高二英语备课《Module 3 Music》课件3 外研版必修2

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.单词聚焦 1_ n 听众 2_ n. 古典音乐 3_ n. 指挥 4_ n. 爵士乐 5_ n. 音乐家 6_ n. 宫廷,audience,classical,conductor,jazz,musician,court,7_ n. 指挥 8_ n. 天才 9_ vt. 失去;丢失 10_ adj. 音乐的 11_ n. 交响乐;交响曲;交响 乐团 12_ n. 天分;天赋;才华 13_ vt. 巡回演出,tour,talent,symphony,musical,lose,genius,director,14_ n. 乐队 15_ adj. 复杂的 16_ vt. 影响 17_ n. 曲调 18_ vt. 录音 19_ n. (大学的)讲师 20_ vt. 使混合,mix,lecturer,record,tune,influence,complex,band,.短语扫描 1be different _ 和不同 2change._. 把变为 3as _as. 和一样 4be successful _ 成功地干 5be impressed _ 对留下印象 6split _ 分裂,from,into,well,in,with,up,7_ a note of 记录 8_ all time 有史以来的 9_ deaf 变聋 10_ that time on 从那时起,from,go,of,make,.原句突破 1_ _ _ _ _ _(在那里工作了三十年),Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful. 【答案】 Having worked there for 30 years,2By the time he was 14,Mozart _ _ _ _ _(已创作许多曲子) the harpsichord,piano and violin as well as for orchestras. 【答案】 had composed many pieces for,3_ _ _ _(随着年龄的增长),he began to go deaf. 【答案】 As he grew older 4Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(在那里度过余生) 【答案】 stayed there for the rest of his life,5He found _ _ _ _ _ _ _(谱出好音乐更难) 【答案】 it more difficult to compose good music,lose oneself in sth./be lost in.专心致志于某事 (be) lost in thought陷入沉思 get lost迷路 She has lost interest in maths.她对数学失去了兴趣。,lose (lost,lost) v.失去,丧失;迷失,He is losing his patience.他正失去耐心。 She lost her way in the darkness.她在黑暗中迷失了方向。 She sat there quietly,lost in thought. 她静静地坐在那里,陷入了思考。 He lost himself/was lost in reading a storybook. 他沉浸在故事书中。 I got lost in the dark.在黑暗中,我迷路了。,lost adj.丢失的,失踪的 On the way home,she found her necklace lost/missing/gone. 在回家的路上,她发现项链丢失了。,1.The girl,_herself behind me_in thought. Aseating;was lost Bseating;was losing Cseated;was losing Dseating;lost,【解析】 主句应为:The girl was lost in thought.固定短语be lost in thought陷入沉思,动词短语seat herself在句中作定语,与主语the girl之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式。 【答案】 A,He is a man of great talent.他是一个很有才能的人。 She has a talent for painting.她有绘画方面的天分。 In general,girls have great talent for languages. 一般说来,女孩子有语言天赋。 He is a great talent.他是个了不起的人才。,talent n.特殊的能力;天才;有才能的人,talented adj.有才能的;有才干的;天才的 talentless adj.无才能的;平庸的 a talented musician 天才的音乐家 He is famous as a talented artist. 他作为一个天才的艺术家而闻名。,2.She showed a talent_acting_an early age. Ain;at Bat;on Cfor;at Dwith;in,【解析】 此题考查介词的固定搭配。have/show a talent for doing sth.,at the age of/at an early age.句意为:她在很小的时候就显示出表演的天赋。 【答案】 C,have influence over有左右的力量 have an influence on/upon对施加影响 under the influence of受的影响 Watching TV for a long time has a great influence on childrens health.长时间的看电视对孩子的健康有很大的影响。,influence n.影响;权势(不可数,What parents do has great influence on childrens behavior. 父母的言行对孩子的行为有很大影响。 She has great influence over her son.她儿子很听她的话。 His father is a man of great influence in the city. 他父亲在这个城市是个有影响力的人物。,vt.影响,对产生影响 People who live together usually influence each other. 住在一起的人通常相互影响。 What influenced you to change your mind? 是什么使你改变了主意?,3.Overheating development might have a bad_on the national economy. Acause Binfluence Cresult Dfactor,【解析】 have an influence on.对有影响,是固定词组。句意为“过热的发展会对国家经济产生不利影响”。 【答案】 B,Listen to the teacher attentively in class and record what is important.上课时聚精会神地听老师讲课并把重要的内容记录下来。 Just speak aloud and your voice will be recorded on the tape recorder.大声说话,你的声音就会录在录音机上。 It is recorded that there had been a lot of earthquakes in this area.据记载说这个地区以前发生过多次地震。,record v.记录;录音,(1)C 成绩,经历 He is very happy because his school record is good. 因为他的学业成绩好,他非常高兴。 He studies hard and has a good record at school. 他学习刻苦,成绩优良。,(2)C 履历;前科,犯罪记录 Dont disbelieve him just because he has a criminal record. 不要因为他有犯罪前科就不信任他。 (3)C 记录,记载,唱片 keep a record of把记录下来 make a record录制唱片 keep/hold a record保持记录,set a record创记录 break a record打破记录 equal a record平记录 Keep a record of the mistakes you often make in your exercises. 把你练习中经常犯的错误记下来。 The athletes set a new world record in the sprintrelay. 运动员们在短跑接力赛中创造了一项新的世界纪录。,4.His newest record,digitally_in the studio,sounded fantastic. Arecorded Brecording Cto be recorded Dhaving recorded,【解析】 本题考查过去分词作后置定语。record“唱片”与动词record之间为被动关系,因此要用过去分词。 【答案】 A,mix.with.把与混合,使与结合/调和 mix with.与有来往;混合 mix up混淆,弄混,mix vt.& vi.使混合;使结合;相溶合,We can sometimes mix business with pleasure. 有时我们能把商业与娱乐结合起来。 Oil and water do not mix.油和水不相溶。 He never mixes business with his private feelings. 他从不在工作上掺入他私人的感情。 I got mixed up about which side was right. 我搞不清楚到底哪一边是对的。,(1)mixed adj.混杂的;混合的 have mixed feelings有复杂的感情 (2)mixture n混合物 Dont mix the fruit with the rest of mixture. 不要把水果和别的东西拌在一起。,5.He mixed red paint_yellow paint to make orange paint. Ato Bfor Cwith Dat 【解析】 mix.with.把与混合起来。 【答案】 C,Their tastes are different from mine.他们的爱好和我的不一样。,be different from与不同,(1)difference n差异 Whats the difference between Chinese music and foreign countries?中国音乐与外国音乐的区别是什么? Its easy to tell the difference between the two children. 区别这两个孩子是很容易的。,(2)differ vi.与不同;与不一样 Customs differ in different countries.各国风俗不同。 His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。,6.The way he did it was different_we were used to. Ain which Bin what Cfrom what Dfrom which,【解析】 表示“和有区别;不一样”,要用be different from的句型,而且后面的used to少了宾语,所以用what来作宾语并引导后面的宾语从句。 【答案】 C,George is known as a successful banker. 乔治以成功的银行家而著称。 The African lion is known as the king of the forest. 非洲狮子被称为森林之王。,be known as.作为而熟知,(1)be known for/be famous for由于而出名 Dickens was wellknown as a great writer for his excellent novel “The tale of two cities” 狄更斯作为一名作家,因为他出色的作品双城记而闻名。 (2)be known to/be famous to对来说有名 It is wellknown to all that the earth moves around the sun.,As is wellknown to all,the earth moves around the sun. 众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。 (3)make sth.known (to sb.) 把某事(向某人)公布 In the party,she tried her best to make herself known to everyone.在聚会上,她设法让每个人都认识她。,7.(2007年全国卷)Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his_one. Abetterknown Bwellknown Cbestknown Dmostknown,【解析】 句意为:谈到他所创作的歌曲,这很可能是他最著名的一首了。根据句意,此题应选用最高级的形式。well的最高级形式是best,所以C项为正确答案。 【答案】 C,change.for.用换 change.with sb.与某人交换 get changed换装 Heat changes water into steam.高温将水变成了蒸汽。,change.into.把变成;把换成,Id like to change this dress for one in a larger size. 我想把这件衣服换成大号的。 Hurry up!No time to get changed!快点!没时间换服装了!,change用做名词,表示“变化”时,常用做可数名词;作“零钱;找零”讲时用做不可数名词。 Change happens/takes place all the time;nothing stays the same for long.事物总是不断变化的,没有一成不变的东西。,8.填入适当的介词 (1)Can I change pounds _ dollars here? (2)Id like to change this dress _ another. (3)I wouldnt change places _ him for anything;Im happier the way Im living. 【答案】 (1)into (2)for (3)with,I made a note of her address and phone number. 我记下了她的地址和电话号码。 Youd better make notes of the details of the accident. 你最好把事故的细节记录下来。 He sat there taking notes of everything that was said. 他坐在那里把说的每一件事都记录下来。,make a note of记录;记下,(1)compare notes (with sb.) (与某人)交换意见;互道感想 (2)make/take a note ofmake/take notes of 把记录下来;记下;记录 Take note of what he is going to say.注意他将要说的话。,9.Please_a note of what I said and if you have different opinions,_notes afterwards. Atake;make Bcompare;take Cmake;compare Dmake;take 【解析】 make/take a note of记下,compare notes交流意见。 【答案】 C,By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin as well as for orchestras. 莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。,by the time引导的是时间状语从句。 (1)by the time一般过去时,主句一般用过去完成时 By the time he was twelve,he had learned mathematics all by himself.到他12岁时,他已经自学了数学。,By the time he got home,the light had gone out. 他到家时,灯已熄灭。 (2)by the time一般现在时,主句一般用将来时或将来完成时 By the time he retires,he will have worked for 35 years. 到退休时,他将工作满35年。,10.Im sure we_the work by the time he comes back. Afinish Bhave finished Cwill have finished Dhad finished 【解析】 从时间状语从句可以看出到将来的某一时间为止才能完成的动作,故用将来完成时。 【答案】 C,11By the time Jane gets home,her aunt_for London to attend a meeting. Awill leave Bleaves Cwill have left Dleft 【解析】 by the time Jane gets home是表示将来的时间,所以主句用将来完成时。 【答案】 C,(1)go deaf表示“变聋”的意思。其中的go为系动词,表示“变得”,后面跟形容词表示情形,但多跟贬义的形容词。 The woman went mad after her son was killed. 儿子被杀后那位母亲就疯了。 His illness is going worse.他的病情正在恶化。,As he grew older,he began to go deaf. 随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵聋了。,(2)go后面还可接有关颜色的形容词。 My fathers hair is going grey.爸爸的头发变白了。 He went red with anger when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息,气得脸都红了。,go,become,grow与turn用法比较: (1)go指由好变坏,由正常状况变成特殊情况。 As time goes by,the conditions go worse. 随着时间的流逝,情况变得更糟糕。 (2)become (get)可指由好变坏,也可指由坏变好,强调变化过程的完成。 He has become a skilled worker. 他已经成为一名熟练的技工。,(3)grow逐渐变成新状态,强调过程。 As time went on he grew more and more impatient. 随着时间的推移,他越来越没有耐心了。 Its growing warmer and warmer.天越来越暖和了。 (4)turn成为完全不同的事物,强调变化的结果。 He turned scientist after graduation.毕业后他成为了科学家。,12.On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she_pale. Agot Bchanged Cwent Dappeared 【解析】 go作为系动词,意为“变得”,多由好变坏。 【答案】 C,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna是一个强调句型。 强调句型的基本结构为“It is/was被强调部分that/who其余部分”。被强调的部分通常是句子的主语、宾语和状语;被强调部分如果是人,that和who都可以使用,如果强调的是人以外的其他成分,则只能用that。,However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.,然而,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。,It is I who/that am to blame for the traffic accident. 应为这起交通事故负责任的是我。 It was some old friends that he met at the evening party. 他在晚会上遇到的是一些老朋友。 It was in the street that he was robbed. 是在大街上他遭到了抢劫。,(1)如果强调not.until.句型中until引导的时间状语,not要放到until前面。 I didnt recognize her until she took off her sunglasses. It was not until she took off her sunglasses that I recognized her. 直到她摘下墨镜我才认出她来。,(2)强调句型的一般疑问句是把is或was提前;其特殊疑问句结构为:特殊疑问词beitthat/who其余部分。 Was it three days ago that the old man disappeared? 那位老人是三天前失踪的吗? Where was it that you met the famous scientist? 你是在哪里遇见那个著名科学家的?,(3)强调句型的判别方式为:把it is/was及that去掉,依然是一个完整的句子;否则,就不是强调句型。 It was in the park that I lost my cell phone.(强调句型) It is clear that not all boys like playing football.(非强调句型),13.It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come or what you are. Aone Bthat Cwhat Dit 【解析】 这是一个强调句型,四个选项中,只有that可用于该句型中。 【答案】 B,14It was for this reason _ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. Awhich Bwhy Cthat Dhow 【解析】 句意为“正是由于这个原因她的叔叔搬出纽约,定居在一个小村子里”。这是一个强调句,强调的是原因状语。 【答案】 C,15(2009年上海春)It was because he would get the chance to travel_he wanted to work as a tour guide. Athat Bwhy Cwhat Dwhere,【解析】 句意为:正是因为他会得到旅游的机会,他才想做导游工作的。考查强调句型的用法。此句是强调句型,被强调的成分是because引导的原因状语从句。 【答案】 A,.单词拼写 1He is a most_(有天赋的) person but he shouldnt be satisfied with what he is now. 【答案】 talented 2The parents were very surprised to find that the girl had solved the_(复杂的) problem. 【答案】 complex,3Most students prefer pop music to_(古典的) music. 【答案】 classical 4The_(观众) enjoyed every minute of the performance. 【答案】 audience 5A teacher has great_(影响) over his pupils. 【答案】 influence,6His brother is a_(讲师) of history in a famous university. 【答案】 lecturer 7Michael Jordan is a_(天才),but his talent is not the kind that is measured by IQ tests. 【答案】 genius,8When did Mozart begin to_(作曲)? 【答案】 compose 9They_(丢失) their son in the crowd. 【答案】 lost 10Id like to go on a_(游览) of France. 【答案】 tour,.短语运用 go hungry,mix up,lose oneself,have a genius for,under the influence of,make a note of,as well as,be composed of,change ones mind,be popular with 11The chief editors _ finding mistakes in the stories. 【答案】 have a genius for,12I _ her address and phone number. 【答案】 made a note of 13Water _ hydrogen and oxygen. 【答案】 is composed of 14He is a man _ his neighbours. 【答案】 popular with,15If you _ about the job,just give me a call. 【答案】 change your mind 16He _ his sister will go to visit the Olympic gyms. 【答案】 as well as 17The boat shook from side to side _ the big waves. 【答案】 under the influence of,18His new play _sadness and humor. 【答案】 mixed up 19Many people are still _ all over the world. 【答案】 going hungry 20He _ in playing computer games,so he failed the exam. 【答案】 lost himself,.完成句子 21我来的时候,她已经走了。 By the time I arrived,_ _ _ _. 【答案】 she had already gone 22真奇怪,他这次考试没有及格。 _ _ _ _he should have failed in this exam. 【答案】 It is strange that,23他说他借给我一些钱,如果那样的话我就买那台电脑。 He said he would lend me some money,_ _ _ _ _ _ _. 【答案】 if so I can buy that computer,24那个警察把我们的姓名和地址记下之后就让我们走了。 _ _ _ our names and addresses,the policeman dismissed us. 【答案】 Having written down 25直到上个月,他才完成他的书。 _ _ _ _ _ _ that he finished his book. 【答案】 It was not until last month,课时作业 点击进入链接,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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