高二英语备课《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》课件4 外研版必修2

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高二英语备课《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》课件4 外研版必修2_第1页
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高二英语备课《Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits》课件4 外研版必修2_第3页
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Our Body and Healthy Habits,Look at these words and the expressions, then complete the sentences with them dentist diet fat fit flu (influenza) health rare toothache unhealthy get/catch a cold wealth,1.If you have a _ ,youd better go to see the _ 2.In order to keep _,you should take more exercise. 3.My nose is blocked because I have_ _ _. 4.Good_means_. 5.It is said that bird _ is dangerous. 6.My wife is _in order to lose weight,toothache,dentist,fit,got/caught,a cold,health,wealth,flu,on a diet,Read the English proverbs and guess their meanings 1.You are what you eat. 2.Healthy mind in a healthy body. 3.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 5.Eat to live, but dont live to eat.,饮食塑造性格,健康的身体是健康思想的基础,早起早睡使人健康,富裕,聪慧.,一天一苹果,大夫远离我,吃是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃,Work in groups or pairs to discuss the following questions. 1.Do you often get a cold or flu? Why? 2.How many vegetables and fruit do you eat a day? 3.How often do you eat fish? 4.How much exercise do you take a week? 5.Do you often eat much fat, for example, fatty meat? Why? 6.Do you often eat a lot of sweet things, for example, chocolate? 7.Do you get toothache? 8.Are you quite fit?,Language points,1.connect-with; join to 连接 be connected with 与-有联系 eg:The railway connects the village with the city. 据说,这位老人与这次交通事故无关. It is said that the old man is not connected with the car accident. 2.diet n.v be on a diet , go on a diet 节食 医生建议我节食 The doctor suggested I go on a diet. 不要请他去宴会了,他在节食 Dont invite him to the dinner ;he is on a diet.,3. fit (1) adj 健康的,适合的 be fit to do sth 适合做某事 be fit for sth胜任/适合做某事 我认为他适合这项工作 I think he is fit for this job . The water in this well is fit to drink. She eats an apple every day to keep fit. (2) v.(大小、形状)适合,吻合 The coat fits me well. (3) fit on 试穿 4. get/have a cold, catch (a) cold Hes had a bad cold for a week. 5.take exercise 进行运动 do morning exercises The doctor permitted him to take exercise after supper.,你经常做早操以保持健康吗? Do you do morning exercises to keep healthy? The teacher asked us to do the following exercises 6.It is three hours ride from home to the school. two hours为以s结尾的复数名词的所有袼. thirty minutes walk 30分钟的步行 twenty miles journey 20英里的行程 three pounds weight 3磅重 7.at (the) least /most At least ,you should remember ten English words every day. 8. keep away from 远离; keep out of 不介入 .,我们必须尽力远离禽流感。 We must try our best to keep away from bird flu. 你不要介入他们的争吵。 You should keep out of their quarrel .,有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚; 苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。,Grammar,词的构成:,转化,合成,派生,派生 possible, impossible inform information,合成 keyboard text message long-distance,转化 Please water the flower with fresh water.,He lives in a house whose window faces south.,The naughty boy often makes faces in class,to make other students laugh.,Anyone who hasnt handed in your homework,raises your hand ,please.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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