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对外经贸英语函电系列学习资料黄淼Vocabularies and phrases:the reference and date 档案号和日期/the postscript附言the salutation 称呼/the complimentary close结尾敬语continuation sheets连续页码/carbon copy明抄envelope=superscription信封/blind carbon copy暗抄CHAPTER ONEThe Milk Way 银河/establish business relation建立业务关系attendance at the commodities fairs 参加出口商品交易会/ Guang Zhou Trade and Fairs 广交会mutual visits(互访) by trade delegations and groups(贸易代表团)the chambers of commerce both at home and abroad国内及国外商汇business scope 业务范围/ liaison office代表处/integrity信誉程度financial position财务状况/merchants商人/turnover营业额/prospective dealers经销商the introduction from his business connections通过商业关系户Lesson 1 Owe:1. oweto somebody承蒙(人或公司),我方获知你方地址.We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing2.There is still a balance of 1,000 owing to us仍然欠我们债务3.Through the countresy of sb, we obtain/notice/learn your name and address In the market for想要购买Inform:通知/告知Please be informed that we have already sent the samples requested现告知你方我方已将索取样本寄出Avail oneself of: 利用We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations借此机会与你方联系以建立贸易关系State-operated corporation国营公司/joint enterprise合资企业/rural enterprise乡镇企业/state-run enterprise国营企业/collective enterprise集体企业electric goods电器/electric appliance家用电器items产品In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.在与各国商人的贸易往来中,我们总是坚守平等互利原则。It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage.我们希望经由双方共同努力,促进对双方贸易有利的发展Enclose 封入Please refer to the pricelist enclosed with our letter of Aug15请参照我方8月15日函附寄价目表Lesson 2In the hope of 希望Materialize:1.V实现 If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize/如果你方价格合适的话,我们相信可以大量成交Enter into:缔结We are pleased to learn you letter of. that you are willing to enter into business relations with us, which is also our desire/我方很高兴从你方.函获悉,你方很高兴与我方缔结贸易关系,这正是我方的愿望In line with/out of line 与.一致/不一致/In line the prevailing market 与市场行情一致Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogues and a pricelist covering our exports/依照你方的要求,现另函邮寄我方最新的目录本及价目表Payment should be made by an irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit/支付方式为不可撤销保兑信用证Comply(with) vi.依照,符合This offer does not comply with our requestLesson3Execute履行/black tea红茶/scandal丑闻/accounting firm会计事务所Business community商业领域/the Standard Bank渣打银行Considerable.相当多的,大量的This article has a considerable run该产品很畅销Status n.情况,状态/the status of goods/credit and financial status资信状况=standingOder 订购/订单place an order with you/order from youconfidence:机密,秘密,信心/confidential秘密的/confidently秘密地1.inform us, in confidence, of the financial business standing of the above firm/以秘密方式告知我方上述公司财务状况及商业信誉2.Any information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and without any responsibility on your part/你方所提供的任何迅息都将被视作机密,你方无需承担任何责任The reference(资信证书) they have given us is the Standard Bank,New Jersey Branch. Please approach the said bank for all possible information we require.请就我方所要信息与上述银行接洽On ones part/on the part of sb属于方的The losses are obviously attributable to the negligence(疏忽) on the part of the sellers.损失完全归结于卖家的疏忽CHAPTER TWOMake enquires询盘/send offers发盘Estimate:n估价单/non-firm offers虚盘/a firm offer实盘Preforma invoices 形式发票/withdraw撤销/contractual obligation合同的责任/specification规格express the hope of keeping up friendly business relationship表达保持友好业务关系的愿望Packing and date of delivery交货日期the period for which the offer is valid发票有效期Lesson4Note:注意到;获悉We are glad to note from your letter of 1st September我方很高兴从你方9月1日函中获悉be desirous of渴望/coincide一致/date of shipment装运日期Supply now exceeds demand on our market.目前市场上供大于求The goods are in short supply货物供不应求 Inclusive:包括的This offer is inclusive of your commission of 2%This applies to Items 1to 10 inclusive/此项适用于条款1to10,含条款10Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable,we intend to place a large order with you./如果你方报价有竞争力,况且交货日期可以接受的话,我方愿意大量订购Commission n.佣金There are three items of commission left unpaid.目前仍有3笔款项未支付Place 置于;订购;售出Place us in an awkward position置我方于尴尬的境地Place a substantial order with you.向你方大规模订购Lesson5Be obliged :感激We are interested in buy large quantities of Iron Wire Nails of all sizes and should be obliged if you would give us a quotation per metric on CFR. Lagos ,Nigeria/如果你方向我方提供每公吨CFR尼日利亚报价,将不甚感激.Payment: Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment/凭装运前30天开立的保兑不可撤销即期汇票付款Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes and the brochure requested./另函邮寄,你方不同尺寸样品及索取的小册子Herewith附件/make inquiries of 查询Quotation n.Please cable us your lowest quotation for Iron Nails请报出铁钉最低价These quotations are said to be nominal这些报价有名无实be given to understand=be informed/获悉,听说in reply to=in answer to 为答复/as per 按照Subject to 以为条件的,以为有效/经由的1. Subject to your quotation, we close the deal./依据你方的报价,达成交易2. The above price is subject to fluctuations of the market./上述价格随行就市Lesson6Our company has been in this line for many years and is known as one of the leading exporters of peanuts in China/我们公司从事该行很多年,以中国主要花生出口商之一著称。As your requirements fall within our business scope/属于我方经营范围Please confirm receipt of it.请收到后予以确认/enjoy fast sales非常畅销vacuum bag 真空包装/make shipment装运/make delivery发货We shall make shipment within 30 days after receipt of your order. 收到你方订单后30天内装运For payment we require an irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight凭开立的不可撤销即期汇票付款Your prompt attention and early reply would be highly appreciated如能早日快速处理,早日回函,将不甚感激Lesson7We confirm your fax of 2nd September/兹确认收到你方9月2号传真In reply, we are offering you 350 metric tons of Groundnuts Hand-picked, Shelled and Ungraded at USD1,300 net per metric ton CFR Copenhagen or any other European Main Port for shipment during Oct/Nov,2000.This offer is subject to the receipt of reply by us before 25th September./此复,现向你方提供350公吨精选去壳不分等级的核桃仁报盘,价格为CFR哥本哈根(或欧洲主要港口)每公吨1,300美元, 10月/11月装期。此份报盘以我方9月25号之前收到回复为准Please note that we have offered our most favorable(最优惠) price and are unable to entertain(接受、考虑) any counter-offer./请注意我方已报最优惠价格,无法接受任何还盘Parcel小包/doubtlessly无疑/the strengthening market行情上涨the market is strengthening 行情看涨Lesson8A voluntary offer主动发盘/discontinued line中断或停止的货色As we now have a similar line on offer, i.e. Type 305,it occurs to us that you may be interested/由于我方有类似产品在出售,使我方想到你方也许感兴趣Stock存货/prime cost原始成本/discount折扣/at a discount没有销路,不受欢迎的/trade discount同行折扣,商业折扣We have a stock of 800 sets of Type 305 which we are selling off at GBP12.60 per set with a quantity discount of up to 20%, and a further special discount of 5%,maeking 25% in all on orders for the complete stock./Priority优先权/in view of 鉴于/put the offer out普遍发出报盘In the event of 如果发生,万一/default违约/client客户1、 We should appreciate a prompt reply so that we can put the offer in the event of your not being interested./万一如果你方步感兴趣,为了使我方能普遍发出报盘,及时回复将不甚感激2、 The seller may cancel the contract and reserve the right to claim in the event of buyers breach of contract./如果买方违约,卖方可取消合约,并保留索赔权Lesson9under separate cover另函/in due course在适当时候/specification规格a concrete transaction:实质性进展In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer. /为了在我们之间开始实质性进展,我们很高兴向你方发一份特别的报盘.Payment:by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment/保兑的,不可撤销的信用证,凭装运前30天开立的即期汇票付款Await敬候/with keen interest殷切地We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial with keen interest.相信上述将会被你方所接受,并敬候你放的是试购订单额外词汇补充:options期权/futures期货/forward(spot)transaction 远期(即期)installment分期Lesson10We have a client who request us to obtain from you a Proforma Invoice(形式发票)/我方有位客户要求我方从你方获得有关形式发票quadruplicate n.一式四份中的一份/fresh supplies新货in duplicate一式二份/in triplicate一式三份/in quadruplicate一式四份blanket order空白抬头/a large order大量订单/in compliance with.按.herewith附件/for your information供你方参考/anticipate期望favor n.欢迎,赞许Chinese commodities have enjoyed growing favor among buyers abroad在国外买主中,中国产品越来越受欢迎favor v.有利于+doing sthLesson11refer vi.谈到vt. 参考,提交,接洽We refer to our letter of.兹谈及We refer you to our letter of请参考We have referred them to you我方已将他们介绍给你方We refer to our quotations of 16th September and our mail offer of 3rd October regarding the supply of兹谈及我方9月16日的报价单及我方11月3日关于Keep an offer open/valid /firm untilfor保留报盘到有效1、 We wish to keep our offer valid till August 5.我们希望将发盘有效期保留到8.52、 The offer will be kept open for another 15 days.发票有效期将延长15天Lesson12Approximately大约/concession让步/counter-offer还盘be of the opinion认为,有此看法/measure up to符合,达到We are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our products. 我们认为其它产品品质够不上我方产品regret.regretful 某人感到抱歉/regrettable某事令人感到遗憾meet sb half way 各让一半,折衷处理Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we cannot accept your counter-offer or even meet you half way.尽管我们渴望与你方扩展贸易,感到抱歉的是我方不能接受你方的还盘甚至说各让一半折衷处理.Direct sb attention to sth 使某人把注意力放在使某人着眼于We wish to bring this matter to your attention.我方希望将此事提交你方处理be superior to 优于/比卓越 inferior(反)We trust that the quality of our article is superior to that of other supplies我们相信我方产品品质要优于那种产品We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior quality of our products, and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.希望你放能够将客户的的注意力转移到我方优良品质上,我方盼望早日收到你方来函SupplementUseful Sentences and Enquiries and Offers详情请参见课本P57-P587. One of our clients takes interest in your products and wishes to have your quotations for the specified in the list.我方的一个客户对你方产品很感兴趣,期望得到你方附件列表所列商品的报价10Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and the earliest time of delivery.请用传真报你方最优盘,并注明包装规格,可供数量及最早交货日期13.We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will materialize to our mutual advantage.希望你们报价可行,并达成对双方有利交易18.Your enquiry is now having our attention and we will let you have our offer in a few day.我方正处理你方询盘,今后几天向你方提供我方发盘19.We thank you for your enquiry and have pleasure in making you the following offer subject to prior sale.感谢你方的询盘,我方很高新 向你方提供下列报盘,以优先出售为准21.All quotations are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are net without commission.所有报价以我方最终确认为准,如无其它说明或协议,所有价格均为净价不含佣金CHAPTER THREEreject拒绝/courtesy礼貌礼仪make a counter-offer if it is appropriate如果适宜的话可以还盘virtually 实质上,实际上/initiated提出A counter-offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer and also a counter proposal initiated by the buyer or the offeree. 还盘实质上是对全发盘的部分拒绝,也是买方相对于发盘的提议This process can go on for many a round till business is finalized or called off过程或许可以持续许多回合,直到交易达成或取消Explicitly明确/ambiguity歧义/the goods are not available断货terms and conditions条款/Letters rejecting orders must be written with the utmost care and with an eye to goodwill and future business拒绝订单的函电应当小心书写并着眼于(良好的愿望)商誉及将来的贸易往来regret your inability to meet the buyers needs对无法满足买方需求表示遗憾propose an alternative product, if one is available如有可能提供替代品hope for the opportunity to serve him some other time希望其它时间有机会向他们提供服务Lesson13FAQ-Fair Average Quality大路货(良好平均品质)/the captioned goods标题所说的货物/on usual terms按照惯常条款Level水平,引申为“价格”1、 Your price is not on a level with the current market.你方价格与目前市场不符2、 We shall appreciate it if you place orders with us at something near our level.如果你方在我方价格附近下订单,我方将不甚感激3、 We have closed business at this level with buyers at your end在这个价格水平,我方已与你方买主达成交易Some parcels of Indian origin have been sold here at a level about 10% lower than yours.原产于印度的产品目前在此地以低于你方10%的价格出售in no case=by no means=on no account 无论如何,决不step up.加速,促进To step up the trade, we are prepared to lower the prevailing market.为了促进贸易,我方愿意将我方价格下降5%To step up the trade, we counter-off as follows.为了促进贸易,我方还盘如下on or before在某日或某日之前;不迟于Other terms as per your letter of August 22其它条款参照你方8与月22日函decline拒绝1、 We are obliged to decline fresh order as we cannot expect new supplies to come in.由于无法预计新供货何时到达,只好拒绝你方订单2、 Our buyers decline raising their proposal.我方买主拒绝提高他们的限额3、 As the marketing is declining, we recommended your immediate acceptance.由于市场行情下滑,我方建议你方立即接受Lesson14out of line (with)与脱节;/ruling现行的Your price is entirely out of line你方价格太高了out of line with the ruling marketfreely adv.大量地;乐意地;无困难地Competitors are offering freely at this price.竞争者们在此价格上大量进货Goods of the same quality are freely obtainable in the local market同样品质的商品在此地市场很容易获得firm坚挺的/tendency n.趋势,倾向(=inclination)/likelihood n.可能性The pound stayed firm against the dollar in London but fell a little in New York.英镑币值在伦敦市场对美元表现坚挺,在纽约市场略有下跌The London stock market firmed up a bit.伦敦证券市场略微上扬For your information, the market is firm with an upward tendency, and there is very little likelihood of any significant change in the foreseeable future.供你方参考,目前行情成逐渐上涨趋势,而且在可预见的将来并没有改变的可能性in view of鉴于(=considering)In view of the unusual circumstances, they agree to waive(放弃) their requirements.In view of the above , we could suggest in your interest that you accept our offered price, i.e., US without any delay.鉴于上述情况,为了你方着想,建议你方接受我方所报价格,以每吨1,300美元,不得延误Lesson15We thank you for your enquiry of 23rd September for Pongee Silk 6311./感谢你方9月23日关于6311号榨丝的询盘push v.推进、推销Please make efforts to push this article请努力推销该产品owing to 由于=due to /excessive过分的,过多的The above shipment has been delayed owing to the late arrival of your L/C.由于你方信用证延迟到达,导致了上述货物的延误.While we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of our products, we very much regret that we are not in a position to offer you the desired quality, owing to excessive demand.尽管我方非常感谢你方努力推销我方产品,但是很遗憾,由于过多的需求我方无法提供你方所要的品质substitute n.做用品,替代品/替补However, we should like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement the following material as a close substitute for your consideration.我方愿意借此机会提供不拘约束的下列物品作为近似的替代品供你方参考substitute v.代替以A代替B是substitute A for B 或substitute B by A 或 substitute B with A.If agreeable to you, we will substitute Type No.15 for the portion undelivered.如果你方同意,我方将以型号15号的货物代替未交付的货物We enclose a revised contract in substitution for the previous one.随函附件一份修改好的合同来代替先前的一份A sample cutting is enclosed for your reference.随函附件一份剪样供你方参考.If you are able to close the business as we propose here, please inform us as soon as possible.如能按我方提议达成交易,请尽快告知我方Lesson 16Your letter of 36 asking us to reduce our quotation for 50,000 pieces of Mens shirts y 10% has been received by us today.你方七月二十六要求我方降低5种男式衬衫价格50%的函已于今日收悉 on the high side(价格等)偏高/on the low side(价格等)偏低We feel it very regrettable that you find our price on the high side.令我们感到很遗憾的是你方认为我方价格偏高It seems that your price is on the high side, which prohibits(阻止) us from placing an order with you.As your price is rather on the high side, we regret our inability to place orders with yoube well received 畅销,受欢迎our goods are well received in many countries很畅销其它表示畅销的词组还有:enjoy fast/excellent sales; be popular with sb; sell fast/well; command a good market/sale etccut vt. 削减(价格等),降低We are making every effort to cut expenses and avoid wasteWith its entry into the WTO, China will cut considerably the duties it imposes on the goods from other member countries.加入了WTO,中国将大幅度降低对其它成员国商品所征收的关税Meet sb half way 各让一半In view of your business amount, we would agree to meet you half way.鉴于你方业务金额,我方同意各让一半After repeated efforts, they agreed to meet each other half way.However, in order to encourage your business with us, we are prepared to meet you half way by making a further reduction of 5% in our quotation. This is the best we can do and we hope it will be acceptable to you.further adj 更多的,另外的Its a pity that you are unable to make a further reduction in your price.很遗憾你方无法进一步降价further adv. 进一步地,继续地We hope to promote, by joint efforts, our mutually beneficial business relations further我方希望经过共同努力,促进对双方互利业务关系的进一步发展at an early date尽日,尽早Kindly let us have your specific enquiry at an early date.请让我方尽早获得你方具体的询价We would like you to quote us at an early date, stating individual price of each mode注明每一款式的单价Lesson 17subject n. 标题,主题We have read your letter of May 24th on the above subject我方已经获悉你方关于上述主题5月24日函We learn from your letter of 10th October that our price for the subject article is found to be on the high side.从你方10月10日来函中我方获悉标题项下所列商品我方报价偏高see ones way(clear) to 有可能(做某事),设法Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales(尽管我方愿意与你方合作拓展销售), we are regretful that we just cannot see our way to entertain(受理) your counter-offer, as the price we quoted is quite realistic(符合实际的).We have received a lot of orders from various sources at our level.按我方价格水平,我方收到来自不同地区大量订单do better 出较高的(或更低的)价格If you see any chance to do better, please us know.available 可利用的,可得到的,可供应的We will ship your order by the first steamer available next month我方将于下月第一艘便轮装运你方货物Owing to(On account of) a limited supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly.in the meantime同时/development进展keep sb. posted (of)/keep sb. informed(of)/keep sb. advised(of) 随时告知某人Please keep us posted of developments(进展) at your end.请随时将你方进展情况告知我方assure v. 保证,使确信We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite shipment我方保证,我方会努力尽快装运We assure that any further enquires from you will receive our prompt attention./你方任何更多询价,将会得到我方及时处理Lesson 18ex 从:ex s. s (steam ship) 从船上卸下the captioned shipment ex s. s “Dongfeng” 标题项下的由“东风”油轮卸下的商品satisfactory令人满意的/ be satisfied with 感到满意(或满足)的repeat order 续订单,续订的货物/repeats=repeat ordersWe hope this initial(最初的) order will pave the way(为铺路) for many repeats/我们相信,首份订单将会带来更多订单If possible, please arrange early shipment of this repeat order, as we are badly in need of the goods.我方急需此货物,如果可以的话,请尽早安排这批续订货物的装运stock 存货,贮存/out of stock脱销In case(假使) the said goods are not available from stock(现货), we shall be grateful if you will advise us with full particulars of the specifications of those which can be shipped from stock.假使上述商品无存货的话,要是能告知我方任何现货可供的详细规格将不甚感激。stock 有存货,置备/be stocked with 有存货We are well stocked with Carpets of the newest design 我们拥有最新款式地毯的库存Unilaterally 单方面地acknowledge v. 告知(收到);承认We have the pleasure of acknowledging your letter of October 6,in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our mens shirts shipped to you per s. s.“Dongfeng”./很高兴收到你方10月3日来函,告知我方对经由东方号运送的男式衬衫非常满意book n. 账册 book ones order =accept ones order卖给某人book an order with sb.=place an order with sb.向某人买进bookings 订货comply with your request 满足你方的需求regret v. 抱歉,惋惜,遗憾Much to our regret, we are not in a position to supply your requirements at present./很抱歉,我方目前无法提供你方所需We cannot entertain any orders for Tiantang Brand Mens Shirts at present owing to heavy commitments./由于大量的订单,我方无法接受任何对天堂牌男士衬衫的新订单 In a position to accept new orders.可以接受新订单As regards stock shirts, we are enclosing a list for your reference.关于存货衬衫,随含附寄目录一份供你方参考CHAPTER FOURconclusion of business 成交/transaction 交易/identical一致的port of destination目的港Lesson 20exchange n. 交换We confirm exchange(往来) of letters regarding the subject articles兹确认关于标题商品的往来函电foreign exchange 外汇/a bill of exchang

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