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HACMP 5.4配置文档1.软件环境21.1 AIX 5300-0521.2 HAMCP 5.422. 硬件环境23. 系统环境23.1 /etc/hosts23.2 /.rhosts24. 配置HACMP 以下操作只需在一个节点上操作即可24.1 配置网络拓朴24.1.1 配置Cluster Name24.1.2 配置Cluster节点24.1.3 配置HACMP网络34.1.3.1 创建IP网络34.1.3.2 创建串口心跳网络34.1.3.3 创建磁盘心跳网络34.1.4 添加网络到Cluster34.1.4.1 创建IP通信接口34.1.4.2 创建串口通信设备44.1.4.3 创建磁盘通信设备54.2 配置HACMP资源54.2.1 配置资源54.2.1.1 创建Applications Servers54.2.1.2 创建Service IP54.2.2 配置资源组64.2.2.1 创建资源组64.2.2.2 配置资源组属性65. 校验并同步HACMP配置76. 启动/停止HACMP76.1 启动HACMP(快速路径:#smitty clstart)76.2 停止HACMP(快速路径:#smitty clstop)87. 测试HACMP(这里仅为模拟测试)81. 软件环境1.1 AIX 5300-051.2 HAMCP 5.42. 硬件环境P630两台DS4300存储一台串口线一根 3. 系统环境3.1 /etc/hosts loopback localhost p630a(另一节点为p630b) p630a_stb p630b_stb192.168.2.100 p630a_boot192.168.2.200 p630b_boot192.168.3.100 p630a_svc p630b_svc3.2 /.rhosts192.168.1.100 4. 配置HACMP 以下操作只需在一个节点上操作即可4.1 配置网络拓朴4.1.1 配置Cluster Name # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure an HACMP Cluster Add/Change/Show an HACMP Cluster * Cluster Name testcluster 4.1.2 配置Cluster节点 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Nodes Add a Node to the HACMP Cluste *NodeName NodeA Communication Path to Node p630a_boot +以同样方法将NodeB添加到Cluster中 *NodeName NodeB Communication Path to Node p630b_boot +4.1.3 配置HACMP网络4.1.3.1 创建IP网络 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Networks Add a Network to the HACMP Cluster * NetworkName net_ether_01 * NetworkType ether * Netmask +* Enable IP Address Takeover via IP Aliases Yes + IP Address Offset for Heartbeating over IP Aliases 使用同样的方法创建net_ether_02 * Enable IP Address Takeover via IP Aliases Yes 此选项决定了HACMP的IP切换方式,但值得一提的是只有“boot”、“standby”、“service”三个IP分别为三个不同网段时必须选用IP Aliases方式。如果“boot”、“standby”其中一个与“service”为同一个网段时必须选用IP Replace,则此选项应选“NO”。 创建串口心跳网络 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Networks Add a Network to the HACMP Cluster * NetworkName net_rs232_01* Network Type rs232 创建磁盘心跳网络 # smitty hacmpExtended Configuration Extended Topology ConfigurationConfigure HACMP Networks Add a Network to the HACMP Cluster* Network Name net_diskhb_01* Network Type diskhb 4.1.4 添加网络到Cluster4.1.4.1 创建IP通信接口 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Networks Configure HACMP Communication Interfaces/Devices Add Communication Interfaces/Device Add Pre-defined Communication Interfaces and Devices Communication Interfaces * IP Label/Address p630a_boot + * Network Type ether * Network Name net_ether_01 * Node Name NodeA + Network Interface 同样方法添加另一个通信接口到”net_ether_01” * IP Label/Address p630b_boot + * Network Type ether * Network Name net_ether_01 * Node Name NodeB + Network Interface 同样方法创建另一个通信接口 * IP Label/Address p630a_ stb + * Network Type ether * Network Name net_ether_02 * Node Name NodeA + Network Interface * IP Label/Address p630b_ stb + * Network Type ether * Network Name net_ether_02 * Node Name NodeB + Network Interface 创建串口通信设备 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Networks Configure HACMP Communication Interfaces/Devices Add Communication Interfaces/Device Add Pre-defined Communication Interfaces and Devices Communication Devices * Device Name rs232_node_a * Network Type rs232 * Network Name net_rs232_01 * Device Path /dev/tty0 * Node Name NodeA + 以同样方法创建另一个串口通信设备 * Device Name rs232_node_b * Network Type rs232 * Network Name net_rs232_01 * Device Path /dev/tty0 * Node Name NodeB + 创建磁盘通信设备 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Topology Configuration Configure HACMP Networks Configure HACMP Communication Interfaces/Devices Add Communication Interfaces/Device Add Pre-defined Communication Interfaces and Devices Communication Devices * Device Name diskhb_node_a * Network Type diskhb * Network Name net_diskhb_01 * Device Path /dev/hdisk1 * Node Name NodeA + 同样方法创建另一个磁盘通信设备 * Device Name diskhb_node_b * Network Type diskhb * Network Name net_diskhb_01 * Device Path /dev/hdisk1 * Node Name NodeA + 做磁盘心跳的磁盘必须将VG创建为Concurrent模式4.2 配置HACMP资源4.2.1 配置资源4.2.1.1 创建Applications Servers # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Resource Configuration HACMP Extended Resources Configuration Configure HACMP Applications Servers Add an Application Server * Server Name appserver * Start Script /hascript/clstart.sh* Stop Script /hascript/clstop.sh需要手动在两个节点上建立“/hascript/clstart.sh”、“/hascript/clstop.sh”并保证其有执行权限。如果是双机互备的话需要建立两个App Server。方法相同。 创建Service IP # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Resource Configuration HACMP Extended Resources Configuration Configure HACMP Service IP Labels/Addresses Add a Service IP Label/AddressConfigurable on Multiple Nodes * IP Label/Address p630a_svc +* Network Name net_ether_01 同样方法配置第二个Service IP * IP Label/Address p630b_svc +* Network Name net_ether_02 Network Name:“net_ether_01”、“ net_ether_02” 决定了与之对应的Service IP默认在哪个网卡上启动。 4.2.2 配置资源组4.2.2.1 创建资源组 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Resource Configuration Add a Resource Group* Resource Group Name rg_node_a Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority) NodeA NodeB + Startup Policy Online On Home Node O + Fallover Policy Fallover To Next Prio + Fallback Policy Fallback To Higher Pr +如果是双机互备的话以同样方法建立另一个资源组 * Resource Group Name rg_node_b Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority) NodeB NodeA + “Participating Nodes”选项决定了资源组中节点的优先级,写在前面的节点其优先级高于后面的节点。 根据实际需求决定资源组的:“Startup Policy”、“Fallover Policy”、“Fallback Policy”。 Startup Policy:Online On Home Node Only: 只在主节点启动。在 “Participating Nodes”中写在第一位的节点启动。Online On First Available Node:在第一个启动的节点启动。在“Participating Nodes”中所选择的所有节点中最先启动的节点上启动。Online Using Distribution Policy:按照分布策略启动Online On All Available Nodes:在所有启动的节点中启动。做并发群集时选择此项。如:Oracle RAC Fallover Policy:Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List:节点失败时资源组迁移到下一优先级节点Fallover Using Dynamic Node Priority:节点失败时动态选择迁移节点Bring Offline (On Error Node Only):将资源组下线 Fallback Policy:Fallback To Higher Priority Node In The List:节点恢复时资源组返回优先级高的节点Never Fallback:不进行资源组回迁4.2.2.2 配置资源组属性 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Resource Configuration Change/Show Resources and Attributes for a Resource Group Resource Group Name rg_node_a Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority) NodeA NodeB Startup Policy Online On Home Node O Fallover Policy Fallover To Next Prio Fallback Policy Fallback To Higher Pr Fallback Timer Policy (empty is immediate) + Service IP Labels/Addresses p630a_svc +Application Servers appserver + Volume Groups datavg+Use forced varyon of volume groups, if necessary false+Automatically Import Volume Groups ture+Filesystems (empty is ALL for VGs specified) +Filesystems Consistency Check fsck+Filesystems Recovery Method sequential+Filesystems mounted before IP configured false+Filesystems/Directories to Export +Filesystems/Directories to NFS Mount Network For NFS Mount +Tape Resources +Raw Disk PVIDs +Fast Connect Services +Communication Links +Primary Workload Manager Class +Secondary Workload Manager Class +如果是双机互备以同样方法修改另一个资源组属性5. 校验并同步HACMP配置 # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration Extended Verification and Synchronization * Verify, Synchronize or Both Both +* Automatically correct errors found during Interactively + verification? * Force synchronization if verification fails? No +* Verify changes only? No +* Logging Standard +6. 启动/停止HACMP6.1 启动HACMP(快速路径:#smitty clstart) # smitty hacmp System Management (C-SPOC) Manage HACMP Services Start Cluster Services * Start now, on system restart or both now Start Cluster Services on these nodes NodeA NodeB * Manage Resource Groups Automatically BROADCAST message at startup? true Startup Cluster Information Daemon? false Ignore verification errors? falsbe Automatically correct errors found during Interactively cluster start? 6.2 停止HACMP(快速路径:#smitty clstop) # smitty hacmp System Management (C-SPOC) Manage HACMP Services Stop Cluster Services * Stop now, on system restart or both now+ Stop Cluster Services on these nodes NodeA NodeB + BROADCAST cluster shutdown? true+*Select an Action on Resource Groups Move Resource Groups+ 7. 测试HACMP(这里仅为模拟测试) # smitty hacmp Extended Configuration HACMP Cluster Test Tool Execute Automated Test Procedure Verbose Logging Yes +Cycle Log File Yes +Abort On Error No +执行测试前先将Cluster停止,否则HACMP的启动测试将无法执行。在执行测试过程中可以使用“tail f /tmp/hacmp.out”来查看HACMP的日志。注:本文主要以介绍HACMP的配置为主,对于HACMP中所使用VG的配置及HACMP的安装方法由于网上有很多非常规范的文档,这里就不再做讲解,请自行查看资料。


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