tell what color your hair will beEverything about you comes from the code in your genes,Genes line up on strands(链) called chromosomes(染色体) in cellsEverything alive is made up of cellsChromosomes are in the center, or nucleus, of cells Different parts of you are made of different kinds of cellsYour muscles are made of muscle cellsYour skin is made of skin cellsThe code in your genes tells your body to make different kinds of cellsThe genes in each cell tell the cell how to workThey tell the cell when to make new copies of itself,An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel first saw inherited patterns in pea plantsHe experimented with pea plants in the 1860sOne of the things, or traits(特质), Mendel studied was what makes some pea plants tall and some shortHe said that the traits must come from units of heredity passed from the parent plantsThese units were later called genes,In the mid-1900s, scientists discovered that genes are made of DNAIn the 1970s, scientists learned how to change DNA with genetic engineeringScientists also learned that problems with certain genes cause diseasesMuscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia are some genetic diseasesdiseases caused by problems in genesToday, scientists are looking for ways to cure genetic diseases by changing genes through a process called gene therapy 【文章大意】本文介绍了DNA及基因的有关知识,以及科学家们正在利用基因疗法来寻找一些疾病的治疗方法。,1What is DNA? ADNA is a kind of gene BDNA is a substance that makes up genes CDNA is the basic unit of heredity DDNA is a measure to protect crime 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句可知。,2Which of the following about genes is correct according to the passage? APlants, animals and human beings have the same genes BHalf people inherit all genes from their mothers, others from their fathers CGenes decide the trees leaves shapes, the cats furs color and our eyes color as well DGenes will give you a code when you need them 【解析】选C。推理判断题。由文章第四段可知基因决定树叶的形状、猫皮毛的颜色以及我们眼睛的颜色。,3Where are genes? AGenes lining up on strands called chromosomes are in the center of cells BGenes hide in everything alive in your body CGenes can be nowhere but in your mind, controlling all your actions DGenes travel in your body and help cope skin, muscle, and eyes 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第五段可知正确答案。,4We can conclude that _ Ascientists were less intelligent than monks in 1900s Bsome genes are bad and can cause diseases Cwe dont need to worry about genetic diseases any longer Dthe discovery of genes may be of great help in our daily life 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知:科学家们正在通过基因疗法努力寻找新的治疗疾病的方法。,(B) The Human Genome(基因组) Project, a great $3 billion, 15-year task aimed at drawing the genetic map of humans, is now more than 90 percent completed. The scientific and medical communities are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of diseases and prolonging(延长) human life. But those communities and policy makers also are careful about the scientific door they are opening as the project uncovers the mysteries of life.,For the last few years, the genetic advances in the developing field of biotechnology have provided material for all kinds of work, but the developments of modern science in unlocking the secrets of the human genetic code(密码) have opened a world of possibilities for human health, as well as for the popular imagination.,While European and Japanese researchers are making rapid progress in decoding(解码) human DNA, the leading organization for genetic research in the United States, which began in 1990, is “unlocking the code” of the human body to learn how to defeat fatal(致命的)diseases. Already, the Human Genome Project has become widely known and praised for finding the genes connected with terrible diseases as yet(迄今), and making progress toward separating the genes that show a sign of breast cancer or AIDS.,Once these genes are found and studied, researchers can develop new ways to attack infections(传染), and genetic diseases. Medical companies are very interested in mapping the human genome, as they expect to develop a lot of new drugs for these illnesses. 【文章大意】绘制人类基因组图,这将意味着人类消灭癌症、艾滋病的危害,延长人类寿命将成为现实。,5. Why did the scientists work hard at mapping the human genome? A. Because the human genome can destroy many illnesses. B. Because the human genomes completion can help them get rid of many diseases. C. Because they wanted to be better known than others. D. Because the human genome can provide a lot of chances of work.,【解析】选 B。语意理解题。从文章最后一段第一句话Once these genes are found and studied, researchers can develop new ways to attack infections, and genetic diseases. 可以看出科学家们完成人类基因组图的目的。,6. Which country studied the genes most rapidly in the world? A. Japan. B. Germany. C. The United States. D. China. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第三段. . . the leading organization for genetic research in the United States, 可知答案选 C。,7. The author suggests that the Human Genome Project can cause _ . A. the policy makers to feel very worried and careful B. the scientists to work harder C. many people to find work easily D. a lot of companies to produce many new drugs 【解析】选B。推理判断题。从文章内容可知,人类基因组图的完成将有助于科学家们攻克一系列难关。所以,他们会更努力地探究。,8. The main idea of this article is about _ . A. unlocking genetic code B. the genes discovery C. the great human genome D. the genes and the scientists 【解析】选A。主旨大意题。综合文章内容,不难概括出本文主旨:解读基因密码。,.单词拼写 1.The tall boy terrified(威吓) him into stealing money. 2.The white snow contrasts (形成对比)with the brilliant blue sky. 3.This medicine cured(治愈) her of cough. 4.I couldnt resist(抵抗) glancing at her paper. 5.In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb(吸收) heat.,6.The bad meat gave out a disgusting(令人恶心的) smell. 7.People suspect(怀疑) the truth of the news. 8.Do you think it will be beneficial(有益的) to your body? 9.He treated(招待) her to a dinner, but she refused. 10.Chase(追赶) after Tim and ask him to get some bananas while hes at the shop.,.用所给词语的正确形式填空 break down, in contrast with, suspect . of, cure.of, treat.as, get out of control 1.Her bad behaviour was in contrast with her fine words. 2.The bridge broke down in last earthquake. 3.The angry fans got out of control at last.,4.The police suspected her of murder. 5.The teachers must treat the students as adults. 6.The doctor devoted himself to curing the patient of cancer.,.语法和词汇知识 1.Im sorry. I shouldnt have shouted at you the other day. Forget it. I was a bit_ myself. 2011长春模拟 A. out of control B. under control C. lost control D. in control,【解析】选A。句意为:对不起,那天我不该冲你嚷嚷。忘了吧。我自己也有点失控。be out of control失去控制;under control 处于控制之下;lost control失去控制,但此处不需要谓语动词;in control在控制之中。故A项最佳。,2.The _ look on his face shows that hes greatly_ . A. terrified; terrified B. terrified; terrifying C. terrifying; terrifying D. terrifying; terrified 【解析】选A。句意为:他脸上害怕的表情表明他极其恐惧。terrified用来修饰人及人的表情,terrifying用来修饰物,根据题意,应选A。,3.The man _ of shooting 6 school children was caught by the police. A. being suspected B. suspecting C. suspected D. to be suspected 【解析】选C。句意为:那个被怀疑射杀6名学生的人被警方抓住了。分析题干可知,the man与suspect之间为被动关系,故排除B。A表示正在受到怀疑,D表示将要受到怀疑,均与题意不符。,4. How much of the foreign experts speech have you understood? Next to nothing. I wish I _ harder at English. A. worked B. had worked C. would work D. were working 【解析】选B。句意为:那位外国专家的演讲你听懂多少?几乎都不懂。我真希望我当年学英语时更努力些。由上下文可知后面说的事与过去的事实相反,故用过去完成时。,5. This afternoon lets go to a good restaurant. Oh, itll cost a lot of money. Dont worry. It is my _ today. A. service B. offer C. turn D. treat 【解析】选D。It is my treat today.今天我请客。此句为固定表达方式。,6. At one point, the peace talks between the two countries seemed close to _ . 2011铜川模拟 A. break away B. break through C. breaking down D. breaking out 【解析】选C。句意为:曾经一度,这两国之间的和谈似乎就要破裂。break down分解,发生故障,失败;break through 突破,突围;break away脱离,放弃,逃跑;break out爆发。因close to中的to为介词,需接v.-ing形式。,【举一反三】 At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape he _ and admitted everything. A. broke up B .broke away C. broke down D. broke in 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。break down垮掉,崩溃,符合题意。break up打碎,分解;break away突然离开,放弃;break in闯入,打断。,7. They were often so _ in their research that they skipped meals and rest. 2011上海模拟 A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 【解析】选B。句意为:他们常常专注于研究,甚至废寝忘食。be absorbed in专心致志于, 符合题意。,【举一反三】 _ writing the article, he forgot that he had a m


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