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第 1 页 共 12 页 沪教版 2020 届九年级英语专题练习 形容词的比较级和最高级 A 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 2016 年全湖北省 2017 届九年级英语专题练习 形容词的比较 共 40 题 共 80 分 1 2 分 2016 东营 Why didn t you cry for help when you were robbed 被抢劫 If I opened my mouth they might find my four gold teeth That would be A bad B much worse C worst D the worst 2 2 分 Which is season in Beijing I think it s autumn A good B better C best D the best 3 2 分 2017 岳池模拟 Is she better today No she is A more bad B much badly C more worse D even worse 第 2 页 共 12 页 4 2 分 2017 广东模拟 The careful you are the mistakes you will make A more more B more less C less fewer D more fewer 5 2 分 China has population in the world A big B the bigger C the biggest D biggest 6 2 分 2016 襄阳 I can t stand swimming in cold rivers in winter But it s for your health You know I often swim in rivers in different seasons A helpful B harmful C painful D careful 7 2 分 2016 八上 抚州期末 Mickey Mouse is so that people around the world know it A famous B talented C outgoing D successful 第 3 页 共 12 页 8 2 分 2017 八上 兴文期中 What s your favorite sport Swimming I think it s A easier B more difficult C the most interesting 9 2 分 In my hometown it is in July but it is even in August A hotter hottest B hot hot C hotter hot D hot hotter 10 2 分 2017 九上 郴州期末 What do you think of the book you read yesterday Oh It s one of books I ve ever read A interesting B more interesting C the most interesting 11 2 分 Now Chinese people are living a life than before A good B well C better D best 12 2 分 2017 九上 县期中 Cities are places to live than before because they are dirtier and more crowded 第 4 页 共 12 页 A more pleasant B less pleasant C pleasant D the most pleasant 13 2 分 2019 九上 长春月考 Our teachers tell us that you work grades you will have A hard good B the harder the better C harder better D the hardest the best 14 2 分 2019 百色 Tea is one of drinks in the world A more popular B the more popular C most popular D the most popular 15 2 分 2019 八上 松滋期中 Where do you live In Beijing It is one of in China A as large cities B the largest cities C the largest city D a larger city 16 2 分 The movie LostinThailand is one that I ve ever seen these years 第 5 页 共 12 页 A funny B the funniest C funnier 17 2 分 To live a green life we should try to save energy and produce pollution A more less B less more C more fewer D most least 18 2 分 Nothing is than read a comic book I like it best A interesting B more interesting C most interesting D the most interesting 19 2 分 2019 闵行模拟 Many people think China is one of countries in the world A safe B safest C the safest D safer 20 2 分 Which is the Sun the Earth or the moon A closest to B the closest to 第 6 页 共 12 页 C closer to D the closer 21 2 分 一 l m getting fatter and fatter now What should I do doctor 一 You d better eat food and take exercise A less less B more more C less more 22 2 分 Please read every sentence The more you are the fewer mistakes you ll make A carefully carefully B careful careful C carefully careful D careful carefully 23 2 分 Which city has population Beijing Guiyang or Xingyi Xingyi of course A the largest B the smallest C the most D the least 24 2 分 Bob lives from school in our class It takes him 30 minutes by bus to go to school every day A farthest B longest 第 7 页 共 12 页 C nearest D closest 25 2 分 2015 八上 永胜期末 The boy is of all in our class A taller B the tallest C tall 26 2 分 Which one is in your school football or basketball A popular B more popular C the most popular D most popular 27 2 分 Farmers have become in our hometown in recent years A more and more rich B richer and richer C more rich and more rich D more richer and more richer 28 2 分 We should use plastic bags to protect the environment Let s say goodbye to them A fewer B more C some D less 第 8 页 共 12 页 29 2 分 If you want to be healthier you must eat junk food A more B less C fewer D much 30 2 分 2017 八上 揭阳期末 Mr Li asks us to remember that careful we are mistakes we will make A the more the fewer B the fewer the more C the more the more D the less the fewer 31 2 分 During this term s Reading Week I read the most books in our class No one read than I A many B more C few D fewer 32 2 分 It wasn t match but at least we won A the most interesting B more interesting C interesting 33 2 分 2017 九上 德阳期中 April is month of the year in Thailand 第 9 页 共 12 页 A hotter B the hotter C hottest D the hottest 34 2 分 2019 山东模拟 Victor used to be a shy boy but now he is than before with our help A quiet B quieter C outgoing D more outgoing 35 2 分 Autumn is coming The weather is getting A cool and cool B the cooler and the cooler C cooler and cooler D the coolest and the coolest 36 2 分 My house is away from the school Li Ping s house is than mine and Liu Mei s house is A far farther farthest B far farther farther C far father the farthest D farther farther the farthest 37 2 分 2017 八下 西宁期末 There isn t a museum near where I live The one is over 30 miles away 第 10 页 共 12 页 A nearest B newest C largest D more beautiful 38 2 分 2016 南长 What do you think of the movie Zootopia Hmm I think it is movie that I have ever seen these years A a good B a better C the best 39 2 分 2017 八下 枣阳期中 The doctor told me not to eat too much but I find it difficult The doctor is right you eat you will be A The less the healthier B The less the more healthier C The more the healthier D The more the more healthier 40 2 分 Bob is much than his sister A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest 第 11 页 共 12 页 参考答案 一 2016 年全湖北省 2017 届九年级英语专题练习 形容词的比较 共 40 题 共 80 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 第 12 页 共 12 页 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 26 答案 略 27 答案 略 28 答案 略 29 答案 略 30 答案 略 31 答案 略 32 答案 略 33 答案 略 34 答案 略 35 答案 略 36 答案 略 37 答案 略 38 答案 略 39 答案 略 40 答案 略

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