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Integrated Writing 的基本类型n转折关系nLecture驳斥ReadingnLecture 提出Reading未提及的不良方面或问题n延续关系nLecture支持ReadingnLecture解释Reading 的原因和结果n延续+转折Integrated Writing 的评分标准nThe specific ideas, explanations, and arguments in the lecture that oppose or support points in the reading. -Points in the listeningnA clear coherent structure that enables the reader to understand what points in the lecture relate to what points in the reading. -Structure of your responsenCoherent and accurate presentations of each point you make-language you use should accurately reflect ideas in the lecture and the reading. -Grammar and vocabularyWhat is the Key Points?In ReadingMain idea - 核心态度Explanation information - 主要理由阅读的文章看出基本结构和主要支持信息In Listening main idea - 核心态度explanation information - 主要理由supporting examples - 细节例子听力材料听得越多越好Practice: OG-250Key points in Reading: nTeam: certain projectnAdvantages of team worknA wider range of knowledge, expertise, skills-work more quicklynCreative solutions-spread the responsibilitynRewarding for team membersnFeel better about the work decided by themselvesnMember to shine-results are far reachingKey Points in Listening: nSome didnt contribute + Some who worked well and provide insight can not be recognized-members shinenContributors feel bad-feel betternProjects didnt move quickly (agreements)-work quickly because resourcesnInfluencers have too much influence (Never work-drop / creative-accepted) -not includednproject failed, blame all-spread responsibilityPractice: OG-282Key points in Reading: nAltruism-gain nothingnHumans: sharing food, donate organs, little rewardsnAnimals: MeerkatA sentinel alarm / alerting othersGain nothing-without food while others eatDanger-flee aloneKey Points in Listening: nMeercatneat before stand guard-gain nothing, without foodnlikely to escape, near burrow, but others danger-danger/ flee alonenalarm (cause others to move-draw attention)-alerting othersnHumannappreciation, self-worth (non-material rewards)-little rewards from donating organsPractice: Delta-378Key points in Reading: nIrrigationsources / many forms and typesnSurface irrigationnFlooding field-widely used (low cost and tradition)nFurrow irrigation-U / VnSurface-pipe irrigationnBorder irrigationnBasin irrigationKey Points in Listening: nAgriculture is in high use of water by irrigation. Afterwards can not be used for other purposes. -not includednSome irrigation more efficiently. Surface method no efficient. -not includednA lot of water to flood the field-not includednWater in ponds evaporate /down to ground-not included nBetter ones: sprinkler system/ drip oneeven distribution-However, also surface irrigation-evaporate -not included结构安排先我后他结构Introduction: Listening-ReadingDevelopment: L1 - R1 L2 - R2 L3 - R3 先他后我结构Introduction: Reading-Listening Development: R1 - L1R2 - L2R3 - L3 Writing Sample: OG-284The lecture completely refutes the passage. It is said in the lecture that, the perceived acts of altruism are nothing more than sneaky methods of gaining advantage for ones self.-LContrary to the belief in the passage that sentinels risk their lives for the cause of the whole group, the professor says that the meerkat sentinels are in fact less prone to threats. The alarm sentinels give off causes to group to move rashly which draw the predators attention towards them, thus drawing away the attention from the sentinels. -R+LThe lecture refutes the fact that these meerkats are altruistic in the sense that they gain nothing in exchange of their services. In fact, researches have shown that they have a full stomach as they perform this altruism duty and have a better chance of escaping from danger because they witness it first. -R+LProfessor also offers a different underlying motivation that causes people to believe that acts such as donating an organ or sharing food with someone in need are altruistic. She says that people gain appreciation as a results of such acts, which may be deemed by some much more important than materialistic gains.-R+LWriting Sample: OG-255The lecturer talks about research conducted by a firm that used the group system to handle their work. He says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and somewhat inaccurate when compared to what happened for real. -L+RFirst, some members got free rides. That is some didnt work hard but got recognition for the success nonetheless. This also indicates that people who worked hard was not given recognition they should have got. In other words, they werent give the opportunity to shine . This directly contradicts what the passage indicates. -L+RSecond, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involved and their aggregated resources. However, the speaker talks about how the firm found out that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. Groups needed more time for meetings, which are necessary procedures in decision making. This was another part where experience contradicted theory. -L+RThird, influential people might emerge, and lead the group towards glory or failure. If the influent people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the wrong direction, there is nobody that has enough influence to counter the decision made. In other words, the group might turn into a dictatorship, with the influential party as the leader, and might be less flexible in thinking. They might become one-sided, and this fails to succeed. -L常用词n听力材料:Lecture, Listening material, listeningn阅读材料:Reading, passage, reading passagen讲话人:Lecturer, professor, speakern文章作者:authorn陈述:state, indicate, believe, suggest, discuss, talk about, make the point that, sayn驳斥: refute, disagree with, cast doubt on, challenge, oppose, conflict with, deny the statement of, contradictn支持:support, enhance, uphold, justifyn转折:in contrast, however, on the other hand, butn列举:first, second, third, first of all, secondly, also, finally句子转化练习The lecturertotallydisagrees withthe viewmade in the reading.The speakercompletelydeniesthe ideamade in the passage.The professorentirelychallengesthe statementmade by the author.Thisdirectly contradictswhat the passageindicates., whichdirectly denieswhat the authorstates.Thisdirectly challengeswhat the reading passagebelieves.In the lecture,the speakerhas totally differentideas on the topicmade in the reading.In the lecturethe professorhas completely different ideas on the topicmade in the passageIn the listeningthe lecturerhas entirely different ideas on the topicmade in the reading passage万能套用句:n先他后我 - 其间以转折词过渡nReadingPoint, but ListeningPoint.nContrary to Reading Points, Listening Pointsn先我后他 - 其间以驳斥动词过渡nListeningPoint, which oppose ReadingPointnListeningPoint. This opposes ReadingPoint万能套用句的转化先他后我Reading Points 表达转折词Listening Points 表达The reading passage contends that,but; howeverthe lecturer argues that .According to the reading passage, ; on the other handthe professor in the listening argues thatIn the reading passage, the author believes that ; in contrastthe lecturer holds the opposite opinion and believe thatContrary to the point in the reading that, The speaker states thatDifferent from the opinion in the reading that The professor in the lecture argues that先我后他Listening Points 表达驳斥v + Reading points 表达In the listening, the professor says thatThis directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because the speaker in the listening argues thatThis point disagrees with statement demonstrated in the reading thatAccording to the lecturer, ,which refutes the point that in the reading.The lecturer believes that ,which casts doubt on the authors point that According to the professor in the lecture,.,which differs from the reading in that the reading states.


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