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江西新余一中 上高二中高二年级联考英语试卷第I卷 (共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a gas station. B. At a restaurant. C. At a service centre.2. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Have dinner together. B. Give her the fork.C. Wash his hands.3. What are the speakers going to buy for Sophia?A. Chocolates. B. A plant. C. A book.4. When does the woman want to meet the man?A. On the weekend B. On Friday afternoon. C. On Friday morning.5 How does the man feel about the oral test?A. Angry B. Satisfied. C. Upset.第二节(共15个小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6、7题.6. What do we know about the man?A. He was badly hurt in a car accident.B. He got in a car accident about a month ago.C. He was late for an appointment due to the accident.7. What was a good thing for the man about his ex-girlfriend?A. He didnt write to her.B. He didnt send her a present.C. He didnt go to Paris to visit her.听第7段材料,回答8、9题.8. Where is the woman now?A. At home. B. At the hairdressers. C. At a gym.9. What is the womans hair like now?A It is short and curly. B. It is brown and long. C. It is short and straight.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10. Why is the boy tired?A. He didnt sleep well.B. He got no sleep last night.C. He took a long flight.11. Where are the boy and his father staying?A. At a hotel.B. At his uncles house.C. At his old neighbours house.12. When will the speakers go to the Central Library?A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. C. On Friday.听第9段材料,回答13至16题.13. What does the woman probably do?A. An accountant(会计师).B. A personnel clerk.C. An accountant manager.14. What did the man major in?A. Finance.B. Accounting.C. Business Administration.15. How will the man send his qualifications to the woman?A. By mail . B. By fax. C. By e-mail.16. When will the man come for an interview.?A. On October 24th. B. On October 26th. C. On October 29 th.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17. How many pandas are living in the wild today?A. About 600. B. About 1,600. C. About 6,000 .18. What do pandas spend 12 to 14 hours doing every day?A. Eating. B. Playing. C. Sleeping.19. What do pandas benefit from being black and white?A. They can attract more tourists.B. They can see each other easily in the forest.C. They can protect themselves easily.20. Why are pandas in a dangerous situation?A. Human beings are destroying bamboo forests.B. They arent used to cold and rainy weather.C. They cant find enough water to drink.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)21. The young graduate was turned down by many companies for _ lack of _ practicalworking experience.A. a , a B. / , / C. the , the D. the, a 22. After more than ten minutes break, the speaker _the story from where he left off.A. brought up B. built up C. took up D. held up23. Many Chinese think less of money when _ comes to educating their children.A. one B. he C. that D. it24. Will $200 _ the cost of the damage? Im afraid not. I need at least $100 more.A. payB. do C. cover D. afford25. Your daughter looks too thin for her height.Yes. She is too _ about food. There is no way of making her fat.A. eagerB. curiousC. anxiousD. particular26. -Whats the matter, Jim? Youve been silent for a long time. -Oh, I _ at the scenery. Its so nice in the country.A. was just looking B. just looked C. had just looked D. have just looked27. It is said that the employees who have worked here for many years will be given _ over the newcomers.Apreference Brespect Cconsideration Dadvantage28. Children are easily exposed to the Internet culture _ violence is increasing to sucha degree.A. which B. whose C. where D. that29. We reached the top of the mountain,_, only _ they had all goneA. exhaustedly, learned B. exhausting, learningC. exhausted, to learn D. exhaustingly, to learn30. Hardly returned home I realized I had left my key at the office.Ahave I; whenBhad I; whenChave I; thanDhad I; than31. What do you think made your friend so unhappy?_ to the concert.A. Having not been invited B. Not having been invitedC. Not having invited D. Having not invited 32. If , the polluted air can result in deadly diseases or even death.Abreathed in B. having been breathed in Cbeing breathed in Dbreathing in33. They the injured straight to the nearest hospital. Otherwise some of them might have died.Ahad taken Bwould take CtakesD took34. We had worked only one hour it began to rain so heavily that we had to put up our tent.A when B before Cafter Duntil35. Im so anxious about my driving test tomorrow. Would you please give me some advice?_. Im sure you are good enough to pass it. Be confident of yourself.AAbsolutely BTake it easy CYou are right DNot really第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。There was a basket filled with lemons. A sign, placed against the basket, invited: “Free lemonsplease take some.”I took two of the lemons. The generous act from this _36_ neighbour lifted my spirits. I wrote a note of thanks. I did not _37_ my name.The following week there was a letter in the local newspaper. It read: “this season I had a lot of lemons and , _38_ see them wasted, I put them in a basket with a Please take some notice. A few days later I received a _39_ handwritten note thanking me for the lemons no name. The note was totally _40_ , I would like to thank this person for making my _41_ .”I knew this message was from my neighbour Grace. It _42_ my heart that a simple _43_ of kindness had resulted in such a powerful experience for both of us.I walked past the house every day and it _44_ failed to lift my spirits. One day, I noticed that a woman was outside the house speaking on her phone. As I _45_ , I heard her say, “Mum would never have wanted me to _46_ this house.”I asked , “Excuse me, but is Grace OK?” she said, “ My mother passed away.”“ Im so sorry for your _47_ ,” I said. Then I was lost for words. To fill the _48_, I told Graces daughter the story of the lemons. “So that was you! Mum told me about the letter. Youd be _49_ how much it meant to her! ” she said .Since that day I have _50_ a close friendship with Graces daughter, Sarah. As Sarah had no _51_ to sell her parents home, I _52_to rent it.I look after Grace garden _53_. Every year, when the lemon tree _54_its fruit, I put out a basket filled with lemons, with a sing that _55_ my neighbours take some in memory of Grace.36. A. strangeB. lonely C. kind D. wealthy 37. A. findB. keepC. forgetD. include 38. A. rather thanB. other thanC. less than D. more than39. A. formalB. lovelyC. detailedD. separate40. A. unexpectedB. helpfulC. original D. necessary41. A. lifeB. houseC. way D. day42 A. warmedB. openedC. brokeD. lost43. A. recordB. exchangeC. signD. reward 44. A. seldomB. neverC. sometimesD. ever45. A. passedB. droveC. arrivedD. approached46. A. sellB. leaveC. enterD. use47. A. troubleB. luckC. lossD. accident 48. A. positionB. roomC. silenceD. need49. A. curious B. worriedC. familiarD. amazed50. A. developedB. endedC. restarted D. dreamed51. A. reasonB. desireC. timeD. right52. A. refusedB. arrangedC. triedD. continued53. A. naturally B. differentlyC. carefullyD. secretly54. A. increaseB. drops C. improvesD. produces55. A. encourages B. convinces C. invitesD. reminds笫三部分阅读理解(其20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项.A Most children of her age would struggle to sit through an opera. But at just seven years old, Alma Deutscher has already composed her own The talented youngster has become a classical music sensation after her first major composition was highly commended by the English National Opera. And not only is Alma an accomplished composer, she is also a skilled violinist and pianist Alma wrote her own sonata (奏呜曲) at the age of six, followed by her opera, The Sweeper of Dreams, this year. She said: The music comes to me when Im relaxing. I go and sit down on a seat or lie down. I like thinking about fairies a lot, and princesses, and beautiful dresses.” She added that her best compositions are created when she is on the swing in the garden at her home in Dorking, Surrey, but she keeps a tape recorder by her bed for when inspiration strikesThe idea for The Sweeper of Dreams - which narrowly missed out on a place in the final of an English National Opera contest for adult composers - came in a dream Almas father Guy, an Israeli-born linguist and amateur flautist(长笛演奏者), said he realized his daughter had a connection with music when she was a baby. She was given her first violin for her third birthday and in less than a year she was playing Handel sonatasIn addition to weekly piano and violin lessons, she is taught at home, and practises and composes for between four and five hours a day. But her parents refuse to let her take part in competitions or music exams, and have turned down invitations to appear on television showsMrDeutscher added: She works hard but she has a very happy childhood and we are absolutely determined to protect this.” I dont mind if I am famous or not, I just want to be good: she added I look at other composers but Im not trying to become exactly like MozartYeah, I like him, but Im going to be like Alma not Mozart 56. What might be the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To show that success often comes in a dreamB. To introduce a 7-year-old girl who composes her own operaC. To stress the importance of parents on educationD. To illustrate a proverb Failure is the mother of success57. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A. Most youngsters enjoy watching operas B. Alma can play beautifully, but cant write C. Alma falls in love with classical music at birthD. Alma was greatly encouraged for her first composition58. According to Alma, Plays an important part in creating a composition A. reading B. beautiful dresses C. contest D. inspiration 59. Which of the following is true of Almas parents? A. They forced Alma to attend music lessons all day B. They persuaded Alma to show off on Televisions C. They focused on giving their daughter a happy childhood D. They encouraged Alma to compete in all kinds of contests60. What can we learn about Alma from the last paragraph? A. Alma dreams to be another Mozart B. Alma is eager to stand out among composers C. Alma pays more attention to her fame D. Alma wants to be the best herself BOnestopenglish is the worlds leading resource website for English language teachers . Over 700,000 teachers from all over the world have already registered (注册)with us. While you can find free sample resources in its every section, a subscription to the Staff Room will give you access to our full database, as well as plenty of other benefits,Here is just a taste of how the Staff Room can help and improve your teaching.Enjoy our entire database of resources You will have access to our full database of over 8,000 resources. The database is updated every week, so you are always sure to find something new. Form articles and tips on a range of teaching approaches, to ready-to use worksheets and lesson plans, and from games to listening materials , youll have thousands of fantastic resources at your fingertips.Find everything you needWhether you teach children, teenagers, or adults, onestopenglish is packed with resources for you. As a Staff Room member you will find a wealth of materials in the core subject areas that matter most to you, including Grammar and Vocabulary, Exam, Business and ESP and Young Learners.Organize your teachingEvery Staff Room member can benefit from a personal, interactive(互动的) Learning Calendar. This exciting new tool will allow you to save, organize and share all your favourite resources, and easily schedule your lessons in advance.Refresh your classes As part of your Staff Room subscription, well publish a new lesson from the Guardian every week, edited at three different language levels.Our listening materials include an ongoing series of authentic interviews with members of the public, an exclusive soap opera, and our exciting mini-plays on British culture: your students will be able to improve their listening skills with real-life content and a huge variety of accents. How much does a subscription cost?Access to the Staff Room will cost 40 for a years subscription. Once youve purchased your first subscription, you can benefit from our automatic renewal system and receive our discount.61. According to the text, the website onestopenglish _A. has a fixed database of resourcesB. has about 7,ooo,ooo regular usersC. is the worlds largest resource websiteD. is available to people all over the world62. What do we know about the Staff Room?A. It charges 40 a month for new subscriptionsB. It provides materials in many languagesC. It has a very useful Learning CalendarD. It started recently63. A Staff Room member can do the following EXCEPT_A. reading the Grardian online every dayB. enjoy a subscription discountC. obtaining a useful personal toolD. getting ready-to use lesson plans 64. What is the authors main purpose in writing the text?A. To stress the important of creative teaching B. To encourage people to use the Staff RoomC. To introduce the website onestopenglish D. To give some tips on learning English65. This text is mainly aimed at _A. teacher B. children C. parents D. adults CNext time you find yourself drenched (湿透) in an unexpected heavy rain, look on the bright side it will be a memorable experience. While wet weather may make us feel gloomy, it sharpens the memory and improves our recall. But those who feel in a good mood because its a sunny day are able to remember less well, according to memory tests carried by Australian researchers.Professor Joe Forgas, who led the research, said: “It seems strange but a little bit of sadness is a good thing. People performed much better on our memory test when the weather was unpleasant and they were in a slightly negative mood. On bright sunny days, when they were more likely to be happy, they flunked it.”The tests were carried out on shoppers at a store in Sydney, where researchers randomly placed ten small objects on the check out counter. On rainy days, sad music was played in the store. When it was bright and sunny, customers heard cheery music. This was done to further influence them towards negative or positive moods. After shopping, customers were asked how many of the objects they could remember. Their scores were three times higher when the weather was bad and they were feeling angry, compared with those tested on sunny days. The results were published in Journal of Experimental Psychology. A report on the findings said: “They point to a growing body of evidence that the way people think, the quality of their judgments and the accuracy of their memory are all significantly influenced by positive and negative moods.”Professor Forgas said, “We found that weather inducted negative mood improved memory accuracy. Shoppers in a negative mood showed better memory and higher discrimination ability.”A worse mood helped to focus peoples attention on their surroundings and led to a more thorough and careful thinking style, while happiness increased confidence and forgetfulness.Being happy tends to promote a thinking style that is less focused on our surroundings. In a positive mood we are less likely to make more snap (匆忙的) judgments about people we meet. Mild negative mood, in turn, tends to increase attention to our surroundings and produce a more careful, thorough thinking style.Accurately remembering everyday scenes is a difficult task, yet such memories can be of importance in everyday life. Surprisingly, the influence of mood states on the accuracy of real-life memories is still poorly understood.66Whats the major function of Paragraph 1? ATo attract readers interest.BTo introduce the theme of the whole passage.CTo generalize the whole passage.DTo describe a memorable experience.67The underlined word “flunked” in Paragraph2 may mean “ ”.AconductedBfailedCpassedDunderstood68In the research, researchers play different music to .Amake customers become sadder or happierBhelp customers choose what they wantCpromote customers to buy more goodsDget customers to make a quick choice69According to Joe Forgas, on sunny days, people . Awill make careful judgments on othersBtend to pay more attention to their surroundingsCwill have more confidenceDwill have a better recall70What can we know from the research?AForgetfulness is rather troublesome.BIts important to feel in a good mood.CIts memorable to experience a rainy day.DGloomy days are good for memorizing things. DTheres sweetness in the lies parents tell their kids, which is a very good thing, since they tell a lot of them. The lies nearly all of them harmless may differ depending on the family. But from culture to culture, theres one tall tale nearly all parents tell, and they tell it repeatedly: “We do not have a favorite child.”Mom and Dad will say it seriously. Theyll repeat it endlessly, and in many cases, theyll be lying through their teeth. Its one of the worst kept secrets of family life that all parents have a preferred son or daughter, and the rules for acknowledging it are the same everywhere: The favored kids recognize their status and keep quiet about it the better to preserve the good thing theyve got going and to keep their siblings(兄弟或姐妹) off their back. The unfavored kids howl (嚎叫) about it like wounded cats. And on pain of death, the parents deny it all. The stonewalling is understandable. Most parents want to spare unfavored kids the hurt that the truth could cause. Moreover, the court of public opinion can respond pitilessly even furiously to moms or dads who speak the forbidden truth. Last March, a mother of two wrote a post on the website Babble.com under the headline I THINK I LOVE MY SON JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE. The mom went on at length describing the greater warmth she feels for her baby boy compared with her baby girl and even included a photo of herself and her unfavored daughter.She was, predictably, severely criticized. “Please work on your issues lady!” said one typical response. “I feel absolutely horrible for your daughter!” read another. But then there was this: “I completely understand. I too feel this way.”The hard truth is, most parents do. In one research, Catherine Conger, a professor at the Un

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