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CONTENTSCharacteristics of Special purpose English:2LESSON 15 Materials Science7LESSON 16 Chemical Process Safety9LESSON 17 Plant Design and General Considerations12LESSON 19 Process Reactor Design14LESSON 21 Bioengineering16LESSON 22 Genetic Engineering19LESSON 23 How We Digest Carbohydrates21LESSON 26 Green House Effect23LESSON 28 Nomenclature of Chemical Compounds27LESSON 1 Chemical Engineering30LESSON 3 Unit Operations34LESSON 5 Filtration36LESSON 6 Heat Transfer39LESSON 7 Absorption of Gases42LESSON 8 Distillation Operations45LESSON 9 Solvent Extraction48LESSON 10 Drying of Solids50LESSON 11 Packed Towers53Characteristics of Special purpose English:1: Language词汇意义比较单一,不具有情感内容,很少使用比喻,排比,夸张等修辞手法。常会出现难看,难念,难听的词。2: Vocabulary国际性强:很多从拉丁语或希腊语中派生出来。很少口语词汇,常用单个动词代替动词短语:Absorbtake in; discover-find out; assemble-put together.利用前缀后缀派生的词很多。专业,科技词汇占1/4。3: Grammar大量使用名词和名词词组 be very important- be of great importance大量使用被动语态大量使用非谓语动词词组长句结构多Hey Jude BeatlesHey Jude, dont make it bad. 嘿!Jude,不要沮丧Take a sad song and make it better 唱首悲伤的歌曲 来舒缓自己的心情Remember to let her into your heart 请将她存放于心Then you can start to make it better. 生活才会更美好Hey Jude, dont be afraid 嘿 Jude 不要害怕You were made to go out and get her. 你生来就是要得到她The minute you let her under your skin, 在将她深藏于心的那一刻Then you begin to make it better. 你已经开始过的更好And anytime you feel the pain, 无论何时,当你感到痛苦hey Jude, refrain, 嘿 Jude 停下来 Dont carry the world upon your shoulders. 不要把全世界都扛在肩上For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool 你应该懂得 傻瓜才会假装坚强 By making his world a little colder. 才会把自己的世界变得冷漠Hey Jude dont let me down 嘿 Jude 别让我失望 You have found her, now go and get her. 你已遇见她 现在就去赢得她芳心Remember to let her into your heart, 请将她深藏于心 Then you can start to make it better. 生活才会更美好 So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, 遇事要拿得起放得下 嘿! Jude ,振作起来Youre waiting for someone to perform with. 你一直期待有人同你一起成长And dont you know that its just you, hey Jude, youll do 你不明白?只有你 Jude 嘿 你行的The movement you need is on your shoulder 未来肩负在你身上 Hey Jude, dont make it bad. 嘿 不要消沉 Jude Take a sad song and make it better 唱首忧伤的歌曲 让自己振作些Remember to let her under your skin 记得心中常怀有她 Then youll begin to make it better 生活才会变得更美好 Better better better better better better, Oh. 更美好Someone like you 另寻沧海Adele阿黛尔I heard that youre settled down. 已闻君,诸事安康。That you found a girl and youre married now.遇佳人,不久婚嫁。I heard that your dreams came true. 已闻君,得偿所想。Guess she gave you things, I didnt give to you. 料得是,卿识君望。Old friend, why are you so shy? 旧日知己,何故张皇?Aint like you to hold back or hide from the lie.遮遮掩掩,欲盖弥彰。I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.客有不速,实非我所想。But I couldnt stay away, I couldnt fight it. 避之不得,遑论与相抗。Id hoped youd see my face& that youd be reminded, 异日偶遇,识得依稀颜。That for me, it isnt over.再无所求,涕零而泪下。Never mind, Ill find someone like you. 毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。I wish nothing but the best, for you too. 抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。Dont forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。“Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead” “情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜。”Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah. 情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜,然。You know, how the time flies,光阴常无踪,词穷不敢道荏苒。Only yesterday, was the time of our lives. 欢笑仍如昨,今却孤影忆花繁。We were born and raised in a summery haze. 彼时初执手,夏雾郁郁湿衣衫。Bound by the surprise of our glory days. 自缚旧念中,诧喜荣光永不黯。I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.客有不速,实非我所想。But I couldnt stay away, I couldnt fight it. 避之不得,遑论与相抗。I had hoped youd see my face and that youd be reminded, 异日偶遇,识得依稀颜。That for me, it isnt over.再无所求,涕零而泪下。Never mind, Ill find someone like you. 毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。I wish nothing but the best, for you too. 抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。Dont forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。“Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead” “情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜。”Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah. 情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜,然。Nothing compares, no worries or cares. 无可与之相提,切莫忧心同挂念。Regrets and mistakes theyre memories made. 糊涂遗恨难免,白璧微瑕方可恋。Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? 此中酸甜苦咸,世上谁人堪相言?Never mind, Ill find someone like you. 毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。I wish nothing but the best, for you too. 抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。Dont forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。“Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead” “情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜。”Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah. 情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜,然。Never mind, Ill find someone like you. 毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。I wish nothing but the best, for you too. 抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。Dont forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。“Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead” “情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜。”Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah. 情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜,然。LESSON 15 Materials ScienceMaterials science is the study of then properties of solid materials and how those properties are determined by a materials composition and structure. The study encompasses the entire rang of properties, including mechanic, thermal, chemical, electric, magnetic, and optical behavior. It grew out of amalgam of solid-state physics, metallurgy, and chemistry, since the rich variety of materials properties cannot be understood within the context of any single classical discipline. The optional use of materials in applications such as packaging, construction, magnets, batteries, engines, automobile bodies, insulation, catalytic cracking, electrics, and computers depends on the intelligent explosion of these properties. With a basic understanding of the originals of properties, materials can be selected or designed for an enormous variety of applications, ranging from structural steels to computer microchips. Materials Science is therefore important to many engineering activities such as electronics, aerospace, telecommunications, information processing, nuclear power, and energy conversion. The properties of materials are determined are by their internal structurethat is, the way in which the fundamental parts of the materials are put together. Thus, the atomic structure is the arrangement of the atoms in space, the electron structure is the distribution of the electrons in space and in energy, the defect structure is the distribution of crystal flaws, (such as impurities, vacant atomic sites, and dislocation), and the microscopic structure is the size and arrangement of microscopic grains and precipitates. These structures, and their interactions, are responsible for the behavior of materials. For example, the combination of atomic and electric structure controls the ease with which election can move in or through a solid and therefore determines whether it will be an insulator, a conductor, or a semiconductor; the atomic and defect structure control the ease with which a mechanical disturbance can move through a solid and therefore determine its degree of ductility or brittleness; and the distribution of spinning electrons gives rise to magnetic properties.After World War , economic progress and national defense needs required the development of sophisticated materials, and it was soon apparent that an integration of the knowledge and methods of metallurgy, chemistry, and physics was essential for their development. The field of semiconductor electronics was a prime example of this. The basic work was done by physicists, who were oriented toward the analysis of electronic properties of pure, sample solids. But the successful production, of good semiconductor devices required a knowledge of defect structure, traditionally the province of the metallurgist, and the importance of impurity control was in many respects a problem of chemistry.By 1960 the integration of the three fields into a new activity was well under way. In the late 1950s the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense, in cooperation with research universities, sponsored an open competition to establish government-supported research laboratories at a limited number of university to pursue the integrated study of materials and to educate graduate students in the new field. A dozen such facilities were set up in the United Sates.The methods of materials science have been extended to the study of polymers, glasses, ceramics, amorphous metals, and even biological materials such as bone. The simple concept of relating properties to structure has resulted in an astonishing variety of advanced materials of great utility.LESSON 16 Chemical Process SafetyIn 1978, Robert M. Solow, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, received the Nobel Prize in economics for his work in determining the source of economic growth. Professor Solow concluded that the bulk of an economys growth is the result of technological advances.It is reasonable to conclude that the growth of an industry is also dependent on technological advances. This is especially true in the chemical industry, which is entering an era of more complex processes: higher pressure, more reactive chemicals, and exotic chemistry.More complex processes require more complex safety technology. Many industrialists even believe that the development and the application of safety technology is actually a constraint on the growth of the chemical industry. As chemical process technology becomes more complex, chemical engineers will need a more detailed and fundamental understanding of safety. H.H. Fawcett has said that to know is to survive and to ignore fundamentals id to court disaster.Since 1950, significant technological advances have been made in chemical process safety. Today, safety is equal in importance to production and has developed into a scientific discipline which includes many highly technical and complex theories and practices.Examples of the technology safety include:(a) Hydrodynamic models representing two-phase flow through a vessel relief. (b) Dispersion models representing the spread of toxic vapor through a plant after a release.(c) Mathematical techniques to determine the various ways that processes can fail, and the probability of failure.Recent advances in chemical plant safety emphasize the use of appropriate technological tools to provide information for making safety to decision with respect to plant design and operation. The word safety used to means the older strategy of accident prevention through the used of hats, safety shoes, and a variety of rules and regulations. The main emphasis was on worker safety. Much more recently, safety has been replaced by loss prevention. This term includes hazard identification, technical evaluation, and the design of new engineering features to prevent loss. The words safety and loss prevention will be used synonymously throughout for convenience.Safety, hazard, and risk are frequently-used terms in chemical process safety. Their definitions are:(a)Safety or loss prevention is the prevention of accidents by the use of appropriate technologies to identifiers the hazard of a chemical plant and to eliminate them before an accident occurs.(b)A hazard is anything with potential for producing an accident.(c)Risk is the probability of a hazard resulting in an accident.Chemical plants contain a large variety of hazards. Fires, there are the usual mechanical hazards that cause worker injuries from tripping failing, or moving equipment. Second, there are chemical hazards. These include fire and explosion hazards, reactivity hazards, and toxic hazards.As will be shown later, chemical plants are the safest of all manufacturing facilities. However, the potential always exists for an accident of catastrophe proportions. Despite substantial safety programs by the chemical industry, headlines of the type shown in Figure continue to appear in newspapers.A successful safety program requires several ingredients. These ingredients are a) Safety knowledge b) Safety experiencec) Technical competenced) Safety management supporte) CommitmentLESSON 17 Plant Design and General ConsiderationsThe general term plant design includes all engineering aspects involved in the development of either a new, modified, or expanded industrial plant. In this development, the chemical engineer will be making economic evaluations of new processes, designing individual pieces of equipment for the proposed new venture, or developing a plant layout for coordination of the overall operation. Because of these many design duties, the chemical engineer is many times referred to here as a design engineer. On the other hand, a chemical engineer specializing in the economic aspects of the design is often referred to as a cost engineer. In many instances, the process engineering is used in connection with economic evaluation and general economic analyses of industrial processes, while process design refers to the actual design of the equipment and facilities necessary for carrying out the process. Similarly, the meaning of plant design is limited by some engineers to items related directly to the complete plant, such as plant layout, general service facilities, and plant location.The purpose of the text is to present the major aspect of plant design as related to the overall design project. Although one person cannot be an expert in all the phases involved in plant design, it is necessary to be acquainted with the general problems and approach in each of the phases. The process engineer may not be connected directly with the final detailed design of the equipment and the designer of the equipment may have little influence on a decision by management as to whether or not a given return on an investment is adequate to justify construction of a complete plant. Nevertheless, if the overall design project is to be successful, close teamwork is necessary among the various groups of engineers working on the different phases of the project. The most effective teamwork and coordination of efforts are obtained when each of the engineers in the specialized groups is aware of the many functions in the overall design project.The development of the overall design project involves many different design considerations. Failure to include these considerations in the overall design project may, in many instances, alter the entire economic situation so drastically as to make the venture unprofitable. Some of the factors involved in the development of a complete plant design include plant location, plant layout, materials of construction, structural design, utilities, buildings, storage, materials handling, safety, waste disposal, federal, state, and locate laws or codes, and patents. Record keeping and accounting procedures are also important factors in general design considerations, and it is necessary that the design engineer be familiar with the general terminology and approach used by accountants for cost and asset accounting.The development of a design project proceeds in a logical, organized sequence requiring more and more time, effort, and expenditure as one phase leads into the next. It is extremely important, therefore, to stop and analyze the situation carefully before proceeding with each subsequent phase. Many projects are discarded as soon as the preliminary investigation or research on the original idea is complete. The engineer working on the project must maintain a realistic and practical attitude in advancing through the various stages of a design project and not be swayed by personal interests and desires when deciding if further work on a particular project is justifiable. Remember, if the engineers work is continued on through the various phases of a design project, it will eventually end up in a proposal that money be invested in the process. If no tangible return can be realized from the investment, the proposal will be turned down. Therefore, the engineer should have the ability to eliminate unprofitable ventures before the design project approaches at a final-proposal stage.LESSON 19 Process Reactor DesignEvery chemical engineer should know not only the processes of manufacturing chemicals but also the design and operation of the equipment needed to carry out the processes. This equipment can be divided into two main groups. The first group consists of the equipment used to purify or separate raw material to the extent necessary to obtain optimum yields. In as much as the properties of the substances after processing remain the same as those of the raw materials, these separations are essentially physical treatment steps; the design and operation of the physical separation equipment are studied in unit operations. The second group consists of chemical reactors in which the processed raw materials react to create products with entirely new physical and chemical properties. This is a chemical treatment step.When we look at chemical processes, we see that every process behaves as shown in Fig.1. That is to say, the raw materials go through a series of physical separation devices and then enter the chemical reactors in which the transformation is carried out. From the reactors, the reaction mixtures which contain the new desired products, side undesired products, and unreacted reactants will be once more purified or separated to obtain products of high quality, to recover the potentially valuable unreacted raw materials, and to destroy or separate the side products. In most cases, recycling the reaction mixtures from the last groups to the first group of the physical separation devices increased the yield of the reaction. Here, we are primarily concerned with the chemical treatment step. We will discuss the type of the reactor needed, provisions for exchange of energy with surroundings, and operation conditions such as temperature, pressure, flow rates, and compositions.Some economic considerations of important in process reactor systems are the optimum operating conditions, cost analysis and profitability, the stability of the reaction, the control of the reaction, the material construction, and scale-up problems. Whenever necessary, some of these factors will be briefly described.In the design of a process reactor, a chemical engineer must consider the following:1. What reactor will occur in the reactor?2. How fast could the reaction go?3. What type and size should the reactor be? What operating temperature, pressure, compositions, and flow rates should be selected?4. Is the production economical? The first question deals with the thermodynamics from which the equilibrium composition of the reaction mixture can be estimated. The second concerns the process kinetics from which the rate constant of a reaction can be predicted. The third accounts for mass and energy balances in the reaction system. The incorporation of the second and third determines the type and size of the reactor required for certain reactions. The fourth question considers the economics of the process from which the optimum operating conditions can be obtained. In order to fulfill these requirements, we nee information, knowledge, and experience from a variety of areas: thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and economics.LESSON 21 BioengineeringBioengineering is the application of engineering knowledge to the fields of medicine and biology. The bioengineer must be well grounded in biology and have engineering knowledge that is broad, drawing upon electrical, chemical, mechanical, and other en

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