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,_,making a speech about sport,_,Unit 2 Project,我和你,What sporting events are performed in the Olympic Games?,Brainstorming,Football (Olympic sport since 1900),Basketball (Olympic sport since 1936),Badminton (Olympic sport since 1992),Table tennis (Olympic sport since 1988),Boxing (Olympic sport since 1904),Archery (Olympic sport since 1900),Volleyball (Olympic sport since 1964),Baseball (Olympic sport since 1992),Cycling (Olympic sport since 1896),Canoeing (Olympic sport since 1936),Gymnastics (Olympic sport since 1896),Hockey (Olympic sport since 1908),Fencing (Olympic sport since 1896),Judo (Olympic sport since 1964),Ice Hockey (Olympic sport since 1920),Swimming (Olympic sport since 1896),Rowing (Olympic sport since 1896),Running (Olympic sport since 1896),Skating (Olympic sport since 1908),Skiing (Olympic sport since 1924),Handball (Olympic sport since 1936),Tae kwon do (Olympic sports since 2000),Weightlifting (Olympic sport since 1896),Modern Pentathlon (Olympic sport since 1912),Wrestling (Olympic sport since 1896),Sailing (Olympic sport since 1900),Shooting (Olympic sport since 1896),Softball (Olympic sport since 1996),Tennis (Olympic sport since 1896),Triathlon (Olympic sport since 2000),Wonderful moments,Which of these sporting events do you like best? Why?,What other kinds of sporting events do you hope should be included in the Olympic Games?,can we enter a new sport into the Olympics?,How,Main topic,Fast reading,Which kind of sports has recently been added to the Olympics?,Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.,Tae kwon do.,True or False,Entering a sport into the Olympics can be a long process. Golf has been in the Olympics for many years by now. Tae kwon do, now very popular, was first included in the Olympics in 2000. 4. If a sport is practised by men in 70 countries on four continents, it can be included in the Olympics.,F,F,T,T,Listening,Part 1,Careful reading,What requirements must be met before a sport can be considered by the IOC?,A sport must have its own international association. A sport must be practised by A current sport must be dropped.,men in at least 75 countries on at least four continents,women in at least 40 countries on three continents,Part 2,Because these sports were judged less popular and they had to make way for new, more popular sports.,What sports have been removed from the Olympics? Why?,baseball,power boating,Part 3,In 2000., When was tae kwon do added in the Olympics?, What other sports will be added? Why?,Rugby and golf. Because they are now very popular and are played all around the world.,Part 4,Wushu, a Chinese martial art.,Which sport is still trying to get into the Olympics?,The process of entering a sport into the Olympics:,meet many requirements,considered by the IOC,A current sport is dropped. A new sport is added.,First,Second,Third,helps ensure that,Summary,It is a long process to enter a sport into the Olympics. Before a sport can be considered by the International Olympic _, many _ should be met. A sport must have its own _.,Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions from the text.,Committee,requirements,association,It must be practised by men in _ 75 countries on at least _ continents and practised by _ in at least 40 countries and on three continents. Moreover, another sport must be dropped so as to _ the Olympics are _ under _.,four,at least,kept,help,women,control,Useful words and expressions:,meet many requirements keep under control make way for,满足许多要求 使处于控制之下 给让路; 让位于,Consolidation,Winning isnt everything,There are three teams:the Eagles, the Kangaroos and the Bears.,1.How many teams are mentioned in this article? What are they?,Four matches. In the first match, between the Eagles and the Kangaroos, the Eagles won. However, the Eagles lost in next match. In the next tournament, the kangaroos defeated the Eagles by a sore of 5to 1. and in the final match of this tournament, the Kangaroos lost to the Bears by 0 to 1.,2.How many matches are talked about in this article? Which team won in each match?,Language points,v. 增加; 补充说,If the tea is too strong, add some water. “And dont be late,” she added. The trip will greatly add to our knowledge. Would you like to add some sugar to your coffee? Add all the numbers up and see what the answer is. His whole school education added up to no more than one year.,add,keep/bring/getunder control 使处于控制之下 政府正在努力使禽流感处于控制之下。 The government is now trying to keep bird flu under control. 火势终于被控制住了。 The fire was finally brought under control.,beyond control 无法掌握,无法控制 in control of 管理 in the control of 被控制/管理 lose control of 无法控制,对失去控制 out of control 不受控制,失去控制 take control of 控制,管理,control n.,1. 与一个脾气经常失控的人是很难相处的。 Its difficult to deal with a man who often loses control of his temper. 2. 我们必须采取措施使洪水处于控制之下。 We must take some measures to get the flood water under control. 3. 汽车失去了控制, 滚下了山坡。 The car got out of control and rolled down the hill.,under attack 遭受袭击 under discussion 在讨论中 under repair 在修理中 under control 在控制中 under construction 在建设中 under consideration 在考虑中 under way (船只)航行中, (计划)进行中,相关链接,移开,移动 Please remove your hand from my shoulder. 请把你的手从我肩膀上移开。 2) 免除, 脱下 He was removed from his position as chairman. Remove/take off your gloves when shaking hands with others. 3) 去掉,清除 She removed her make-up with a tissue. 她用纸巾擦掉脸上的脂粉。 I couldnt remove fears from his mind. 5) 搬家,迁移 Were removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦搬到乡下。,remove,众所周知, 所有的车辆都得给消防车让路。 As is known to all, all traffic has to make way for fire-engine. 开车时, 要给救护车让路。 You should make way for an ambulance when you are driving.,make ones way 辛苦地前进,行走 no way 没门 ,不行 in a way 从某种意义上说 in the/ones way 挡路,make way for,1. 2010 陕西卷 I think he is taking an active part in social work. I agree with you_. A. in a way B. on the way C. by the way D. in the way,高考链接,Translation,1. 他在赴机场的途中车子发生了故障。 He was on the way to the airport when his car broke down. 2. 他正在逐渐复原。 He is on the way to getting better.,Entering a sport into the Olympics can be a long process. 使一个体育项目进入奥运会有时会是一个很长的过程。 Eg. 孩子有时候会非常烦人。 Children can sometimes be very tiring. 这里有时会非常冷,甚至在五月也是如此。 It can be very cold here, even in May.,Thank you!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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